pubuc,:ition ane. -t',Ilxt wO @,@era @-@blo to t.--Ip in -Beat wi r, re tu -VO D@@@29 1958 Nola De al@o-O Please findenclose4lh)6@j@"-i-ith my -r- or on the $1 500 grant so generously dod-bY--the 'I thinkl@go;l use-has betn made of "t--W-i2s -t-t-em-a@-do-qws help ih-furtheri6U7 my work, May I thank ym7p!k@@ly@@your interest. and hel"ti=--- this matter? I am enclosing as a sort of Su le--Glnt bimi a h d pn x meogr p a 2 an tarlitr grah-t-o DW,00-,f 6-f,--the i-axe t gives an even more det;aiied@ out the type of a so un or A grant, With kindest personal regards and-many thamks-- and---- wishing you a-vary-merry r an a hto@oy NOW.Year, RT;,PMT ON The sun of fl:@00#00 graLnted@f6Vthe Paying Ofi&ssistanlsAm I photost&ting iLn4 biblio&ra hie work On a TMTiss-70N Nig b-oon y&id out t6 the r6llow@@42rsonst &Do 1283*30------ 167 76 49:00 'C'- The sun pftid to Dre was Dxolusivoly for-li'bl ographi work* I%3 pvrpo-se v ex ma2terial already-IIL-n_-- filsol 0 insure that it would@not be duplicated by Dre in searching for now material*' ---f-- xing-up data-- C, Th* 3U.2 pfaid to Dr, was chiefly or work, loo - - 2 are not IA languages in 'Wbic ma n rese, v&s fluent$ 'L"ne romaind-or of asum Pala to Dr. 3 C, the photostating-Pf-rOleytht nateri-tll at c-u@-rwr'e@n P,,She2l was originally given@::@@ @-fo-r $200,,00,of which she raturned,__as uauilred $32,30,---- The a o Dr, main rettt"h as-scoiate, vas largely un paid.ti -imm@ for loo%inz u and-copying now i,tems.2 The rest-was-fbf:photostatin I might say that he did s,.xper a ty well workinZ-hard@@7@@ -ti-o-U-3:Ly and with imaginatiOno-l-p-ormittod- him to use 3020-Of-th-0 tsrial 0 so bl- 2 r ON olokbaliyst&rja Whic t-the meeting a r OUN--% 0 IC n a 'rho no WyUldod-sLn estiviated 5-700 items varying IA nay graxt, - length fro& 'a-fev lines-2to full: length (photoistit;A) articles It'pernitted;ue:Lto-nll-variOus -93 on the-mapt *hi go ga - 6 on tbeinlm on wbich 1-had Yory-f6"ata, Aft*r titilizi2ag this-ratorial in THEATIS3 ON lllis ay t i's WY I ail I -ntention to make-it ay able to other 6 6r&@'by Olacing it In tb-* fiIG3 Of wbatever Ifi4t!t*ti,6A-I hapien-to-2be--aswiated -- - -0'- p - with at a giv#n tii*ig Oilouiur so@v#@from ono:lnstitution to another'# I Vill bf the-Filos,sinoo I n clurg I Will use -bad-a.iain all my S" - these Sat& asaij% life for Y:LriolAs purp@ Any publloation In vhich thes4 data are used vii."ive dijL,-AL4L4it --7 to th2e doikiply ira*bt'ed to-tbo Om tits offitex,s for tbli leh matori:ttll far work,, I as suro-t@hi-T., I th@@- TPJL4 IA -1 AW llrtioless 46alilh"ith speei probl2easq: in *hi,*h I will be:--- -I.-Ov A,yDre -@U a,bl4 to amv,;. *Aati Last, b4t not least$ 1,@ have Kaplo opportwtities to use tdata in 14-aturoi afid ijk 4 used these 4&tVin thilt vayp I have examin--d ard approved Ite dubmithod expenditurO3. @SS/.Chemtc U" "q"sted for Vbs -- 00 PhOtWW 41*% 40 in ywopafttion for' the vriume of #ittbeon-abu U 09ov3r2 1 t 57,-@ -a*alitsvi '664% life U" torest. Ust of PAsultA!, (1) Tb4 500 i i&r"A" th* q*aAtitY of 46@& &lns4Y- i4:0"U*4 by tow --2D.;. (2) it W&$ 006 LU ppe 6 *ml fr(* wbiob" ootoa-pr*viol3l2yp wet 00"Tio"wly a (3) The dtta P th4 btsio-@@ to th4isli -tha I same ---2---- 1*'ridtted-tbA@@@ates definaltib" the OY*402 raey oal sym'tom %tolea Of "VOMI P-rt-- T)@@@ or W O:re2vi-- Oslo .,lent vto- I"@" i a -Y'ALI-M.T-u the "Oh lnal@*i t4-a "t sy;@tic" fit tic ta 2 Thi i -@imiw i@id- to the tdiw ulutica Of pt &,nd tin &Sam conerste e4"'o betww used In a I ocmploU4 in 'the 4OWPO 7"" tO be' sic4 to or ro"4Lroh- Aa U" the 4oluated tor mi-@ to -urito W-00 b4 I -Pe C vill mA@ thit wxah ti@ the IK"tiw-c 0 @dM*OmwiU publiabo vith "IL, 3ILtorui iw. ]go ya;r7 t-li@613- tvo ii6z;ci rial the- W $hioh will MMW" viu @r4 "r- DRAFT 21 April 1958 IVIEMORANDUNI FOR., TtiF, RECORD SUBJECT ---lh4ividualGrantunderProjectMKULTRA7- Sub 1. Subject to the approval of Chief, TS$, the B2i@@a-rd of Directors of-the recommended that a grant be made to DrA- partially defray the--cost of Dublication of his- "Tflq'atise o s indicated in the attached proposal., Z@-@Fihancial-participation in the above d"ttit@k@@y wilt in the opinion-of the Bb2@@@ of Directors and TSS/CD;7i"terially;@ aid in a@L-thenicating the cover-of t -ind in additioa will rovide a source of @"liabld@@ground infdYffi@@iibti@o f interest to the Aaencr-in--Yarious areas-of -the w-o.-ld 3@@h"otal 2cost of this grant will--iihount to-$1500.-Oo for a period of one year-b@4i-ining 1 May 1958.--Charges-should-ti@@e- against AUotment 7--Z50Z-10-001-.- 4. T e grant 11 be hwidled through the as a cover grant and3 sufficient accountina -therefore vAll-e6"it"f -evidence of disbursement of the fxinds by the ent is involved in tho project.--- - 5. No cleared or witting persons are concerned with-the conduct of the-project. TSS-/Che.mical Division APPROVED FOR DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS,. ese Date: Attached: Proposal Distribution,. Original only - Janusiry-17, 1958 De& ran't to our convgrsation m Pursuant o-rtnoction I with wl r6searark- n of $1,500-00 in c and esieiiw in connection with-the preparat th oney will a4 devoted If the grant ii-ma a,-- e a :exc!4@@t@y to the following 2purposest (1) Pay-ment3@to a rose&-rch-asiistant 'who workiii-g-@under directi6no -iLs-strcLet) delt&@ - - - - - - 'bearing o i 2 tL r o r o k'o'nti o n a y-pe (2) The photo t a-- i ni@@- i@a- t ei r I a 1 - o@ t Sd-"i (3) The translation of-t"y@tziiitcriOLl-.?rOIR 81 navi an @Lnd-.ks i at i d-- 14ti@@ (4) Tke chozking of -th-6---t"uraci of already on Fo part of the grant will 147-tharged--t"v6rhopd or-to 2any other_ ltax excep@ the-t@6@i7ited a'@ove. I have at present in ity filest Sdas 5.000-txe,-@to (a conservative,-estio-ate) f (a) All ral:ova2nt data i@r@o)w filos. (ApVroximately@1000-ty'pe-vritten pages.i) ('s a der a grant fr 0*--t-ha hich 2 were givea to -Vy th as*- data overli@o:W t with g (a) e@ti*tted at 100-tY-Po-w-r-i-t-t-- on--pages* 2 a es-of dita-I--coll:ectod (4) kn estinat*d 150 typewritten p fro% tq-roidW..,j '@otwe -1;58 935 2 en exhAU3ti -I e Id in " 2 _I_X if A or evr 1: aph on- - - ated 4 (f f itld woric awng the B.Stiuated-amoqnt--- of riLW, 'P-u@blii a as I PPO W2- of a (2) 5oo typewritten P@k;es made UP@ of soxe 14@i@since 1935. ies placed- a oll-ea tori&U conta inied in the factu-l--- -& ex- (B) Tlra 'at ilog ith (A carpts,whic 45vorlap lp.-- covers_, WOT&T i -in9lud'ng photo- (3) stated krtic devoted to nt&ining Otor co material i2n,appr sidt-"'*14 amount Of 'Vriting on-! ady do-ria--&---@con a, h --and-JW-a-r iclas da'st---Fvith-va-riout ki (c a -- 2- --- - 0 is regards tn 'fd ftt or are hapto a n rou el@. ra of the c partly outlin4do -a contract wit toy- the pu'blication of @@;XALUU. KLU.IT Attar completirig the Treati36l it in --J-nw o@n -n; to Aake ay-orge-nized file.@i to other Xf lo r,saakroh vorlv.-e-re -ay d@@K-siting then wi2th a 3uitRIale insti- t,ition, or ali;;b ore-institutions 'to photostat g-one-or-m t"a &iid pl&ce-th4u-in their LiUr@ries. tmhel SL.000 grant f ton tke 2 I ay* so f ar-spent- o"r a ttan=-Som-ew like-- ol@m-nor4Dy on roje Vhiolt g6W were sp @advarce royalt in 19530- t 2LALJ&IknIt Most of-tk t aEgLi o d -f of7 if I 11 the expert terivic*s eaMN6 raov_ who has 'toon-vorking-io@-f -ze -sinb-o--a'rpb-iit a ye;? opostd3 I titclose aL of-th-e-pr Treatiso o- BUID d OUTLINI Tko attacied (1) It of -a Ta--'sl-o--of--Co-ntints d and w (C6ntract siKn*4)vl (2 ) j- ".,J2L - -- -- M- -Aid __w T^ft B y to;@iO-* it is as 3;r*3 ad-&'-%ova tenta'Uivte Howiv4r,'. t-&41924 to7ltnd--It 4 34Lt,slaoto-ily NVM ciass6ification @6f-t!W-@iougands-of aloorp which'- I alr,3&d havs- in wf @f iiii@ r 17-April-IM De air -1 --.kpril and the Thank y@.suive-ry@muchL@@idtti@@@6f 1 enclosed check-f6t7$5@@000-00-@2@l-have turned the check ovor-@- to the UnivtULt it will-@@e--h-eld in the D,;siness-Office and to pay th I certainly appreciate the liiii!K,=, @ . c'p n c,onsideratio-n-we linw-a-s -shown -v-s in not cellipg for - any I h-tve- rear.)rkei the su,.,ner budget this morning aor' not ouite-sure how things will urn out@7@l am hoping that -$400@@@ay 2ene of@Oo three an pick---up-t-Oe extra -m@@0014 "---a-t66@Olt@@ht-my f"ling is :that should@ "'o C 1"elloftWli*e s t - f or -moment, andoif there Is a pinch, 2 -the come screaming-Ao ypu f6fA e-extra money. The'prospeituses-@@@@p@@ipants are-begtnn!-N -611 -y6V-a--complete s to f lo@A, in, -arO-' et hot7i- be f 2 -1 sh send ore the end bf-this-mo6th. 0 0 391 press the a-pprociation of both th47- and of myself per4onally for your ver'y kird suMorto---- 7 Bost -,Yishes-to you, and-l-hope-that we may be able-to see you sometime-during-thA!4uwer. - - - - - - - - - - t4- Dmn/A§kU-O- 13 MarcbC-1958 TEM NSMORMTJM FOR@I 2 : Individu&I-Gi@@t-Undi@f-NKULTRA Sdbproject-110. SUBJECT -the BodrA-of Directors 1.-'. Subj-tct-to the pprove6l of C Ss A!M"7@ 1 2ammlim a - i z that of mpr @@- ILr.%@@@., - @ 0 syc' 0 0 ivc or O,g 2 tG-Tn-e---Departm @ _o=@ gy: IL -lEDp2LLbepu7ose of . conducting: t Ln P-ccordance vith a tac 2. Fihandiaiffi4t@,@po@tion 2 in-the 6V6wAescribed-activit aid 'in authenticating the cover of tind v-ill@in addition result in-the p atio"f some vaiii6:ble a@ik@y inf6imatio6 In the- social scied.--@@to the assess2m6a st@@*nd-other t;6afits.-- 3. The- total cos"f thtd7@@-,vill-amount -to $5,,000.00 starting 15-tt6rch±1958. -Charges should be made against Allotte@ftt-@7-2502-10-0-01-;7 NO acco_u2lo_iting will- be--r--e-q-utred@-@ unus funds Vill -tO4q@ be returned No permanent ecluipment is lnvolvedo 5- @11---o"he l@@@tiUts-in this-project -are unvitting of Govertment interest.- 4f TSS/Cht@mical- V-1 Sion .APPR c Date L Attachm4nt Proposal 9 Distribution: Original only 4.11 ci of Proposed letivites iiwroup at B6havioral Sciencer, Conference -Sligo 4ociate Professor o 1012(sly "Sociate P f perhol tamaistant P me@ aborl 3 apP ui\,ation io af'or a de.-cription (see each res of his b,&Ckground-'a.nd- h i Ste.) F6"ible part-time--Or full-ti,m addition@-.,-- Ceneral PrdblOc@wo ach tive relations-among cogni_ our voum like to explo 2 proceew,asi intarac sea-#ra e@Ltural processes as that'a relate to t40 of @.Rhared meanings and Talues@-7our pro- SU=" otiv oiild be dire fomulation Of a eted 2 at\tha Of critical specific reselmh proPosai@--for long-tam inyo3tig4tion. N VOILla Consist as-e-ects of this &snaral-problaa,, The sumrorta w@2yk of thre6- phasest exploration o9 reletarit liter9t.,@,re,, forsulition d be of key probleas., " design of research. 1-."@li3A Phl$&s WOql related through periodic-asairi&rs througb2oat tl@,e tWo-M h period,,- ol",l vldcb each meii@er would present for groo difOA%S3iOa resultit of his individual ActivitY up to tbit time* The :iaitial am firal- 1 individual concorm to th# "iftirAr3 would -aim at rtlating (@@irs for_Tnvestioati!o@"Tiese -will b-- elabora+,ad'' e-n-d forr..u'La'ted-more-precisely as -tl@ie sxL--ner's work progres3es,,) rei@@n@-s C-Lnd-vall-,es: -,dhat is r,.eant by measured? '@4rat -are .+@he social 9-,id Ps h o I 0- 4-ili- t-- te0rimoede-the-7@@@---- acq-,iisition o2f -ell--t@6@gAi-!ZS?-.Nfore!specifi-cally.- a* -'kmt oerso terist"-Cs of the indivitl.-aal @dispose 'iti f@i@bly@6@a@vorably tow23,.-d p&rt4- .r %, cioation in-gro,,,.p b. 'Aat a@.-e the--oereeL-t ive processes-by--- w+iich the i-ndividuil es j.:ifeA-s) cogr-ttive 2 characteris+.;-cs --- o-f'- s., --s --@-tl-,at ra:Vbe C* 'trqat c'.iaracterist--cs of t;.ie :Lnt@@raction proce3s- ILW,-L ede tate or -Ae 2 valiaes?-- What are th4 @@iiC4S-Of a Iy actluiringi=o-.?- .cons,e 3-- f ai-I in@@L@acqx.-Le, - sl,.ared r,.eani-.ngs ard. 2 es f 6f77t!ie ifidivid-,,.al s c@bgritive a. struct.We b, onse@qtuences for-the-i-ntetactiob Drpcess.,-aid'f6r mak+.bersl-reac'%',iOn3 "u'o i*@2l, Ca onsequerice3-for Vne cultwal products of i@n'@pract:'.orol_ Pro4a..,ted Time-Schedulefor-the Sjmer ,.and will rlan to be in for 'L-Ihe fvill weeks* is a ut to del4-ver ano'&-Iher psychol 4. 0,- 11 t@e doiig most of 'diial work in b,,At will s his i-ndiv-,- for ve 1 3A, o c4 paLti-,Dn at arr-.- -c=,! the co:zfere:,.Cel 2 Spr4 _.IpleSt to la--! Oat @c o-. @,o -es-of i.n- col It to s,, s s in i t4-a], 2 an e, ,.ia on '@>as-'s and-dise@;sc-'-o.-.s. 0-' -,5.- <,i ..'e e'l, s c, .-2the -c@cral of@Lres,:- -e a wee' cont46-ae *W-.,,.6. th e -.-@o u ,.'o r i e e. -ix e - s tr@ a ri s ti@i %-i e e o rar----- 0 in C2 fn LI) Vb 8 ri uk PM January 16, 1958 Dr. Deartami Please excuse the delay in f6rward-ing-this__proposal for our his summeri7 1-1@f@h@ad:@-a-fantastic thedule 2 tea,,n's work t ally;fulls of visitors an(i-meetin,@s-thi-S St-week, which has iust eased tem,- a norning. aii have discussed-our joint-@@-- por t,ily this. , proble.n and feel.Ahat ou -se nterest--s--2will f!4. well into it. I p7esent the area--of--in-vestigation as a-totality, although of us will be prerjominantly conc i d i .1 I e., ent s OJT of -'nLe-h-ve-discussed with 2 --fo l@ t a nli tne possibi -Jki,Lt ifig zi@ of sess on, an they-seern-f4vorably disposed, pr viding the 1 r----- - - other co(ninitlments-can be worked-out@-@You-will prob@a2bly h--ar di- rectly froii 4hem-about-this 'Ne-would certa-nly be -delighted-to 6 I - have them as either-central::6@ipheral-team members. I trust tha t-rk3-sr-o-k9sal will-be t-th 2 -suffi@@ik?itly- inforinati e c to at this ',.it-ne for to judge its rele vance to the- conce -or@ul p tb-antwer further ques*ions rns. We -J be-hap our plans, as soin as-they-bocotne m luck on 2 your efforts to exoand the SUMI n th i s erence W,3y. ',Ne will l,ok forw4'r,,l TC@e o n7 tnis summer-@@ in one way or another. Sincerely, 4 t@io ?S=r 22 January 19-58- Dear I have received -today's'@nal e prospectu"f-the prbposej ac- in h t i s AS you @@@e-)-,t.h.e @part ci---@, 2 -.vitte of m the 0 p,@n a T h -eY -,7- that in-- .r, 6 Ef -f-0 they .YO 2 n I t. nd Me @r full-t me-par 176i k* am enclosing@--a copy- @ter ning t proposal.. I have set a cut- I- 2 receipt-of applications as hi s- February 10, and agrees with me on-t We intend to pro s the following -"ek-end, pre- ferably the 15, 16 ani--may@ the 17th@--Th6@f@@@t is highly im- 2 perative that Ireceive-a-.definite-coinmitfr@ent from you before the 10th of February as to vohether7you,--;till@biC"ccthes.? I)eo le. As- p I mentioned to you--the-,cost vooul.d-b@@ $2000 per-man.. The-,h,ay I figure this now .vould be-as folloWs-.