SOB 29 Novomber 1960 ICHMI FIXAWI-- DIVLSICIN I., Allotme-at I,Xnvoice No.'l to attach-*d-cm-zir4 the ab-ov 2 Payment a4 - fOllM I Caabler's-chei-di tb4p-&=mt Of $13 5706 0 payabld t@ -mM be ilorwarda4 to 2 -sh Chl6f, thrmah TSD/@&@t OMeeruno later thm Tuaskw-x3-@@@, be that a&utional-Ain@@ fw o files. 2 TI:A? AU -Utit, invo co-& C@ertiflc&Uon OtA.,- 1 TSD/FASS T- C3 F- $Jj-iZ?o 1 CFFS