Subp--oject 7 1>_,Bcription Date Cb3-igat-Lons F..-,renditures Balanc23 ---- - - - ------ t 6 - - - - - - - - - - - MEMORANDUM RECEIPT 2 December 195"I DAL TO: sidney Gottlieb rKO@4: Budget Off4-ce) TSS SUBJECT: Check #i,,n-,161082 Check M136.1-Ti eby acknowledee receipt ol Ihe following: I her Check @;.,@136193 in the amount of --"56,768.'42 and Check 7JTII,23619'7 in the amount of '@1,223.78 pavable to for Invoice2-l@To. 2., Subproject 7, Proj-ect t:@%-uLTRA. please return signed copy(iss) of this receipt I GM ATURE OF RECT FEST To 2319 T DATE RECEIVED FO8:MINO. 36-66 MA 949 A Alp down& kiove,-aber 16 19,54 D r Lear ie have ex-a@-rii-ned ,rour c,6,4,ecl: boo',:: ancl. b nk state,.ie-nts -L.2L sub,.&'' re.i.a-uive to -,he d 4 C@@ CT ts for ti-le a S U'.nilarv O.L @iasil k; 5ai-i sbursei.-,en 2 iDe-,-iod f-L-oi-, July 4, 195-@' to 'ulY 3, 1954. nta-ned. ReCe4p@s a-'i.:t cii sb ur se, n-l- sfor -his fund are r@iai U -a_ in al c c o U".l-u t., u,. 2 In our opinio-.,i, the accom-,-)4-=nying 'D'-ua-.en--nt of Cash .i,--c--ipts aiid Disburs,--,-,.e-.,-its correctly se"-Vs 'Lorth all transactio,.,is for the Fi,-cal Year ended Jul@.r 3, 1954, as ;iell as %the une.7.pended balance on denosi--. as of July 3, 19-54. Resoectfully subr,-,i-uted, /5 Sui. .,@,,IY .U FOA Th-; j'ULY 195-4 1) C. ash @,'alance JUl.v 3 lc"153 a s'ia s .Lt.ecei,p'c, 2 'Z;;21 28'1.50 July 2Q., 1953 21,287-50 Dece,-ab(@,@r 9, -1953 211.287-50 i-.Larch 16, lc",54 21.287-50 i-@2ay 12, 1954 Total Cash --',ecepts 8 5 9024L:+6.2c, 'ash Disbarse.-:@-3rrts @leturn cl @, unexpendea balazice of fund -1. on liand-- 'uly 3@, 1953 2 51298-29 Trans-fdr of Ful_ias Y4'0")650-00" ('@r) n(-l 60,350-00 11.7 Fund 6alary - -jr. 72999.96 Salari2es - Ot'-,-Ier 21.'@51-47 C;oilsultation Z'aes 1)590-00 Su-o-olies and J@@iquiDrient ',Lcju-,chased 2)535-81 Co@-t of '@-ieals, Transportation and Othe., --.3rovided for subjects and doctors 2 5)'09';".41 Te 1'e;,'i,.cne 484-03 P,er,t-al Laboratory pffice 675-00 --20,229-68 Total Cash Disbursei7ients 8 6j2-7- Cash Balance - July 3, 1954 2 3)870.3 @.,cte: Subsequent to July 1. 19:@)4 there .-ias paid ey-penses totaling @P340 iD are ai:)r,,Iicable to t'il-is -@.Scal ,roar. in addi ion, i.rts- @-.ra,.ris.-L"crred to 3 to cover for tile fiscal y,-@ar. December 28, 1954 STATF@T-@.,T Cl-r ACCOi-Trl' R,RA.NT 4ILi 9" ic,,54 i:-C. mmber 2 2 1953 .50@ December 14) 1953 il,412 50 Mar-,h 30i 1954 li,412:50, 18, 1954 2 li@,412-50 JiL,ie 21., 1IQ54 3jOOO.OO J,,tly 21) 19,@1;4 6oo.oo Decenfoer 29, 1-054 11000.00 2 TOTA L -RECEIPM -$50,250.00 DL3 Fli -71.SFI@'= _as C; D. -Te rminated II/l/53 $1.,793-00 S (.,c ial Security '-rax o/o 2 Compensation Tax 20.8o A.H.S. 6.4o 1.,820.20 Dr.l@ 7/4/53 to 7/3/54 8)C,04.og Social Seci.7--ity Tax go.oo 2 Compensation Tax 76-72 8.,179-81 7/4/53 to 7/3/54 4 .1225-71 Social Sec-LLrity Ta.