-NdV@6@er I 63- Z MEMORANDUMANDR:THE@lR@@@ IBCR S uz 1. A Yneating@)@held-i -n- 0-6@l Ci:@'s- offic2"n Z-9--N6i6in 1963 to di bject-j@@rarn. Th e present,-ih-A:ddition to scuss-the su Coneral C-Arters were Mos-srs -,- He-lihs. K ick; iGottuel>,. and E@@@@T was-thojesti2ng of certain dru s on unwitting U. S. c zens. Dr. G@6Ul gave a Vr histor"@the MKITLTRA:@@@@hich,%vas with tbA@IG re ort of:A@@1963-o-n this subject. tio-- f fq'r-th@@@2ntinua, n o xmwittiii@ting, u@ nt -@@-tbAt cohttt@it" testi- ng m cannot be de eliq@@on for accurate results. General-I Kirkpa-2trick t tli@- nec -for havthg a "stable- 6f dru-gs" on th -shelf an essity i e e requ rement for--co:ntinlied-re ;arch-"-d@6@ f d@f@--not onlg@2f@@@ible operational-use-:biit also to t@@@ight on this@@statb7ot1h"rt in thi@@@ -field and jA jzh' . b677 expected t-o' d-o-iiiAh6lR&D@- g s 2 -g >te'd that there was n@ di'sa reement:witl@ the recomrnena@itid6i:6fAWIG survey on ZMKTJLTIM with thi@ exceptidh@ of We unw-i4tng In response to a query @ro Carter,, 2he- stat-ed ----t s ch tbstiii-g has been held in U- abeyance. 4. G-e--n--e-ral-Carter understood th-e'--n-ecessity -testing 2 for f-@ill t-vpe-s of dr-ugs-@--to incl,@d"heir- brte Hbw:d@he Nitas t un,%vit-tl'fii-@i*@pe@ct"*- This led tof di6t-ussion on th@@ibilitv of un,%vittiiia, t@6.kts--6h f6f6gn, nationals ---b;.,., according to 'Ithis had been ruled out, as- a::result of sevoral -With senior chiefCof:gUtions too dangerous conversations@@ec-ently hd4 and the lack of contioll-e-d-facilities.-(Thi -s----s--e- -e -med -an odd--@onclus Lon IL to me since the sam"ang -th6- U --'S and f ers exist iii r onv-what-,%v able to ii ut durinc, our survey, th@6@ilitili@@ have- r 2 were nd o -f th unco -t@@@i-ng eave mu 0 ntroll6d ch to be desired--I macle a- oint agreed,. a@@That 2 IvMULkRA woad be revised as reconunen along th@@- ea 0-survey... or b.@LTK@Lproc ures f testing rugs, eV ew 2an4k 4@4@l ls "bmitted.- C4-@ @it I 9 -C on -clu(!Fe--cl7bkA -e- DD /P-ih@t unw ittin& te oxvamert flon@@@hese 4i4is, 4 m"come necessaryaq@ am befb@ri@@ irecto i@@@his probi --I made t -found oth --b o@tAhi"'hi had er ro leras -with the statecl-if th4-charter-ilt@@ Al-on@@@ecornmended I believ NOTE.'- w nde -6--IG Si@@@@-MKULTRA aschi 7 Th d -@l a f t@@-- r-th 2 g the -charter. ikkzl -1 Ms JSE:cm