-RECORD ME240RA-N" MR- THE SUBJECT HMT?A.- subp-r-O-J e a l@- 130 -f-or-the purpose "in-ancing IM 1 This sub@toject is 0 l@eattacbed pro2posal on m Th@oO@ry i&7Patientswitli The work will--be- rfomed at a University. 2. Tbe-attached proposal covers a aAwluatd--dd-taii-the-t-edli.-- n2ical scope o"b67WJqct. It is part of 'the -for study of the Weebsl6r-B4116vi@@@@@lo-pq-ld-f the indirect-assessment program,,- I (KMTRA NO* TI) vil.1 be a major contributor -to-tl*:deVelop--- ment of -this: study,, 2 3- 'Tbig@l-tot&l cost of-this p -t6:6k@@@ 3.,570-00,- Charges ih6ti@-mad6L!== Is e3timated not $1 against Allotdkdt:-LI2 ;1009.. wi3i b4-@@ 2 ecurity and7co"e:@@@s. Accounting for -expM!@"baU-7dWdft7Wtb-e---eatablis cedures of that@--orgo4#4tione 50- Tit 0 any! rmanen e Ms-el a the Universit 6haL@ e retb472-d be-U4@@@n@-lieu@ overhead ratbs, W-2 -@roject.0 it-it aetro-ed --In connectio"th ravel@ und4t@ this that the Ag@Ny:vl@@ t the t7ravel doctbdhtatibh and accounting whi 2 oh conforu 76 MOM has been cleared through TOP @tCfaT a-nd is witting of true-3ponsor-ship-0 Attached-. Research Propoeal=:7 DLSTRTBUTION:: Original APPROM FOR CBLIGATION OF Ftqm Date0 2