SG1 I Approved For ReldWe 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-007W 28 Pebruary 1973 NOTE POR: Carl SUBJECT: More Geller Business I understand (n t hhand) that: The science editor of TIME magazine, a Mr.. Jareff, told the public information man at SRI that the TIME edition for Monday, 5 March, will,carry an artic tending to discredit Geller and casting some aspersions at SRI for being taken in. Jareff says that the source o 'fthe article was .~Dr. George Lawrence of ARPA, and apparently the article. identifies Lawrence as the sour ce of the information. Lawrence, on the other hand, denies having talked to TIME--Jareff says this is nonsense, Lawrence has talked :Fo-TIME lots of times. Lawrence is.the guy with ARPA who felt Geller was a charlatan based on the die-calling experiment. Lawrence's rationale was that.Geller was not looking into the box as he-claimed to be, but instead was influencing the die so that it came up with the face that he wished!!!! (This kind of logic I don'tunder- stand). The article also, apparently,.says that TIME took Geller to a lab in New York, and that he was found to be cheating. This judgment, I understand, stems from the fact that a magician watched what Geller. did, and said that Geller surely looked and actedlike a magician. TIME's noble purpose in publishing this is to alert the community. The article does not give any indication of Agency interest. If the article appears, this can only complicate the already difficult situation involved in dealing with Geller, .Swann--in fact, this whole area. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0400070022-9