---$2000--fo Oftw$2000 for deperk(Jing -comes and $560-$1000 for A etherthe in for ten to four-weekt. nce- e 6@i7d Ki@@@ould2 time, it would be-prorated-accor@ding-tc--,the, n-um-be-r-of-weeks he-spent. Regar4iing the participation of a shall wait to hear-Jrom them, acc=or ?""Winforma o he en- closed letter fromti(IIM--it--i 80 not hear from thm shortly, I- will @%Tite to then. We have applications frft what amount to about fifto.en firmed up teams. Since'-the-date is s ich would prevent getting a pro- !a l@e @y 2 A posal such as-that by-the @@- ..Up, I woul.,J like to ask if you 'kt.kis case- you--- would be interested in pi I)i@df--team. I would have to-trust-my-jodgmenti2-or-rather that of 'the selection com- mittee, %tio )vould be made c,,)gnizant of the purposes and aims 0 yoijr- organization. Knowing these purposes and aims, 1-could very well guarantee you a top notch group. In any case, as I mentioned above, I must have a firm comiTitinent----- 2 commoolmml- - from you regarding thelonewomom 9-T-OUP. You no,@,v have. the exact-mone-- - tary costs fDr the teaim fr6ml@@ Please lt*u know your reac- - tions at once. 7 yours) 7-1 27 janua.-Y 1950. .3S -ei 2 Ut--forth bl -)r<,)f ty, f.@u.r ')ep-ir @trer-I at t,-i,@s Ufiivers- 2 f the -,@ller.;- of Fu,-,,n-@ss istr,3t!tn---- @2 this f:,4ty. has@ :i very ol!A=i=c.--"c@--en:E. an,l lac2ior havina le-nr)-,,; an-i tias a o-oo,J 0 He is ss;-- c r e s o-r -h-e 2 I-C) uri,j. his in @nus;- f., .r4ess ec@)rior;.-s -@o t 1 C04 @,m@ el,)C 9 2 Pe i-s 3ss"st@-nt professor of-- in;i-.s'r,,al a,iniriistrati,),,i h@3s stui'y of-the has a @;-mneral ro terrs ar2ili *,-h-= norms ivf-,i-ch these -ire tnc-@asl;.re.-,Al. as coaiplete@Lj his re@)uire.,nents a@-t@i is n.-,'.v en.-,a,-,P,J 2 lo - i C,31 re - ric @v is he -hes-@ @hrc-e -jwoulj presente-J 2 -a nd C)ut ir,) k ri o -8 - t h a t is an excee,l,ngly r.,3rJ Nr) r k e r 3 -i:! a czeat 4eal, -)f re -the 2 fiel,j or-@@itical science. if y:@l@ -.,iisn to pi,-'&- tnese t, ,-,JLee-_- @st-to-yf:iur jrou@,, for 2 ,_er, the s,iinmer be (-f for the su:nfnc-r. ,@s wit@,, t@,e case of th@- prooosal, which I sent to yc u --yc@u 3b(,,ut -th-i-s -r- Y very much like toh ar fro.-n @r;uafy 1,@ if this ,ver-e at all s@Ncrt -.ctice, but )f3 course ycu un,le.-st-3,@F.i the-ex-igercli@@--,f-the--situaticr) at *,his t i-ie. ile3se let cnL- hear fr@l-,T. y-u. 3ir,cer o '11' ,Tt Y@) )4are-h 16t 1961 klemoi-an(lum to So-bject.-; our telephone conversations @n CO Eirilatioll of was put on tlio 2 pay -LI as of -at t rate o $3 k 'Ts'vi.1l'be ddiWlibr,,Ary and 3.abora@@onj a,5sistance 0,2"a lia;ll# is pr@ M %All Gr .0 ,s4a@4,vt@2V b I ted fto a,, I t.1 11 to ir h Associated i the 4 as or payrr,--iit Is beirig 1-k-nd7L2od ill th,3 same RI-171,10-r -as to"lap amo,ont reqA)Ired viill ba ap i-1witel I fe@l that prtdx @ y $780.00. o both this f imillt2i ariti @2@ft -sa-la-T7-sho-uld -be inclv-t@io,d in the total 11 a no ob3eetion to carryirig these tvyo grc,,@'it to. people oli oiiii, 1-'L fil-ota Grents throuch Ju2jie 30, 1961. Beyond payy,(,. -.1 that date, consideration should be given to c-,3-tfi@transf(:,rring funds f mm the totaL'ielpWgr-ant f -purpose or-for preparation-of-a-,,qpecific--------- - project to c,,trry th,-,se nt--4Lv ALdi p4 8 91 June 20, 1961 Meniorandur-i to: $500.00 Subject: Recorrii-nei-,-Jotion for Funding Dr h- risk set of interviews and tests !he 2 The basic theories being of child f will co(vtribut@o rtluch question. It i-s n-6i hot-thi"tudy tested a 0 ely tbout the t'ii@Dories. N&v.&IIialess, to further enligl)tetirn@2nt or an unclerstcit2iding aI L>y the Dr- i@ 1"] proo' t of tN@,,o previous studies clonductot 11 no-@@ fessionolly in nd Nlvill likely@e of -Abs establish' pro great interest to us intt@j future. It is recorrimenied tho. r5oposol be approved for p.:iyrnent froni siliall grants. Enc: 'proposal Lind onnients I submitted by: C -nts on C', SI Ph. D. C- 42. Ambam", ts ore by. Dr. These cornnien T[m proposal is modest enough, but the rosecirch does not seem too well planned from a 2 is sornewhat i methodological roi(t of view. But, it typica! of psychoanalytic approach. It probably be acceptable i'O tl-'Ot school2- I cal'i't f - I -v@Kd ted, but iwnay ev6ntvo I ly be an ee - ' -'- t titportan pcrsori for us to k#iow. 4 June 19, 1961 Xq C C" C t Yt) L 0 T!3-. it C) re i-ive--tie-at th(-. etfeel-s of The SiM -Of ti',i3 on the fnotional state of ANA,,& Ch i@oyi Lfk catue-e. xn tlit &MAMA& reli-ioa-am specifically-l@@Dri p@e, boyo aro gene.,rd.Uy- C- PC.O the 3-014im Altho,,iffi-the,,i ic in Itself a minor@@from a c *L-,-s--a-rirations woul of childr*n of 4@@cultur*3 it is2 apt to strong fears and wmictio Tha psychologloal 5 f -surgica]L@,-procedures 1,-i Childhood it_k now generally rO"No,-Piz ch fowa ovidence JA th3 &n&lyoia of adult pati2ents that o tion3 ir4alib-i in chil(ihmd' 1-e--4vio o tratoo on p,%yohio.]4fe of th tvidu3l. A attidy carried osert-irl Plcn v@-nd Wal4f2ogal has d tei the 3tx*,5afLl effect.-; of ad-v--@oidectomy o.,i childrtai-Thet emotio-.iAl- I-Ppac@4, e,,L' CL-clisci5ic-@l Y.,azs ro@ yet been dealt Ath. .4,-zAudy of its offoots t-hu-s b -a cctw 3m'6ulingfu).- r@,%r,--J.CkaLrly t@ocause of ltii b'DOCIfic pti,%.-It*ay impl@ication" notably itt torras of, iotyo -,/S-ImtUdiate gN%l of the resr,-,%rch is to layestirato child of religion, r-eglot to thi,5 op-3r@,t,ion. -The *I-udy ralaaa a-variety-of-intere5tli vg questiono revoly eLro,.Md 1 tha vnivermlity of orttio<$= conci@ipt-ton;s r@ii tho aps@,ific v-nle odaptatic.-W P-ILtttol-.Im f6f Lu-idortt!@.idW tyise cono-z@ptiiob- hildt at &bout U&O fiycko is under the iwat Lecordika, to Ft--eud, the ukile c of Ca tion amiety,. -titi3--deyel,@@rta@l stage@@ he oxperiences@s feel ards hio--mo-th@5r and f ear- of -his father (colieeptializid &* tb,b oedipus the disco-,tery of sex"l differ-c--ncoo @>etw-,eti boys Pnd girls raLise3 the ex 2 tion of castration-foir-himsou as apu@tishment for forbiddort wi $he s to-seards h mother. -Clinical observations by psicho-ina'.Iy3te indic,-Ate that the fear of tion is suf ficiently@",Long_@to make the child 2 avay from-the oedipa s)7,as. This retolution uchers tn a new d--velopmental stage the latency pe lo'd@ Frex,-d proposed that t@'6,3e devol6-@m4-ntAl stages and their- accompgqln@@ alth62u&h noo-Fre fears and phentaoics are un, udian "culturalisto argue that divergent fpjaily patt6r-na ma@Ke- for divergences in the quality- and degree of 'such phvo,-aona# -The ij@op"ad tosoare-bg to be, ca2rried ou+. -with children-uho are -very mixir.- ditf6teit--f rom the that lli,,t@md obasrvedp can offer ruoh datawon the ape\laif ic patterns -of ar,.tioty,, -and it* ,o ton anerated by ei possible meanwo in tems gr c-aa s t@m t in a group where ci&-,,@=eisio,-it!at the oedi i4uch the -noriu The bm@der ain ibf the research light, on tt@o fom2s- &M 7 r A' tbthodd of ad.aptat!6n a th t-)-ie- ooeux-once--of a "Yere thv - il6,iood ---whether or t-th ax 2 @at @/th i Perioncod7"cificaUT-- as caatratio t is c,,cp@.-ct6d that aspects of the nality of qqlFMP at* n/i as cloapare4ito p--sroors from cultures 2vhare eircio.9 a not praC4iCe4 or Jl performd,/in infolnoyt vil.1 &'@ow diutirt.-tive ro(-Iaa of ada ion to ajixietiva about body imago. prom tir Y-n this fi2rst c-le,,)Iomtory o'-UuVg 15 childrl-n botwaen the ago@i of Will b3 ti3@@,td. The vil'L-b,-.-ool-lected t-lit-f)4i tho cou-.@t,3vy-of a I.C-4util 0,#.ryict; cauod whicli orlanita's th,) o'ALrcui.-Ik,.@ra o)t low" -41 13 Prior ILo the o,,tomtions th-o childrert wlU- b,3 -given tti* Rora,-Cach test, Vvot and *Uior proje--ct'Lvo d,,@vic@-ea rablo3 ,P2ictur,aog T@@T). - ch Ud iu th3 opumtio.,it Ttm t-%o boto of p 137"11 b-0 c*rjpsr.-d i4-kdUti" tot--I) the &%-;noral offooto of tbl ope io f tho amiety.'-f@rol-of tho childl -z4 .2) tho epecifio way in which the oplk@on-to-perceived by, hkw,.,@- 10000 1,Aa pbont&,,)ien abo*t* The Ot& will be er-udnel for-cut whdlt 1!xcalW 2itas done to-hims',,pd why. cultur-al patternirig of effe@t@ imiloations for FiLirtatRe@'-lk 4w Ago cou,,itries, prepared in advar-.-o for this ninor operatioi.--IfA about itg it i* thr2ough liiformatlon picked up from pl& too. Tna3- la -&-I' intoro.,itLa-)Z j-,,r;@blm- of how the child 'wotild rle &vw ope rat ..f ter a-y.-6riod of (luti-psychoth-gilapeutic paration, uid ho,,t wich I-rttional" pi---@paritio,-,t cl-athea " cohor* It-ih wayu of han4lirtg th6@ aro.,icty -via -th* total culture. 2) L-i p.,rie ic thoo , the ry cowlwc 13 211 with-later ezotion.&l dig6iddres r%otiblv,, f o i@ czl-,ky, nl,% hooom*xali Y. IV@WU4-th6tifakii4-b,3:4-aluabl,3 to t@66paro-t),Ao p,3 I I I -al otat-3 of t@ia oirIc@(40i.-@ad child --- aftor a-peric>d--Of-@li"t ALO a hl[3 lnit@i@a raaction to o,,irge ry, The roe-earch to conc-@iyod of as &ti oxplo.-v%tory At reqw st for !@00-00 dollars li rad7e. Ati -ortirated L-W, c.;j fol-Imt-.t -4- PC-e-a to tubjocts: @,112-50 por session (2 sosetioni win.) 75.00 Toe@in,g c@- sea: g 10 per 6easion (2.."bsiona Lli]D) liu6llysi s of Drta and Write-up Additional ox a-(ex tr-avell office-a-r&rgoiL*nt3-etC-,)-'- 500-00 F,a round of July 18, 1961 Mer@iorandur,i to: Su6ject: Reco@rrneiidation for Fundinrj r-rfc-losed is a brief proposal from th for the detailc:d ctnalysis of some 9,00 questionn'oire-s-2c-n-3 i-r@f6rviews n ott tu .501-Aple of the interview is enc of students i losed. The substance of the questionnaire. largely pertoins to ottitu-dos towards ISM and ti iaht properly be 2 -1-ii eiice activity-, more c,ppropriately undertaken 6y I However, informal conversations %,v;itt! i eve that the-% ano ly-Sis-wi I I - attempt to look beneath i)re@f(I ng a andL-pros@i(de cu reful rife@itat,,on on dynamics of social cho hi In this regard, the methoc.ology becomes extrernely in the recluest---@---- - for,$1,000 be approved frori Si-nail Grants in order to permit exploitation of this material preniously collected at gre5at expense. Enc: 3 VA June 9, 1961 Mer.lorandurn to' Subject: Reco,-nrv,.endotion for Fundin 1 I go. oo----- CtB vibers of'th who traveled v@--as one of2 the r.-er In the in 1958 oni 59. His was distincti ime, he h,@ fainod his Pli. -- D. Fie has tauqh for one semester ai)d has i-norried-a young lbright p in usy Together they have planned a Fu 2 hiurcelf,,,vith analyses of the public odilir' incl .A Uding extersive. intervievis with district offi-cers of oil str cis. There is likely to be no theoretical, nor methodological,product of note from iI-,is 2 but it appecirs useful which wi II issue from such an investigation.- Funding is recommended and it is SLICIgeSted fl)at the plans of M @o brought to tha attention of the desk concerned. nc: /IV 4 A_4 r&y Z3, 1.%l ii@a iuat a ri-)to to lot you M-4 o:rfici,4,13.y rcc;@iivod t for Y,-ZT"e, a 5 1Ast in i,rall 24 i@At to -to It c.*.r 2 E tit W,,-A &-da A tb*-@-?. I h4@d t,--4.n for 4t* am-It - 2 I J-,xly C-il 't,'4'5 V."QUIEA -',O r@o xllc@ f to C..r Ca J@urA.- l@ In Ja 0=170 o o@orrc-ut Fjt@atcs of V,-X-J@fxla le-ter v@k,%C@a- iii@@3 ,tt@,a a lato If X (10 not t"A A40-awor ot:,@.3*r ea a "-Ia-vz@4 of @iF.,ot Aid 7f 1 1961 T a little rv-.@rrqwm@@ 2 YO"I. lAa J-3 ctf tho goO turii,@d x@,a ciown Ln plamm H=V@-13%@4r bmm&m&Wa2- in f-eb.-,upry r@:Q to file for a rot-U-1- W auInli4 zltrllt i3 th* level. of th - -- ------ - -.0 que,%tion ho.-,e will t@,- hor.4-th -looks2 r@ropoaal. - Tha aipoit-sr to- ttits wovk several .Last weekcqtdi a v-@ho ha a an ri 0".l orthuoiar;2.z4 for beh 'vi-ral t@ia f iold isie..ttion. he waiits to coriwe t@he valt@3 .1i'y-iltcuz of Eikll6 V,6,--.nn to t@tase ro(iuiro-,A fer a rat7ion&l bureaucratic sy6t,--a. I'm sura vra can b-3 of holp to "ch o,thor it Niigm I -&I@ll lot you lmtiw of 4"- othiit-.eilgiiif icalnt doyalola4nts coiicarnin,g my projuet ,%.Ac,rc'ti 22, lc,61 I st@-!rtc-J 'Irk oF y.,@@er L-Lit, lri @,iekq c@@ c-,ir 2 I a@-rztiil I \-,iiii i-it-,t Fc.,.r yoj until a,-. t@.) to rr..,vieo t.'i,-- i-Ici,,,O, y,:iu le-oriie-J 'yet y@)213 L'@oen ciDi:@rc,vocl-@ If rict, tt-,is ili,.Ciy to I)e docilt t(-.@'s !@er.@p In ti@j,-kli cis ttie 5 YOLIVS, u ry copy and cop., of of icjinlil to@@ via I-,anc 3-22--61 Llecomber 5, 1960 to Last Ji,.-q(-, 1960, -Lt vyas thought thn't r;r goin@- to A and -xt tliit tirrie a project ,,,as 2 o' a re, L ,)o-ot on ttie iiork accoyfii)lished l-,@v Di-. Lir At tie last persl :a(led D-,Vi@@k to @qtay W-Lpl ai2, k.ll(,A ci,,@!itv@t ec@i t.c) a ii.,@ )I'S it iq.-As a(,re!i@;cl 1--@-@v;ould woi@l,: on his i-eloit Iiis vacatiori an-d iTc@ 'LO I)ay ll:Li@i $1--tooo-.Oo,- for work!-ng on ttiis rf-,])Ort. Y)o yoli wint, to-rai-irbiirse-us-for-this $1,000.00 froii r)r. 2 otliei, fi-iiids? Do ycu wqiit iis to pav t-Iiis frol@rl 0 I e@ n SI Foir ,.oul(i oa like t-his h,@n(.tted? As of ti'lls (3ate wit Dr 11 Irn.3tru6cted him to tal-,e tlio mon--,y for t'-ha r@bo-Trwpro=o@'t OU't O!f@"C)V(Q-1@ll CC-2wAts" or "Coxi- sultants". WUT@'@RA 110. Tiiis file represents the @@ojects the Boird of t Yias apl)rove4 after being given the author.Lty to sc-t up smal.1 cover-grarits. (,oee TS 6 Y@emo dtd. 9 Feuruary 3.959 in llain Financial folder) Dear is "Ort 0,1 the wo k I have dong on fha At preasy, '-:@Url,n.Elr I I "'av(@ COmP!Ot,,@d 35 interview,.3, E@V, end ol" the 2 16@Lq@a 9 t h@.) SIDOO I havgi the irtorv;-ew schedule 3 revistorls t@ll tof) P(3rqotlo,3@j 2 .-Y'lormzlrlts ayi-i tile CO.Ilection of dat-a, @ty to b(,, d,,.),io are ti@e 4@ol-t@@@ction of t@@1,3 I-e,@t of the, Iata, its into.^])P2Ltatioil, @,ind final-ly' Irafti.rig of a 1 plan t,o Ilse till -stud- as-m issertatlo,,l in 2 3()nt,--:)f the Pr-)fos5ox-s i.n rV to St--ino "Io'l e'Y.3114ation--,. Ev,3n at this -tud Of 2 .y are a.jlrK@a(ly pl@,,rEirt. is ,lse iiii wtiloll, oil villiclil (Jif"Peraiit indiviluals can ba objectivell 6 like the develoliiiprit of tht IQ f C. wlort) I)otil -aid objoctive itlea.5,..,rk%a o. 'nro q 3 el 4d ft -'-s t@lia otily stii(I.,r mo@t ir4i--K)rtart @.-ri,)wr. variabl-3 (ozi 'c,z:,sis ct)ic-r 3ti;@l-les) Y ria )'Ar Ileen ,Ys ta, COiltl-ai7i to f.)tllel- --S, OUr t.@i a t @i bi d r) ri + o e.,r, t,,@ -c e v io s ti,esis4liii4,, to laqmw 2 i -c-'rkia F,I)Closec@, yo--@ wil.1 e @lf @Z.kVi@ky kit 'JSP@D to C011OCt i-i-iforx@5tion c)ii ea(,.,t ol' 2the rt3sx)i-ideiits with a brief oi@t'Line of the stuk@y, l@alf Qf the sti)dy Itns boar,@ l,ike to a@,ply 'or a:iotli---r Y-3,Ar C-f f'ill-l tin,) t,f.oln the ion@ 2 in oi-der tlial. I co@,.iplete t@,e analygif, i-,f tna data as oi) t-.efore. As I ol-at@ to--,ise tit-s stti--4@v as ai th si@ecipl on 2 it IIX)l@e 411)P@@op iate if I 'a -P" @7x%ant di ratier t)Aan' t',@.i@ovgh the wmw@@ a! L4nt)ugli to ii-co-,-Ase MO "lt:3 f reci-,!Tnaiii +,!