-U%i NIEMORANDUM FOR,. I)irector of Central Intelligence SUBJECT Re ort of Ins ection olf.)AXULTRA p ervi 1. Fn cormecti6h@* S ces iJivision,'bD/P. it was cl -d ad-visable to p the-report eem-o rep,@x pro c .1 the U14,VLTRA zram in one op@@-@y.0 in vi-ew-of its, ty Iifiu'tual se:nsitivi Z.- ihis it rt'is fo'r'warde'd her -TRA. -concerned Th-ii N'MUL -@ctivitk@is withtheresearch- 2 and development of chemical, -biological, and radiolbii@al S 'de ti -o tiiilt@rial 4tapable of e nplovment in -clan s ne pera tons to control'human beii"idt@7T i6 en 2 ts 0 ;uc ar-6subjecttove.-ystrictc6ntrolsiii@ludihi:*:*@04uireme for the personal lans or any- operational use mad@6@l en ro cts, 'o e thd: R&D@@ 2 -yp" -I'm '4. -The c' IAKULTRX@@i@*@ s 'has& and;i secord crypton MKDZI;TA f -1-of t eml@,l@@ o suc materials. eys2teni ior'contro he 6i@@ h @@T c provisions@:or-the ).4KULTRA-@i@-r-it@@ -al-s-o-c-over:@ ministration and -C-0---t Th- -ad I e2 n '.this latter ;Lctill@ f-ou,nd7t6 b-a-g-e-n-@i@k:Satisfactor -in gr@!ater @iUU in th- in body are discussed e ma on TSDO. MXULTRA -was a r 2 utho ized bythe then Director of Dull- in 1953 The TSI) es, C ntral IntL.Ilik@@@ Mr Alliii W responsi i 0 efl@ vas assigned, 'b'litif th2eieb,t plov a Portiorx of its R&Dbudge+u,reventuallysetatZ P, orre3earchintehA@@ioral -der purely ixite-rnal an,,l Cora- rnaterialls an(v up -pa2rtrnentea controls;- (fairthii cVetails'are'j@@ed in par'agraohL4@LL-@ for p of the attac@hed es- xoject a p.F@@ p _ y4l 2 funding, andac-c-@6@inaver@bwaived. Ito-w-ever,' @special arrarlge- rnent3 for,!,udit,6f eX OnditUrC3 'have been evolved in txibseclwent ye@ar3 0 f!85209/U' -scope of MKULTRK is comprehensive- and The procurement of botanical-a@d r;knges from the searwf ams for theirf anaISrtit--@ c'hemical substt@hctso t'-hr-O-ugh progr sfvt@testin-g-for effect 'fic laboratori6t@@tD progres scient'i tdt ing on t- -- on anirnals-and human b6iii@ Th26 mploying ry safeguard cond)'-tidnse ins under-labO@@@@ @eg -rn6i=d@istic. opera- es gradually to more he--p@@ram 2 oLli(I progress riquires and O'btaih7i@ ioni. T tional simu at zed authoiiti" i ecial@ vicesotanximber2-of]K@@P -ttience3o fields of the- atural atihk humafi d he concepts involve T and outs2ide found by many PeOPli@Wh@Within behavior are un T S: Iconsidleiable ethical --,l an distastef gen2cy to.tii) --are-acti a and that Opposition intellig@&@@rviit@tsv T -@f TSD-t6-dite@ -ly proficient in this fields ttigb 2 )I en tve c MP OYM injicates that both th@@-;6' search tiii'3 rni te rial sar"@c@@@f @i4rid 1 c tabl@6 i@@hments-bot-h- have been major accoi6@l -Never,-hele3go 6-et@@ research and operational employment. in -tio ns of the insPtct!On are 2that Tti :nc@V4 c6nclti d S over this activitY:ffi@" -ruc the St e 2-inistra ion -in th adm en-ztheiiin ents are nee&da str as earch pr -i testin of sii@@ oiects; and@@@f th 9- - of th6 r 2 gtd to iiiv4,v6 i6hs-was U" 'tt',,,Ier simulated o erati"aLl-tOrfdit p excessive risk to the-Agency,,_@_ 'hed for the s!gAa2W -Piii@ctOr Of re of tie Deputy du-rn-transrnitting th't report lip-eace is a inemoran Ctiitral Intel 2 ary of - iction sumrn -,.to the D ty Dixector/Plins requesting'a e or@taintd th@6@in. -OA 6 recommen ations c @@en or9 corrimentt tdt@ G e ne AttacYtmtnts.-- as-stated -------------- ----- AP" REPORT OF-INSPECTIO-i4-OF MKULTRAITSDL@-. 1. Introduction -tvie" Div! si (TSD) (the@rl Tei-lifii -ai s 1. technical S& 2 dii C uppqr-t -from th6AIii6@-Di e tor-of on Staff), rece!;V" authoilt@&ti r c ce@@@Mr. Allen W. DAxUes;:@*-:@-@@1953A"eV-e-lop and Intelligen iriaintain continuijdkb@@*t'ati iii the fields of- b) chem.cal@@@d @iiaVo@,ical mate j@toclucing hurnan behavioral'aiid44@@@cr@@@@(iii@ 2 The ldryptonym "V MULTRXwaw-a-3si@@@@TSD'i esearcb, d equipment ac e-s- in th6@@@@ ie atid tWM f' Idi@7--The- cryptq@oyi@DF, s -d by-DD-/P-NoVi@-Nc->. 2ZO-F6h@20 Oct6l@@@-- had alread' b@erx is ig@@e e '@evista7- s-ee T@@B as the inaicator co .195Z (since 2 vering DD/F@ policy 7 -and procedlur rx t iiidiu ifi@6 Ong. 0 O-f--blo-clie"r -M'-Cal$---I- I 2 The MKULT ief resentation of the rationale 'of th activities.-- The sensitive, aspects of the pro ram a-s-it has-evolvecl@6@i th@i@in@ teyx years gre the 9 followina 2 @tt!6iCa hi-i'man lbehavior li::@ a, l@e--search in the rnan'ipul. considered by many authb@iui@6"n medic.ina'ancl rel@i Declassification Riviev-E.0 Conducted on 17 Ju;ne-1981 0 53 l'icatio.i b.@- 1025 :i Derivative Classi Revievi 117 June 2DOI-----. Derived from C9c.2s, C9e'- Wwngradt,_. 161140 Adik to'be professionally "ethical,- th6refore the onal-toaiticipants of professi in the MKULTRA. i@@@are on o2ccasion in jeopardy. -S:aivitle.@--rai" q4esfio-n--s--of' b. S,6@ MKUL-TRA 4c. stil@g Of MKULTRA roducts a 2 A fin,;@@ e of the te th*:Ii@ - a- r@66ts of U places iiit@6 d.--,PubUii-di4tl6sure of joi@de as2pects of MKULTRA. -adverse rea activity, colad@i@@idus ction in U;@:s p4blie@@@ a.!§,We as a ervices 2 -m intelligence a action Part Of fdk@&ig -IviKULT!tA@-TSD was- 3.. ln44@@ti@o-n-of e sensitivity of autho-r'lzecl --,cclii@@7t6atrol of the administration,@ record! COU3atincts ot the Pr simple itatemarxts- of certin@i@iorL--@ ogram, fiiancial ac D--t va e from 2 were all that:**t@6-reqp#ed-f TS o-@6@@d AC a-of funds -MKULTRA Dcl,s@ rnemorandii@ al@@@exampted I?inance DjL-vision- The 2 i-ed to parmi -Was moalf t I au it@ from audit,--- but tbi-9 provisidh FundFn@-@-of MKULTR& was--eventually- before t@he end of Ahe. ii @s t ye ar 1 stabilizo'd4vZO7j@@@t of er year over the ton-year . It has fallen in th@-"ig@@@ood 0 history of the progra w'nich 2@bout 30 perc,&nt has cf;@ Tab C f6-f MKULTRiV:!:::@@@-- ,/-Support of the-- fupaing record FY 4. The-iii@tion of TSD activities in the fiiild MKULTRA is ditct7.