Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00787RO00522 9'0~1y8o PSYCEIC TRANSMI5SION OF INFORMATION: FACT OR FANCY John Milialasky New Jersey Institute of Technology .Newark, New Jersey U.S.A. INTROD13CTION In recent months there have been two different reports in the press, linking the brain with computers. In the most recent brain-computer link press release, it was reported that through the use of properly implanted electrodes, computers can become "an aid to thought" that will ampli- 'fy thinking by increasing "thinking speed and accuracy", as well as making large libraries of information avail- able to the brain. In an earlier press release, it was reported that through the use of electrodes, the computer could recognize the brain wave patterns generated by var- ious command statements or words, when these words Vere "said to ones self", and act on these command patterns. Note that the information transmission link between the brain and the computer involved the electrode placed on the persons head. With today's sophisticated electronicst brain waves have been recorded by instruments qt some dis- tance (at least 30 centimeters) ,.-y from the head. 1,2 With not too much strp~~T, _ Lbe imagination, this dis- tance could b~ -I- -rnexie-' from centimeters, to meters, to kilom~- - lFr~.possible? Maybe not so impossible, since sent today by something called radio and tele- vision transmitters, a feat which was unbelievable many decades ago. 'A transmission of information between the brain and/or the mind, and another brain or mind, or an object, is what reportedly takes place In Psychic Transplis a ions, com- monly called Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP). A commonly accepted definition of ESP is that it is an ability to perceive information through other than the normal sensory means - sight, sound, feel, touch, taste. ESP is further broken down into the areas of Telepathy - mind to mind .communication, Clairvoyance - mind to matter communic tioll, a and Precognition - mind to Clio future conununication. PSYCHIC INFORMATION TRANSMISSION INVESTIGATIONS Serious investigation into psychic information transmis- sion has been underway for over a century in both the eastern and western hemispheres. In recent decades the intercaL fia8 been heightened by (a) the increase in inter- est in the area by physical scicntists, (as opposed to the 'VL life scientists), (b) ID icat- 4 r1list '10PJ3)ent of more the ,ed instruments, and (c) the development of better means of ABSTRACT A review of the definitions and types of Psychic Transmis- sions is presented, along with some of the locations where such investJgations are being carried on. Two specific investigations carried out at the PSI Communications Pro- jectat the New Jersey Institute of Technology are SumMa- rized, along with a discussion on the theory underlying such transmissions. communications between the researchers. Work is currently underway in such diverse places as Japan, India, Israel, USSR, CSR, West Germany, Great Britain, Iceland, Canada, the United States, and Brazil. These countries, and more, are represented at international conferences on Parapsy- chology, Psychotronics, and other related subjects. In the United States reports of such research are even being accepted for publication by the major engineering socie- ties - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) . The Journal of Paraphysics published by The Parapsychical Laboratory of Downton, Wiltshire, England regularly published reports of work done in many of the countries mentioned. In 1974 the IEEE sponsored a Feature Session at its International Convention and Exposition titled "New Advances in Parapsychology" which had papers dealing with bio-fields, telepathy channels, and precogni- tion.3 More y, the IEEE published the telepathy recentl 4 of Puthoff and Targ. Work has been done not only on the Psychic Transmission between hiimanq, ard between hu-mqnr and olbjjacts, but also between plants, and animals. Noteable in this area has been the work of Backster in the U.S.A. 5 For a review of some of the research work in psychic transmission of Infer- mation, the reader is referred to the following English language works, all of which are not too technical, so as not to retard interest and readability. W1 :>lstenholme, G.E.W. and Millar, E.C.P. (Eds), Ciba Founda- tion Symposium on Extrasensory Perception, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Mass., U.S.A., 1956. Ostrander, S. and Schroeder, L., Psychic Discoveries Be- hind the iron Curtain, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., U.S.A., 1970. TWO SPECIFIC INVESTIGATIONS So far, this paper has spoken in generalities about re- search in Psychic Transmission. The author, along with his colleague E. Douglas Dean, has been involved with two investigations into such transmissions, as part of a re- search project at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, This re- WIT) , called the PSI Communications Project. search project was established at the Newark College of Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500280001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500280001-8 .Engineering (n9w the New Jersey Institute of Technology) in 1962 to investigate certain aspects of psychic trans- mis sion or Bio-communication. To date, two approaches have been worked on and look promising. Both approaches are based on the classical stimulus -- response principle. Both approaches also re- quire two people to communicate -- the stimulator and the respondent. The two approaches use readily available medical and physiological instrumentation to measure the amount of response taking place. it is the indication and amount of the response that is decoded into the mes- sage being sent. SYSTEM A To vl.E. first approach, call it System A, the stimulator and th~ lospi,,ident are conscious. The stimulus takes the form of the L!,t,,[&tnr doing mental arithmetic, or look- ing at names writt- -n cer~~, or looking at nonsense syllables written on cards. The coincident response, given by the stimulated person who is miles away, and without physical contact with the stimulator, is in the form of a change in the pattern of tracings showing the change in blood circulation as measured by the change taking place in the volume of the extremities -- in this case, the finger BASIS FOR SYSTEM A System A is an attempt to develop an observation of S. Figar of Czechoslovakia, made in 1958. 6 It is a form of direct communication measured by a pleth- ysmograph (from plethora -- fullness of blood in the cir- culation). Plethysmography is a well-known Taetbod which has been used for more than a hundred years in human physiology and psychology. It is an instrument that pro- vides and objective record of later study and analysis. The method is based on measuring the change in volume correlated with changes in blood circulation of the ex- 7~85 9 tremities of the body or in the whole body. Diminu- tion in volume is generally interpreted as vaso-constric- tion and increase as vaso-dilation. The vascular reac- tion, based on the autonomic reaction is not, under nor_ mal conditions, subject to voluntary control. Figar used a hand plethysmograph. where the subject placed his hand in a rubber glove, enclosed by a temperature contr olled wator bath- Above the water, the airtight container was connected by a tube to a rubber diaphram operating a light stylus on chart paper moving at 1.5 m.m. per second. When the heart pumped, the pen moved up and when the heart ,rested, the pen moved down, tracing out a pulsed waveform baseline of approximately 70 pulses per minute. 10,11, !It has been shown that, when a person does a short .period of mental arithmetic, a vasoconstriction occurs. .i.e., a reduction in volume of the hand. This appears as a large rapid deflection of the baseline downwards on the chart in Figar's method 12 0f measuring direct volume .changes. According to this method, a card with instruc- tions on what numbers to multiply was placed before the subject. As soon as he began multiplying the vasocon- striction occurred. The pen slowly returned to the base- line some while after the subject gave the answer. Figar allowed five minutes for the vascular reaction to subside before deciding to give a second stimulus. In the original work, Figar noticed a curious phenomenon with several subjects. As soon as lie thought of picking up the card on which were written inst"ctions about the mental arithmetic but before actually doing it, his .thought was followed by a rapid vasoconstriction in his subject's hand. It scomed as if there was some kind of :communication between Figar'B thoughts, or emotions de- ~pcndcnt on his thoughts, and his aubject's vasoconscric- ~tions. Ile went to Lke trouble of desIgning and executing ,an experiment to measure simultaneous vasoconstrictions in two persons, one of whom (the stimulator) performed mental arithmetic and the other (the respondent) did not know when the stimulator did so. Ile used two mechanical apparatuses, deliberately rejecting electric or electronic ones to exclude any possibility of reciprocal electrical or magnetic influence. Via the tubes and diaphrams, both the stimulator and the respondent gave a systolic-diastol- ic wave-form on the same chart paper. The questions raised by Figar's work were whether all sen- sory and subliminal stimulation were eliminated so that one could say that the plethysmograpli vasoconstriction was a response to a mental stimulus from another person. THE METHOD USED AT N.J.I.T. Figar's mechanical apparatus was suseptible to a breakdown of the thin rubber diaphram during'an experiment, and difficulties with the pen writ- ing equipment. Therefore, it was abandoned in favor of electronic equipment. A finger plethysmograph is made by the Decker Corporation of Philadelphia. It is the Decker Cardiodynameter 307-1 sensing unit and meter unit, the output signals of which feed a Massa 2-channel Meterite Model BSA-250 rectilinear electric writing recorder. The finger plethysmograph is just as good as the hand plethysmograph. It will work on any , finger, thumb, or even the toes. A plastic cup fits over the finger on the fleshy part between the first and second knuckle. Differ- ent sizes