-Lit it L@,-, 17,G"Lp@ttil it wc- c,)iild arrai-ig4@- in appoii-it- ii-,eri't, t,o tne pro@t-(!t -at Tha,-3ilz yoii -'Qr your coiig-l@daretlon. Sincerev yours, Aut--,,us'L ?4, 1959 '101-1 moll rA III I FIN b2 TI@-is thp, 2 @le tl@ie otl@er 4-,ro to '@Ul)- oi' @5 000.00 ee 1, 15,@9 to @-(-U -to yolii, ii-i the T@b.'L(i to you 5-i-i 12 eciu-3-L r)a7,,-xriciiits @-it tl-)o Th,@? ojily thit 2 -Li@,e o.It' thti-lz o is afg terb;]A-.'Le@7tl i!,I-ow Olit o' tl -q t,,a@,4 i c-, ti-i.3 '.i) 4A@.'Oll -,,2il- iii I)-rt L-,l @l (-.Y@n@nt fro@@ii the o@ f.'irectors t@,@e to i@@"tkn-,8 you us for be a'olo to i)l,ovide. .,).Ilcorely yours, 77-777@@- I 1959 logo, iii!@, Dear a f@r e stude "t Ila s I bciltev2e eL grqiit of y ra %,ib i o h is - LiD for c,,o.,itii-iuatioli. It -tvould bo an act of Gi@L to soierIG6 ELtld,l) to coiitinuo hiia- he hzis a@ide a 2 e,ood stey--,t and gives evoiy-siga of br@,.jL7ArjZ an irek;er.stirc pieco of research to eL satisfactor.@r a-nd lnfltleritial co as a very t;j ood Lti a. a i,@d 1 have 2 to 0 -r -cot'iferojioes, ev,-i).t.taLtion v@ill r@ot bs too I.ckto. Ilo told roa your iloard was woetiiig l,ast i@jeek eL.Lifl I asited hii-.A to tell you, by plioxi(i,2 my let'uor would co.,@,e tn soon. The 1,Rst two ivooks of @'ay, .,,Ith doctoral d(ifouses and exaLiiii@-,tl.ons, is rio tiriie fcr eL I)rofessi-)) to tis6, for his cox,res,,,onfl4ence YOLirs -4,-r &Aoy 2r), 1959 like to ofr-.r tlils cf t@@-r Vt 2 of @lis y Gf)C it to oLr kt-yw'w- will repjit i 11, 2 As -0 Mr. to our off-jei-s b ;11 Cl of C? L"a to YIOI@N Fli-3l'IY, I @iqye rvnry cr,,n- m -@i -- ,Ct, CO.- wilt'r tip@ot-I of S clj!y,@rit tvolr itirr-1.3 3t6 Et.,, a c,,tc@wlrtg bo!jy of.ti-@,@tiry cnd (k@hi In tLi sciatice of' li@Al-Axn May 28, 1.959 it lay liriclerstanding -Pas,@- v@?ar y olir avc@ a Py-,@int 1-n to st,@i@v 2 the w Is s -Lcrt,,:s ite tyt-l t 'Lle is ncw ap, gralit t o --i@ CD t-i e- Shc)uld li@-e vlry ml-io-h to stipporfl applicat2ion. His work'fcr the fli.D. degree is beii-i,@-, done iinder my directicti -an,3 I ',@iave had opportunity to jltdge !-,!In d'fi(i ttie qt@al- ity of his resc--ireli. I have beeii so favcl.@-,-ibly that I regard2 it as a very PIreat pity inde,-a if be wert, not iii a pc)sitlcii to bring "t-,h,-, rese,,i,%.@eli to a sticcess- ful conel.usloti. I hope that vo-, 'r -Society-viill fitid it pc.ssible to act favc-i2@ably on his applicatic,,ti. Yours- sincerely, *4.Z ol el :z r: cr 17, ff, @D 3 ki CP) to tt@oro 6c--e,-Is to bi iv-, c-Aihstit--,te for tQ TI-A of zol,.. C-t ar.@ce tiot At 2 23 of m,@A, i-@o -lo!Ut,ort.tion are in h,-tia or on L.L,,i -!IV.i --ay I tay t-tiit a erznt tri@ cce@ .,I ti@.3 ta colltictg@d in the iy@l-titi 2 dR Of iab'-"(At tta,@c-.'o tho rl.-$l,,-ali-..-itita tt@,,tfde v, VO wcix@ki st@-,y pre",@2ty clin@e to tl-.a qf Cc@.-t3pte ,46 glipap at tiA,% t-,@,nttiLtva ]Ast of c)@iptors v.%@iwo that u.-a fool l,t 4SC03.eM@vv t* 1 ntr,,iotiial ),,o alxl,e to attticl it t-ovi-!,d 1-4,.t 1,@i ti@tt fi,41:@i IA O', 4A,* yot b-ooti b@--%,rren in the 1, yior &,,,d a sui- rou4y,h dra.f-t -mi,,iuscript i,.-, III h ,atayitUl AA*Wlt of 2 .aryj, , L-ci OaLty cliaptere 1, 4, 9, , i)@ fi 0 s6vAonts of 10 RPA 11 )i-qve beon v.,ritten. Much muritinill atid 3ciAtJ2@n;z ncird2 to b-3 dona u@iA,;h tija@@a UTSOJ I ,. ntj, h,-,v@vvorl rtivi. of co ti-ora is iziioh to ('to or& iovgbin@_r out t@,o t@dditior),,il (,Itpigtarso I a-7t vaiy s@,re t)it@t -- ccaplote;i could ba iri your 14 W.$k-!ths frc,-m thc,! ti@T@o oA-' tho receipt of tha follc,-@i-up grerit. -tt allow and pei rui-2i,- z-.Iot, --Lk,y 1-itty &ay ab,.itlt a yeir r-r-A we. v;.U-l t,@!aa or steal it. aay. pl@rn i,3 thK4* each of i-,s 1;111 tplco 1)rtr@ary for 2 chapters v!;Ul-e v.4A- sharo ttis for tl,.o c;ritire Viriiie- -T bnve 1500 to 2000 aw V. vrprlt to see tl-,e i;:A to tor X'@00 do-1-27-ira to t*-i vb;2id follo-e3i tilousand aniece to@ somm II -,-Nliimummgm --- 4pror balm, and bi 2,, tA tboxY.",IILI for turttior diata 8 :1 qi-.t 8ur-a t-h@At i@-., Able to wi-ll L-4 *.rd ixkix)ptp.-it to mr,.,V d!Lffc-yt@rit Str@cerel,y- yr-@tirs -707 Aiiturt 4j, 1959 Do&r tt f T-,Iy 26th, e, r vzis of &rd,tit reprj.nts Irom Dre -1.1 t2,4-49.iF, i,-,a c, a chook- for Again ray I you& tblya v@YA it clopte-@i-ber Y-111 do niooly for a vie@lit to t,ho F4.tto can co;@,3 c,@ay ti@4,9 dirini& th,-4xt iyo,.qth, eni vordex if ycpa w(ull to't ar,;coitic d,4to tl,,At fttg bec@t with the achc-lules of tho D-"Oplo eLt yotar yvarn Ira VI 2 r_l VI 2 ..... .. ... 7 co C4 Jule 30, 19,59 t' of the y,@ar @s Lur '-@i ci.11 an@i our 2 o!s 1,,J 1 @nri of f L' 1'. -t your to ti@is orc.@ct 9 "%!e cc@ wittil you In 152 !-'il you 05 has Dr of So.--Icty. ,Incerely yc@Lirs, -tallow nil Au@IL'st c,@ c-, r T!io,)i-, yo,,j for yo,,@r ctf Au,@iLst2 3 oo!c I- 1'7t'il li@,rn at our ,;e r@-,-,arations for -r-v!otiotis or t,:,, y yotim Executive -,;crctaty I hr'lve just i@eceived yo,,xr check and wiah yoi., coul.d ki-ioter I ari. This &,i,aiit provides me vilth aii encourayc@T.@icnt that Tiill -,lake me indebted to your in a)-l 'my futul"e EILurlic-3 no--,v have four I co-nsider to be next--to-final di,aft for submissi @ed fifth pa-oer@ for- ltors a 6) @ "a roll L -'b In ea i of th2e.-,e, ,iT@ el@il in 7aii@r -.56t@t@ber- 19i5o. 0-1 ,,-,y et to in the cominv as s3 In r P, I Yi Ib @vipport of tl.- 2 rd to' send r: to the July. that tliev %iovld ha@ve s-LtT)ported the orc)ject I o@,,ed Sepicr,,ber startiA-..,, 6ate if their-fund@%A@,kd Wiot already bean corz,,@iiitted, @,t,-juld like to co-,-nsider it -for I '; tol $t ibilitie'.F.- if -61zt7l- n wttl-i the t old iiiiii I i-iou).d prc.,fe,.r to..gtiy s i i.-o-AiJ be ovi'active onp should be lritero@ited? 11 'i@eii-ewing their p@OViOU3 1, c o n I an still confiC6fit that support for the sytnposiu,@ii tirip@.,,ir. Po,*po,@irmc.,rit of ttift d@ito, rol-ioveq -.P.^ o,&" tli.,2@ cor@cei-n I had tti,-tt iAy perloct at V-@uld provt-nt my of th,,, f@il-1 project r,,cd t o yoo ri r-,-;y praiit ca@@Oli"tion. Your propo grant will for r@.6,e to 3@orc;g@o: exlci@isioi@i clasr;en arid speocties iti the coiniiie,, yci.-tr Khich iit3iild otli(@r-' vilso cut @.nto'-riy @ltvdy tin;o. Aurilst 3, We are havinp, a i-(-lwarding s@ur,-mor here thou,,Fh the v-ionther h rdly fulfilled ,our OxPcctvtions.- Viy seven )_ liW year ( -L ettj.iig jrood --opral)liy 6tid h2istory di * lessons. leav August 1.6 on oue way home via -P-P, 4D -plea-god--to-drop- by yotir of'fice or) eltber th(,,..'.'-17tli 18th if such a d-tin,e will be l@o 1,@le vant to taka aiid shoiv them the --C-Clyl7oul- office 'on the 17th, but 611 (@@- W Ili i ii l@4i]-l do"'n"@t.'" e=- @nr nter'Lo@r4-e with any plans or business ym inay bave. rofessor June ()Vr very tlo E,-c It 4:t rr.,A (is Or'-S!'.IUIIY t'@io ful' (. oul- tf@, 2 %rc@u u@a GI-,y fu:145 ori -gr oc@, -,i ti-.c: of y,:.ur on, f c - Y""j r s 0 rc, I 0 fu,@ds tli@n Ist nf July ai-i-i vitil L-,o loo'@(inj in Siriceroly YQVI-:;l "didill :itA c 'o'r, ,Z,U (-,71 ix 2 09 t'r-9 A-),r Tt 'on tl.-i C-Ati,)m 1er otxiy- 2 0 ro@io -i.4N4 r4id 113 fb"r t 'LI to t,v@;h 2 In kz-v WI3-1 t@l .4a 1 to cr@-ic th-Rt IC v t y@@@A cr@"-dw1 (7tl / Ln YT-YV 6 t,,) Tuly tg ,,hot% CiTi@3-A',hir,d tipa Iron JoU to Augt,,-;t i V44tkq two wlths Trirrel a flvm t7i Kw for cc, tr ml are 2 f@@cil-itativat ml )-OU r.-.ay- jr .6-01 ba PIC&'53 06t tt@s figm-as Ps you t-hiyik 6,c yoll.'rill @w@rrf tl,,t,@t Dr ilia 5ntoi7zt-in- t-or -O?At tho -By by tcd to t*na t-3 &-a X cor-re.c'g-l i.n 2 E,3 4..@o eav-, 6to of r4 ti,-o de,ring the &ratiort 04' t,'.ia h 3 h 1 an eritilig uq th@uiV@-a@ t 15o for V@ta2 svr good ttt@i-ngs hafe C'o,-a R:v ii-EY _tltm__Rwexm, a yory prof itaw@e exd ple?zaalt 7ear at the NOL,Pvvi n(m th:LL) Crant, tho topic-I 2 n@wye ror f@nd 'k,@Ae suppqrt Ira avoeivJ-xV, I tool roat fortlinlite. Plea.-.a e.-Ypross for xa@ it tysero io pn a,@uoropriate occo,,3ion., tq thnik; t-o th-i r4cetb,,-@ia ot 2yoor I tv 'Looking for.-4,ad tdth plcpztire to xi n,7, izrrit.-Atioii t,,@i visit $-oxir offi"- i.,hi;3 eum-or. I hope t-h@at ogn -erly for ttio @4 3 Airill ot-i YL,31t our Qce.@,ptiac partio you may 19, 1959 TO- The Dlrmtors co! act p al. (:Gloocry B By l@r .,SUBJECT- fopc4 for six 2w,@wifl-6. We Vave Le&n in ccri'e,-F De imow . t-,%* cl-livic_^ c first PMPO@xii for a on r, Lut folt of2 r,-ir locagnizd t,@ -tN--3, L,.v fte.,r a period tIr",It the syrir-"Iiluiri was r-4-patitive o,,td 2 ,vent "t;ncc, Of In tF.0 I t mr rs In tt'-we ic-!t,.o 0f e,.,* t r-- Yf v P next s VcT,30C 2 r@v, t i"5,7.Pllmc"",T,@tlvj for t,%Is syt,-,,,Os s th a Ti r, t t a &I c i I 1 t at 0 t S n 0 pcii ti cwt a t-U-C-Grch ord rcporting takes in sc,=Ificc-lity to tha or thi$ proy6ratiVo area of ttv'AAY. t@eit his suvpfaer S The Principal ln%-t@tiorito t@ly $,2,503.013. OJr rlw""taticel Crt4 C' I re-opproxtn-4 a t h al a C,-v.A t In V".is V4,nwrt Is lu-,tifit@Sle and d,4,-IiraSle at thP-2' consult-,ilts e,-;fc @r visitinki pr,,ifcwousl'IP qvra i,jr ;4wts fc)f early stircu- You viiii tll- 2 t t rovici,., cn early ii I st@'jil r to to- D y u Socrotory 7 4 t@'.z-t y I ci 'L959 Dear yo,jr newc,. 1 11 w Y e basi.@, (f ",IY to set a for stu"y E-'XcePt 0'-' tyl 2 t h e i) r c@ zi c@,-i t, year ai,@d for pr,.-@suipe i-iill be tl,e sai.-ie I shoul(14 I i !,le to d,7-,vo,-e e,Ly t h j rionti-i p@-11 u@-ic; 1.0 O 3(@T)t.c,!nttc-.r 10, to f,, t@ 1 A r f ro! and 'Li-@ as3ured, l@owever, ariy it,rprlt your Board wi-'Ll- bt--- w @a !- c o r, -, cL,, is 2 a@,le to othtdr beyon,-! w-'Il L-,(@ rec,@t@@red i'-e tc) @,peni @Abc@iil- of ar,, on t U,7j-! N Q ,, - I y I.ibi,,,ry2. I be@.4.eve, the -e.a,,)i,e to Steil- vo n ci --@anuscrir)ts ,IF, a-, !lent t)rivate d .-ion in a,,- c!e;i'fa'a ly I et O s to l@c-,-I-- f ro--zl @.')r. n, ilfl writinf.- to for tl@,3 be ci vi-itiic, i befc)ro t@lle tirii--, li@? i.;illt plea@;ed to cich egai-d' kindly z tli O. ri ,it I-Viiis jLlnc:,,-,Ure, 1 t@i,oat,3y your -nterest in @@up-por-L of lriy 74-49 A Pi-oposed Rose<)rcli Study In ttio Ttiiv.)ry of Coii-tainicatlon De-scription.-.@of Proposr-d Rf--,-ic2-arch i,. 9r an 03 er- t: I A critica @ revicl,,i of tho-irajor-contribtjl%-.iois' to a-A uil(It-.rttand@i-r,,g,of tti-@ bas tion: lnfoemitio2q tlie@ory; ccgr:ltlva, learniiig, anJ ddvtlc@?- n,itura of v(trbal-behavi@or; vt:-rbai pro-t));!*,,i-solving; spii-,ztitic t@oorlts, 2 scicial-psyco.ological t@L-ory (irc.LIIJIng-SnVall grot-lp and iiass ctll-.ural lincu.1si@te tiicoi-y; cokw"n-icative disoedat-s and per.s'orality thei2ory-- v -period of -1 0 parate @ttidtl, sproaj @,0' -r a eacii of tilc-sl t b ubli-h,,,d as a se2 -t@-3 r s 2. An attenpt ,t a cotrz)rsenkfen:sitvs tbeorctic-al f6edWiatlofi of2l,@com.-nunicatidn,@Oifyirrg nc,s rc--t the-bwvi 2 (Al r - d t@ia findi f . X. oral scie-.Ices CA y b',l Is 1.19. Th.,-orizit-ig about Cc4.-ivinication in ord-3r tAi ,,ull this project we@ stel-) domi out of tha clou6,- f o@-4 z of tht-, d-ir"tion 6,-,x tliln!,.Irtg i,as taken so far, icularly ttic- o -"itly disparate thi@ories. ir,.to @atipq f w e, 1,;irf.,Opls co;icept of 115 c Ivan set of oquai 2 (def lntd It) tort prob--bil -s' by f 0 I ry, clso by the 15 coricc--,-,ts of BO(,Ial psy - lo@715t--Sa @i;id vocial nc- and tti@a cul tura I tk @'. Pt a r. th r,@r,)o 1 o,3 cr;vjc@k?t of cal.tural v@,it@t; ct of a rt@ally sclisn- t if I r. ti-,wry Is A @t-I y-j@, 00 @.-. I 5gt;Zt$ itself v@'iich Is r;ote,z,itlc,lly tts I c@,@ I ti,., t I C)rl -)-,j n I c@a t e,@4 I 7;1-t a diffei-ti.,tca beti*@oon tit-,,@rs@3 tc,,rw,, of- t@ " r Ivor and tiio cont6nt of thQ E@@:,ld5rts s %lorii: info-.-tikition thz wessag6 (.oi-responds rcceiv@--r-s Gi@,p tleilsl it Is Is and little t@it, cei-itr cts; ttin, t-xpactations of tho 2 is l@ 'r"d), -or -cc,,As bsy,;ne.-- 11 exfo,-4ctc-tiors, illforti,.4tion Is &11,:, CY.Pocl. cs a re Io i-.d Tt-,,3 process Is cycl Ior spir@) 2 Zt Johnson aii4 Von Foeritt,@r edTx,)h-i- L size, so th,!,t are c r,5crifoi-c,-)d or or extended. Tl,,i@ c-f ti-@@3 results of c LTon 1(rl(yqledga of tlts -ac ex?ecL@itio-ii (I. A. P%lc In r.-,gard to ti-@e ri&fetit-@tit of xli@- niet e(,;n-3 r..i@ans end q@.t,,@c@ti2tstive coritent of tli!s@ In 4dv';. I I t te r n I f I Ca 11 t V-,'D r 1', k,.4t@Oll ttia taa I 2 i@@ tt--,h ct I tt@ r@ @thropo 4 p y c'@i o I o q I s t sd a r I o i- ti I a yf.-,r;, r, o,@ttin able to pi-@@dict n c. t I cn s f r c@e, k Ai o-,@t I ig,@ cthe2 coc;lal in ,-a of nor.fe4 (@r c,.iltur4i valuo,,-r@ of t@.a rof<@t'. to u4iic.zi t,@u lpdivldiL,441 be'lon@ii, It's.@t V@lricLl@ tests of tb,- if;linic;-,l p's',! rnd the attit@z;.e.3 and cp'inio-@l t,3sts of th4T.@ soci I psy or 'so applicz#l-,Ie. to ttic prfidictir--i 2 of rp-iictions to 0- Itialip @ercu.-z, I.e, iiiit)r ctabi in Its offects, the tiypott-te-ses o-f ti,@c -ecclyti-6 or rtt'lsjlt2i@kicd r' as fo@.ind, I dk),ts r-ot reco@gniz ose hy;)Ptheses kairrcnes torttin fvcts or arsti.- ments), a effc-ct A cc4-,,von lns&lao:ci o f 2 c- lcal fot, t@.(3 ti-6ory 11) tE@6 siti-te.tio.1 I,) v@-litt.h ar of a partic.@t 5port@- event hf4 fct@.411 lar tri@,@ 2 6nd odo@s qi-iotc-d by t@0t,oo If outcori4 Is a@-, he P!r,,.adic.tid, 11411,?Dthosa@t are coiifi,--Pvd, -nd lie 11 illc-triiaps rilsl) ii-,G o'f hi!; bt@,t.or tho ha t4lill -ii-ee OP tlo nf.@xt c %tilcts i.@tic I I v I I n- tki.@i otl,,,itr 1-iat,,trJ, the outc--o;@ia contr G.X;2,) c '-- t,-. t I on$ . 11 I s 5equ6sit attitu(i3 4ild 40,40vior @,till bo mitnrad In t posit* directio!l. III tlio Ittte@ so, lndoi@d, tho lndlyidu3i's faith In his ability to pr 2 t @A- ba &-I(i ho contit@v@.1% to prtdic:t po.,,,I-ly aw4tteri; r.@ors to ills p@;r5cri-a@ cutcoz,,I@A ()f a 1-@all gare, W4 r.-iy povt2@.,Iata se@ I ty p to til-4 Clinical prtyc@'If)]OP@list ititti-c-.stliig o-,i th,3 elfft-.t-eiice ttio rit p, r L, irit2or,,,-it In t!),.@ sitil")tlori pi-e@:,oritu,44 to t@,o subje@-, F, I %@@,d @cte4 by firidifiq: b 3 ?re cciliit, st@-lijoct ntver acti as If titey are. YY ff tti Alf rttd KorzytB2kl *id Le@i Wi,,orf a ($ ec th att-zrtis f,@f II-it;iti; I'@Ava ul)c)n tho c,,-,ccw2iir4 A bit tight. economy still bo@ffles rp, l,n thclt some itcos ,obir,li onpl@"F@ight a-i public utility aii,-i c, reppir,%-- rolatively ctli the other ha-tid., an e('-Iblo piece of---beef r-a-1,.q od b c r c is hjalgh., almx c,-@ or'-i -- (v f@ nary sl)ort-r@l-jirt -@,nxifas-,tu2-red i-%t costs ibout vh,@it it WQXII@D iti th-@ U.S. I r@iout a--mascd, ho4Toyr--r., at the costliriens gf routine clericil G,C?r-trice. I'@-'o got a ,@iucst2iotin@,iire stencil typed and 100 c6pl.e5 riij@eclral:ho-d cost ize nirie dollar*. All in allp biidgetiw,@ -oi@ies so.Tuethi-.