kA $2, 030. 00 For c@c-rvice3 -L) 1,A certif led tliia io Invoice 1 Zli@@2 to pub-project 1-3t7 that I.,arfc.,z@avAric.--- if3 in accorda nee witt-A i@titti,,tl@ p-t3reeGl@ents, that a of the payi,?iat-o mjd recelpto2 if, oxi file in thf.@t thio bill le., ji-@,at ar.-i cori-,c@et &Lvd iliat thc.-i-eof hau tiot yet bce&'l it)ade. (P) It is hereby ceritified th.2,t thi.,c% invoice ap@-lies3 to Subi'.-I2ro.ject 137 of -*Fbicb duly tirproved, czid that the pio,'@ect io cj,.rri.-d oii'u with tkse mem6rb-iiluto 4L),f l.A Auril l@,'51 fi@m tti-- DOI to the L@@DIA eni the exten?@ion of t@its cl.@tliority in stil@aeqticnt =oil 17. 4 -cr, li F, C-'E I PT heck No. A1255 ated Jaiiiiary 16, 1957. dranvii ble --to 2 paya iii the D e. BECL@ !PT 0 yable to in the Dot 0 Jayiuary t937 V.1 ,.-"L) Di C'f.- 07, Invoice I 1 t@7@ tile r-,bove -stibpro c@-It. follovvs: in I)Sy,,LKe A-AM 2 to ciiief, Chief tc 2 - I 1 -CSS0/FASB 2 TSSJCD .(9 Jar, 57) IPSS/co.fti IRA cool- Tel 'Ilia AV- -Oak* 417 A- 4 1; u IV fl; I.,r t4li@UI.T!iA, Sub,@rc,.Ie-@t 67 2 13 t-I)ril If,153 fro!ai 1,)CI to tlii: I)L)/A, @F,,nd the Clxtetisiail or t;'.iia alitb@6rity iTi 2 (@,7 tia,4 been of beeii t;a c4Dver the expctip-;oa and cil@t)ul4 bo to @f"@llctment 7-21@L@)E'2-10-001. Gor P,,LV f-@ f) FC,'i't "rio- LN' 1-@ Dirc-ctor E4 -.t",diLtrastoe I- TSS/OC 2 - TI.3@0)/Cf) -I, s C. j all VIA,. rL-.l Y C( r s si,, T.-,SIC Jln 57) For 6el-vices $250.00 ------------------------ C 1;,'l -T I F I C.A. T I 0 @4,4 (1) It is 'rAc.,re-by ef,%rtified ti@iz@..t this i.@, lyi-tp@ tc) ',-;,A@iproject .4 tt),-tt pert(iv-oi?.rtee is that t'@-te serv-ice-s -ire 2 t ii '3@'i bet-.tig accoriil:,,Iislic-d iii 2ccordz4.rtee vii'l-i mtitl a a!jrcemc--@nts, a eict;iil,-d cit the Pnrl re-c@cil3tis is o,2-i file in TI.@@O/CD, th.--.it '.his bill is jlast and coitrect a-ti(I tti,,tt f)@-:xyiDet,lt t'ceereof rtc)t yet bee-Li Date: (2) It Is liereby certifit-,d ti@it til,@2; iiivc,,,Is@Ce to Subproject O'l fil@f