% 69.68 Compensation Tax 2 48.11 Ve.r-ation Pay - 1953 - 350-00 4j693-50 mmowm_qm_w-7/4/53 -t.0 7/3/54 3,o68.oo Socia 'I Security Tax 54.32 Compensation Tax 2 35-52. A.H.S. 14.4o 3.,172.04 (/4/5@@ tD 5/54 i,86o.oo rmin;7ted Y-P-y/54) Social Security Ta,.c 33-00 Comp2ensation Tax 21-50 i.,914.50 1/4/53 to 2/11/54 1,157-72 (Irerminated 2/11/54) Social Security Tax 19-30 ha--c, @-7,.7n--Coi-,r.2en.-,0ation Tax- 13-58 a 1,,200.20 ,.60 Bxzied-..I'orward $20.,980.@-5 7@j, 81- 15 1 December 2.@, 1954 P,-,c4e 2 Brought Forward $20.,98o.25 $50.,250-00 3 to 7/3/54 $1..9.13.82 Soc'Lal -.,ccurity '.@ax 37.P4 Co=_ensation Tax 25-21 1,976-07 --ARAM mmil/53 to 7/@Z@4 1.,W4-50 6cc@-al SeciLirit2,r Txp. 19-57 Co =_ eas ation Tax U. 62 AAH.SO 9.6 Vacation Pay - 1954 30.0 1.,095.P9 2/54 to 7/:--./r,4 1.0 I 72 Social ieciirik"@.2,,, 2p-.43 Com.oensa,E-',-'on Tax 3-P- - 56 1.6o 1)158-31 2/54 to 7/3/54 739-10 '-"ax 14-78 Co-ripensation Tax 2 8.p8 A.H.S. 8.00 770.16' ........... --------- 2/54-7/3/54 656.25 Social Se-.urity Tax 13.lP "Llz@x 7.35 A. H.S 1.6o 2 678.-2 Furr.iti.ire ?e '-Fqui-Dr,.ent Tii,icludes reco-rdina. eq-iipment., testing machine, etc.) 5.,199.4o Co-ns,amable S@-i-nol-Les Zincludes -lassware office supplies, tests, etc.) 41201.,Qo Traveli-nT Ex-,oense,3 @@Cincl,-ides trav2eling expense3 for sibjects., Dr. Dr. loaft and Dr. 108-(2.86 Miscellaneo-as E,.menses (includes pa,.r for subjects, casual labor, etc.) 7,ioo.o4 O,v-erhead Paid t- 4,510-00 3 9 - Total salaries and expenditures 49.,542.80 Balance on hand as of December 28 1954 in Fund 81-151 .$ 707.20 D. Fauipment Purchased from Soecial Account Date Purchased from Itern Cost - ---------- 1-953 2/11 Lamps $13,9. 05 3 /113 2 Four chairs f3 36. 88 5 /I Typewriter Stan 3 5. 79 & 5/4 Coffee Table 77. 25 5/Z6 Posture Chair 27. 30 6 /15 J9 Equipment 35. 00 7 /2 Elec. Typewriter 11-17Z98'0 408. 75 8 /ZO z Camera -199. 50 2 Tripod 15. 96 Strobe 64. 00 19 Furniture 33. 48 15 Electric Fan'(reir-,ibursed) 27. 99 IO/Z2 -mi File Cabinets 119. 00 t I Supplies, office Z9. 39 11/15 Two Ecotapes #114 0 J3 Z74. ZZ NW" ll/ZO 4 2 Posture Chair 30. 15 Desk Tray and File 7. 75 15. 75 Lamp iz/13 mwwc 2 Two typewriter Stand 69. 50 IZ/30 Flourescent Lamp 23 zi. 50 1954 3/18 Drawing Table 31. 49 4/19 ww. Mo'rtar and PestleoddiM 15. 250 it Glass Desk Top 15. 00 5 /26 Ana'Lytic Balance Scale 139. 00 It Balance Weicfhts 32. 50 6/10 File Cabine&' 37. 00 Nove,.aber 19, 1954 Dear Sirs: Eiic'Losed for your information aud file is a GUL!Iilt@.rv si-.-n-te@-lent o&' cash receip,@.-s and disbursemerl '&-Is o 'L t f iscal ye-.r endin@, july 3, y a a t -or its con"--inuous suppo--t,of --zuaies of psychoc'A--te--,istry. Yours sincerely, M. D. June E. 1954 It -joud f=cilitate tho 4-=-nAlamontat4&on o.-,Ll tane pro-ram nt;.r. year if a-,,.rnlus ;@c-@- t,'.,e yc:Lr 3..O-DQ'- 195,4 r.,.f 2 $4,000 c-@uld bo carriod over for u,se in fer ,w,itli mu@- tbanks -.6or yo,,ar previcus support of eCi, I n.0 .-ojj the LSD p Yours sinccrel7, 6 D. a-as crir, IF ICATE D@ecember,-21, 1953 is to certify that I have this da7 received cash4 erl s l@136197 in the amount of $1123.78 and No. ILI',1610,8 in5 -n t o 68,22 drawn on the f $5617 cl, MEMORANDUM RECEIPT 2 DATE C!