@i,3 of a Tyith crodits a-rid be@ 2 I debits i)-npredieta"L)I.e You iDnLti-red aboxit the ii-4t-kire of tlie documentp,-ry and statiztici-,J.n@aterialt r-liieli I shoilld liko to une as ary zojxcer.ik For one I;IiiyV,, I *thou-Id I.Al@(i to the yip.rri-t@Za enl divorce recordo at 5-year iiater.,-4al,a for the 15 Yiot cn.l.v to discover the- ge-ooral but also to I Al r if 4 -,2,g roaidc-nccl" 0,'@c 0 t he lrid J-v fileo- a th, liol to ge a w:ethli@tl- of VI @70 the 2 u o r,,%to Is so high (cbe,@t have di-qcardad t-lio 'Ldea of iiie all prct7ido r6cords on the oducatic, in.inrs 2oi s ana &!.so school caroll-ri@c.,.qts, ubteli evald ti S.Wilyled in +.ho ury as aarrikx,,e a-t-4 divorce ice lokxs c,:od troiaJ.L% tire. rec2o-,-dc(i t tl,.3 tho nurb,,Ar., typ,3,t I rho-ikl.d .il3o l@lto to get soo-e indic,,ition3 of t4o yrev,,@k.1- C-Dea (1-tyl incidene-,i, if 2 of &-,nd In ',I vlnplo of lncluitrica.lvc.-d eiia 0-s roll ag the trends In the enufA3s of deatl,. for V,;P@-xlimio age Y' Olip. is I;DcroaseN in atid the di@;strib-titio-n o-t do--4-ora., ntir5co,, t%p.d hosyi,tal 4i-id cl.1-iiie would velf, worth recordl-i@v,. I .e-JDll $ICCI@re i3izdlc,?, -na,ter, _,k Ind, I n or lobs- tiagwil,,crm t!.t tlilo k t I y P.- - I ly@ lias PrCIM37id--rT@.3 %ccest, -ro t.@ -@ 9 160 cases are now being kept a In a es ly for t,&gencies arti B@uerally, roluetwit to ope,@i their files in this way. I t@,elio',Yo the case3 -aill reveal of the eclinequences of rapid social cliwige for fawily roles atid the Individual personality2. Ho@j lodv it will take to record these ra-ett--rials is difficult to'estlmate precisely. I can sectire the, -of- have had experiene-c with th@ 10@ and who 5hould therorore@--prove y-el.erk.- The work 6gn also be hastened by wy them wit-h achodule-forms on.' uhich to record the In-forD,-,ation. Ey beat gloss is thpt tli6 laork, would cost so%-cwhere b-,t-,eon t-uo-a-nd-thres hvi-t.,Ired dollarse If-a supplel;ient could be pr(jvidell for the hie,,her :figure I would evpezt to rot-arn any unilised ftin(in to the Mrrjy_ thanks for yoiir friend-ly "-encouregTin, letter* I ,2g shall write e.Zalti later--to lot you know-how tb:Ui,3.4 are comins a Sincerely CL. Je Yl pet, ctu-!,'-, Y-",u C.-fo I ..... .QVYCI.:itls fi,@:!d cxoe, I 'Fe its 2 ccr,t it-) by 1'-,t n:--s you @,-,v, i'-,C iii your in fill,, "L't 2ly cAi@@f;ri - t'lic oF tl)o irict'iccs .C@v@.i',Iy I)a l@;2j 'ii@jve (;riy i; -,ici-i 1)e servi c,,cs O' to @"cin f.,r @3 f"13 f y@ y. Ur 9 Sincerc@ly youi-@, I vfant,, of allt to tht--P-k you for your It vee especl,-Illy 53@@noo I T-ILks to t,-Tlicvo thr---.t tho (@L@)risttvAs ocaacin 2htd lt;b 1-th 00'a evsry e;.x-@,y, rAi-@--l t",1-2 di,-,- J r t he h o I i.d,-,y s I b.%v2e beein to write yvi for i@u'veral to lct kn.o@7 @ how ny project Is goirl,. So f'pr it hps beoxi a jjixtu-re of -tucco--ses Qnd fal,'@.wa3. Lire raovii@2 clo-rig quito v-oll at progep--t bl-$t the f t,,go Dioxitl,,g vier.,I tyuntratil),@r, lr4 tho extrotc-.a. ,,,oon direo,,ji3rod ta,.@t I.ivi-ng coati 2hero orct far hlghor th&,n I lipad I t@hat ite-%is isoald ba av-,Dqnsive. crigip"Rll,y I hal A3 you to tcovet,tip ronidone.- f2or sever,-,,@l t:iontli3 in ti succootion c-f %io hi4gh., 1-it@.,Sc-vcyr t,ho L%7"4i.,2Vc. !3itf C-Al@d d .9 @o alto CAS-0-luzi@t P,.V4 bo fial,d beci,@,-,@,Ac @,llkt vas trpupportuttori. 2 fA@cilit'&oa III t@-16 a%!Ov ore -ideriunte'. bat ltl,,e rix-et@l L@rLa:; P-To, ;,!.or4t)-y v@7:.:5*,rr-,7d oxe,,re), s a)--& dor-@ieyso both 2 .)t -67 trit@@k c-lo7,z 111:4n@aoj, I bouZIxt q err. 'Pzai,,s I did wit@h P-n which v-,us jtiitiflvlt @C-I? it 2 -a qratti sor'-o3 of B-ajo: Yot :La jiv4t-ie.!5 to thp- it no everi a F.IIJOV 09 -@@o tl,%VQ V, exit t.,-"rA OZ 0',C'b tv@g-a I, @'ll off cozts doll.Txr4 RI-ij fift@y co@Ttil) . . l@,@ irAr.t3i"r_ity to 2reside ir. tli6 field w@do the arr&m,7,irZ of lntsrjlo-@@,o diffic,,i-lt. 1.@-ich too raiieh was eoxirtiv,,iod iii I docia@,@,d tt,%,%t th,,,, on2ly to 111) il@f i.@oixld 1.,;o 'o rwitch to groi.ig tter I 1),ad t,,) ,,41iai)lify I e-nn titil2ig'.a ov,5)ia iii the htvo Lt-vo@i tho Aa--an tbo r) -the,@-a grougo to got tAt tliii 0 p@Loplato and at tt4eir reasonx for oacep- L _U! chaiigest qr rejecting those charqes. groapa mosais t ce-n include raore peopic thuii I hcd thouy,).it dpoasiblo* it c-iso means, of course, q sacrifice of mvch of thci apth iirhich be'--3ecureq--A tlirciug:h ipdivi(tual inter-qic@ws. The proxluxe of Can i@@s left we little choice, ho,.qever. T I hav6 2 . 0 been @Lble) to add a diilerisio.-i not iiieltdcd in the orig@l@Will propo'aol-. collecti.n,q datal on the, agencies i.arqely res e villalies, n&wely., the. 2 &nd orgap-tzaticin7-s. to get eLt tho @@,,-nage -chich the 'f'iel.d-agerit.9 lievo, of theiz orgrm- i7,Atioll3t P;olects; et!-.-.o their rssessv,,ent of the factors Anvolved iii s2tich Ilria.,ed chanSe5@prd of tl@Q, peogj.e tcy@vard who@,,@i tho projects v.-@o directed* uillo I hope.,-result, picture of the ititeractiozi bet@-iceii certain-agen.cies-of chvi32ge ar)@d tht,3 htirqo-n tr@-reet's of ebarige, no.t merely a discription vf the chsttgas themsidlwea. ;iy initial work on the VroJect@, lips been in 6 quite lsol.alted- to P-n agency kiio7n 2Patt- orened somew--iat aft th es coil r form o -- tar;oing p acticon., COLL4-,I-,-ni4i.-.y i,@.-nd home O-evelopr,,.o-ato i'he Autliorit2ytr3 chp-irman- tlntl the vqj-i..uu,s field a-gents-as ve.11 as the pooglo of the Yalley-- h@ o e,-,@-tre2Liely co-op-erat'ALve -,(id 1 feel tbat I li,@ave collectcd mo-",,o interesting x2,.ateriaL-d,"pkte a slug bt.#,!@rt)o Fxirther"rore, th -rJy-x,-7 h,,ore are even r-ore 7i@blOYctiat to the' field f 0 tho!!e I liud 1.1rxyned -ith In my or' 767,@ctua. I taight add tbut t@ho gro ,alrig &Yid c@,An@, area., ms@.ny o ih .,)-W level-o---Veg th@@mb for z 'MICIlri-a Be-p--, 6t-Ables ar2A f lo@ier a elre also gr(r.ii,, but erosion and bijinin eviiservatisn have m-do the vork of the AuthQrity difficxilt, The viA'Icios :Lack@either olect- ricit-,-@, or tele .-phonoj, Pj,:Ya the rar@.ds are scaxpely It.'ra:klo. Dr.Lving th f3 - ese rc,-id,3 I a ratlier &dVCDt@-IX0113 61i-t,-lb stooply, ti).rn at bia,nd2 right angles arc-xd shaor clitf&, exd rcrel@, sport the-liLai.-y--of guud-ralla. I frquerit.].Y had to p*,,stpoiio tr,il)a Into 1,,Iiz aroia btcauoe &.uy heuvy rc&ia bria-3s on Ir@-udaltdca of sufficioyit siya to bloch the thd t?t-I im v,,Pvi&tl.y done by barid-labc--r -thot,,c?,h oeca.4ior,-113,v t,.Ye XAr4tl ttits sound Cf',eer).y dranatic., lot " say I bl@ve not b,@.-o-n rirqiiir, cuy tictual risks.----Put the dravttig Es a f@,cod bit nore excitin3 I b,.ive encotmtere4 in tht,@ U. 0. V'nUc co.,iti2nuins the itork SD.L.the I will s)iortly ba 'a al-milar svxvoy tinder- a can My'--tliroL,g b, e tlirce t%gcr,,Cios J,n.pjagthcr r,-@2gion for co-mp&rative purpog-ca. Pollct,7ing tb,it I PIP,@@i to pollect nia-terials in quito 4iffert.-nt field3 in rurtkl k..irl will b,,o ocaicorjraed ,P2it.b vyecl.f le rcZrNii4 In pul)lic health, birth control, qiit od 'lose of tbal D t. or irivol pro P-9 1 apiirt f roo, d6p,oci,reriiig jijnt hcyj u-tucti chmpgo In occurit@g, I liope to find Olit v-hotber tile'. Of interaction tli;a tvieen agency personuel and P00ille are SJI'Ill&r ani Ythother cor@iparablo obstacles to lp- short, the api@roach of -rlrf Pr(>J2cct ba,3 shifted from CO)muiinity studies to case atudj@es Ubile P:y results inay h-ttve tuoro limited tllcorotical i,ir, PI.1-catioli; 4,han night have I)Oen tli,- ca4,zo project I origil-11111,IY Proposed, I thira@ ttiere,ir, real value Jn expam, l!y6.i -9ialltivll are taklai, x"ib 0. f g - rAr bt:@yond tlle fvmll-y., the area to ulllj,ch MY 2 s propectils @eas 14Litedo Tratisforr4atioils are goi4i on rapidly cl@Dd are -':,IuCb less related to the JnJvatry, thpn .1 h@--.d thov.g@lit One thing it@j Days l@le. Ilicro I,s a t-jealti kr -1 and st-at- latical whlob I sha,ll not-oven able to tap for lack of time@ fo)@. glu"Prisi@tS@IY kept 2 by-teriouz Concerried ti-ith case w,.t,)r Stitistlca., I very rcgrot that I did no" for adoqvate aggste-nee vh-'Lc;l vc),-ild h,,,@ve *nabljd li; a ,e to record such volixable soullce r-ttezi,,nl.s. would it b,@& DProprJ.ate for Y-ie to request a S=@ 11 su.PPIP-,@@lerAt for kdditi2on-ni VI@sal.stu'CO III tl-iis work? T 1 h )rou 30'zO Of 141%lat 1 t@l doins and the 'nrolact. is t-9kU,;;. bope iriso ttiv@t neither ycal nor tho lMigM 12,,Al'l f ii@,dl 4%-Ihe alteraticas dioappointidg. I"hey ba-vo b3causo of tho ressuro 0 p f eirellostttnce3. it nY feelin@? 2 ,@ that thg alterAtioD@5 Colistltvte botb gairis ta@-A loz.,aest witb the gAiiiD bei,i-@g the gre,,,ter* It L'ould be r,,bslird for i,,6 to try to e--xp-re-an- r@,AeQulteiy -r4y, gratitude 2 to the- for )na-king-thia vork po-4tible. fro,.,i the being ctiid I hol),a a fair '"ount of It '41,11 be tha OxPOrience siopiy of bein3 in oil re.,@,tion at2id doin3 the field ir4orit is trdz.%,onduoiia. Zlcre iD EO but thkt Pay research c-nd J-n th,3 futv-xq will ha mglrkodly affected by tho t;rc-,rk I on doltia here.- V@3' Profollod thi@inks to th5e-&&@"mmum@@ Pv@d to you Do,raoi3@illy. I Bhall I&ter. I'c ii-ayy 193@ of the to I W- -rc, o 2 ,-ou Xo 'Llse of t@llo e fui-ids (-)r R)I-IL of tilcl, 6 it -@tinti coi-,.ty,j -L'r@ 1(. Amomdad%Wg& to or tlio ol econoLn.4,c hope tic'too el 1,@y pi Y, tllf@ 2 o- o o a-l-ro fei-I other iteine ij@iiieh I e 0:? A letter I a?c@-o,tvefl r'yor-i tl-iat it vallil-ier th!@@t'o 66mlo@erecl. P.,b tills ciilcrz,- Li-ee alrOaCly rAOt-I it L 'ce co ve@ty o@o:., of oil 2 t'lo I.f rziy iii -nry oi't.-Ply ;"he oiyior-!7onity to clari-fy or ell.t)ox@ate zucli-I)oi,iits cb- yoi@% citky 8 Sillecrely yoiws, 15W T.Ui Cifl.@.',Vl@qj,A iTt iroject i)roposed It-ore I,-%s tio, rel,,@ted obje@(-tived, Ne is to scowee a i-n ztt@r@ of _t'pe econo2iisic snd the faml),y EystooD of second objec@i%ta Is to dic'cover how Cil,),Ileea In rt-%:Les ioi.,Lllin -@he coy!,-- z@bout aurl the to vjlii6h th6y are 2 asnoc4@atqd iiith in the ecor-.oyiie lifrz, of the -oeoill.e. In ott@,-r @ro-@,de; V,'M@t is the ill roler,- on -the one and on the otl,ier hnnd, 2 fpA-,@lly rolp-,s and tb,,eir behavior.,,.l ov -@,tiooe I'he on role @o a-II irl -@he prece-At p-ropoa-.1 is derived fro I its bein@,,2, r. rd.--Ajor e:LcDient JA the goolii oyote:,as of hi'-Td,-u society. 'L 1-@iodi-Cicati.c-ii of P.-COC-ZB cocial 01-j@tBae. for 2 gzt b-red @,,,e to cc,.e ap, the basis fc"j. re.!,itioii beti.:*c.-,i ecoiior@il@c cb.,e@iigo end 3@,"@acti@ro as on as for ar'L-licies in 2 tiie dc-,@zcriptive on my th6oratical role e-,s a fi.,,-jne o'L refereiiee. to co,.itinii2i IL'@NR tep-",Iti)lg 63@i re.- - in the fit-' v - j@d of of O,'hers to -.t a T,,I,,tjor ob4cati,", o,-? co-o-,eee. is 4-lncre&-sed une@e-estanaiyig c@nd te i,,x@,oected x-!ben a re:Lo,'-ioziship t, 2 I t-,bould I t, _rlllore tha'o within c;@7,other zi2z o@- oevc,-,a a relu-@l-rn t r,kit be possible In order to fo-IIovl the 04, ent study. 2 lp-,aov,-,tioiis ocewt-red in i -till -,'t 'v I e s IF -iL6 ,L,itli ad,,ton,4 o:Z other 2 L-r 'lie of of tlh-,ze ecoiic:3i5-c liro-,@,o3o to t-!itill ea--II Otlx-,L, tilirt both of t7ith a third cliore(3 in the of %if(, that I)redomiriates Intervieii,i --,qd i-iill be directed at a of ttp-oro@timately 50 of the of a to di@-,2cover how they defiiio thE.- @%ni duties of ttich statainec* as father, son, wife, etc. (TL-e v@,@Ul incliidc tha yovit',x eldors as wall the p-arent,,:@l iiii2rbi-,r of lnterviewo will caend beyonrl ached-o.le-c! In o@7der to vc'i-iieve i,,roater depth @@iid to -@id iii. -tnterp-ectipg the rli@ty, of coml,,,,t-At3e severLk-I rol.cE;. q'lie f;tz-itu.s lifather", ,Cor P'Z,@y iiielli@li coiiipir..cnt roles as disciplin@triati, teacher, conipagiio,..n, etc., -critli vel-.%ti6p@ to the 9 cyiil(lren, L,1,11 be sr--cu.-ad froni t-Al@nsforaied into a n(I in C-@l-ell C.@ bccil 2 -L coDLimaitice coiiter,,- to !,,IV can l@e w.@i(le to reve-ii %-Yllic'il rtatikges a,r@d ro7.oo a:c-e by ,-,nl irt,@otbor the etevl,-ttioi.,P, c,,.re r--,ore ivill ije bc, to iciid to O-C to c.-tremelv t,.o -Fan.-'V- of colp-,rdlvireylt to can i)oc,@-,ible to sv.- t. -@he to la@v,-,Cr tzi2mle-3 of resiec-,-ts dwelk-lg of Co! o-r-@ ani -- ia c@@@--e -oi- yolt-iver school i@--t fro7a oc(@o-r 2 'e@all at, in ecovor-ic,@t:ll,y 2. rore of botti kii:kd-a of coxiim@in vies. differc-rcee vill bet-t,2!oeii in In e 0 C, I 0 y concern-i-,qg 't"Ete B"Ie rolee i.11 eitler c,,:L)L@ly or econol@iie 4. Conpa,r,-(2i -,,,i tr@ e.-r. tilare tilil b6 Yaoro In 'te@qn ecoiioeti@c cLianr@,, 4,-'k)r a, loiig period thi)@n in one tihere b,@-o boett rol, b,- fo@@ayi(3. i-ilthin coTarTinity -vilicro ec^Tlool.c 'cz,@-3.s bcc-@n ol-' rclal#2;ively lo-cit. ditratioii. I'lithi-,i n. givc@n ctstv,,o taere is at le,"t ohe role i@Liteh Is espc-c-#al3.,y to the c-,e tliot statiir, u-lid tiiicli P-iys-Lt the--.,re2fore b(,- epl)-eci a role. Tts ci:C@ni-."icance vilty be Tortiall,y ex@orezzed in t@,e ll.VPott)osis role iiill t-aore freqi,.el@@bly iii,@,olve clyinges in otbor the, saine @@, -106us tti.-iu %,!Ilerl i -L he initial P.Iteration occurs -tn ,,X '@ti CO-Lic@lAtn-e, for vliicii l@f.@ xkged -axi:caiia ii is field Uork- i,-) th ";,I)l i,@@.ft@rr!nce to roles ,And statiises pertain to those vilthiii the :fa@,iilv 4 moms r(l(@, @'kil (lie frc-.,ciuent'ty -.involve by -al c@-,CllvG in a2 role v'@i3-ch io not y@i-,7otal. O:r t'z,.e X'rtl."Ct%ci" C O;io -to tll-e of 'tb lie2,e. C i2o the that T@"-ly i@-, p@,e f-, a o f tbool-ol.-@-le.:@l -f-,oiat ol tho p.:,@oject in ic 2 z at-. exedpt@,rtix@,e -Cxom ha:-, itivolvc-.(l iiltcnltlio,@i 1.1cre is -.0 E',O.-ee restricted fincl s.@%ore appioc-,t:@h to the ,tub jec: t It rii,--ht be adoed that tILr@'. Of rOI4@l, hol2dlyl'g greF.-'V- -I;ror5i"e for the sfiidy ol' 8ocipA bc-en 1,.'Lttlc- ise0@ fo--i- of ti,e c-,-.i 2be ol?enod ilLO b,7 arc- llot'P cov,;,rcd these h-,v-poth@-se,- and t@@iiieli cannot" now bL, 2 b,,? su,@r,,p- eted .,e as ay.,alysia %,!ill, it lo 2 --@eor 1-. sz@cpild p b.,- role IrovL,-to be-p- l@ii,g'lily iirio-@ul v-'ilcl P- 1,-ol;r co;--Ice)?t for In shov'L-, Pole s!Lloiild ] %'lo be ai@ 'LIP@e:tlil CiDnee-pt in 2 aLd the p c,,ii2s to v,,hi@ch lia tL,@s li:Cc- 4--s ir fgy SL,@s@,:@eef" tliai; i-@z, t!,--, c,@2E@c ox -.O(@iety, t'ic- tivot!:Il role of both mot.-@eT ai@r-I f,-@ther is role 0-. -,le or' li@-ad oil tiic- :tr-.mily 2 Close -'L-.o tbia coil L1,16" hq@s ectc;,d at, O-C Llb,L, offor-@ts. tbij, lieiet biz-co,,,,ioct 2udoii is 'tlo t@,ic eii.rcetione of others, @ne, becotiic-s fro!a sl)o-ckzo r.,z@ny eleriepti i.,re CoDceptioxi of tvlei--r co@7cc,-I@tions of liiw, -t'iie vz@t-eiovc 7.@ol(-- id@c,@nti:Fy, them with thle fL@-:31 u--2o@it, T Rcouirod ,C.,qe rield -is ei@conaill@l _y ia y Ciii-t@i-i2ig its gtaf_,.Os I eto not see TiolT th-@ projc@(!t b(- rct-';o 'er(3(L i@ lesi 14@'.'r-,-&)i2 trelvie !