>2pC>2p;>2pENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGT>2pO>2pP>2pI>1p, D.C. 20505 2 November >2p1977 John Gavin, Esq. Office of Legal Counsel Depart>2pment of Justice Washington, D.C. 20530 Dear Jchn>1p: 2 Further in line with our telephone conversation of 31 October, I am furnishing you, for whatever action you deem appropriate, the following information concerning another incident >2pwhich further demonstrates the difficulties which might arise in connection with any CIA program to investi>1p- gate, identify, locate and assist alleged victims of this Agency's support of 2 MKULTRA>1p-type researc>2ph acti>2pv>2pities in the >1p1>1p9>1p5>1p0>1ps and 1960s>1p. On 26 October e>2pmploy>1pee of the an contacted the Office of the Inspector General >2phere at the Ag the following information. His wife, whose mai n na>2pme is ried from 1955 until >1p1 2 eci by CIA at t >1piat tim n e mme >1p0 ac>2peb>1p->2pr>1p->2pc>2pn>2pT>2pr>2pg>1p->2p,>2pFo she >1pa>1pc>1pc>1po>1pm>1pp>1pa>1pn>1pi>1pe>2p8 her husband to the farm of her husband>1p'>2p.s superv r dinner, >2pdrinks and wine. She believes her husband worked for Dr. Gottlieb who >2pm>2p,as Chief of the Technical Services Sta2ff Chemical Division and hea>2p,>2p,>2prily involved in M>2pKULTRA activities. Her -next recollection is receiving electric shock treatments at George Washington 7>2pi >2pt>2pjniversity Hospital for some time, followed by a co>1pnvalescent period of several weeks at ho>2pme>1p. She then recalls being ref>2perred by her husband's supervisor to a friend of the supervisor s at the "Boston Psvc>2phiatric2 Hos>2pm tal>1p. She and herhusband>1p, went to os w>2pne>1p-r>1p-e>2p->2p,>2p5>2pne entert>2p:>1p-c>2pi t at >2pr>2piospita>2pi>1p. s supervisor visited her there and she recalls a strange >2pv>2p,alk out of doors with the latter. She also rez>2prerr>2pibers taking various tests at the Hospital. uffered a "relapse" and r>2pequire2d psychiatric care two years u apparently has since >1p"co>2pme out of it. I T>2phe recent Senate hear>2pi >2pd attendant publicity concerning Project >2ph>1p4>1pK>1pU>1pL>1pT>1pR>1pA >2pr>2p)rornpted to re>2pview the Senate t>2pranscripts which h found contained inf>2pO2>2p->1p- supporti>1p->1pve of his >2p%>2p,ife's recollection not ask for 1 an>2p3>2p, specific action or relief. He has been a v se >2p%>2pi>2po>2pi >2ped no objection regarding our opinion that this matter should not be investigated di>2pi>1p-ectly by CIA at this time but should be referred to Justice for conside>2pration>1p. >1p,>2p30>2pV>2pOT>2pI>2pOA>2p, I>2p'>2pVe have been able to confirm from A enc records th --was in fact em >2p]>2po>2p3>2p,ed by the. Agency fro>2pm >2p@>2pl >2pt>2p- >2p)>2pI>2pp>2pl>2pe>2pq >2pr>2pi>2pag>2pi>1p->2pces in che>2pm>2pical en assign>2ped 2 from appears he worked in t L- er Dr. Gottlieb fro hen he was assigned to lie was niarri>2pec>2pl to>2p@>2p@ ary L >1pne>1p->1p->2pmarr>2piage was clissolve2d by an n e ruary 1960 although >2p-they had b i>2pi>2p->2pi >2pl>2pq>2p5>2pg >1p0>2p; 960 while residing in Cambridge, Massachusetts. ow lives in Arlington, Virginia. Thus far, although a furt ie rev>2pi records -is underway, no evidence has been found that th hen as ever 2 hospitalized for any reason or that she was ever the subject of research per- formed b>2p3>2p, the Agency, its components or employees. For your information, the as involved in six subprojects of Project MK TRA from 1952 until 1961>1p, all of which appear to have involved testing of LSD and other substances on h2uman subjects. This matter obviously deserves further investigation to clar>2pif>2py>1p, by confirming her Su ions o>1pi >2paying >2pher fears, t>2phe basis for whatever e>2pmotional distress >2pmay continue to suff>2p(>2p!r>1p. Of course. it m>2piy not b>2pc>2p, poss>2pi>2p'ole at >2ps >2pt>2pv to gathe>2p2i>2p- sufficient >2pt>2p@vid>2pt>2p-nc>2pi>2p@ to accomplish >2pf>1p.>1p->1pither result. I>2pii any event, h6wev>2pf>1p->2p!r>1p, it d>2poes not appear or CIA to con- duct thi>1p.>1p->2p, investigition>1p, even insofar as questi>2po v>2pho has alreac>2ply nin >1pg>2pl>2pa >2pi>2pw>2pl 2 contacted an A>2pg>2p!ency official on 31 October to i>2pi>2piform CIA of t>2pl>2p)e fact is >2pwife l>2piad related these a>2pll>2pe>2pp>1p-ations to hi>2pm>1p. Sinc>2p(>2p- it mig>2pht app>2pea>2pt>1p- to some that CIA has in interest in not co>2pnfirming t>2phat in>2p(>2piivicluals we>2pr>2pe in f>2piict "victimized" by >2ph>2pIKULTRA>1p-type activities, the Agenc>2p3>2p, could be accuse>2pd at some 2point, in this or any other investigation of the same general nature, of having infl>2puenced the recollections or statements of those involved or of having not conducted the >2pi>1pnvestigation in a proper manner. Sho>2pu>1pld these >2pmatters proceed to liti>2pp>2p.>1p,>2p@>2pition>1p, this perceived conflict of interest on t>2phe pa>2prt of CIA or its employees could 2 become particular>2p]>2p3>2p, damaging The Agency continues to be anxious to do everything possible to assist those who may have been adversely affected by MKULTRA>1p-t>2p@>1p-p>2pe activities. l>2pio>2pa>2p,ever>1p, the con>2piplicati>1po>2pj>2pis surrounclin>2pl>2p,>2p, any action cont>2pem>2pi>2p->2p)>2pIat>2p(>2p!>2p(>1pl by CIA itself continue to plague us, as the 2above-described case again illustrates. We shall be happy to assist yo>2pu fu>2pi>1p-ther>2p,>2p.>2p.in any way yo>2pt>2pi ma>1pl>1p, deem necessa>2pry>1p. in achieving a satisfactory resoluti>2po>2pi>2pi o>2pl>1p'ih>2pese difficult p>2proble>2pms>1p. Ve>2pi>1p->2p,>2p,>2p- truly y>1pou>2pi>1p-s>2p. Approved for Release 2 ')ate >2p(>2p'T 1>2p9>2p91 A>2p@>2p->2p,si>2p,>2p;>1pta>2pi>1p->2pit >2pC>2pi>2pc>2p->2pi>2pi>2peral Coun>2p->2p.>2p:>2p,e>2p]