-c. @".136:, c,'-o Check l@UC,129'7 ,,-,reby acknowledge receipt of the followine:: Chaci: i-a the a=c-mt of 6 76,5022 =d (,'he--k @t"i33C-1r,@7 in -LL-o a=cmt o,-r ra,,,able -,,o 2 @Llcr 1 .6ce '@To. 22 SL"OProic--t 7o .0, PI&4&. return signed co-py(ios) of this receipt SIGNATURE O8F RECI P! ENT 40. DATE RECEIVED -4A'Q 1641 3 6 - 66 m =- Z,7 cer i U4.@ @A. 7 i@ i@ 't,'-- t twc, C- 4 c c s4,@r. "Llr, C,-..I -tit cc LU ,;i;@)p rc; 72 f-Ci @rl r r - a ".Luz #A. 4Ilut. -L .7 c.- LI 3 c,.'-tcd 13 r- cx." r e Li c7 u 7 "-'ate lievember 27,, 1953 457sS9Z.cO CN (YN 43 43 co 9 Q) C; E( juiy 19 53 This is -6o cez,'.,it@r that I have t@@ y@received Treasurer's check I.-Tio. 1784io of. in..t a-aount, of '@L579.22".w"""-@ October 6, 1953 Dear &MEN: Enclosed please f4-a papers for clearance. She is the secretary .vorking with and --M-Yself at I know that everyone must ask this but I do hope that her clearance can be et-hdedited since material for organization is rapidly bec2oming available. With best personal regards, I am, Yours sincerely, M. D. MEMORANDUM RECEIPT 14 July 1953 TO: 01)/TSS DA' E FR04: Budget Office, 'iSS SU8JECT: Receipt of tWo CheCkS I hereby 2acknowledge receipt ol' -the follo,.ving: Ch--ck J' 1754ii in the ar-ount of 28,381.'78 and check #178410 in-the amunt of $579.22 ma@.e p,7able to now-@. For invo ice No 1 2 Subproject 7 1-%MTRA, Pi.eas r*turiv lignsd cogy(i*&) of this receipt S I GM Al U RE riF REC i P I EliT TO FORM 'IO.34 - 46 DATF RECEIVE3I) MAR I 99 17- 3 t.@ 4 ac C"cc."-;z e 49 1 !%4 i r4 2 Li r4 4A Pe 2 4 r I 4.3 i C) ',q 4 2 A.-V '13 It L32' u CJ ri 2 t -@, Lf LA'7 2 I @4 cli Ctli fl, at J-4 3 cj 49 4.j INVOICE July 1. 1953 For Services $28,961.oo CV It C-IT t@ r 9 .A 4 j U DRAFT-SG/111 .9 June 1953 Y- ia,,immT,4 FOR TIM, RECORD SUBix-,CT: Project l@IK-ULTfiA. Submroject 7 1. The scope of subproject 7 is intended to include the work to be clone with2 LSD and related materials by Dr.. at his two facilities for the period endin,- iuly 4., l@@4. Tle-project will continue-to be handled "hrough the 'for cut-out and cover purposes. The proposal Dr. I"IDM -,o the s attached to this2 memorandum. 2. E=hasis will be placed in this coming year on translating the basic data obtained to date into operationally 'pertinent material alcn" the following lines: a* Disturbance of l@lemoi-j b. Discreditin- by Aberr,,.,nt Behavior c. Alteration of Sex Patterns 2 d. Eliciting of Info=a44- ion e. Suggestibilit,, f. Creation of De-Dendence It is planned to have the second year's work culminate in a compendium of information on this subject will resemble an operational field mar-ual. as nach as possible. All other CD/Tss proiect 2 data that has a bearinc on this subject will be used in the premaratior. of the manual. 3. The sum of money listed under Dr. budget includes work in the -L*ields of bra4-n enzyme work and nerve m'etabolism to be subcontracted to other organizations. .Oo 4. T2he funds include $45.,6 L -project a 'p-30 0 for Dr. mn project, and a 2@p service amounting to "Y'1703-00- 15 charge for Th f the total cost of this inves@@lilt-ation will not-exceed ere qre, 8 1 $86,2@.