are available to make the fit tight enough to prevent leakage, but not too tight to affect the circula- tion. A plastic tube 11 m.m. outside diameter, 8 m.m. in- side diameter, and 40 cm. long joined the cup to the transducer unit. This was placed in the next room with the tube passed through a small hole in the solid wall. Transmission of pulse volume changes along 3 meters was found possible using 3 m.m. I.D. flattened plastic tube and metallic step down connectors. The transducer unit's - 13 circuit is based on a design by K.S. Lion. In it a pressure capacitance diaphram pickup along with the T-42 ionization transducer tube convert minute volume pulsa- tions into large analogous electrical signals of the order of volts. Thus large amplification with its resultant noise is not necessary for obtaining a continuous record of the volume changes of the finger. The vasocontriction shows as a large signal or direct current baseline shift of the pulsed waveform. Only one such electronic apparatus was used attached to the subject who lay on a bed, with his finger on the level of his heart. Mental arithmetic was eliminated as the stimulant, as it was never possible to be sure that the 9timulator did the mental arithmetic, as requested. In experiments performed at N.J.I.T. the stimulator wrote the names of five people of recent emotional relationship to him. So did the respondent. Neither one knew the other's choice. To these ten cards with names on them were added five cards which had on them names taken at random from the telephone book, and five blank cards. The telephone names and the blank cards were to serve as con- trols. The respondent is then placed on a bed, attached to the plethysmograph, and,locked in a laboratory room. The stimulator takes the twenty cards and goes off into an- other room, In another building, an eighth of a mile away. There is no physical connection between the two people, or between the two buildings. The stimulator then randomizes the sequence of the cards that are to be used as stimulii. He also randomizes the time Intervals between the stimulus periods. In this way, the respondent has no way of knowing when the experiment begins or ends, or when the stimulus positive or nega- tive -- is being applied. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500280001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500280001-8 At the appointed stimulus time, the stimulator picks up a card, and concentraLe8 on what is written on it. If the sti'llulus is a, name known to the respondent or the stimu- Mor, the respondent will produce a change in the wave pattern that is being measured by the plethysmograph and recorded by the rectilinear pen recorder. However, if the stimulus is in the form of a name unknown to either the stimulator or the respondent, there will be no change from the baseline pattern being produced. The change in pattern, indicating a mental stiulus, takes the form of a major dip from the baseline shown in the chart. Three measurements are made to measure the occur- rence of the dip. First, the vertical rectilinear base- line shift of the vasoconstriction is measured, in m. m. ~ from the bottom of the pulse wave. This is called a Dip. Dips of less than one tenth of the scale are ignored. ' The second measurement is the horizontal time taken for a Dip to occur, in seconds. The third measurement is the horizontal delay, in seconds, from tile time when the stimulus card is picked up, i.e., the start of the stim- ulus period, to the start of the deflection downwards, called the lag. 'The measurements are made on a double blind basis, and only dips occuring during the time periods when the stim- ulus cards are used are measured. RESULTS To testthem, whether a new form of communica- tion exists, it is necessary to have on average larger deflections occuring during the known name periods, than during the blank card periods, on a statistically repro- ducible basis. If this phenomenon takes place, this can constitute the basis for a communication system, with the large deflections serving as dots, and the small ones as dashes, as in the Morse Code. The PSI Communication Project has regularly had pairs of communicators who produced the correct coincident respon- ses at the 0.01 or better probability level. Additional details on the experiments and results can be found in Dean's writings -acted in the bibliography. The System A design, in its engineering essentials, has alrp_~dy oeen worked out by Taetzsch. 