-ssed for reasons noted l@@elow-in the t@@ction of the lnspectz)r C;e era n w --di ]of-TSD, ef 'h th' t e s 2 a becr paragr s cu sion @vere f@uxid:lb@ @114@ secur @tonsiaeLratidh*7aWy"g_ b6 i;ignificantly diff benavior.,@ 2 nort of th a) ma.--Y- external projec s in sup. e .,MKU.LTRA. Support, TSD, -belii@@@it rnay p .9sibl6 iii@@@-to fund- MKULT RA7p:@@Ojeets- bi also be- o 2 -se(:ure methods-rnore o commtible vi e th DDIS'responsib.- ti 's.'. c) The --'-'-Irequires that a hi ye ry natuxe ofA!i@@@ percen !Vut tag* Of its staff Contr and ti"ftffng of *t@h-@@ion. tight and thi@ General's survey_rei:@orn@@_.@ se(:u@- ity practices are' rnen(Is furthe -i-4-6@ity procedurts n 5. The i- -@ects in iochernic4V aspection of ).MU-LTRA@ -inthe-follb*iii=tr 0 of human. beliav5iot@Vi'Lse questions poicyand-., manacement wy1ch are- de-alt-with in the balance of this r6@6 t:. 3 scope of-the 1,4KULTRA charter: (1) (vi@@.t'he te-n.-year life of the proaram many of hvrn4n beh@@Vic@r to the control additional 2 TSD@@@"pment as have been desi nated by the -the M-,KULTRA iliar:t@ te to investigatidnan 6t appropria including j@adiat 1)sychology@- pncluavry,, so@ci ogy.@ oloct rra3sMent SUbStanC 39 and Paramiutary ,y, - ha gr*A devic--e-s and@@terials.- to have 2 s cl& b-e'en (2) various project normal Agency rant waiver of suffiti@i@ sensitIV6A* zat 2 iOn and procedd@@es -establishment annels f6t (3) -0-,her s6cure ch fundini-of@@@CY-sterll"ctivities /Support (DD/S) over-tli@@@ars by D@@ty Director -could reasona'bly be empl6vid by TSD anaiti sottw exs@" i@i"f MKULTRA procedures. in I jA view 6f these dev6lbprn@ there is substalntial are6ment -,Lcernecl tllat redefinity'.owc)f the a of among all-pittie!@@o scop 2 ),FKULTRA is now approp@@!@ b.' "ULTRA-irnartagernent polici-e--S--i. cuments spec in -th@- t@- (1) The oirig'--al cha1-itei@-do, -if i -e-da TSD rnainta"ui exacting control -of MKULTR"-T A In -so doing$, -hbW6ver.- TSD has pursued a philosophy of-minimum d6tuii@ientation in keeping with tlx4@ high sitivity of 7@6jile of th@6@ojects. So-me files@@re sen 2 reasonably complete record;@iiitluding most sensitive matters,-,whtle oth@@ith -@-t@o-data. at aU@@@e obidtuvoo contained little -lack d of cons,stent recor uded us"f ro2ut!Aoi:@pec@... rocedares@and-faise&7*L@@iety of que@stions concer'm'ng roanagl-ment and fiscal c@6htt (2) 1.@--ck df-i@@s essen ial t<>' -i4OV64-Wthe i 2 front among 16:@@@tlit )AYULTRA ore -Unde-r nor@ma:UtirtW!istances present suxvey ptocee43ecla would have e cre'-cliting.- disabl2ing, and lethal substances verfected@ or'- ocure(i fe6id7*h5@tdv":sou'rces.' The -records on items would havi@.beiii@'rcviel@@edi@@i@@@ to suc'li-@@tihdS@@-criteria as: (a) lto2w were the substance- and its tified? pro erties iden p (b) - What k6@@@cher was selected per@the research and why?-- (e) lvhen was thework beaun,-where,; involving xvbat C6$tsi==at what rate 0 of pro ress, bised 'n what tests What are the present car)abi-lities'---- and limitations-of the substanc f6-r---clb@Kdosinte operations?------ 2 ---------- be- -Wh;it-f - e) urther researc s- eing e n th conduct is and related 2 stanc--s ari-d-h6W@@ thit era- exi!@tiiig@ TSD U43 tidh4:i2b44iroraents and b 6t ctors ? (3) I-MULTRA r'ecords aff6i@ded rxa-s'Uch 4@ach i TSD@@@- to @n-spec dh----Th2er- individuali n -earejusttwo hAV& -fuir@i@@tive-leyi@ledi4@:@@rograni and TnO3t -Botha hi-bl--2--kiU a (>f Ah@t icn@ s unrecord6a@ re- g y a ge e -t@of -i6hZIg@-@@tent incl i -!dual-- 2 ted, e3S v so- of.:Lnte Part of th ce lic@i iLr commajid liger@@4i@ In otectin2@@@ensitive iiatur"- Pr 'pulat-e- hu--ma--n the Am*iican -intelligence capability t-6. mani 2-e- e d -to 1,;n- thei 1-d ehavi-or-3, they_ b6pp@l @lln ow octrine to r protessi n" @@sociS@@@cl to their clerical assistants t2 -@onfid- a maxiihvhi degree@ ence in ir coia@@@ and f the znanagement di retion h@@4 li@@@ital feature 2 0 SC of MKULTRA- C. Advanced testing of MKULT.RA rnaterials'. --fi- d -trine-in--TSD-that testing of 2 It is tM rm oc materials und6f@@@tdd scientific procedures fails to disclose th-8 -ii@@t6hs that rnay occur- full patte:r6n of l@6@bht@@d TS13-initiated a program f6i@--:- v 69i-unwitttng U@@S---6itizeng co ert testine of materi4s izx 1955@@-The-0)@@nt report reviews the ratiortal"rid 2 risks att@@"i-r4 this !Cttivity and recommenapi termination, of paragraplis Ili, Modus O@erAhdi777 d develdot-,itat of rnaterial;%'capa'ole -of p-ro@clucing 2 -in l@um-ans is ngw-pe-r orrae" bthavioral or phys,.ol4lid4 clahk@ f itmA@@@ a highly elab6r- -)AKULTRA b- for new rnaterial!i; i@@g i>,-m ocy2 in f fbiii Mexitaii mushkd;6@, -or a fungi occviriiiti@@ gtitultural crops, is condi@i arrangemetLtLa-7@@t6tiali@@Win univer,3@ties, ph;@rrr,.ateuti2cal hou@ses,@, hos itals, state-@ind federal instituti6i@s- -"d priv4to-reseatt"r-g-an,&- --i-tio-ns vrh6 are7i@@itit47id7the given fi -old of inve3'tigati6i@ own riglxt@ -gont"f fund:2%-@@ade urid@t-osten3 