-3.00 for the period from July 5, 1953 to July 4.9 1954. SIDIZEY GCTi"L=,B Chief Chemical Divizion, TSS APII-ROVED FOi OBLIr.,A7LIOll APPI@IOVED AID A-e-Se rch G-i.- Research Direc-or 9 Date: Date: Attachr-en'Ll: Proposal Ori(ginal On",.y -2- June 8i 1953 @ay I'.h t,iar,,kz the support of your --rdzitlcn fcr the previous year's resc,--rch on LS 5. M2 I should *.al-e this opn 2 @o Lo--tunity to apply " r suprbrt for the fiscal tz 19rll +0 ju3,,., 4, 1954 to cont:Lnue tl:e research rroject "Y - ,@ . i,.,.ect of TSD25 on normal adalts. T".@e program for ye,%-- is planned as folla@;s: Con".-aiit analysis of the present data will be atte=k-ted 1)7 psy-r--hierists. One of tb@-se psychia,.rists vill be the assigned to tl-e projec'u itself. Th,-s psychie..-rist LI 2ob:;,@rv(-%d t)@ plie-no=Ana. Another psychiatrist will indeT@--ndently "na!Yze the verba-I.-im recordingr, in.over 100 e",-erime-,its in wh:,Lch nlxcad,,,- beer- Given. A co=parison of the two surveys will 2 41 a to evl-.1=4.e'no4.- orj.,,, the effects 0the dr- g bu' the technique .1 u ox.r-,.,r'Lr4ntal procedir(,s. T,'2e analysis of the da4.a v4al first 8 'icance o@' indiv-ld- :,elf vith the raw r--iterial and the signij' -OiTp responses based on the rair mat--rial as presen,"ed by sax-"a -2- th-- verbati@i;, record-in,,,s Simultaneous raw materialy further e%-per-ty@-ents on individual subjects will be carried out by the psycholo!,,ist who, using both projective and non-P.-ojective m2edia2 forces e-.cternalization of the at4,-itudes and confl-icts of ',he personality :ii. The quantitative end qualit--tivp. analysis of the test data will be co.-related with %&,he psychiatrist's study of the rav data to ascertain if the s-L@le interview Jk-.ech-.iique out- li2ned to you Li r-y report of @lay 28, 1953 are supple=.,--nted or contradicted by our battery of tests: (1) The Wech--Ier-B--llevue I=telli-gence Scale (2) The Bender-Gestalt 'Lest (4) '-"he Rorscl,.ach 2 (5) Word Associe.,ion Test (6) Cards 1, 2, 3BF of the Thematic Arpercemtion Test Integrating the work of the psychiatrist vho., as I have mentioned, is concerned with the raw data and the work of the psychologist who is concerned v4-th the projective and non--orojective testir-S vill be'the coordinating activities of the neu--o-ohysiolor-is4". He will be studying the effect of the dri,.- on perception and'on motor activities. The steadiness test heretofore described, eye- hand coordination, reacticn time to lirht and sound v-LU be studied together ir,-0'th the variables described on ",he attached questior-lia-@, as a fL,3@ction of ti=. Pl.,tnr, are beir.- made to ampli--@'Y the IMI card data so that t, L,:T attached que:;tiorza-re may be more c',.osely delineated. These e:cl.