@o I)erirjit ,qolic 'Preliyyt4lz.r.,@try i,-l ox-Ooi- that iii tl)c, ni@.,.y t)C-! b@l biie-f rc@tu,.i,ns to2 ttit@ fi.old, an ellrhteen-notith rk@riod bc-,, preferable. One cl@,iiill,ly aii,d of c- (rof,0 0 G f co, 'C 2 1)0-@ c ri,kd to belo i, 0 v,hich can be secvircd fro.-ii b '@'llariot,g oti@dieo hav@e, o:i' cox(rse, be@-2!!l 601le, ti.i,ea, inai)y of tlic.@i!) r c. p o,*- t C,,i the llip 7 0 01, et?il or)colotl C @tl"(l @"]V !@ms rt)ther thf).n i,@ith social cl,!aiito Yh Tho ftiidp, iicedc-d for tl@t3 I-roject v4ll delr--nd ul@oii tb-,o an@ovtnt of tine epei3t In the ici-eld. 23-eave t-@re suffi-cievitly :tlevible to permit one of tr;cl 1 le:cive in 1959, P-nd tc@ air@-y :ror the- ylar at r-.L,,.Lary or 1 T@,3.7 lean- in q-ud bci -.&"Or 2ciy. at f'"-Il I had hoi,,c(l to fo2.@lov -t-"jo pliru, bLi@4 it !960, 1 coiJLd @not leave imtll reLru,-tr,)r. In tbii cace, I tioti.ld2 hol..,@3 to be lilo exte7@4 ,;iv tlirovi,@h the a,-lademic -vear 1960-19@')l on a Iz,, o@ u@bse)ioa A third i.;o-old 'oe, if to lil.lit my 2 01, V.I)Sonct@ 17ixlho-ut,l to tye sor-testler only, in L-@,-brit-ary, 1960, and in 1961. Budtget-lyise, the first end thitd the ca@-t2@t,) coilox-Liilv o%' tt-,@! seco)30. ilt-orriative cost ;bozki@ 'cat 1;(Ytlld the scope of the s'tA,.dv. 'fa roir titl tl-ie -ilana votild req7tiire a C@rfiiat of $6,000. ttie Trans'portatiG33 501).00 4%011:@xl roil-la :?.ft23: o F-r, cf ti :rlzr@dp, 5.n ]@ic,,,l of 500. 00 Lx- I)roposed set).Ie is 2 ig It iO lio-I of lr. the vould be Adcntle@t-il.. 300. oo 2 T'riis is to be i-.@ued to @-@,eco)?d "stiuct-ured iiyterv@oi.,jv@.- i.e.. those- ictilch are not i,,@hich pox,.7iiilu, the respondenlo- to tavz 2 l@- AIGO pertiiits ointlltti-neoii@@,ly ai)d doe@ameiits the 'loo. oo 2 iri the field aescribed but it is Lilco fo.-e to be triiylctktrrotl to IL-!i c,-Arde. Tot,,@l 2 $6,ooo.oo 65o.o.0 13 ipal-tidoo the cai,,j :Pig-or or f re, to and from ,ZL_ L41IMM f a 5.'or 2 flr@ds I),-, lieu of $9,000.00 300-00 $i,ooo.oo 3 $3. o, q i"). oo co, or,.to i re:te@@ence to CLTN @.0 "L. -,(I ii,@i C, @inCO tl3@) t O 3 owl-i s the ELfivic2e O.? t @aiithroTolo@,,-,S.stp, c-,ncl in S*Icctin -0@- reproeei,.itati,!j"@ cr@xiter. It Is alro LIY to oeciire s'Ll-rident to vate esltl-,2,.bi.isl-ii@,ti@@ I-i-tiL corosat"o fi, to V. smand to 11@Irminate asvects tI.Le 1.1ge iiiiieta too l@.i6te .-tor -Ltt i 1:4. 2ty. lwm tile A-@ to ecti.on O-I' bL,@ @lie fi. -!Ave been acci:uainting myself i-iilv-h ttic,t' Iu ,@d.Ctit@,on to i-.I-i 2 by -nt to my 1)1-ozlcct ill"lvc ba!@ocl,oii field iiorli: in of '411. ii-tjalcc;t k,-incl lii tli,,@ cliroc'(.-.Lon o'L @'er t2l@@) 1,7iG be-or" etoit,,% Jn b lie clat@i Iii hu,@id f),ii(I tl,,e rL,,;ii3.ts -:tre iioi,: l@rocc,@ice(I oii ca@i-di3. A Y.@i.,ijor obi.@:otive of tili,,Ci 9 t,o or, gonerv.1 f@ tr, or rol(, a@nd ,O Bit ti?dy to to doj3-- 5, (2'@ - 17' eV 19 P;ottVc-d@ -by rv th,% (Int,7 x'or -tt-to 09 social my interc-rt 5.ii roc.,inl 2 d@%trjr, b@,.(,k eoont six P-nd :Cov tbrcg ye,@irf. X -tvo bf@en tf-r@ch"tiiS: 'ooth a, C-1@Airl 3 0-a7oj(@--et@ rilt?l,!inL@ o.-V lz7 in 2 P,C, ttiit 'cc, bool@,-In s,.@,,tjov couiilo-Lirg 'itot fo:L, t,@e :CVTPC"-" boe%y 09 data tllL-D does t2t syatom t-@,s tli-@, C)f thc,, so?-Le r-!!,slot,:Qico i@Ti:Ll bo cr,,-r Its o@re er.(l o7er,v(, a &T,q,rtt-@ Mte Vc!ry t-IcKlef, Z. Av@ Api-i I 25, 1961 Memorandum to: Subiect: @@i-oiect Enc--Iosed is a surnrnqry i-eport of tl,. -01@@Zl-- but 2 Fu.-ther prod-uc-ts t I;c 07, @g possibly you woul ire ti-,,'S-descripl@ioti to 6ecorno a part of your file on the t(isk. I ly agreed, approve I hos been You note that as informo 6 If given for the use of urexpenci'cd fui)(-Is for continuation of tho'woi,k. A final accountirig wi II be rendered on cof,-,plation r trclosure n 0 Apyl 1 25, 1951 Dr. Th,,,,-& yw vt..ry Y@,Lr I.Stitr c@-.9 M,,rch 29 ci,@4 2y-ovr ctive and, of COUM-0, it to wta tirit yv@J F-m4iv V.'o Oro ;-.nit, to haye 6w,% a Pat t c-f v4wk 2 i M-Y A dizvpzi!c,@i c-t ycvr Fl ' - c ur,,.a n c-cl-.ntir@Lxitlivl ef ywr V"W- ?IL. WC af 5 t IC4 t6a@@ A,S,-u!n, v4 aro vith tt%a G.,*l you will kcrai-) L4 alanj. liarch 29 hv 19 61. De&r Jig & C-OPY Of r@7 re -2rrt eaverin 2 rzglro-%, is.Cls for v&ij.cN. I'@, @g thI5 tlffa years M4.rch, 1959 re fit-ndirg yc-u wo-ferAl 1-n of tL@a LmItiplo caiuro2n;-' -m ha-ro of fiz, bliparrt for tho rz,@,irt all of ths at - i udies relatcil to tus ad tr,4 2 Of CP-r-l-iod atit by C,-J_,r of P-sy-obolegy. The Of f-inanco irtdictt-t,,@'d lt*P&MtPJY for, eaoh .projoat. to c,,Oup2l,ot6 the fiwl.ea 64 tbQ of t Hy c@3titzte of tb,,t e-tirec@nt bale@@moo :is ono@,, Lili tlxia 0-@-,Kld bri to@'offia f"LA-,the tr-.k* fijr,@i-re. The 'recsoii for'thi a !;oo 21*Ll,it-U-3 io pvxtly t'-i.a@t theamilil unex-pectodly pfovided requtred cerviect .(espeol@-,Ily ref2.,caroh gr@lato on4 tjpirg a,-44 eorpvti3@,,l corvio:n) e-zi P,,,rlly' to tj@,o r',"ltttive vzac.-,ilrbility in t)lts irolated co,,W-LtyAty of th2* p3yclikllo_zieto 'pho wclra requ@ire-I to do the restarch v@ork and to re.-,olaoa gq, -TI-OF tti doo@,.@ripttcl..Q@of the otuedes ju tL-a repart will tbttt covey'aa ot t@k@-a cr-a Gtill In pvacocr. of tairlycia (.'Ed for Tublicatie@-k, Tt@-Dr-o is to occitpy D-Y tiu',2 du-rir@g tti@a rexa ye..3@,rv v4-Ad p4i-bt-72pe for T-ti ii,i,xt tvivp lii v:ritiz;,!r i)itzi U-tp tl-.srolore reqn*ot your FoRid of I*roct,ore to cj,low re to "t-,In tlio batlenco of thei t'uras to me2-Qt fvrth-,z e,,.ast* of fcr r2.a, if tILts a'-,ou 14 be feacible, (b) cowiaitational tnd tyk-itig cof@l-te V.-Mi (a) othor PU411@c&t0ion CCL'tlg* to da'qe will b* pi--o-vldc-d by t;;%* of the compiled, -II- Mill (WrittQn 'by et 1.0-vrdlyintor of lnve-stiE,@@@ti.ona moon 2 INT, 'QTION. Sti).dies on the -Lolj-,istrient of irpil,grtrits h,@ve f(iinged a notnble part in the sociologic--l litc-r-.I,ur@- of the first h-,@lf of2 the 20th Century. Rcaii.l..v tlier comes to uiiii,,l %ucli st-lidic-s -,-.s The Pol.i.fth Peasant by Thr)m,@.s n,rA, Z -Glietto by L--,uis Wirt-li, Ir@iiigration tlnd ssiiAil,@ti6n by rtn-rki: eeki, The A II.O.bunc@ai or Ainericins in the It-ikina by W. C. Smith. Th2e sources of the material used in there stuclieo have becii Ydstoricz,J documertts, docii@inexits tw,'t testimony, dc.,nogrtr@bio records aii(I Lcol.ogic-,t-l m@-Lterial (criiae-awd-suici.dc@ r.-.-tes, for ex,"-iple). These data 1,@nve traditionally been treateil is. gre-)up SILI-ln,-ti;-ies illustra-ucd by life lil@3tory, reports, -Lnd the invoistigation.9 hxvo seldom iised @ny of the mor(-, exa@-t tochniraes that have been devoic-pecl in recent -come close Y,Ct rs by the bobairi-oure2.1 scievices. The lwtibli,-IiQc3 reports sotietiiie-, to bein,,? journ.,ilistio d,-,scriptiorts r-.,the@r th,@,n scientific st,,itemerits; doubt often exists regarding the rc-present.-L2tives of the sapiples used, the objectivity of the dat-- &--thcred --nd the soundn(,ss of the i.ntcrprotatio-is thit are A review of the I.iteraturc would suggest tha+, little atteiiipt h,-,s bcc@n n.,-.I,de to -@tions cin be made either betweett different consider the dcgree to wlilcli gc@ncralizl ethnic grours or botw,@.@-n intc, difforc,.,it2 counti-les. In Ic)52 @ ,; of studies i.nto the 3(ljustr,,,ont ayid assirr@ilittior, of :11111rittr@trits in ed-at th 2 p@-, ith an ilivestigntion by@@nto ch;,.ngos in the attitudes of 3. nt.9 in their first r -,f'tor irriv-il. In thin-ati(J in subsequent 2 psycholocierl C"rproach wis -Ldor)ted, abd tli(,, drtt were collectod by both qii,--atiorLn-iire ari(I iiit(-.rvic@w sch(.d-,j'Le. Corrcl2,-ttic@n coefficient.-,, factor cu@mulitivo no--dine --@ri(I other st@itisticll techniques h,-,,,,e becii used to study the relntion- d o2ther ships between tl,.c. v!,ri.ous of ,xdjustncnt and is;5ital1rttion --n bac-IT,rou@n.1 v-Ari-tblcs such -is @o(@x, 3ge, ccoiioiia eircull.1 s, Y, ame b-@tckgrouiid, ir.@trit@tl st@Ltus, 1(,-ngtli ,irid pl.!icb of r,@.-idoilce in A uraiquo fo@ifurc of -omo of the stij(lics h.@s been the use of trol group in oidcr 2 to the ric-@riirf,@ of some of the iiie@isure-s 0 tr.111@Qd. li-i oicl(,,r to or.,%ble cor,,,p,,irr).tiv@-, studios to be enrried clit on 2 0 C-I)tU'@l 1,.,v(, bc@c@,n i-,rlclo to dcv@!.Top ,t 5t7,tid,@rd c tic 2 ol !1-,Pli c@tt,),o or i-ri- p-,irt to r(.il.ev-nt ritti,-tti @ i,,, tclitt@it.lvc,- model ft)r thi6s q@o the n(.,.w cotintrj, ,.ccopinio(l@,tion of bchaytou@, his ac'lioitiork of the now cvlturep his l(lo@litiflionLtion3 anl roforence,gr,)iips, th@:@ ai-ir)t--tion of his sooinl LIIA values '.IA the by immigrmts aid by, ,tttitxidc@s tow@irds tbk --ssir!iilatioii of iiKLriigr,-),nt-s held 2 L,.iilti-aspect -.odel has cilritri.bttr-,i to 4Df the. con- usod in Pio@,t of the irArestig--ti.orin -at arid especiilly to as5ii-i2ilation of trainee,-, iir4to th-,, vers,,t n '.s being s ucy usc*i in the pi o -the t I -of the @-,ssirfiilp-tioil of iTomi,gi.@ai@its, chi3..-Iron see bo-low) The BtLidiei3 have concei-itrited on t2bree t@.zpc-cts of the F-roceeq; Z'Xid Ile has devised standard -,ieLliods of i,@ea,-,uring these ietiiclh have 2 b,-en uqo-A' in si?i,.ilnr fora in several of the studies. It is hoped that these attempts to do@velop i gerieralizable coneepta,-.1 schr,,Tic Eknd re.3eer;,h tocl.s will enable furtl@or corparative studios to be ct:t,ric-d clut ind ultimately Pui,th-or the clevi-rablo oxt?-,nsion of thli insights gnthcrc@d in the fic)ld of sc-eiil assimilation to tho ge-nerP,,l bod-@, of bchaviour;@.1 theorjr llhl,@',Y40F l@tid STAF.F. The fiuance for th.-a 2 op.r,,.o from three tho %4hicli has rrqvidcid rc,@-eirch gr,-i-iit sal,@ries to st@llap-rits, rig I comput.,'Itiorial- a,,s:istaiioo eral uiai,iiteiiance expen.7,co, The ,-rktrit to-the Univer.-ity to providc@ lial.f-t-irae replacei@.i2ent for toacliirig services for two year,; to pay the of ro-@se,-.rch ass to siibsidim(@ travel, publication co@its c@ia-I geror,-il running 2 E'XPC'Yisesa T a th,@! large Ecalo rjvi,,Dtigatiori by r 2 g @izit to covcr intc-.rvioir,LnC, exp;,@nsc-s in St@,iff and uripaid reocarch students engaged on the vtkrioi o pro- ject-s ivi,@.7i%h 1959 FebiLuar-,t 2!-"@61 were xo @lollcv.- ,trtl ti-,u sc!iil or uii 1,%Ti-RSTj@@TE AtiD I'@.,TF.@%"j@TIOIIAL CO-CRDIN'@TIOIIL -dam -trip to@j%Wand the 2 o investigitte work on the as.@i-,iilation of ir!a@ligi,aiits -aid sta(lies of on@ ia.rants. This tri.p which was ilud@@roved to be a valuable source of i.n,'ozliation on current work. ' The obscivatiovis tlre ,-u,m,.ariz-od in the repoi.@t of April 1960. In lii,oist 1960 and Sotook part in a on thc! c2,,Ijiis4;raent of P rits which was called at This tri.p.was siibsidi7,cd by t 6-@-r-occedines, iheludir,,o,, p,@@or an2d Dr -y T two y)ar)crs, -ni,e b2irC- edited b -)r. and published in duplicated forr@t by tho@@ 2 @@@RY O@ Rr@'@,&"LRCq PIal.:ITS tt@. The principal research worker @.rirl the sources of finaiicicl s@,ippc,,rt -are iridicg:ted. 2 (Princips-I rcscarch "'orker@@ assistod 17, &ipportecl conplet,:). y by In order to stiidy the relationships between 2 the nssi,ni,lition of ir@nigr@-i@nts and the corivorgenie of their opinions i)id values to it is to '-I,-@ve o. list of bitch nt-)rn. s. A pool of @-itorts was 2 drawn Ul) on which it. Was ti'OU.,Ilt tila: -md iiLmi8rirts would h,@ve (liff(-ret-it opirliors, aixl after validation ani cros's-val.i(lation were c@@,.rried out 2 011@@l-n-@iigrol-its of varying origin an4 educational standard a scale of 20 ito!-@s was dovts(-,d. Ibis scale --ib,@.,,quoiitly shown to relate to other L-ica,,3ures of the d(-gr2ee of- acc,-,ilti-iration of J-hits, a iLi,-,(--able ill9tlUMeYft 11,13 N-,(,,n devised for meall@uring coriVI(-Irgeiiec of nc,,x-ms. In .xddition -to its usefuln@-,s3 as a itio@isure of assi@nilation, the -ilue que@tionriei-re ilso serves to higli-ligit so.'-Ie 3:-epi-escritativL, V, which 2 inust cor,,.e t s in the COUr,@;0 Of 0 l.uc confor@.ii,ty i@at-lier thL-i'scIZ-,exp2ressi-on, thl,.vi iDtiri,3to roci.,tl contact, they are socio-coalitari-rrs, -ire less teridor-iiindcd coricerii-ing liu.,-ian i,-id th(,- are less possir2tistic about the future of the World than @y DLIIIliqltiDir. It io planned to write a journal. art'clo On 'the c(@nstruction of the vallie@ 2 The role of i.n,,,ti.ttition,3 in th,,,, aqjlt,@ ol rcsci.@ireli WOI' @"urrl-visor: 2 The -.i@a to ctudy bho r-.ffoct of roli-giou@l, @iffillatioi), or, on i@lif, tind'ti@@siiiil.rLtioii of i V!,,ri2ablc,,, i@nel.,,iclo tli(-, (1,@i:rop of goiiuril ! rI)E@cl.f'ic of n(I(2(l@l, inti -irc b(.i2rg to,-,tcl on tho. effort on r7 of factor@-, in the var- ous institutions queh as their coliesion and their id2ciitification. The Quc-stioiaiairc-a were sent ctit bY mail and 654 use,-,ble replies x,,@re reec@ived, which represented 54 per ectit of possible cli,Cibic rc@;po@-ikler@ts. 2 A I?oetor An---.Iysis was out r-nd after i-otilion three fr@c'@oi,s eta@--,rged. The first b,,eii c@.llcd Satisfaction; the socond is 2 I.,-;nguage, btit it nay be regarded as an acei,,lturc..tion factor. It includes w MdEMbgbb@ arrivtl t-M at th@, present time, years of education, 2 and the diffic-t:tlty of iilkiric, the a(Ijuutmcllnto The thit-d factor is tl,,fit. of Id(@ntif'ication which itiol.Lides riatural2zz,,ticn2, ri--tlorlility of friends, tiombers'fiip in volurtt-.ry orgLirii.-&,iticons the of oyiols ox4n idontifica- tioii. When groups we-re con@l)@@2red on these scales, it was found that the groi,.,@3 was lu@7r-,5t on al.1 throe. Also low oil gs@,tisfae'ti-oxi were the 1!igilest or, this zore th 2 Congregations tor-othL,,r Wi't@'!i 't,'I-i clame gi@03.1p c@vne out hig2licst. On ttic. dentification scale out low, wililo the iors together @ame out highest. 2 mmmr- The an--lyols is proceeding -.ri(I the results are boiiig izicorporate,,cl in YX- 11 hesis. Putilicitioi-i will Lp, coi2l,5idered after the tlieois has T)rcrented. i.l.,-ition o -Ttl@i alit,3.- assim 2 -ktrlrjc.,Lp"Ll rc-seare, thesis sunervisor, f r, oywr 2 ro ,,,.nct part supi)ort flO The of th(, Study we.v to invc-.--Ligite f,@ctors related t6the 2 assimilation of post-,..iar itz.,ri--gr,@nts. A PLMPIC of (r,Lothc!rs @r@ fatliers) tf@re given -tn extc@nsive interview in their homes. Some 2 ___F,-..ctors t;uch ;.-s-triixetl iinlrriages, or level of, cdlicatiop., wideh h@,,vc- been convf-,ntiontlly aocepted rs c,.-Lhaticirig as,,@i.iii2lntion vere rint signif-'Le@7,.ntly iol-atccl to it. OthGr :',xc'.