a-research@@@-,. foundation auspice@s-to ti@@eclili@@t@lo-c-ated-in t'he pi@blic or cuasi ublic institutions@;m conceal@6-from the institution the inte -r-"f of CIA and pe2rmits the recip t procee '%Vit'h his- irxvt3g tig-3,tioh, publish 9 itations ) iLnd account foi his bis'finaing (6k"itig@int.olligence iii@pl 2 er normal t -of the, in a rhann 0 hi@@-institutiork. #k,nurnWr, expendit3ires grants II 'included-fdiids-f6r e ot resear ave 2 7 ities and f6t@lli@6 eXI4@@t-of research assistant y individualls facil S rnust quality for top secret clearance and arG rnade witting Of A@s-! -"ch specialist is manaaecl unilaterally-Ahd is 2 spcvnsorship-CAs a rulo@ not witting of AgencT@"pport of ]@,iKULTRA-reseaicl@iii7his in ord6k-tb@ fitld. The system in effect "buy*L4@piece'l of the -;Lid-izx pursuing the enlist his e, sys ematic searc 0 1-tis services typically@iriclud t IL f-ihi:@16ttif ic 'd the l@tcitatuxe, procurement-of 2 a and vhd4ik C otbe circumstances to caiion of test-dos to ani foun v e of -@oltmtear hbxnamsuble--t@-;- 146 i@ -to. th46@t-xti@bt that it fit-s Ahe t2@ti-inal UKULTR&@@harte this prograin or- iffsplKF -on purpo@ --I -acki r io -es- ere wore njtx@t@s, year Howeve th by year, of the pmres o g.-m en t_ o 2 s ..of the project monitors. iDn operational benefits @,is-a.-vis7Ldoit 11-h.LI44@@6b4it-ive MKULTRA. p Y-st0jrilei grant$ 7.L rojects 2b grapl@ di@tl67§t4, f -the in aid as rioted ia the prece(Jing'P@qa one 0 -t- f MKULTRK- controversial asp@@p!@ o thi@@ assumed that -th@@@2ittvity of -a-cti,vit!dA-would be@ sufficiont to jdi-tif 0 -@@tM b) cp 14i mpartmentat both a) speci@i@@t-lon f r-fli@@@earc er, -@@genry.2 On this Of MKULTpk knoxvie.3g@@7Nvt'@tiii -6 safeguards' of DD/S procedii@@y"aivecl, thi@,DD IS i@a-i- not C- -onijilted iii the desiin of Aht@MKUJTRA-n-ana,,aei-nent-6"tem.-a5iid e-@t;iblish-e-cl A@g- audit procedures -were waived@@In the subseque'nt adm.'uu'stration of the program, ho%vever.- TSD-h4s fouud it feasibli6@to contract for $(>Me --@dance with prescribed o tile researcl"*MKULTRA obj@@ttives--iii -@ved variou3 3ecure DD/S proced4i"@@@@@/S.-in turn, ht@ svitems fo-r-the funding of sensiti-@e -activities-.-- It appears feasible @6ii4 approp-riate, therefore, to jor@@ that ff2ie DDIS b6 consulted 'ha-. @@e to his respo .p_tslem tliat-does jids-,,. ilities7ts well ai -to.,thi maija. Tneiit and secu-tittl@@@@@ TSD. Thi@16i@ecior -Central 2 ha4 e accordingly -ec@om* -the be consult,6d in th-e--ic@-d -e6ik@d- of the ---t-- that Chief-,, --Support, ern, 'TSD, be a for the d@@@ suppq;@@ MKULTRA-. cons and that thtlttt@d titute ii bridge to the DDIS f6Y7iiibnit@6iii@ fuWre eYol@atioji-oflh"rsiei@n, S. Thd7iiex@@of the MKULTRA i@t@m i;2xyolyes physicians, toxicologi ts,@@-and ofl@@@ialiiWi4 cotice, and general Pr -j?rodu@@td--@Mid -findf hospit@ls and in isonavhci vi@@ided the mg 2 the basic-resear@cVt@@ects_and proc'eed-With-iiitensive-testing'on human sting purpo3e 6 u-Li@jects. These si3eci;!.;Iists are also recipients foi7 te S Of the Iqoiv of new products from l@@9niaccutical laboratoiies. Materials t Ls and procedures with intelligence potential may be identified -@h I rela -The testincr tionship. condd@@d under'accepted scientific procedures op@ilations, the p employn-ient of placebos, and 2ihe detailed observation, measurement, recording, findings.' NVh -ere- test subjects are-voluntary part!-ci t@ -in the t"ting o-t 'a-.V-pro4 S. -A-current d6V61opment 2 14 u@cts ii@th-- til?,Iiterdng of control@@-@@b@(*ges and@@@s by--the U. S. al)d Drug Ad@dibit@@tidiG@@Zifice MKULTRA fili@"ont&inecl -n-o--docu@@'---- 2 -s----&--ubj'Le-ct-- 'twas not o appr it4@Ahe gn ra4@htation on thi 1 possibl"-- a' cance Of tni@ de@OL-1 nt f6@@ MKULT RA 9bi 2 cars concern nclicated tMt7tKt@ new rules internie s.WitYAh@@@@ffi ad i 'b@ are affectihg procecldf@6@@@ing -contro2versy tii!ke"avc hosp@@@ Cal D officers and pharmacex,-*.,,-' s h@. T S@ h@*0 close r6fationsh@,ps- -S. p'harenace --2-se with ke)r indWidual-,% the 146adinA U@ utical.hou and count on theli@@con,'-irtu@ecl clo@@@@ion in obtai-ni-ng rnat -e-r- ia s v and ser2vices des-@ned itala" S. final7lp@4:6"estirij of MKULTRA material7s-ih-v-ol 10. The their applicatiort to'unwitting ii@al-life s---ett"L-n-g-s@.- it was 2 -W-,--U-L-TP-A--i@Lisstancestoprodu-ce--'',"..- 5 or I o iLn-- th - effdttiv6ii@s of do-sabli-na o'r di.screditino,., effect t cre.-tse a 2 CP interrogation'of hostile subj@itt@-@ot be 0-stablished solel@@- @ul -ti6ds. -R"ctUo@-Li and-@Uributi6ii---- @testingon@roluneerpop a 5 p@#o-tns ar 10 - clearly allectedwhen the testing is--condu@ted in an atmosii:4it@te-of confidence lund46-i-,skUled medical i--upervision. d i -to -bA @nf6rin @tttai3iterntnt 1,1. TSID-,-th-e-r-efo-re, entere n -.,;i.th cortath::tlp-area and w Bui@@@ Narcotics In 1955 -irami- d f6" --suc'h@esting as those W ividual;s- deemed des an i 2 Tkl al arra@llyeme-at obtained the-@@rvice$ of a is ealo i@f itiottt ent4tive -@ssistants on the W- t A-paL al c-f the Buri'sau-and one_of his --a-6n@o F., t coa7st 2in 191 61. -of the- Bureau lkz-s@- -its the -o--plnion TSD. -who h@t gu,- e4 MY%ULTRA from res nsibilitk@in- 2 that the fcirmeri--w-ould discl the event of com-o-r=ise@@@ T)-@,i MKULTRA pr r4m-dikdttd"@s, JIL 09 joh@-bf the testing program frorii thebeginniag fact, provided close --atpexws h a of qrio&,c@ sits to t'he T a um. and roakes V.IL een ts to c6ver cost 'of cultwation -provided =UallytoeA@@@@@ec int of targets an".