--riments are ver,,,r promis-fnd- and I be"-ieve that the te,,i 'I, i---a4Lion of th-- quesjuicrnaize,,;oz me,-re tha-(l -- th--oreti--al- structure to cur I7Lu ha@,,,, I bel, eve., providl,d us -,rlth the best type o-f --.ud-- L'O-" the stud,,, of the effect of the drug as a t' of 4 d have 2=c icn I,-=e a--Ptor -Lri7_e-@tion that coul CV.A- been devised One of the d:Lfficu2@'4:Les of det'Icrminirg,Iic4-4vly the effec'u of the drug itse:.f is thi;@,, 'tll,.2e subject and observer are both conscious of 'he ,ac' 4-hau an ex-,ez,@=ent is bc:Lng -performd. It is hoped in ',he ne.-.'%-, year th-at si-,b-ee'Lls on 'L. vho are essenti,,llly Irom a psychi--tric point of v-imf vM 2 i-7en v--,vit'toin,- of the dru- for -ps.,I?chotherapelitic ;u=roses. be g doses L-.% In this valuable e.--.Teriments @vriu @robably be c-=ied out !L h@ospital conditions. Attempts are being =ade e. prescn,6u to set up projects v4-th colldoo=a'Li,--g o@-ganiz,-,'Lions on the effect of LSr25 on brain metabol-'Asm, on '.he metabo4.ic ac'koivities of nerves and on enzyme reactions. r Foll7wing are twu budgets both to be at@mir@ist.-a-,Led by me but Lmde= accounts for ease of administration, BudGe-4"s labelled rep=--scrts the anticipa,,ed costs )3 of the project at BL,.dGet labelled 8 is the be,.!.%-,--t Vzich vill- tal:e care of a second coord.inatin- ps,,c!,i,-,trisL, an erz5me project,, and a neu--ophysiolo-ical project d:Lrectly =ddr the trinciple in,.res't.-liCator and ura-I.-'factcd -4- rolicies brain me'Llabo'lism and neu--o--hysiolorr to be carried olat under the auspices of organiza,-Llions other than are e.-ccluded,t',,is i.-= reduce the budr6-et labo'll al)proximately $9:000.00. I shal-I be -rery glad to d@-.!;cu,,-s --he of this pro lect and hope that I slmll have the pleasure of yo= continued support. With best -ersonal regards, I am., Yol- 1 hi. D. ST.4.=@.,=.TT Or, COST (OR III-OJ a e Period Jul',T 5, 1953 to iuiy.4. l@54 1. Salaries 33)500 (a) Technical 6 5C-O 2 (1) Secre'Lari-al 32500 (2) Secret=ial 2;000 dasual Labor 1)000 (b) Profe-;os4-onal- PP.,500 ioroo 2) Ueu--orhjsiolo.-?i2sjij 8:c%roo 3) FzYcholoE@-s--- 4@500 (e) Sifojects 4.,500 ii-i@@.-,r)endable S-app3-ies 4.,500 (a) 500 (b%) Chemicals 2 11000 (c) Records and Photography 1.,Ooo (d) Of.','--ce 5x (e) 1.1a:Lntena.-Lce 500 (f) Reprin7,,s =d Pririting 11000 ITT. ren,,,,-,-,ent Equip3ment 2) 5@00 (a) Recorders 2 .,500 IV. Travel ilooci V. 1,.istitutional Overhead 4,150 $45,650 STI TiT or co--@z-6 (OR ProJec-',, Period July 5, 1953 to July !954 I. Sala--ics 31:500 (a) Principle In-vestiga;'.-or 2 8;ooo (b) Technical 5.,500 (1) Sec-e'-a.--ial 3,',:oo (2) Carual labor 2.,OCO (c) Prc,@"Cssional 2 17.,000 (1) Ps5,chiatriz+ io,,coo (2) '-;!nzym Chemizt 63000 (3) l,'.Icuromhyc-iolo,-,,i--t 1 000 (d) E:cleri=-nl@al Sub-ects 1.,Ooo TT. M.,pendable Supplies 2.,500 (a) i',j'ainteria.,ice (b) Gla-.s,.-are (c) statione.-Y (d) r,,qu:2Ll:ment 1711. Pe=arent Equirmmt 2@000 (a' Files j (b) Type,,7ri4@,or -rs (c) Pecorde (d) Fu -- r- i4w-0uxe 17* Tra-rel lvl.,500 V. Overhead (of.,icc- Rental) 2,6,00 $39.,500 0717 7t