-ors such Is the feeling of culture su-)Orlority, often exhibited by ip,,.migrap@ts coming fr 2 to be hie)ily sigiiificar,,';Iy rcl,,ted to assiiallati.on. In onqiii-rjr into the cltti-tudcs o--7' pirent-5 to t,he @nes@imilation of their 2 pr(jvcd most rowirding zti-id interesting. A hiih correlation ilias f(:iurd bctwf@c.,n the-. p--rc.,nts' own assimilation iTid their attitude towards the s.1irdIL,,.2tioii of tbc,@ir childrcri. T]iE;re were no p--.x-cnts who por,,:,cs,-cd both t-,ttitlides to thcir ox-.,ii @"s-Lriilitioii and n(,Ct,-tive rtti.tudoo to their 2 Rcgrorsion in a@;c@iriil,.tti.on occurred in n rc3.atively high proportion of the. In this ro,-,pc,@et two types of "-y b(-, diocornccl: 2 who r@;grc-so ii t)icir wit t -,ti-ll t-ki.n coi,.t@Lets wlth itri@.' thtDr,,-@.- who to j.dciitify -Lnd witlidrziw frotri tilc,, n@! i)..l coiu,cc'.ior,-, i.,,@Llh its In tlii,,4 Jr ,wt Croup, rki- 2 oo@,-ur,, I)c)tli ilL tli(-, the overt I)oh,,ivioi-tral. litivitit!, r,@jc@incd othn-.i.c 1-@r@-)up Alic.:o us(,, 9 fcw(,r wit)lj@ii@@ bcfor(,., The study will be presented as a Ph.D. dissertation IV itlii-n ",lie nc..,t t,.,,c-@lve months. tion 6 (Pr@-neipc@l work 113upportc-d corljnle.-to,l@y 'b III 1955 rit-,do n s'@,i-icly b@r n',Iil q'tlo,-ztioriri,,iire c@f the 2 Egf5i!-,iilation of r@--sidii-C in 14110 had come to GCQO iTi .he poriod useibl(i rep]-1.00 were rc;cc-iv2od (58 per co-it of the popu@l-,%tion whioh covered various ots of kiaoi@lo(Ic-0, attitudes t(dolow 'CrA 0101W&anl copvorgence of opi-iiio,,is ito 2 Sorie of i.@ie riore iiitoi,o,@tiiig fin(,Iir.IL2,s: it was verified that soctil particip--Lt@rin iii to a favourable attitude 2 trwg.rds as,@inilation, Vout soic of 9--o-,4t,.s a pro-requirite for t'-,ii.s partiel.p-atiop,. Otho-rol.,o ciDn!,7,arg bore no relationship 2 to atti+.ude towards rien were riore-favour,,.ble to assitallati.on th-an were 'ui)r,,ari,!-ed. III 1960 the qiicstiorLLm-ti.r@- was again to t2b, iritellc,@ctiuals still resid-,il- i Up= Kfty-one replies were receiv-c@d (80 per cent of the-clielbl,e -,ubjccts) of wlioii 34 had previously ropli.ed in 2 1955 (85 per coyit of th ose still iesi(iiri-6o in The ad,.-..iiyii.str,,@tion of the questioiLn.,xiro'on two oceisiorts on--iblofl to be stud-'Xcd it was noted that the incret%sq in idel'itific@a- tion uiti riiic the five years interim period was but there w-,s little -Ln(-roliso in satirfnetion or at,-,ultur@lition variables. 2 The on both ocetsioria wclre intorcori@%--lated ani factor ayi,@lyzod -.rd four f,-ictors wc:yo foiatd i, sl@@owod a pattern of on both 2 ocec,,gi.ons. These wt,@re nlj,,kc@d S oai,-,l @,@ni OceLip@,ti.oi-ial kdjlAE;tMOlit, Idc,,nt,-tficitic)n ,iiid lceiil-turation.. There wis j]-so a r2ioxa factor which was cill.ed Intcgrfttiori. A rtorioer,-ip)i li:is been written b@,*Vaii,-l on this -tudy nlicl it is iic;it bei@@g sul)i.,iittcd for riublicit ion. qsi:,Ilj.)tio i @ r,-, i, t sn ti n C)fAlwou@A-ii@_r" @i-A22r finrlricixl from p Tlii,; study w ,,i oc)i-iductc-d in a, of 25@O ii- 4,' 1 ;rts oi*M This rn t,bc- ollt$k- wlil@ ell WI',@ in It)5/j, 4.5 2 35 P(,r c(,z-it ari@l 20 p@.1, c(ilit of both Itilci@vic;@iv c(@nfl0uett,d with @,i .tl a wide ray,)Co 'of the These interviews covere re @ l,o,,rchol(2Is. ' _a I clescribqcl 'y re 1 th(l iiipppo@ow connection w'th tot ferred to in -rouric itwiierarit's Pro -and au,ove, plus a great dealof bgc,,ke, I on the post-r.igration o)cperiences and attit7,lde3. A preliminary analysiq of the. reqults suggests that there are three scales related to assimilation con,- tained in the data: il. Thes2e thre 0 anl ilrc e sco,l s, in turn, form a scale of v)rc-.codo "a 2 lrecedes ,ssilailatioii in .@ll-icli &(I@iilt. @K-@ttt@on. Tiii-,,-e so-aLe-3 hole for both inales ayyl ferial,os. 2 I Jai a'mly5is has been m@ide of the factors relate.@l to degree of assimil.3,tion ari,,i the position of the ii,,tmigranls on the three sub-scales. 2 Apic)rg tie fiiid!iKt,:a were clear inlicatio@-is that the assimilation of malos is i,nfllienced by the perceived lip.ppi.ness of their wive,,. Tne wives are more r4@t3istprit to aosiviilatiori are their liusb@,yyls. The fiiidings i-.ndicate the paramfjunt i.mportar@ce of satisfaction on the job for the reytis a,-siral,-ation 1)iogress. 2 The study has licen wl-eittc-n uD 2n ricnograrh fox,f,.i arxl has-been aubmitted for publication. 6.. Izi illi 2 -P@t i@esee-rch i-io ker@-,$M(,,ith the assistanne of Partly 2 TliA.9 study rei)resente.(l a replication of tl,cjom, St-,i-d- y (see above) in the s@irte cotvLlilLlllity, PILIS some other features. A sakole of heads -of hotiseb@lds were interviewed on a schedule Lbat cotobined fect'k;tjros of both ti@2 interview stlidy-, -,nd C_: thr,,@@iiiestionnalre study- 2- 'Ihr-, interviews were divided at, t 2 Id IW t-ee -,,d of tho,-,e in er- -aid other liae.1 f@tiled viewed i-i2icl been in the qu-c-sti6i@@ire @itudy 0 to I-osj,oivl. The I)urpo,,es of this study were:- (a) to s2 tki(17 the a@Ijust-,f gr,@rit.-, in ,t kiiovin ciivii,crffierit. (b) av C$-tioi-,,iaire study. 2 (a) to elaborate tl --ion le, i,nfol-m.- i the questionnaire study., and to rbtain infor@.i,.@tion from ion-respoiidetits. 2 (d) to ccril),kre fltt-x obt.-.ti.n,(,d ticinlil. o I." the re spozideiit-s to those obtained (e) to ei,ons ", lid,@,te the (VLo al.CVO).. (f) to conipai- fck' -,,ubjccts with L)iose obtai,ried for 2 ot,'il(-,r groul)s. Ter(, a le.-,s itirirfied than tll(, les@, and 2 A se@ilo 3,ipl)orted v-ali@.1i.ty @Ar,(l use Of tl,(" by 21 w@,r@, fc,113-.d butwc-,(?n the d.,,xtn obt-,i:Lri(,,cl in :LLc il,te,alcaq ti 'Th6: itcms that seemel to be most sii.@,deptible. to chinge were the items related to the subjeot$t 2 An RiAticle einbodyirig th(-- fiiiiirC ,s in the rc-plication of t lo@ 2 study is almost coripleted an(I it will soott be sut)nittel for iiliblication.. It i,- Lllo plazinctl to write ,ui irtiel-e on the methodological implicatioin of -@tudy. 2 i@@L ad ar@3 @,,ssinilation of i-tii,@T@iarant lq5@O Lt In -iC- (pril@@cip-nl 2 -and o-sis . r@ -1@ O@kers Ort pi,rtly-supported by (i) 1 b,@ -Lssis-tcd b- @,nd -U, 11 of 1;@ ifi @-..'I-cing ciiil(lz-E,@ii The ,I , 2 to characterize their attitude towards the roles of their parents and th,c--mselves is ani-x,,e have bc,,i:!n -ecking a dis@7,tA!.ood method k;hicli would enable these @-.spcots to be studied in an indirect but ably objective iashi.or,,, and iii @- way thrat would not -;itigle thcin out as irderai,its from the other seliool children$ 2 A fairly exterisive trial was made on 137 children, oged of tl'io follo"lirlg types Of te@SLt:_ (a) Sociometric test. (b) 'Ilibat are 2 (0) Attittido -to questionnaire. toness-of-tlao-rol,e-- behaviour 0 1 boy Lnd 2of @.n in-dni-grin'o boy on a niir@ ritary situations. (e) Questi@,imti.m on uttitudo tc,,,4aLrds the role beh,-viour 2 in a riAiib@--r of situations of,nt Fore-nts. The pi@e-tests nhowod some interosting results. For exLtr.T,3.0, --no 2 in the sociometi-le tests: f the rorq I)ol)IAI chiliren wc-re those who 400 )2fl t t @F-in the 'Vhat are yi.@u. C3 ere moilul in favour th@,in iinr@iiera.tit that the latter s)iou@lti lose all ffforeigrill ,detitify, 2 althouch there were no cli-,fferences in tolc,,rkirice of iiviigr-@tnt parents, provided they did not bestow their lun-Lgr@trit identity on the children. prcp@trttic)2n for c,ii ii)t(,-nc;ive :@tu-ly to be con(lizeted in 1.961-62, pro- omo nciw iii,-trLxyrLoiit,,3 -mbodyirig the findings of tli(,, ,tbove stiidy. With tii,- aid of ttcso ins-.i-uj,.ionts t study will be Tii;ide of the degree of Latioti -4ncl the r@,,levtnt desires and perceptions of 8 lese-,.nt boys. C,,(,nerAtioxi itle. B. pre'ne i' ieference towards the assimilation 1)1'oCesq4 0 fC (p rese,-,rch'w(> or tly surported 2 An Y;Dri,,tble detet,,idting the course of the assimi.atioli.pi,ocess is the overall concepticn of this process held by the irwjgrent groups end the host ,@ociety. For exxAa,,Y@le, do they favour 2 the social se@;regation of ins,,d.grents, foreign '.LepguAge newspapers and broadcasts, conpulsory naturalization after a certFAin ni)nber of years of residence, etc? In a 'heoretic;il P-rtiole d' t',n,-.iished trie@e fi-iries of reference towards the vspirrii-i.stion process: ell Data reIA-vant to these fraiiies of refurence have been collected in al.T@ost all. of the studies of ir!Trigraiit groups des'cribed above, -n-nd also fro control groups. The data ai,e being analyzed in t'Ims o@,- . what are the tyf)ieal'@. A 2 -MENN&--.SAWA,& fr,,@tT@ies of refere,.-.ce of the vaxiioi)s ethnic gr:)Ups, how do and imqli-gra.,Its ,ierceive the fr,-ffles of reference of the other groups,. P-ncl vvhat 2 are tha correlates of holding one particular frame of reference? A most iml)ortar-Lt finding was that the irrjidgrants over@,stim,,@te C4 the degrc() to 6rence, and 2 the -veres 11.1 the iri.,nigraiitsl- pluralistic frc,.me of iiefere@,ce. It is planned to analyze the data further and to virite a jotirri,-@l article oti these stuilies. 2 The o-' the host to,@,ards I.Tn-niiprant.- ini their viorker ag@,isted by Psycl-iology III oltss. or 0 porill.y si,.ppo.-ted by The course of the as.,@imilation 0-f-any in(lividual iyr@ide@,ratit is' infliience@Lby the alttitucles i%,)iieh he me(,ts fi,ora tlie receivina coru,.itinity. In order to study thi.@3, an interview study was cai,ried out by the members of the Social Psyc'.cloey Cla.-Ilo after prior -,raining. The intex@vie@vec-s were a representative sa-,ipl-c of 200- The -study covered such topics -,s: the2ir attitudes to immigratior, in general and to specific etlir,.ic groups, d.their attitude2 their social distance from of those groups an towards the A,-Gira.lation bf irt2-,nier@itits. In addition, to provide a control base-line for the data from,int L!iiutips, tyie rubjects were l,ntei-virv;ed ciiii"their satisfaction ,Nith like and their identification with 0 @@al.ysts-of thesj@--anta is proo-n!ecling. 7f 4 fig WO 4) i i It lit 2 fir io 2 14 op 2 ol 2 Pk IN 2 t1 4 el io, 2 go ito 0 A 4 0,4 r7 o6-.4 7 7z Z Z:-7 oil@' pp .4 t4 t4 jt At *fir -*7-il-@'3 @ @@ 7 LI MEN 94 MAW am& Az4A@ I OT Ft-hiii@"-13- 1967 Dear D The r I ut-&tam ng accounti!iP@f6t -AL!@V47Y.06.6w 0- the -i@,yt the accountitg-@6@for-your------- gra .LS one- I would certainly apprectate anything you could 'd"tbii@@-it sent tO-me-@@rOmPtIY--- Was yourl@@@@lish-ed?- Sihce"IY@ Septeryxbor 1958 NNW 2,,', Jul tider tt-.e ii2e v.,fhlc I actively -Bf a e-ii Dtirij-, r@ti-z4 very useilit payc,,-olctfi a or 0 2 I zc-rot t.@a:,t prqupectus does no,2- de- le@, of firc@@ttq, i cri -ba lic I-i-iozj:31 i-a soi@ne bC-CtLlr"-- it is t$iia aGpr--Ct,@vliich St t "al iriteg-cult to O' ecc,.rFe, t@ic report ci P.--' w m P 2 WV w for some of :Ur )@iner-icelx the @-ellitig poitit r-,f a projc.,c" i 2 dda it@ r t,:> t@,,c irtt,,rcrjtg of tlici his is v.,ic cotil2i :3upport I cco it -r-jould li'Ltl-- a@.,peal to tf, etirecEo@@. ic iz@iyic-, tio'u distrilt-t:i@'6cd It, I bot-e @,oL% 2 in YC" vovcr IC-ttcr t,,-IC in -tbove. I rece-.,itl of ttie etepart-i-ner-it 2 ye@--,r iii t the Project Vii,til e (I-et v-.r@,ko i- thz,@n 2 it coi,@ld b@,, ckit consic-Ic@r@),bly de- 0 A@o, a til@e prpject, 0-4 it I 'tiavc the idc.,i tt-%,2t th i-3 2 @"a,3 tb@rc,,@-va ii-i to trylis out fo v 1 abi>t,'.- $10, 700. 00 to be (lit@t37ibu@4c@cl over tNTC1 2 Ee en-r lix-(,ferre(I v--iiy) or ai )@roject (v@t@ier'x will apore ti-ine- to srt;ll to eA-N-ector.- t@@xy ttat-, '@ito ;-,.ttached outlivo for E,,. lettor to y,:@tt. ti 7 7.e/ - /0 o 0 / c I'@ @e --7-0 74/.-- /tor)- - - op 5 lopwIl@-- I i I Augvst 20, 1958 Yer-.-o 'to Froir,, SLxbject- Project Piopos@@41 Attached is a proliosal that we have ree(@,i,,ed end f orward(-,,d to the Directors. lie have recei2ved one utifavoi,able reply. liowc-,ver, this is an execuent Or)POrtuilitY to spread Into other countries. ig this prop*,,;al. - We x.;oitl-d appreciate yotir tl-.,O-Ligi-its re,,ardu 1 e-c;- 4-t e c IC !41'i e, Dear- Sir, I am writirf, to ask whotiler-the W,.io,Lild --bo renc,-,rch proj c -01, ',:ha atta-.L-icd-statu-nent of tho Do2pirtt-.taxit onvJ.@,-,P.Ios a y@,jare 1959 elii-d 190' with tho 0 coordinator avid vi v's r.@art tir,.,,a kssocia2too As is lj,,diarAt-@@ a s ication-9 to tills state-,,@isut, tito proposed rosoarcit ropronents tho cul,titnation of % rogeare',l progrp-r--@zDa ii.,Ach t@ho has bac@@a stipporting for z,;Iveral yearn. O@thor project3 iii tlio Dopartnloiit, stich as studies of ln-@u:3tripl relitioiis, relations b,@3tvicen school ciiildrti,@qi P-nA sti-ri.7ays of old a,,o 14, 2 havo also irol ed toolfmli lias which biay bo pro- poscd stlidy o @t%-fD coxisidarati.oris have govo,@@r,--d thc@ choice of th* ti,se of t;io projcct uubrlttv,,d. Iii thro firqt 2 t i.7a,3 projoe'c, -,Iiotild b!a outficic@@),tly to peri@-3At gc.,ioraliz-,atioix fro,,,i novoral zorf;what diffor- ently orier,-tod nc-c2orclly :Lt rl,,;c,-saary that thcj prolect b,(3 roatrie,,&,-,,d so as iiot to r,r,d iT.-,P;e,.,Ottcal ror tlio ro.-loarch workora concerned, Tho 'Gotil co,-@t for ti-Lo 8pro@lect, R.z liore designod, is t;@1,1611@30 -Omdmmm]B&. Ilith rssisto-,Qco of this gi4or the 2* 28tit JUlYs; 1958 psycliol.ogy Depart;nont would bb able to accomplish raore in these t,,4o yearz than they could hope to accomplish unaided over.a mucli longor period of timoo yours faithfully, ......... ... . 7y 71 7 . ......... fw DATE-VOUCHER NO. 2-12 CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER :1@ I 2 40 of- 70 N4 OTHER ACCOUNTS 13,33 34- "' 40" 42-47 51-54 55' "6 71-80 DESCRIPTIO 2 'TAT.0, 4 11 50 'ALL_ LLOT.-CI.T-111. OBJECT 2 .113 PAY 0. A AMOUNT E RQIP@'k6. PER. GENERA L ACCOUNT SYMBOL CLASS X( 2 .. .... C 0 LEDGEI 1.1 .61.1 - .7 O, DESCRIP CA A .1 L . .. I i u 13-27 2 ......... CODE , CC,. No. ADVANCE ACC SHIP,DOC,NO.PEC :No A A :. c @7519.59 JUiN@.6 67(tEDIT -;;i@T .. @E 2 y 0, cup No. YR. f x D*AUIC. ------------- y 2 TOTAL$ oll 01-1 OIL DATE )Y 2 CIER-riFIED FOR PAYMENT 00 CREDIT DATE T SIGNATURE OF,CERTIFYING OFFI:CER FOR : 606 USE PoEv 0 (10-49) 7-6 EDITIONS oo C WI", n fi I @.@ Y.) :SUSM@ITTED BY DATE - VOUCHER NO. Z-12 ACCOUNTING By INDIVIDUAL MIULM subproject b24 74 FOR ADVANCE PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING Arors. Follow Znotruct@... on Roverme 2-4 zz 1. CA$" ON HAND BEGINNING Of PERIOD 2 Poo S. EXPENSES THIS PERIIODI 2. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEGINNING Of PERIOD Yo PTION AMOUNT 2 DATE DESCRI S. RECEIPTS THIS PER100c ibcoerase - See attached S .ECE - 'T 0 F I DATE DESCRIPTION 2 Certlf:tcation 405W.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 40 2 G. REFUNDED HI:RFWIT@ 11 I C 04 9 "I lc"rclt I momiev *OVER 7. OUTP7A lt4G ADVANCES IEND OF PERIOD (At sch listing) 2 $. CAS ON HAND E@091) )OF PERIOD 00t BALANCE DUE ADVANCEE TOTAL TO ACCODUNT FOR hot5W--OO @OTAL ED FOR .00 I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPR(>VEO Le t fy @b.