&v =4 onance of ehoui;e iA7@cl'L are-a for -e -test individual 2 observation of effects of -substances on s.elected-. -ii@cular aOV*M*" theto arr:kn,&,ements,%vith the 12. The h-- Yjureau of Narcotido *.fficials hali1 been that t@est subj6tt@@7-@ld be soug t and cultivated wi-thin the's ett,*Ing- of --n--aicotic a control'. -Sorni subjects liave @con informers or meinberi@@ of suspect crirninal@tl@6@ts'frorn ure iiiet -"U of 6@@@@tatiohal-vial4ii-t %vhom t'ne 13 au has ob@ta I re tests. Ontheotherhana the effect2iveness of the substances-ork..--. individuals -at -alY-t@@ial low---iiat eArne:iicana-nci=-.----- -t@6sting h" bieen foreign, is of i)@@ictilficance and vakiety,-of 2 es Lng 13. :A signfficant I Lynitatidii@ Vi"ffectiveAe Ss of "CLIL o-rrni-ag scientific ob3ervation ii@@ in-f sibiutjr of @p rf 2 4Df re Sul Tile' Burea@u agents are not ifiecl 'subjects thelirsthours@:@e teet,,-The fectin-S d- iv&ry technilq@@@aYid i --@qo te 3 ting rnay b" efdl i2n@ per el n nt -suirface characutrittit"-onset. reactiO#;7attrl-4utibn, and ect.'- ill f In a rumb r of 'the test rubject has b@icome 2 0 or-- hours or days, including li-o- ipital-iiati6n in at least one ca#e, A@@the agent could@@@oUd*@@@@k &ard@6@ihViry 4ft@.r- -@d2-attandtnt econoinic,'Io' return to normal a ti of -t@e t t, are inherent contin-eent effec e 3 Lng. IV 0 2 14. The ULTRA program of tl,.at the object es f ert testing concern the fi Id of tox!cO!Ogy rather tvau rnecli cov C CIAO; -t is not intended to har m test-!:nclividuai fu@rther, that the progran S. and -@tbnsultation and as sistance@ iti obtained'%Vhen app;opria o t'hat the medical Ttie risk of comprornii-- througi-i separate )vMULiRA eof IZ ect diarnosis of an'ilth"s by an unwitting the prog-ram-through corr modico@l specialist is rerularly considered and is 'tatecl to be@ 9' ornincr fa-c-t6it1ii"he d&-CiSion to c<>nducuthe giv4pn test. Th@6L@@@ 2 ov -Working relati6n&@With Bureau off' intain close ictals also ma police authoriti-s-whitICt" d bii utilized to protect the activ'ty"n -s ations@. 2 ciltical itu "ve been several di@ press in-- -15. Ther@ of certairil MKULTRA-type d -r--u- g---s-- to- hum=.beli@ayi6t@@B--oa&y speal-ing;--Uies@ have- atizued tha-t--r2-e-s- -e -a-r--ch---'- adverse e ts of -i@@@stances knowledge of liq"ibl,4 fie c e-- that som o applications havoi done sevidd@i hi@im, beings is inad 2 earchers in me ic n p s-y and that professith4fk" oil the ethics of oerforming such rese LrCli@ to tms subject is tol@@ected. 0 an- -di"lopiherit4*4d'e'nce I 16. -T'he rinal._st in the research. cl the delivery,-OLf IA"LTP-K materials into the MYP-x@-LTA@@bn-"ol:@y@@ 'The governing their discussed furth6t7in the-next sect!6iq hdW@6@it !se-appvopriat2e here. ELTA materials remains an art to note that the em of MKD t@6ddf@@@'-A significant number of -variables rather than a@ scientific pro d u- neral health- 2 in the target in i,@,id al, iziclv@dii1g.@Lge, Sens %veight. ge ..social status. and "rso-nality structures may account for rug in a jziven do e'reactions to a givert-d sage* 6 and unpredictabl ,s,tin"f mat 17. TWfinal sta e of covert te aubjec@ts is clearly@the most sensitive aspect of UXULTR.A, effective cov ears to V&-@ilable. TSD offfc-ial"tate -e@story@appi 2 is transferrod to the ]Bureau of that respo sibUity@@@@@ 'Y t-"y also predict that the --f Li@oABureau would 0 Chief 14arcoti,es.@ e t Dra6Ctit@@ i-- t disclaiman:yl@d@&eofthe'activity. 9 o maintain ii' records-otViOi:@@g and ;Lppro-@al of test progTams;--Th-e--p-riii@@@ -kesponsibilittior the probilety of--s--uch-testing-ttsts *-ith-the --6f!TS%- TKo -14K','JLTRA, proa>ra@- directo -and@@ Deputy-Chi-ef 2 e-. h of I"t-@Lna-lysi@6-r@6tts-Witli the Narcotic- an al6hj6-@ Su]F@-p-xessi f 16r-o@ledoa of i@gent workin .011 C 2 is an inhe-rent risk-iiilh@@ ti n the top aSD-ar.&-l CLk M*t --- 4- j- -se opera -o s )AKULTRA substances @or d 2 evilees on to unwittin,-, @gubjer-ts is recogluze @a an-g@ttivity of-genuine importance. in the develq#ie@of-i-o-n-ia b-ut-n-o-t all MKULTR& roduct -@,T 2 p 3 ormination of such testijl,,Y,,Would have some, bi@t an essentially indeterrainate, effect of iii@@ on the devel nt-of operational capability in'ihii§@field,' 2 -of c ritical significance, h"eve 's-th,6 risk seri6iis-da.'Ynacre to Acre@-,c'y irL the event of compromise of the tru'a nature of this'a-Lctl-vl"ty-o As -no,.v per2formed under B7u-re@au o@f N@i@tics auspicts@-,now--Agenc personnel are necessarllifdly-Wittif,,g of the trqa nature and i;sgoft@@ of their assignmerxteo-- and-of the sponsorship -of-,CIA. -comprornit.e -of 0 14-- this information intentionaLIly 0- innvittinc,,ly by th-est WividiialoL@@@@ r titxic in ttie future is a haiard that cannot be ruledout. Atest-subjet -rn occasi6t"t@the fut(ir@-correctly attribute the--Ca2xi" of -his ay on some -reaction and-secure ind@@@@@fessib@haLl rnedical:@a-t-sistant@"n identifyind tb@"@@ tu f the .ind ct na re o AAtxtie,-ae:eeacLofLtop-testtubstdiitecouldlea(2Lt6@i@BVt@@A4"4t@: -co thoriti@6@ in -suppr -inf6'-r-m-ati@6n-of the essini for opezation' orn oca au rituatio,-t. Th WaAd in t2iit6broadein the circle of individuals'v'h6 idiii@f -M6 nature of lh"ctivity. possessee at l@6@t ci-Tcumstantial ev Weicrb _@g possibie -rits of and -of result.ing dam@e@b CLk h"- led-thd- Iii@ee tor@-G@@nerall to,'-r 'terminatiou-oz --),4KULTIWp@i-ogrAm.