CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY r,onerel coun-%el 2 3JUIY 1983 Honorable Rex C. Lee solicitor General of tbk United States U.S, Department Of Justice Washingtont DC 2053D Dear Mr. Le'e: 3ze: John Carv simse et bi- V. CIA 1983) 2 10 on lo j'une 1983i the court of hppealsi with Circuit Judge se'ting in part, entered an opinibn 06verse to the Bork dis n (CIA). As you are aware, Central intelligence Agency circuit judge E6waras -* speating for the Court, held that the CIA bad 5not properly sustained its claims that certain in(3ivi(lual researchers involved in the )IKULTRA project were 'intelligence sources* for purposes of 50 U.S.C. S4D3(d)(3) and, thus, for exemption ('-,)(3) of the Free6om of information Act (FOLAI ISSUES PRES@ENTED DISCUSSION -2-3- 41- under @ims-l It most CIA case of f icers @ill f eei personaliy ot>ligatea ind@au@ty-bound to %iarn their agents that the CIA cannot quarantee,the anonymity essential to that -relationship. Sincerely, Stanley rkin General Counsel .2 2 APR l@8 Penny Bevis National security Studies centoc for 122 maryland Avenue, HE wasbtngton, DC 20002 Dear Ka, Bevies This Is a final response to your 2 August 1983 ]Freedom of Act (POIA) request (your C-141) f*t COPIOS Of CIA informa2tion c*cords docuimenting the comments of Agency case officers concerning the Site test. The processing of your request Included a search for records up through the date of our 17 August 1963 acceptance letter, We have completed a thorough search for records responsive to your request and located two documents listed below wbich we have determined may be rtleased to you I2n segregable form pursuant to FOIA exemptions (b) (3) and (b) (5) .In reference to exemption (b) (5) , the Agency Is assorting the attorney-work product attocney-cl ent and deliberative process priviteges as embodleo in that exesption. Copies of these docoaents and an explanation of oxerdpticns are enclosed. 2 Documents 1.0 Undated notes. 2. @lomorandum# 13 July 1993. The official etaponsible for these determination* Is 14r, Jo Edwin Dietel,, Depu ty General Counsel of the Central 1-ntelligence Agency. You have th* right to appeal the &Love decisions by addcossi2ng 'YOUC appeal to the CIA Information Review Committee# In my care,,' Should you dociae to do this* please explain the basis of your appealst All foe's,:for your Particular request bove been valved. We i!ologiso for the length of time It has taken us to completq p the processing pf your 5request# but we have been Inundated by a otge number of c'tquesto over the pagt several years. Under the'-, circumstances, we have done our best to be fair to all of our requesters. Thus, we establiahed soae years ago the policy of first-received, ftrst-answered. Thank you for your patience and consideration while we were processing your request. Sincerelyo John B. Wright Information and Privacy Coordinator Enclosure IPD/FPO/ksk/172 Ar-r 85 Distribution: orig - Adse w/encl I - Chrono ---FB3-0735 GIP (b)(3) (b)(5) Denier: J. Edwin Dietel, OGC; fees waived .0