@ b exp:ndi!turea finted horeoll on 01SLIG.REF. NO. CHARGE FAN ACCOUNT No. DATE 5 @ MATURE Io APPROVIN OFFO n at tachme2 to t inturre-d for officia@ pur. 0 Al confi ti.1 @nmtur - nt@lor 2 f -0, that pay.. r t11.1r.foi to t been that iw 2 hi is7g, jig e@and c I i 0ATE SIGNATURE OF AUTHO IZIN OFFICER CERT I F I EO'-rO$f' P"A'i'MEN-T Q7'Ur6'11 NATU$T OF @pA@l@ DATE SIGNATURE OF CCRriFYONG OF SPACE BE2LOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF OFFICE OF FINANCE DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHE)T ACCOUNTS 13-$3 34.39 AD. AZ.47 48. so 51-54 55-66 67-110 41 OBLIG. a* COST - FAN 2 0 .. C, 71 80@ 20-33 STATION CA AMOUNT T/A PSO. CODE IE REF. NO. PAY OR ACCOUNT SYM90L CLASS 2 ..................... x GENERAL DESCRIIFTION - C .......... PIER. C LEDGER SH,p.goe.Ne. RCC.RPT. r 0 CADVAU2CC 0 $t-66 :68-70 me. IE C L 0. SACCR. r4o. or C. R,ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 I . " 9 . . 2 ............ ....... ;, E CODE Y ........ DUE DEBIT CREDIT EMP. me. YR DATE us. . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A PREPARED BY DATE REVIEWED SY ITOTALS F OMMOLETR; roteviousi ,Opm 282 %OPTIONS oft.olmo "D 0 CUGI:FICATION Tldo La to certi that I have received an acco=ting frca mu.TPA subprojetl- i 74 vhich reflects expen4es -The accotmting Is being-retained in TM47@@@ 2 'tied I furtber tori@@tbA% satt afidtort-tervice a rep;!I@son- by the accounting bay* been receiv-ed an4 that to Ahe best -of- w,f knowl6dok:*AL@@@-f -the fmda oxpwed vere purpose au'3l@LiW b@@@@ cltw,,. h 14th Marc IA92 vv D*sr Sire)--- ok 02, am_ Pnv o intirr p art nowl@ z@ot__ - rn-l ST' i and I hop* that in t'no cours.*-of this-year it wil his on;)ortufti. us* 2 3 b,gain foi the ve I an account "Porto al-I the accoun thi-- tho@ rfip0@e. vhich ?Rim t%.Le ftvw ug ;ks, together with a.tY2ptwTittih to send tT yo-u -wlt-hin-tho next we copy of the-book I-mu3t apologise-,,@hat-the writind and Oditirig.took more time-than I had anticipattdt but-j:@@@ take into considor;ition the limited 1;669!bilit)@,es under T.@bich vs have to do this kin-d@of work. sincerely yours,- Dietat4A by signtd in lli3 abatrico. 4 i'ft7 7440109 Dear U-.I-Dresume oy letter of February 13, i967i did in this-lotttri--l mention" that oura -&I"f the clos"u 2 ok&CCounts. yo accounting fits. I-V"ld appreciate a prompt to we at-the above addreSS-c--. reply ddtorsed 1,@::O@iso curioqg AS to vhdth6"r-not your book was 97ever- sincerely 24* Opp for not asmrim Y*Wlett4kr of 4' wo "re ,,aim 3,9 Wt Wi 1-boo2p" -to bo &'blt@@t*U- of-tbe 'b@ of-it* ip to isf#m you tb&t the ototmta la** b"a o @,ma ana I tu 1%0 '9"k vilv b* 2 b7 61- it is-the Will N"tisitod@ivith the otb*r 6 the dodioa-ti"a -itivo Al#* the fimto iwlu" :tb6:::rtptA of the to the filliwt my toav*y tmir owid4t4os r so exalt"% t6&"Loi t6oOLoi t6l,"L"il 00,000 000006 L lo Thit:@kmh -;@ro'ect was c,%rrierl out -by-tbO----- - S.-,-'Stance of the w tl,, thea 2 it vas Su rted d from r-artly by grants f ]@6m the te States-L@@@@@ th Th t66je-147@@tefullv dedid'7a-tod to the genercus 2 nore v@io-ma do dA, -,oosqible- tte-'--buil(I-ing0 to tne staf of themseIV"-@urirg-the-period under review.--- 3 Published by . . . . . . . (Wh@n 40110-d ZO) SUBMITTED by DATE - VOUCHER NO. 2-12 M=PA 2ftb;roject i 74 ACCOUNTING V)Y INDIVIDUAL PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FOR ABVANCE r+- FROM TO Norx: Follow rantruct@one an Rover&* 2. Jay 32.0 3o jum :x-o62 1. CASH ON "AND SEGIN"T"G OF PERIOD s M.23 S. EXPENSES THIS PERIODs 2. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES 9EGlh"it4G OF PERIOD VOL'M%",FO4 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUP.T 3. RECEIPTS THIS PERPOO; pgnm" See attacbed S IIECE I IT DESCRIPTION .U.Se. 2 DATE TOTAL EXPENSES lu. I cok's 0 cost CK MONIEV OWO2eft 6. REFUROEO "ER WITH 1 7. OU7STA Dllgr. ADVANCES E040 OF PERIOD (Attach listi 2 09) S. CASH 0 HAND END OF PERIOD OR BALANCE DOE ADVANCEE 4. TAL TO ACCOUNT FOR 2 ED FOR S =.2 'O T I CERTIFY FUNDS@ARE AVAILABLE APPROVED Z ceftlity ih.@ the e2xpend@turom lipted hereon d OBLIG.REF. NO. CHARGE FAN ACCOUNT NO-, OATE SIGN TORE 0 on a were inearg-od for official 2 0:0 -@ f tl'dent@@,mi I n@ture, that payment of "h " ., been ;fee d and thati 2 t t ere @o.@g @@ial@tiu@ and 0 re @i 3ft 922,,-i--2390-3%)2( h@ account c r c DATE S GNATURE OF 2AUTHORIZINO FF CER CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT S NATURE 0 Ay OAT SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFF SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF OFFICE OF FINANCE 2 OESCRIPTION-AL@, OTHEI'@ ACCOUNTS t3-33 34.39 AD- AZ.A7 @ AS- 50 51-54 55-66 67-70 71-00 TATIO" Al ;49 CA COST - FAN 2 OBJECT 20-33 *SLIG. AMOUNT c REF. PIO. PAY OR GENERAL ACCOUNT SYMBOL CLASS 2 XC.......... @"E, c LEOGEO Di p ADVARCS 0 ecT. P40 Gl-so :68-70 :SCRIPT@ON - oc 0. 0 A 2 113@,27 ... @Eo CcIr. 00. LIO. S F.U. DUE .14E OIESIT 2 .... . ..... @.; St CREDIT ..... CODE T ri Cap. NO. X Re$,. go*. DATE 2 .. . ........ 7-- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATE DATE REVIEWED BY 2 IT ALS ///. 'O:M !82 mcvvous ots 9 A- Ms a final acc=t- This is to cortuti@@ se"ral -00-0"- I ing:for $].U.23 bes-been requested-ftWHMTRA, 1+ Ws is atte8tW*o@ by2@@ attwbed m(somad" no acmmting Is fortbcmings twwaacomted- for UldhO@@the -$15,,Ooo is-"being written off original'gmt ify - th&t SatUfactory serviceafli4ft b*ft--dariv- the project od frcm tUs- S-trantee f6t 4-4 113 D@@@er 19, 1966- Memorandum- T8D-Finance Subject: Grar.It-, to The original --giAht-tO the in the amount of-$13.611.2 eivdd from its-S-p2o-nspr the su of However, thb@@@-r@6e $15,000-00. Thi§7ti"nt th@@@he ri@@@holding--the sum of $1,388.77-.----AAFthe proj"t-progr@&gsed4@@an@@------ additional-grant- in th6@@@lt--of -$l,%o.90 A4A"equested-.------ Th-'s meant that-an addtidfiAl-@lll.zj needed---to be added to the existitig $1 388-.77-tb@-60MPlete the Srant This was done Since-:Lthis was $15-000 from a spe iilisource that s writte off lefC$1112.23 'to-be- accounted wa for. Attached find the 14@t-tWo--16ttets-'(c-,)pies) that------- were sent-in-attempting to get an accounting f6i@--the $1,500 g-rant.@@ in vi:ew of@the fa--c-t--ttf&t the Fund--did hot@ifollow-through on helping get the5ir report published or maybe the-che@Lf investigator has@le'Et--,--w-e-h-ave never received a7reply:.----- I would sug,gest-writing-this-sura of:pth bop-K,@, CoO ,A 14i OdUber Dear Dr 7yo-:'iabout @tbo see* glity Of On:AvVs 4-@7 -t wrote 196 iving a r*" 2l@aee&i-ntiu-for the-last grant- Of loo 0&42- the rimd-- to 66 the Tuad has suspended -&W tore requ Los ow ire accoun O:f@:All--outi activit tings to be returned to-t-be Pro", ittent TOW t ion to this inatter would be appreciated. -196 Au@us t 280 re co ivi d Al has passed s ince yow I 500--I00 it is- f oW TtF*asu ors 2 ne4:eesary :@to del ad com litt thii"inanciti----@,--,- Past- n records. sible--for you to-tttthge to av n a sent to ui@ ftd4@Ue 3Instituut on ey-pe Ad- u re a - f i" your-- on to this-matter,,-- r your attttit grantst Thank Sincerely Tr 41- IL SUBMITrfo By DATE - VOUCHER NO. 2-12 Sob=Viftt -7 ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL 2 PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING 6 ck,5,cj P- ri A y 2 i FOR ADVANCE FROM TO I-No7E: pollow Znstructions an Reverse 1- 'Aay 2 30 Jxme 1962 I"'1. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD S 750,-QQL- S. EXPENSES THIS PERIOD: 2. OUTSTANDINO ADVANCE!; BEGINNING OF PERIOD VOLI#VER DESCRIPTION 2 AMOUNT Er# DATE @3.. RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD@ RECE DATE DESCRIPTION N u owl 9 ICPRT 2 TorAL EXPENSES 750.00 4 Ewo-r" c A s o4 c"L, c% 2 7. OUTSTAND !NO A VANCES END OF PERIOD (Attach listing) :]:@. CASH ON 14ANO ND Of PER IOO OR BALANCE DUE ADVANCEE 4. TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR 7W.00 2 TOTAL OUNTED FOR I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPROVED tifffy! kthit@@ the expendi ures listed hereo an Z cer OBLIG.ft CHARG FAN Accoymy 40. DATE Of) anyl att&@hrepts were in urred for official pur. EF. NO. APPROVING 0 w@ of a confidential nature, that poyment 0 2 notibeen rece@yed, @arid th f bere@f t hips at 3a 2 Cthim p is true and correc i DATE SIGNATURE OFF #CIER CERT FIED FOR PAYMENT -JR CREDIT 00:F CE 72@@ DATE IG%ATURE F CER F'fiNG I 0 AC BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF OFF:CE OF FINANCE OESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 3@-239 4 42.47 As. so 51-54 Iss. 66 67-70 49 7 @so -- 4% 2 COST - FAN OBJECT 28 - 33 STA'Y ION OBLIG. PAY CA OL CLASS AMOUNT T/A.I!:i....!?: 2 ACC@?POT SYMO@ .!@ I $tEl. GENERAL ESCRIPTION - ...... xc ...... LEDGER p0 ll'A2l 0 ACCT. No.,:,.,: 66 :68-70 C ACCOUNTS 13-27 Accy. S POO 2DUE CREDIT 'El ..... V: b@. @'T DESIT 2 P*:Jccy 0 top. No. 0 . DATE YR,, per, '7, ...2........ - - - - - -- - - - - - - DATE PREPARED DATE REVIEVOEC@ By 2 TOTALS I //, 0 /1@; FCRM J8 u S 2 co el 4 ,it. 0 od 43' 1 43' a I ri october le@719615 Aft Door C-1 his is jr, rtspolsg-to your-lettor of OC T tL@@S1,5-50-to--,rub th4 giording tWgtarit 0 2 y 0 ,as -@- -@di The money V so for time-rel iter ifilm ind-I at# on & 3oint rt b I iL anoem-e-n-t2 ou y mil@Th e@,c@e t@ i0 1-@ f y of-tho grant$ at or@ @@ut the te -Ilk* any acl - onal I n , 0 I can refti@, (Ou t I0f I may be of@" further assiitsntt-to you-on thio m&tttrl pl*ase do not hesittts to contact me. stht-@ly your$-1-1 suamiTTED BY DATE - VOUCHER NO. 2-1 4 74 ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL FOR ADVANCE , PER I OD 2OF ACCOUNT I NG F R .14 TO tions on Reverse 26 oat4ober 19ro5 ,VOTE: pollow lpstruc 3. 2 S S. EXPENSES THIS PERIOD: 1. CASH ON HAND BLUIN,,,, @, PERIOD DESCRIPTION OUNT ATE 2. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEGI2NNING f PERIOD 3. RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD, RECEIPT 350-00 DESCRIPTION P.MBER 2 AAA TOT 6. REFUND E 2 ONG ADVANCES S. CA " 0 AND CoiD OF PER 00 OR BALANCE DUE 0 TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR TOTAL A:COLINTED FOR 2 ADPROV rL) pendiiures listed her on anc E cei I CERTIFY FUNIDS ARE AVAILABLE . ...... 2 an att ch e x OOLIG kfr. N CHA CC frAN ACCOUNT NO DA 7- I@URE OF A R me$ of A, co@ ident pay en or 2 redit therefor a the $3W his accounting@ " T@ GNA DATE 2 FFIC SIGNATURE OF AUT04ORIZING@ 41 RTIFIEC FOR@PAYM OR CR IF CE(TTIF'YING 0 ER 2 iN AT, - w FO OF OFFICE INANCEI 5 ACL ULLO 34-39 IS5-Ss TH2ER ACCOUNTS 3-33 o7 42-4 I'll .5; DESCRIPTION-ALL COST F AN AMOU STATION Al ost. 16 BOL CLASS 2 28-33 CODE E E*@ N PAY 0 NEPAL ACCOUNT SYMI ..... C ..... PER. E ER 61-66 :68.70 Ti A"!'."o 2 L ocsc*00 ON - SHIP.DOC.W stec "#-T. Acc, LIO@ ACCI@6 UE DEOIT CREDIT ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 ....... .. ..... ........ CODE 2 raoi K ter. @so, DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 4 2 L 7! 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATE By DATE @PREPARED By TOTALS FOR 282 6 4. I soms jaliuary 21., 1966 As Gr,int- P,-O @,erve d CIO' or7A 6 a C;L -:)a-- 414 October-28- 1965 miss Tr#. De 1,6 fund The followihcis an account Ing- for- t original &ran The followiit@7t@2ots" have b@een given-too. $3u- 0 oo--v soo- OID 0 -6 2 30 21: so -=.Lr-ptg wire lti@@s of -tN@-@@r-ation-o"- b V ich is scheduled fo-r-p-alicatiou in oailly spri 2 a "grant" i-n--su---ort ical review-of ru add P-f@L@l given t o azmi!ofpi mo 2 was -fS-60.oo. Msereview is -in p@reparat on. amount of-$150000 is- obligated lFo-r--a- view -of tb m ' 1 3 - y la on the topic of 4ido*abit i 2 -o Of -iih6x-- linallyl W two checks for $2000 -tb LL P"ded aftey were "do t@@ I hope this-aeco-unt 1--Vill be- Most happy to answar@---@- any further qiestions-which- you may have Si a - r 0 o o, (2ol- I AI)ra 1966 OWti@@@@n Ootober about a few As you most-Mely r-oc4U grant b&lanot9it@At @or$ iitilruwlma(coounw for'l Thw*s--to-ym flow of tijem @Ave 'Ibotit 916ii7ed aV-&--- ItiidYald-thol@@that -th,@@ are stul-t fev vhich ha"Ln"s -yet oome in- even tbuugh you foll2owgd-up- on-,tbA=- very mcwtly@@ it vould-W-tpprolated-if-y',-"-14 fl%W- U4i4l@o"iU-1@ve-not reoeived. T 3 ther help on -hey a-a__a - 2 750100----- reoeiv*d a he waa: aaked for moro detail m hls expe we voum -ww-comspowonoo-ym my -wt or rooeive on thisi@Att5ort f 4pw 7, MC DATE VOUCHER NO- Z-12 SUBMITTED BY ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL F ACCOUNTING 2 FOR ADVANCE PERIOD 0 R TO JV07E: Follow Zoatfuctions on jteverse - ON HAND BEGINNING PERIOD 5. EXPENSES THIS PERIOD: 1. CASH DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2. OUTSTANDING ADVA CES BEGINNING OF PERI 3. RECEIPTS THIS PERIODI RE DESCRIPTION N 2 TOTAL EXPENSES FUN ED HEREWITH ADVANCES END 0 BALANCE DUE ADVAI@4CEE i TOTAL RACCOUNT.,ED FOR 4. TOTAL TO ACC UNT FOR Y ciit fy t ure. listed pereon anO 2 I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE .0 ;.,, oot urjrd for offic!81,Pur@ DATE I th-t P.2Y..nt or OOLIG.REF. MO. CHARGE FAN ACCOUN 0.@ posesi 0 ture, @credif the n Fee ived, 4ond 2 that correc NATURE OF AUTHORIZING OFFICE Ct-: 'riFlIE0 IROR P DATE SIG s YU 2 'ACE BELOW FOR E CLUSIVE. USE OF[OFFI DESCRIPTION 34*39 AD. &2.47 A*- 51.54 71-60 -ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS STATION 41 2 ODLIG. At Os F OBJECT AMOUNT 2$-33 E REF. NO. Al, OOJ Y L x GENERAL .........2. OESCRIPT@O 0 C%. FTC@ F,4RO DUE DE T p c C M it CR P Y. 010 2 68-70 o Acc CREDIT ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 .... ........ ............ .F DATE 2 PROJECT D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OAT DATE IF-WIEII @'I E PREPAREO BY 71, Fd'Ri@w 82 A-65 km saw 30 t965--'-- 00 *to -itti-W ",Ott 2 by *ask lt64 t), "#II -NtA*:7:@ It. 29 4,112.60- J, 1.331.69 $6y.54 t4l.60 6OA60 6 .60 tat 499,13-1.040.43 1,540.43 mum 0 ,.Pk 7w4w pact&! r@le-Am. (When Jliiled In) By DATE VOUCHER NO. 2-12 SUBMITTED ACCOUNTING BY lt4DIVIDUAL 2 i 7A FOR ADVANCE PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FROM TO NOTE. Follow Inatfucti0ftil On )tsv*r&O 1. CASH ON NANO BEGINNING OF PERIOD .00 EXPENSES THIS PER1200i 2. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEGINNING OF PERIOD DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ,3. RECEIPTS THIS PERIODI es - *!LKL atte-1hed RECEIPT DATE DESCRIPTION NU2MBER TOTAL EXPENSES 6. REFUNDED HEREWITH I ICA$04 I ICHCC$C I [money OROCOV 7. OUTSTANDING ADVA CES END OF PERIOD (Attach 2 liating) B. CASH ON HAND END or PERIOD OR ALANCE DUE ADVANCEE 4. TOTAL TO AC(,OUNT FOR s o(O 9. l@@TA A OL@TE9 FOR 2 E. l CERTIFY FUNDS ARE A@VAILABLE APPROVED I.