-- x s g@-@@ f the aixd bala:nte,.% 4oxx -not2- g level management of!Vdli es 1h"o@ -CL --d- tection t the @.afford the senioetbn=and of @V a gains @@@pro a ri" kS invol"d t t covert tea 19 s no folldiw that terminati6ii'6f rftaterials on vnwitt!49@U.'S@ been occurrifit under 2 @ome testing on fdreig#@iiat!6hb@l@hesi esen rrangements. Variou p cover acrenti oversea@43 a dee tvottld appea-K. to 2 oralbl"ituat be more. fav, ed tli!K the U.- S.--n--a-r-cotics agents to perform. realistic testil@ FinaUy, the operational use of the subitA@hce"ii@arly--' serves the-testluig function- in vi6w-@6f ther lack of 'predictabili reactioni2. Current estimate of the- MKULTRA/MKDELTA capab.Uity t D6p@ity- Chief Df TSD Dr- Sidiii6 Y- avisor-to the D --- puty Director/Pi in his then capac4r C i a e ans ientifc Y -(DD/P), released stud (hereafte to as tli76 Gottl -@tion of -I'Scientif c on 21 April ig6o-. coverin., his six-rnoqth 2ifiVi6@stig, -,-md Technical-Problems-ir. C:o:ver@A@ction Otier pp,@n Lx 46f the report wase -@icability- of Special Chii@ ntitli@@Th6 .1ologicaLl!3-to Oand"s in2t Operatidii6l'*--Th--e--'ms-pl@ctor.@% f6Wid-0 -and - ery useful treatrnent:6f tVo AopsncILc to v -bh-the b report, ake 2 titg p-a-r--agr--a --- p, -Su Ihs draw rnanagement account of :and funding _@@spects e., MXULTP-,AO What 2 21. Thiftut@r Qv -With the: oned-h,Ls dit-cussidh on -V66ii-from an eight-year-program -rns had the operational I-eh, 2 He observed -Ili-it th6, investr@ent of an Clandestine Sor_v-l ousoccasionsto ia the ti6hal -izi speci develop arkd7rn-ii-fita j@@ -.&;i@-paWility 2 chernicalsi but that -TSD had 7i@@ived lita6 iio guici recting to that- tiiii- the work and-tl@at tWClandei S6rvic-e!@ hid up e sh6@vii-- 3 Ile little inclination to use the ena-@roducts operatio-ially@. indicated that there ]@ad been APP@@@ately 100 on ernployingharrassmentn-,aterialt@-(notc trolledundertheM"BLTk-L@ regulation) and onli@ niKe@@@tions employing disabliiig7d@@(@W t@,vo-1,@hirds of these involved the use of drugs in interrogations)., No use of lethal su2bstances w" report@ed. i@@@@ing for the low rate of so of this 22. The acto u -cap&- l@ility were considei@@dA6!b@@@@ a--the-technical sh-or-tc-o-minks -of Ah"ru 2 ildt:6i@6ra tons- b. the@ t@@dbl6m of -t' C.-- the dis s em, ination of pertiiient d.- c-,rganiza stratio@e restrictions --on---- 4 e. la-- 2 -thii-@f--MKDELTA, ;i@ ttituaes td@@(i ff i ii7 tbi s f'-- d-- iel e=@@in tlii-- tralining 2of case oicor k--f timuli@t-inginer"se u d se-of-MKDELTA.-- is 0 s -xriater-.als by opposition inteUig6 co Te@cbAic,@@@ings of I2li6-dnigs: 23. -of 19 o@--- ill@-truth serurn, OLD ro- As LD--iL( eff @i@e 0 pil@. recruititi" pUl was Idi@ to exist. LTA -disiaci7omc t 2 was 7.i described-as low@-. o op @iold field f prat'ions.'@.. --@tantial unch@Lng a, Thres.--year3-later the sit,.iatidii remains 2 e with the exceoti6n that-tj@@@@ has -bOn made in- use -o'nicallir, h6W@6@rt a drugs iasupport of interroiati@n. li -in-the develbpi-ne t 7prouress here La occurred. nt of a t6:al piy 0- logical theory of interrogation in which the use of drugs has bee n relegated-to a support rolt@; r-t&@stins ir, roalistic pilol-operatidn6le The 6bl6ra This7@@ i&a that testitk@@eration 2 -Its pa-ragrap1h 10 houl operatio -can some -sid@@cl by i 2 rks -off ic6fit td Uil ate-ral operations are impex;ativ* icable. be quite in'PrW the delivery problem. 2 cornp ic es b to or poss -Vh exptcted critical reactiotit@ ibilitie-s- Of 2 ak6@@ s f the activity-m entog and of ens LU -th" isks i-av cl command 2 sonneVViiwillihg- per r ons --dis !6n of @e tin,@nt informatibi"o 2,5, Lirt@it2a-ti On the sexn olfficers; organ, ministkatiV6::rOstrl-dtio s on zatb4ial cas e operations: 2 ing both,6f these titoblern -p@rese nt-d"ituatiOn concern briefs a@ varie@y@ 6 'irnp pv r ea over 1960. TSD now ktg4*@w-,- areas s of seni6r'bfficers@@@its MK.DELTA capabilit A- -al of Y---- pp,@ov the use-of MKDELTA rnaterials is no%v accort@nlishea within Thi DD/p7i4q consult, the chai2n-of -com@mana of,t-ne DDIP. -f-Medical-St-aff,' 'oncerning for example@with tWChie c me&cal@iisk@!iK MKDE O@@,a4<>ns but-the t t t6-oRb@rc is-e fiiial:tal@i latter surt,-ly -*Ould no e@?cper. of oooration3. -the disapproval ?6. TSUlit@@@@@sits of MKULTRK-o-ffic-ers t -o the field in supi@@of:o]o@@@ratit4i2i; iii@@ the axva-reness:@@f pr4 MIWF.LTA. capa-b" adai lonal Of equal signiftdzt@h6*tV6r, has b@6@the TSIY station iii-th 2w o-is i-Oor-rned oi@@@@@@coh"fiic-4@r rnove PGS 1-during tli6@,surnmer of 1963 t-ci@Aipj@ot!t lvhile the --rincipal-"sponsibirit ese o acljacent stiti@@ 2 e arrang lies in the fitld-- ement in i-t@ 7 bly in ifit6";-- ti6ii 'has proved useful in the M"ELTA field no a ?",\Wen. It no@v apipear,4'2that increasea -i@eli,anc@6 c-an be approach to proinoting responsible use of the MXD@;LTA ca:pabU). lea 27. Negative attibides toward the '"@6@f MKDELTA materials 'ase-offfcers in tkis-fiel problern ift c 6 Gott ebleport observed that-sorne casw-offfcerii Th have b ii@ m@rai:@@wiaions to fli6 cohc6" MKD-BLTA ilrid-- as th6ref ore-retuse to use the materials. So@me-senibf-officers--- weie reported to believe that the proper 4&xnp@gy-meni of -tt@e. capability -re -qu- i-re- more to@@@id"htn