14 The design is based on sequential sampling theory. Information contin- ues to be transmitted until a decision is reached. Redun- dency is increased in order to increase the reliability. To transmit a message, the system would switch over from (1) random times to fixed time slots, say every minute, band (2) from random stimulus orders to orders based on the message in some b.,nary code. A name stimulus would be used in the first slot if the message translated call- ed for a dot, or a blank card would be used if the coded message called for a dash. At the receiving end, a large pletbysmograph deflection in the first time slot would be decoded as a dot, and a small or no deflection would be decoded as a dash. Each letter of the me6sage could be .Coded over enough number of slots to achieve the reliabil- ity needed to insure the message being received. The process is slow, but this is the price paid for reli- ability. It has been estimated that the plethysmograp, n results are equivalent to about one bit of Information per five minutes, with a two-out-of-three reliability. Speeding up may come about by connecting directly into the sympathetic nervous system rather than depending on ,the ensuing vasoconstriction of the perilheral blood vessels, and the slow return to base level. SYSTEM B In the second approach, call it System B, the stimulator i is conscious, but the respondent is asleep. In this ,system, the- two communicators are again without physics 1 contact. The stimulus used in System B is a picture that is suggestive of horizontal or vertical motion, or n blank piece of paper suggestive of no motion at all. The stimulator concentrates on a picture suggestive of horizontal or vertical motion, and hopes to evoke coin- cident horizontal or vertical rapid eye movements in the respondent, who is asleep and dreaming. If no eye movements are desired, then a blank piece of paper is concentrated on, during the stimulus period. The equipment used to measure the response, the existence or lack of eye movements (REMs) is the well known medical instrument called the Electroencephalograph (EEG). By the use of the EEG and the REM technique developed by dream researchers, the times of the four to six dreams per night can be monitored. The time of dreaming is known from the EEG sleep patterns produced by the left and right parietal areas, and the eye electrodes record- ing the horizontal and vertical eye movements. Method. In System B, the stimulator and the respondent arrived at the laboratory about bedtime, 9 to 10 p.m. Tile respondent is fitted with silver disk electrodes on various parts of his head to be usbd for recording his brain waves, and at his eye canthi to be used for record- ing his eye movements. The respondent retires for the night, and the electrode wires are plugged into a junction box above the respond- ent's bed. Wires from the junction box lead to the EEG located in all adjacent room, and monitored by a member of the experimental team. The stimulator, on the other band, goes to a room down the hall and around a corner, about 100 feet removed from the respondent and the EEG monitor. The EEG then shows the respondent going to sleep, and on through the first four stages of sleep. These stages can readily be identified on the EEG record by their charac- teristic wave form. However, during this time, there is no indication of eye movement. It is when stage one reappears, when dreaming begins, that rapid eye movements take place. As soon as the EEG record shows dreaming taking place, the EEG monitor buzzes the stimulator. This is the stimulator's signal to go to work. The stimulator now concentrates, for one minute, at a picture suggestive of vertical or borizontal motion, He coincidentally moves his own eyes vertically or horizontally, according to the action portrayed in the stimulus picture. The stimulator is trying to influence the respondent to pro- duce coincident eye movements during the minute of stimulus time. In the next minute of time, the stimulator may concen- trate oil a blank piece of paVer and keep his eyes still. During this time period, the stimulator is attempting to influence the respondent not to produce eye movements. This procedure is done during each of the 3 to 5 dream periods that human beings experience during a night's sleep. As in System A, the coincident response during the specific time of stimulus application is what is measured for later decoding. The rapid eye movements duritip a period of time can be decoded as a dot, and the lack of them can be decoded as a dash. In experiments carried out to date with four subjects, results have been aignificant at the 0.001 or better probability level. Approved For Release 2000108/0T: CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500280001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO050028000l.-8 How Doc~s It Work? One unfortunate aspect of the investigations into Psychic Transmissions is that there has not yet evolved an acceptable explanation of how this transmission occurs There seems to be wide acceptance of the. concept of an transfer taking place. However, the type of .energy energy being transferred, and the speed of this transfer has not been established. One theory is that the energy is a form of electro-magnetic energy ' while another is that the energy is different from currently known forms. As to the speed of transmissions - there is a strong feeling that it occurs above the speed of light! A discussion of these points is the subject of other papers. For two such papers, read Dean15 and Osis 161 CONCLUSIONS The interest into the investigation of Psychic Trans- ,Mission of Information has grown immensely in the last decade or so. Of particular importance is the fact that more physical scientists are now participating in