@'gify th!@ he 0;@pen itur6a I.C@ated hereon and OKLIG.REF. NO. CHARGE NACCOUNT NO. DATE s I GOY @tes were 7ourie @ aftolfficial pur. p8 t nature, t at payment or c i t 2 @:1 not been received, and ths.@ ;t $@ue @ @,41 0 t coirrect. 2 IT OA,TC SPIGNA@UIVE IUF AUT@ORI@TIN OFFICER CERTIFIEDIFOR- PAYMENT OR CR D DATE SIGOYATUR OF,CEPTI YING OFF@ICER SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF2 OFFI E OFIFINA OCSCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 3A.39 40- 42-47 a 50 51 54 55-6 67-70 71 60 2 s 28-33 STATION As 49 CA CO T - GF A N OBJECT AMOUNT CODE E PAY OR ACCOUNT CLASS x GENERAL DESCRIPTION - 2 p C LEDGER 61-06 -70 ..10.0*C.NO. 0A No :68 0 CCT. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 no E0 ..4 @ L, s : DUE DEBIT CREDIT ............ ...... 1> o,i T YR ix Rel. NO. DATE ;@7 ............ ..... 3 DAliE PFREPAPEO eV PATE REVIEW CD BY ITOTALS a 1. s 0 L t Trt---o it c v v a u a f ORm 282 4-65 a" tq pon"t4riv; oi@m P79W.-d" Jo 4 Aq ajau goo AIT4.m I -Ax"siootu,n wT A*TAPA j*2j *TqvnvAv 97m aq TUA Vw cr4 vs, ItOT4K- 000 L69'91 Jo- 2"tod'.10 nootioa M -1@wronn on --iltg6l AIW It C961 mV__IpoTt4od M-.toj iiL I voroad-*.9,* YaTm *04 ftT.Ivw*" we V"Too"-Mw 1 .4m An4j" III am 130 -1 3, 030. jun4@7 1, 1962 May 31,, 1 "163 Accountihg-o -f4 wjv Amount of-Grant-for year: $126700 E?Spe--r!diture Salaries-& Sup6tdnhUati2on- 5,639.20 Wages & SupetAhhuAt-ion 644.00-------- Maintenarice Chemicals- Glas"nd oth r e 327.-60 Materials 78.40-2- Travel 355@@6 Printing & StAtid@4@---- 86.80- Postage-- 5,60 Test Materials------- 170*8 Books 14.00- 2 Repairs-- Maintenance ete-- 249.20 -578-@4O@@- Sundries 3$ Photographid-gupplies 263.20---- Minor:=equipoent T2ools 215.60 Testing---- 778.40 Equipment- 75.60 Furniture 64.40@-- Photograpt-tid 120-.40------------ 0 Overheads 912--80 TOTAT.,' 13,596.80 this-is a-true acc@unting is received by APPLJGS .46.4.*A).Sr 89F(rl Asmat of Omt for Y"z waries & It Laborttory SdPPlias Materials Tra,to Printir @,g & $tation#ry--- P2ostage Test Books Repairs, va.interAncdiik@@ sun4ri 4 a Photo&Ttp'hio supplies Minor *quip**At Toole & TAstruments Testins Equipment 1 rumitu" Photo graphio ov*rhe#45 plesse-notot The 'bal@Acl-in hand b/f at the st@)rt Of the firal yt&r (i.#, lgt juno,1962) anountgi t (Wl)en Filled In) suamiTI'ED By DATE - VOOCHER NO. 2-f2 ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL se2ct 4; VA PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FOR ADVANCE FRO#H TO 296s Nor,g: Vollow Instruction& OA fieve2rse 4"M 5. EXPENSF@ THIS PERIOD! -1. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD - )UTSTANDING ADVANCES BEGisNIN G OF PERIOD DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUN2T 3. RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD' --r--- RECEITT DATE DESCRIPTION ewt -2x5oooo dPW 2 TOTAL EXPENSES 6. REFUNDED HEREWITH ! ]CASH Deogn 7. OUTSTANDIN@ ADVANCES END OF PERIOD (Attach listing) $. CASH 00 HAND END OF PERIOD OR SALAt4CE DUE AOVANCEE 4. TOTAL'TO ACCOUNT FOR @ACCOUNTED FOR 2 I CERTIFY FUNDS @ARE AVAILABLE ED II c@r ify that, the expenditures lipt d hereon nnd i ; : . I.' I., 10' ttach2in&nts were 'r -d I ic ial pur- OBLIG.REF. NO.; CHARGE AN ACCOUNT NO,. DATE gonfi@doittial@ nos @,.ymint or 2 .@f@o has @oo@ been rece@ved, and thaa credit thet 2 SID= ecou@ u* and corre4t@ DATE GNATURE OF AUTHORIZING FFICIER CERTIFIED FOR PAYMEt4T OR CREDIT i I I 2 SIGNATURE OF CC OTIFYING OFFICER ATE SPACE BELOW FOR EX LUSIVE I OF 01 OF FINANCE DESCRfPTlOt4-ALL OTHER AC OUNTS 2 13-33 34-39 40- &z.47 &B. so 51-54 1 55- 645 67.70 71-60 __ STATION 41 OBLIG. A9 CA! COST - FAN OBJECT AMOUNT 2 ZO-33 ACCOUNT SYMBOL CLASS I/A NO CODE E RIEF. NO. PAY OR' EC 13-27 2 CD AC 'r S CK. Me. DEBIT CREDIT ADVANCE 'T ...... 2 ....... xc ......... PER. c F""L - DESCRIPT@O@ . i , .*Pr. p Al '!"'o ' A 61-66 7 .66-70 2 ........ c.@... 0 C LOO. "E ACCOUNTS ............ . F ...... .... CODE T 2 All jecir S. Fr. No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... I.." . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATE PREPARE ATE REVIEWED BY, TOTAL$ F L OR Gm$ 2821 ATION C@ We is to eft-twthat I btft-t*"Ivod OA 4400%utim trm Mmk- ,qdb-pmjoct 74 for the ye -Oot*b@r-1963. -n7@@ 2#9&- Oatvber 1962 7;;7 accolating oiL the renefting groxt W"WW *28500-0a@--- to OXPO"ea wM be- r*Uin" Tk* La TM aM viU -be *06@7MLIAb3@@ow in TSD It wcusary* c*rtify7tbat-tatitf"tW-i*rVICOO reX*aeyite4 by tM accotatijtg to tbA beat of -*y knowled@@@ bay* be" f"as "perA*& vere for the s wahm7ized by t4wlrqj""a-y-grovlao tSD/BO 000, 00 dim., TO RES It*" Pi*oduoed M-YM_llk I pp@ T@inds Enended and-Hgld ill Rrse,$=$ ExVnddd: Re ser"d -to 2 oot LO-t a-I Part-time Soore tarial and-R6#4&roh------ 39342 100:::@@ 3 t44 2 Postace aAd 25@8- 283 supplies 376 0 376-@-@-- Travel 3,-19 349-- Contributors' Copitt of -2-"Ium$s 550---- 4t6oo 400@@ 5-000 !SUBMITTED BY @DAI'E VOUCHER r4O. Z. 12 ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL )EML -=A S&.Yw,:ect FOR ADVANCE 2 PER I 00 OF ACCOUNT I NG NOTE: Follow Instructions a. Reverse FROM no' TO Iwo 1963 1. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING 01 PERIOD $!to-=2-f%n 5. EXPENSES THIS PERIOD: OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEGINNING OF P,ERICD VOUCHER 7L NUMBEP, DATE DESCRIPTION %MOUNT 3 .RECEIPTS THIS P2ERIOD: IYUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION ,W TOTAL EXPENSES 6. @- I ... I @2cmecx imemi[y once* 7. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES END OF PERIOD (Attach listing) CASH ON HAND NO OF PERIOD OR BALANCE DU AOVANCEE A. 2 TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR TOTAL A@C ED FOR I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPRO@EO 7 !!.@,t Y, th OBLIG.REF. RO. CHARGE FAN ACCOVN 000. 2 DATE @SIGNATVRE@@F PPPOVI CEP, an A t W a In u 0 or o c p@ Pf de ti I ature, t a ilayment or 112'r-2. 3% co@e e f :@ . en recei e and th^@ 390- t)P o otiag i t -!IeA &70= r..9,w, -r el c rect. DATE Riii CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CR D!T SilONA7!YR@ pf PAYEE 2 I DO%TE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYON@ OFFICER SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE F OFFICE OF FINANR-- OESCRIPTION-AL,- t,'TPF@l ACCOUNTS 13-33 3A-39 2 42-47 As. so 51.54 55-66 67-70 ZO-33 STATION 4.01, OOLIG. AO CA COST - FAN OBJECT 71-80 coo E 2 5 CLASS AMOUNT Ois. IE REF. No. PAY OR@ GENEPAL ACCOUNT SYMBOL ...... ............... x c .1 c LEDGER DESC2RIPTION - .......... PE . 0 140 61.66 -or lti":V.@70C.Ne. IIIEC.OPT. 0 AD Accr 2 :68-70 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 1) ,@@c;! me. LIO. 6, I : DUE ........... C.T. 14 2 DEBIT CREDIT PROJE .... COI)IE T v 1> g 2 NO. step. "G. DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . '7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATE PREPARED D2ATE REVIEWED BY TOTAL 5 e@ FO:M 82 A- '52 2 SECRET CXRTincATioN W& la'to oerl-,-IftAha@bave ro"ived *A accomting fi@W)IMTRA- J*ct i 0(4 for the 3?eriod 21 lamity-1960---- 30 Octob*r,1963* --Zii aCOCAMtbg 2r6flto@@@@@@@soo wbick-@accowto for the rwatalm4o*4(belAwes Tbe aemm-t Joik vM be rtt&i"d ijk TSD &-A vM be@t@-aytilable to-r--Veviav in TSD 6 -tbA96t have b"A rec*iyed-m&-tl*t@@-tbe 1**"-W the f=ds by tboo V"" vai- 'Appro 100 October--I.), I Dear 31 IN&tAtibn--in Auzust was fol-l- o@]@ famil fl-thp tlo- the-annual -convenl-.i@)r. o- 2 s an-una-voidablbTdel3y-in receitqng yc)ur the e ,i3 @"a+,irn@ng,- .3s ej ti-ie e-earl-est i ,PC, 2 --,-,,requtiSt an accoLintihR of finds I Le Inte since al',- ex- nditur rom the--i--,r-a te_ y payment was made )f f i cer. I should think that- ei-ve-the internal AudA-',,Oes le. you will ret @rt Let me take this opportunity to excress apprec4,ation-l,o the Fd-nd-for its timely support:bf@@@resear,,-h Rroc 2 I I ,ram on behavi or ot:i@@t@@n 'Sma@@ groups and the reference scal@"f tht-,ir--cultdi@Al-e Ic, ' al sett!nrs. -,-ri co g@-, a@rious-papers and addition to our acknowld=e our recent book ha--, been my licis@@ting thp-r,.@ pleasure ,Io exdres 2 .3aarch to s of ;)rof6@§-'Or.-al colIPA"es- several urtiversity ard,riatonal atharng In fa t, chiefly b'CAIISi- of -itszDor-t;orshto of-m-u2-cif--,)-f t7n@P research to be re- e Lo gre invitation to dlsc,,,:l arq -at the @ill@o in my 0.-- The research7conoleted in 2 Y, 4-, .4 of-th6-@@ecent- wi-ant s the Fras t ith-due atknowled=ent in our forthcoming book- be r.@leased 2 the early part-6@t 1965-by t iou and otiie:r ol,4 tak,-! it the research-com-)I@@ted with sulport ao -bat@@e- the 1 !)ear in 3:ncia-ely yours, VW* De ik nt under The followi is &--f imniia.1-report fdt the rt2- Is ft" The peril*a covered by P4@ the directloo of for-this January 11, 1960 963-. TbA t*"t&l -fund#-.rsc*iv grant amwnt4d to 416s250.-2--- The following aspon4itures by--categOtY vtrc Paid fros this- grant: Salartoo: (The salary of the Giant Dire@tt@6r@@-]>ri paid by 'the University for the period--of-the grant. *low 2 V a-$I Astotiate PT63*Ct Ditettor $1 039-.17 Senior Level Ratoorth-Coll-aboratore 6:797.8.2-- Anthropology Consultant 300-00 consultant on- 2 --230:00 secretarial and Clorital Data Tabutatio 2-,444.13 nt# 2,,3821.6,5 Ustarch Aidista $151081. 2 222 5 Comuniestions VAchin4 Rentat@ 464.66 Supplies and Publication 210.81 669.27 Squipmant Travel so i@ $16 699.09 Total Expenditures I University contribution-i-n addition to D-r salary 449.09@@ Total expenditures charged to grant- $16,250.00 All funds v*re deposited in a University account and,expenditures-were-made in accordance vith University polity. s fiia utor 19" Dear Nis -@The Intemal Auditor, has rec*ntly-prep!k@ &ad-- tranandtt*d to t rea o ions iuyol*ihd-tt4--- grant f:@u @-for2-- a-u-p--po-i--t- -o-f----re-o--earcti conducted-,b Dr In his chartateriiti67 afhas WA*@@ise and careful c c.a@@Rfj4*"or ziiLa-x*ae&m@@@Y6' niqt*rt pro3yided by the rant-hu contributed to tho-soo and depth We do--oply &pp.-eci&te the interest and suppor+. y@ou have-shown-in proyidirlg f inancial aid. f Cordial y yalrl-g.. -?-4-14 0 seo4@@22 1964 Dear Attached please find the followi@@@tings and chec;k them off your list. 2 f original dM trd?kslotion intO-US $ 4. 3 5. 6. $;450. 00 idn't ask- r Gront i9O4-200. Alsc, a l@ttle 9994@@@ +11%141 Here I ax wIL@h a request-for-more-aocountingeo--Thess oxontt-in- -s !M- :M Ii dolinquout categprr3mt v be -in -al- f -0-w -M- ouths. 2 ammts were - pki4d zx kko, .00 2 175600 -oo 2-0500,00 2 10125.00- @-614-,-81 PART) 500000-- 1-000, 00 - O-K--Ri:c 650.00 2 250000#00 C-,k 000ow 3 loom ----- - -rY 61 3-W,?050 800.900 8,50,(O I %*400 4-4 Au ust 28, 1964@- Dear There are not-Ltoo many-quick-answers fbf@Y6u, require my writing and Fiscal Year,1960161 -Fiscal Year.1961 62 Th lowing-are-attached: -Olt 2 1961 and 1962 -77 e balance of-$1,388. ot, plus $111.2i make up'-the last which we s@ent@@to them in February 1962. --for this nor for the---- final $13,611.2 they were-in-th-e- hole. 2 I will write to them I will also write t ting. He was paid monthly there was no accoun 59-through-A,ugust 1960 for services. in 59 and 60 and they never sent an accounting ill write. I have a feeling no-one--i@Vtite-to is going to love me. 0 Best regards to you. kupst 26i Dear ow Id like to $lose bv tbe obber day and wou The audit POOPI#:4MPGd t bistory. u6i4t-your-list2irg dated 3-28-63#- out some of the -&mien mould you pleas* send aeoountings for-t@.0 follovin& grantees still conside"d oppas- fiscal Lear l2w6l 7,136.25-- 3-0020-00 1?0 00 50000-.00 t5 6s, 335 00---- (3) 41500600 4 -oo 4 000 143 1961 ---for =---Ddhft dated May 2Ao 0 We did receive an aG*Ounting 1960/61 grant or 1961/62:gr&nt. On YO= 2know If it -$720-i@ ily I t@W748sumd the above accounung bel6r@@th the litwyoar. (2) On you:r-r*pp" of JdiW-5- 1963, an aeco=tir was suPPOsed to be attaobod-"2-I-IA. _If-so--it--him joined the ranks of the lost*___ C-.culd p4@plesse-send me acopy (again)# (3) This awunt-repreatnts grant- payment madd-during-the Jan,-,4arob 1963 period, (4) Last acoounting we received dated1-Marob 15-1960, was for tu,4o6.26. No ao*=ting_f expenses grant of@:$15,,000. OO.- 'Was the bflii@ $1,388.77-over aid to tbo IM+A to? 14 A couple awo-laat-mlnut4 aooounUq*l":OOL@@d oft 'arant of $2o 000-for t)@@#od Oct. I- 1959 to DOG. 319 1960 - 12 eual pay*onts '3-Grant@of $58000 to be paid in beginning Septe,,nber- 1959 v M ng no 37,79 balance Yjarch 28. 19631- 145 A-ND OTPJ@m@@WITS - BalAnce from Previous -Sirall-C---ants Fund: $904. go Received diiring Fiscal Yd@ti 1960/61 $2 000.00 $,2 SN. 09w, 9 0 5. Exoended: 2 7 136-25 1 5@_000.00 FOA;L)- PAreOt-L--. 2,060.00 --kccr& 2peep 438.00--FVAID OAIROL'o@',3 94. 25 Balance------- ILLIO. 61 4.1 4 G2rant. @Ton6@r Received Fi -$-Cal Yeal@ -1961/62 $i46,ooo.ooE::@:@@ Ex-,oendp,d: ACC'rCr 6.-375--oo- cer&@-R;Er-D 2 6.'209-32 2@5,110.00- REPL@1,0 D 7"3 1,000@oo - 500.@@,-O 18-.150.-Oo 2 -3,3 7i@@ l@000.00 -@,4&c-r&-RC-tb 1,190.00- Acc..r&-- REC. 19423.-00-- 2 e A> 720-. uCy--- c -SE c- 96 2.9o3.09 7,500-00 2 2,910.75 e6o,oo-- -00 4,200 PART-1-OL =,3,4940 3,500.oo Ad C. r6. Rc- e. 2 0500-00 A C, c P4@-r, 0 2,152-73 A e-,c 2 c e_ D 1,262.50 4ee-Ta- 2 2t5OO.-OO Ptik-rtAi-= l@ac;2.10 4, 25 0. 0 0 AC.'rCv, R C c .1@ .3 +v26,@01.93 9 q 0 .r 9 1,1. q3 @T777@ "+I 14 2. 5 0 '0@. 0 2 O-- 0 0 0 0 q- 1 -41 2 3. IL ---I o-o-o 7@ 2 9- 2 7--5-0- 0,0 0 -7- 0 5-- 2 00 O-- -O 0 O- 578@0, O., -r,-o- 0'0 1 2 O O 0 7 @5.- 6 (V"7 -7'71 . ........ 2 C-e 8 - 1-@tixi@4 @@@Oa -77l-L5 7)V- 9 ly CA 00 '00 00 CA -V ot> oly 6/--7 Afv -13 107 '@5 ''O .1 @-7 4 5,-G, 71. il.@ 9 7' 4 C 0 'a 41@ 'z '7 1 "4@ 2 ,el_ 'NJ 15 6 con October 22s@ 1965 roan Dear Dr Thank ;ow-for your-promp"#Ply d che y an your c or- $797.90. Unfortunately, I uditors woul4 appreciate-- a summary of-@-tho@7:@ai res. Sorryito@@her-- you again. bt@@t th@d7Fund Thank you-f6r the-kind things-you--said a and we all look-f6iik@@yoql@ ublicati6h--- easurer October 14,--1965 Dear Attached a- i@-p-ies-of-l@6ttet@g-=; have sent to our ddliiioi@@i@@@ees. As you can qee, in-each case, I had written to thi@@"bol-it a yeak ago ifith no results. Let us ho e-wd--h9aVi@-better 1V@@k. In some-of-these cases the amounts are diff@i@@@fro-m Y§-40@"::dorvlt let that bother you. 148 October 14,-1965 D man Dear Dr. y2 On Augq4-", I-gv4@@@ reque6ting a--- financial ael.tounting of your grant from the In as mucl 2 i7-a*@ the- -ha--s-----suspended its- granting activities, our auditors-require accountings outstanding $ran.U.L_" end ds are: to--b.6 returned to tn Your prompt attention to this matter w'ould appreciated.@ 0 S ncerely, easurer-.....