rnost-case officers-possessed and tli2i:"here would b@6 a ncy oward isxise of diiijzs in lieu of-per --over-reliance on and m -$,Uggest classic@"k@@o technique@FixiiUy, it was 2 e o at d NiKDELTA76&ii@s woro-so "strialva as to- iV@@:g n r o a gen,--ral7defeatism among c@ise olgicers concerning @ho chai@ces of routiiae of gettingt@@@@ field f DIDIP-a-r-ea divisiozis. the- stationin,,a of cualified TSD consultants ln-t over time a catego;y@qt c@@--s a officers -,who have acquired direct tion of tli@@@d lixnitati2ons of the- MKDELTK@c4ipabil2- t bf MYDEJ.,TK 28.' The risr of st-irnxilatifig@@@ iitiiid use rnaterials 2 by oppositi6h@intelligtAce,@@ices4. @h@6fGottli eport statecl'that oppiosition intelligence', e3r sevvicesLb@r"ctive-in the h4Y.IDE.LTA fi7eld and i'@tdid&26ncleCl f that the Cl SWE of the DD/P conduct a systematic stud0 evidiii@@his _re -has be n im@le- i,nent ation not e e a and 1 it is-a subject -of increasing.@@n cance as new material "echr Aques become available. 7@ Jt is recomrnende'd-tl@at: tor /pl s instruct Chief.--Cl Staff t@@ D@6&ty@_Direc all perf orm a studl@@@@@ use of MKDFLTK-- ater@ials by@o@@@gen"rvico2s--and:ttc6mmend office re4-for trainin-&--DDIP case, rs to -eb4hter hot@t!16-t@ttiyity in this area. iz e- and 2 atiorat present evido6@@concernW t-- -OPer- -confir& thi Pr ity vould a ear to@ i@alue of --pp- 6iidg-znents of the 19 O-Gottli2ebleport. There is ,;t@n extr-emel hiad. Df op"ationalais"f significant pr r6gatiorL Cnedirk@o=pl6@ing c petent 2fnndance -to'-tli*-L-'eld in MKDELTA iiiatters tht6ti@ TSD@ Offi worldng c!versea3 IV. Management-of MKULTP%&K 44 projects i@@i@g-to the contx6l7@6f 30., TSD h,3.@initiattfi,@@@ man .-behavior, during the ten' ars of op@kration of thd- MKULTP@A program. T.%v6,nty-five ye prcisets renta-lu in eietstento at the present time, whif,-e- of cthers c in va-riou'2s stacres of terminatio ar -iijay t@--@@cl un r 31.' Active projects (le 'the-foll@6@@itrary 21 ;nvolve 4ctivity in two or.. more of ---- headin-S. I-Ian projects I y listed. a. basic research in materials-and ocesses------- Pr 2 b. procurernent of research materials C.--testinIX of subsl@Lht"@@@iii4s and@@@ings d.--developrri@-01 ceivery t@@cbniiju-ed, c p r oj' e-t-t -o i n 2 BNV, CW. ind -i"iati-on i-nittellzi@"ous proj f 'ect@s-,Ee.-g.r Ektroleum sabota C-, p (Z) d- folizLiits,-- (3)-devik@63-f6i@-@te--measureme-nt-of e sse paysiolb-dical j?-roce 32.. The rnanag@@of TSD b-a-Ls-initiated a. pql4itp@""f :d2@Xi'ecting the a ctiv-ities@@of NMULTRK and of -th6 Dehav!6t@A@ActiViti"'-i es )@ri:@t:h-Lovrards opera'udti@4wwfi6-m--l6ng-ranIXe rosea:rch@-7-Pri-or----- whitli--@t@itr -@196z@-MKULTRA-spi?n3ored-7@-- io this change in@pquc-y- a t-s itc thef; applie4 p"cW"y@::"Iology. anth-iopol -ancl 'Thi@-&asent management it-@ik-ely io- return to thest@iReld3@f t inspector.9 concluded that many of se projec a were sensitivity to 14*@@@@normal Ag -ency control -hFs re@por@t tha reco@rnnieniiJ-a-t-i@e-@6i2d of t ojeets falliAg-Aut is PT A,-@"hor2ized-,@cd the i6r ;ri n approval of the DD/P to fof MKULTRA p,,rocessli@g ify 33.' The TSD ct-tain o cornrnan for: aclministratidti-of-the-MKU2L-TRA proaram corndrises thd-following: a.-. Chief T$p@@diiig bve-tall management t9l5 a,-ibstblntive ance fo-r-tlle MIKULTRA--- prog@@m 2 C -Chief TSD@@fdi-Researc and evelopmen i@sistant h go ent b t sub!itantive guidance contribiitilig-rnana m ut no d d- Chief S ientist (reporting to c., above),, (a trame c -P-.tributi4@*ost nt some scienti,-,t) co 2a ive guidance -in areas a-nd:fi@i@@or the tdchnical administrative rocesses of MKULTRA,. He is supported by a GS-IZ budget offi e anager-f6f MKULTRA also -cerve.R-as 2 .--Program M--- Branc'h- (a tr.-@ined ii@mist) f. r ectrnonitorsl6ca----. and Deciaiiia in tne subj6tt fields of the speci c pro!6tft for wl@ich they d res ori-tibuit re assigne -t@iiiii@ily on oral commuTItt;@::@ -To date t@iis- cli@@iyiand has rilied -MKULTRA 'Files2 are n iio-x in the management of 0 e, 035 reasons and ottier@ consid"ib4s.@- ...tbro@gh the @ustomary contf6t-@@ur -.The@o tuv sensi" fisIA3 c a3. *hd -chemic al $Iit2faref -Cov-ert studi-el@@0149i b)' -the3 s',Iio-.1 of the DCI is rec aiste-d-t6 handle wrk in 6-@@ 30 ,ner outlined Ar2i- j-Lab-K-Vithout contracts Md "fields in tbi ip@Rr agains4. iiivo'Lli@@@ ly-e, e-r t! L f i et-Tss r*nt to be mr4ii. e JLI]L control2 r, ;eabusbed. in the FRO@ al of the (other thk"ikning 6'-4: C-OhtrMt@)-@46u-ld r-emairi uncl*@@. do 'Werite reaxch Pr6&raim zio re--Jodie finan4:iai arA vM be- ms c ret@al-ned by TSS. This inVolv--db-- No new f@,-.ids (AdinW Oxation2) Tab B i3a your sigoature aeborit!Yg@ Riebird H ty D:Lree-t-or Ati@c@ment'3.-- '(2) oiect-1-2=RA a2n(i T.,tb k Description of- ft exer-tited- the e.<)ntxols 'which ViU be over its exp-e-atioix Sig&ested Yemrandum fro-m DCI to Tab B" PDIA, 2 au,thorizw- P4@"nt-6f i--avoiceg under project KOLTU- A Di stribut-lon elments JLddrebsee P- Orj' & ]L v/Atta DD/P wlatt @ebaent3 2 ]@rlec. Reg.- I/a:tt=bments ]at 187624 cl 876?.4 TAB7A MYUI.TILA PROJEGY 2 evelopment Programs itive Ret@taLrch and D Extiemely S-@@@- e aIL)i)r TSS the Pxoject Rlc'view C@b@tte 2 .1.!' on 6 Ju.-ie 19 5?-p Research Program for Fisca.1 @.Year 1953. C"t- m S -"thoriz 2 a! ed th@-Dir-ector of Resear Th,6 PRC aPPrOv the ChairmaA.- to ap por lork cretie,)'n;intt with the aP -2 - cli--@iit I I di @dual orojec@,t-ss - $U- aWd -obl-liaie the research fl6@ids among in v, ci@@@ admini-tt"tive 2 tbA@@@cy proce je to be 6uti tt to -controls-4 @@b -@actively-uriclerwiysince-tht een 3. This Res@larch@ 2 g;@@ -duringj'lh@-e- ---p-"t -f c* Df 195?. anfl ha gathet@@@iderable- @dfii s i7V-@a-si"f work currentl-------d- that rnonths. It is now evidehron-th y un erway Of* -o- f thee---proje-- ts contemplated --c -an be handled-tii@@ approamately 94L c 2 t regular procurement cha@--ie@l@b-- -of-t ry contrac s y_ e a cust-o-ma signed jointly b)@ the Acency ar-,d 2 u dertaking t-o--c-a-rry out th work. It has s-o b -e -c -o- -m- -e- appr t --apparent -of-@ al that-- - o4t"telg,-6% 2 cts'are of -sucic@- re that'they cannot and the prdje itive@@atu b*46eans-o con rac should not be handled f---t-- CIA 2 of. the Government withah"ork in questi@ This 601,i of tii@@t re&, earch effort now lie-s@@"ly witbih@ i@i6 well@@@fined fil@ di-df m endeavor, na el@t 2 -'/(a) 6@ a iiitj-ih@the coveri use of Research t tapab biol "-the ogicai;@,nd- ittrial7s.- TIA -s--a-r--e--a- involv chen@dcal iii pro iolor 4luction of va-,e iou s pul ical conditioii@ch---co-,jLia- ort present-6r t6tare-tlaiid@ettine ope2ra onii,-: Aside supp ens!Veotenti f conipre@@- fron-i the off ai Leiisive capability i -Ai field -of c -2n tl ert cheixacal and bio.: logical'warfare gives us a thorough knowledge of;ihe enemy0 ai ng us- 'theor etic potential,'t'hus enabli to defend. urselvet- a@gain -tigl@t not b6-@@s- V@t st a foe who n strainiid-ib@t@e use@ol- c 1-87624.-'- d For--example: t we In en to these tcclrjiqx@es -as we are - -h . ial which cal mater investigate tht7development of a.c ena ntat staic.' the causes a reversible non-toxic- aberrant me nably Veirp-r@aicted r opeclfic-rtature-of which can be d potii@"I"id -tar,ll individual. This material COUI 2 antinit (jual@- information, iyilpl -crediting indivi b@@@forms of rnei@tal e"t"l; euggestioii and ot i-.igi%iy u esirable licy 2 -View thit@7-- and-i@e@itypoint of 4. .'It is cating Agency or Gove-rnment iiiter-es C -'-eme cases whe-npossibl@@@iii@6iat,-dtLn"f --agreement 2 -kiiwne d iWAht- TSS fi I ie@- Unde -azd r no It be sig 'ed -,Ct'' u-,istante&-,-%woul&-C-Opi"@bf -such a -greements I'tavecTSS 2 rc files where bei@*@@iiabie fo -in@-spttt t4@n r !on,. -work will be handle-d'and methods @(e) the marmer ir.@@c--h the 2 -06@-ver@nme@nt ster of maintainin -0@:WOked ility,. will lb Age=y @it)@ Pfri@-2-e as in the idast.' an t@@L-eti6@@ t@ . - . d out V41th the In clearance :ihdividualstothe-ie@ttbtcleemid@@@ssaryt@@-. TSS andt 2 wlien (f),. invoices received by TSS,. @ll'tie-for-w4rdedAd:@-@"' ]Finance Divisi t'knd --'II b-e certified7is-'Outlintd-@ on i or 2 a n an wi -47 Whentver documents are available-. -In Paragraph a ad@ --a 11 of i@ exipporting a-pgttion@or Riv !A@@2ace -u-cl@@@c elled -the-se:iiill-'t@@@ "ecl .'cbteks, st bV TSS@-- -iiiAhik@TSS files in support of the and retained rAVOiCe@@where u they wiu a all-titne ectlbii;l TWwi t s li@@abl2el@6f in beforwardeclwithtlit-invoices, SVthdocuments-atbest' @wl I only cidve r a inortion of AWtotAV@xp@dii@@ies. and regular -*ill IAO au4:11t procedii@i@el@ tbefoUd*-ed., (,gl. D -and controls over the R:i@c'tt Pi6#@iiii- t'her provisions sp@@cified i-A the original Y-IRG approval will reidain'uxla.,Itered. Tccbmicalirogress-underth@@@tiffproje'cts'handled-u@idet' 1?roject LMULTRA, will b e e Included wh never necessary I 3 ies Corp. e@76?.4 itred by the Dif@et the@ regular progress reports now suVM r of Researcl3.--The rnontWliiid&t-t@-iid financial report being submitted by TSS-WDDIA will incliid2e-fuu financi@l informa---- t!6n*nthese- rojttts, iii"iii-g- how much of the boy ILai'l>een conunitted, W-mucF. hir. been spent anct ILdmi mu--I@ rem ains. 10. The estabUshmtnt*n44P@iroval-bf Pi6jitt MKULTRA will airow@@ TSS to undertake--hie.lily d"ifable--ind ntctssary researc ih-these two be- s .6@Asitiv field wbich would nokve 5 ible urde s s the work ei:tx han@,o@-rt!6n them-acnong individual obligate the kestarch-fui-,-,di 4Ad a-Da Agency PrOctd@iilkw- jtcts, sach I)rojects to be adrrdnl rtrative controls. - 2 P-togr-arn contem-late'di@y TSS@ .30A Restarcb I r - - - me consists of-hij@@@t-Uve-@*tvo@rk,@7 The catt4re of and discussed with u 2 erati6ne lhyolv@d preclude h@cndlin 9, the research and I act%ial agreetiiints. the@ projecto by inean.@@2@uf"l-tOntr b 4. lbav;c--tbe.efore@0--koprovedtlie-obligation*nd-cxpenditure y -of th*7total budget--. I alr-e-act@-y- approved-by-the PL%%-P- TSS of .6'lo ts thi-.#l iit of for research fo: 3 contracts or', 4)1,hier Written arre,-ment j5@. This be handled-" PA. 620!i Pkoject MKULT Would you please rrx4c-the-iieceosary avranaex-r-ents to that Invoices forwardtd by TSS applyin&Ao MXULTRA %vill be paid, provided tbat.. -60 ,In the asire2gate, t'hey do'not exceed for FY@ 153 wit'hoat furt4er "tbLorli@iktlb*fibi m @b) each th4@61ce Is -ii by, tk*-CbAefi,- to bear 6 certificau* X)r)/PIT .@S, a& the Re search Director*- th t tlat the co@nditions @@U LT R applies to pt0j,e or ed 3 2 Dutlined in tot- ))DIP meiroratidum f ation %vill also -Th d witbo e certific bave been cor2."iu e ent re tst that qu f ih -k@tive tif ication 0- E 2 -the cer invoice sitall belt -ed that the ficode of the-- Boa Secretary of t' le Kes"rc --approve4a. 2 aTn bag betw r "Tt t tlie cog4"v the lnvoic 2 s been tatisfactoril f that the wO -a Tss-wtvislon Chie @nd has perf6it@td ff6ii@tccliacai.,Point of v2iew - ached 'Cordi-iit-e-with the uridtrstand45 re iarrled the wozlso an-- or concertl doing 2 d betwie -justify p -of to ayment will be requlred 2 No furt'@-er P"ject tiy it be rrairitained ovipr@" ot %,,4 ccasio@nally rv ice-$. 2 ii@"Ill b vn e signe,3, it 'll -C:Ontr A !I I - -TSS. liltoug iio formal agreerrent with the2 individual "taio In itir, be p(>$ ibl-t for T cas es, T -to obtain e wl' 2 ot - or concern P i - - ill t eavor herever p _01,bl4t --. file$ ;ill documonts. cel@Ud "Olceso aucb as cance2lled h@t@o re ,h,do,curnents at b"t documentary SUPI"-- tmain In TSS files. Sue tc.., and the s e- viU x 'd th- -r24igl:lla@r audit iture-9 ah bills, c -a, Dorti-on-of tne will only cover wed: proct4urew2iu ln;t be--fcl pro am and control over the r,,,t.sealr@cb e 7,i Oth r krovislons 2 C,-tWroval remain unaltered-# cified in the orl DaLl I- R al. record h@]Vng-subm-itted by, TSS -]DI) ./A will 1 2 'ULTKA* b dol@t.@d uiider P"jcct -A,(A tion on tht work beiiog COn. financial ir-fortna 2 ml how rnuch been cOm U 'h of the 6011 showing how muc ne-at, and liow much-t@@In been 3 2 N W. DUL Lrs ALLE ntrat Int 9 Origs t@ Addressee J)DIP - loc iVI953' @21 APT 14F.MORANDUM-FOR Uj6TRA ---Project MK SUBJECT rnorandun% 2 -o e lislied VY Means Prolect MKULTRA was stab cil oji 13 A ril tb@DCI-tS-a-rCSULL 04 Vlhi p 2 dated 3 April 195@ from DD/P o-certalin Cbnttbl@ subject t pro 19538 DCI wrote ed to maintain. -t@itions which Tss- and li2nu MKULTRA -@projects undei@. olt@ molv; ith these contr iii order I-. - 1 @@ to t2h7e DCI u-irkea i-n the DD/p memorxndurn will be @iiiciled as ou -3 April brie in ate fil"ll be kept 0- eacli@-@@Jecto sciar ile-%-vi2ll be an agreemertbo@tween fouridatioli ot4i@i" --done TSf>' a the contractor i@@@the work to-be I)Iishedl-the 2 con@l ions-=d@@ich it will be ac the condit ossibl@e ------ etc.- -Wherever but in i2--- Wbothpartit,41,@ -be s gned -thl' agreer-atatwill e& notbe signed by the clontractoro ktreme- cases- ne e. -ii@j@nry -s ch a 2 to p* @i*" u In iuch iii event it is still ent and lis-tilit@@@ -@bal algrtern document outlining th@6' plac2g. tin dates- will prepare thc-7 Division Chi ef (b) At.tye ame -fili@-outUnijitt e e of tht 2 h-scOP me andii@ for onteirung a ti-v-ation" etc. i@@ C -f@@its ac the reasons bear, the 2 orandum-Will inforraation. This Tnem APPRPVED FOR VROGRAM APPROVF.D OBLIGATION Or FU14DS: ComN4ENDFD,. AND RE man Da Dat AL on Z// the 1)1,visi 'Chiei will alsO-P;@@@ Wl;en preparing-(b), (C) 2 ' Atten a rneroorandum-addressed to- the Comptrollers ti state-that-.- Y'inance J)ivision. This tdernora Veda and$-. of th -0 2 Ikai been appyo subproject obligatela to I)rroje-C u MK LTRA funds have be The -@his rnemorand4i&W 2 ---tis-expense3@ tli@:p@tojec cover Chief and will Provide space f6i@ - the signed by the Divi-si-0--n- tor-and the Research-.--- 2 approvil of andid@@will his-merno-r outlined abb@ T Chairman as fundi=Wt'hey will t be lost 2 r-O allow Finance -to -Dbligate of the, Fiscal Year and will provid,.i@@"Ocument at, the end- invoices are 2 a@ctio-n-can a@'mst wbtcll - ented-for payment. This mernoralidlihi -should later pXe tion as h caldetailsorinforyna co2ntairi absolutc!Y ii6 tee rt k@@ Copies of the, inetnoran to the scppi--@@ prepared- be A and 0 2 Ai@6lier, okig xec. T@@4ill" et - 9 TSSIR*Ostry -tt'ver'n rn 2 ert in@-tiatiny. Divisions --Wl@& u b ii (1>1 -and (c) wi II b t@&ented toge er to the Men%oranda (d) hC- 2 hairtiman for D i r ecto-@ and the it@e@ 'h Researc -for iiitiu-- .@signature. Mttao@randum(b)@@illbereturned 2fil@e@=iiitthorandurn (c)-will be ition it@ the -pro4ett- T4S TSS/Bud jit@:-TSS/SuPPIY Serv'@es routed to- 9- R,2,ist,y 'Ivision Chief'hindliii" p r esp@@@@ty of the- D 9 it vail@vt t'h is 2 hat the TIL@rch Director the Proj4@tt t6 S e-e---t ade-nc 4c, with and that reportr., correspo formed Of rdgress 2 ocume@nts are kept in the projitt actor and oth" the @contr file. i.rkvoiite is recel $!on, it shall be ve(I by. the D v3, 2 When an -']Fin;i@ VI fo-rwardedto-CUefj,---------- -Di-'Sionj, Aa.TSS/Dudget with i@-memorandutn@@ta-tiDg it apblies to subproject 2'Office@r' @'uneaer Pioj ct 1,MULTRA. The,inemoranduirn -------- ------- VI g I rtructid-n-@-iilv,61 n method of di@ib4ide any specia in ghoul e - wlii etc.- The ther. by rheck or cash& t i4:c@ertifieitioii4-thust-aPPear. on folipw0i W- attac*hed-to it- t- thi s i S Invoic e NO. !11"8 here-by--C-t@itified tha ,,@@of project "I)LTRAD applying to subproi 2 :)y (name of thecontractor) that techrical performanct n satisfactOrY, that the v-Tork,,A@as th has bee ached wi tual agreementre in accO'rdihi@"tw the tnd correct ) thtt-this bill is just (narn Of contractor i t yet been f has no and that ent th@&@ Date*. D@ivi 2 tified that thii- itV6!c'c i '-it is -h6tt@@@ whicl@-wis et I..IKuLTP-A under Proi oject has bee rried out d@ly appro,,7ed, and that ttle Pr d durin-to IDCI d@@to- li th DD/p memorar, tW 3-A@ril--1953 amA the DCl.mernorandurn to DD/A date" ed an&@@2@sttd.- is authoriz 13 April-1953@---Vaym@ Date li#*@arch Director f ff,6 -C"tified th 2 rogr at the- scope 0 P t7 -1@@@yoved (3) has Of Pi@6ject MKULTRA.,, subprole Date,. Tssloccvs2r/jel -0 April 1953)' s -ributio-p- IC I xssfoc., - TS@l". 1Z.