this research. The field is now producing data from controlled, reproduceable experiments that point to the existence of a phenomenon, and to the potential practical application of it. As more research is carried out, a theory of how the transmission takes place will be agreed upon, and more Icontrol and application will take place. REFERENCES (1) Schafer, W. - "Further Development of the Field Effect Monitor", Life Sciences, General Dynamics W6-7-471-582, f25, 1968 (2) Culyaien, P. - "Cerebral Electromagnetic Fluids", international Journal of 1~ ~scho~l- opy, 7, 4, 1965. (3) New.Advances in Parapsycbology;Feature Session, 1974 T-EEE Intercon Technical Papers, March 26-29, 1974. (4) Puthoff, 11. E. and Targ, R. - "A Perpetual Channel for Information Transfer Over Kilo- meter Distances: Historical Perspect- ive and Recent Research", Proceedings f the IEEE, 64, 3, March, 1976. R E (5) Backster, C. - "Evidence of a Primary Perception in Plant Life", International Journal of ParapsXcbology, 10, 4, 1968. (6) Figar, S. - J. Sec. Psych. Res., 40, 702, 1959. (7) Barcroft, H. & Swan, H.J.C. - f)LTft ~athet;,Lc Control of Human Blood Vessels, London, Edward7_ Arnold and Company, 1953. (8) Nyboer, J. - Electrical Inpedence Pl.ethysmo&rg2h_1 Th-nrle~_-C. Thomas, 1959. (9) Dubois, A. B., Botelho, S.Y., Bedell, G.N., Marshall, R., Comroe, J.H., Jr. - J. Clin. Investigation, 75 _T9_56. ~(10) Abramson, D.I. & Ferris, E.B., Jr. - American Heart J., 19, 1940. ~01) Allwood, N.J., Barcroft, U., Hayes, J.P.L.A., I Hirsjarvi, E.A. - J. Physiology, 148, 1959. (12) Figar, S. - Physiology, Czechoslovakia, 4, 1955. (13) Lion, K. S. - Rev. Sc. Instr. , 27, 4, April, 1956 (14) Taetzsch, R.L. - International Journal of Larapsycho logy, 47 062. (15) Dean, E.D. - "Channel Capacity of Telepathy Channels" Eew Advances in Parapsycholo&y,.1974 IEEE Intercon, March 26 - 29, 1974. (16) Osis, K. - "Channel Characteristics of E.S.P.", Proceedings p.L tbc.~rd jnternatfoR~l Conference on Computer CLTImunication., Toronto, Ontario, Canadp-, 1976. (17) Dean, E.D. - "Non-Convent .ional Communication", Proceedings - LFq ac(~ Congres Canaveral Council of Tech. Soc., Florida, 1964. (18) Vasiliev, L. L. Experimental Research Into Mental Suggestion, Leningrad, Leningrad University Publishing House, (In Russian) Translated and published by Institute for the Study of Mental Images, Church Crookbam, Hampshire, England, 1962. (19) Mihalasky, J. "The Role of the Unconscious in Problem-Solving and Idea Generation" New Advances in Parapsychology, 1974 IEEE Interton, March 26 - 19, 1974. (20) Mibalasky, J. & Dean, E. D. - "Bio-Communication" Proceedings 2j~ the Purdue Uni Symposium on Information Processing Purdue Universipy, Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A., April, 1969, (21) Mibalasky, J. & Dean E.D. (Eds.) - Techniques and Status 2f Modern ParapsycholoaX, lst Symposium presented at the 137th Annual Meeting of the AAAS, 1970. (Available from PSI Communi- cations Project, 323 High Street, Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A., 07102) (22) Dean, E.D. & Mibalasky, J. , et. al - Executive ESP Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, U.S.A. 1974. John Mihalasky is a Professor of Industrial Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A. Ile is also Director of the P.S.I. Communi- cations Project, located at N.J.I.T. Dr. Mihalasky is a fellow the the American Society for Quality Control, a Life Fellow of the Society for Advancement of Management, as well as a member of many other technical and scientific societies. Ile has published and lectured internationally. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500280001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500280001-8 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS OF E.S.P. K. Osis American Society for Psychical Research New York, N.Y., U.S.A. INTRODUCTION At least two distinguishable subsystems are involved in ESP transmission: the external channel of information acquisition and transmission, and the internal process- 8,12 Ing within human organism . The external channels of sensory perception are well known. Nearly all -research on sensory perception is concerned with internal affairs: sensing and processing stimuli Into perceptual -responses. Concerning ESP the balance is tipped to the opposite side There is considerable knowledge on information processing while the external channel Is largely unknown. This channel has been too hard to tackle. Only lately, dev- 'ig,ns and high powered elopment of complex research des computer evaluation methods' has made the ESP channel accessable for effective experimental investigation. Popular beliefs that the ESP channel is independent from space-time dimensions of the physical world17 and there- fore outside the reach of scientific methods has impeded severly progress on channel research. Fortunately the facts contradict such occult beliefs, cg. , literature surveys find moderate attenuation of ESP scores over dis- tance in spaceg, and drastic reduction of frequency of spontaneous cases with distance in tinc6, Apart from western efforts, Russian researcher, I. M. Kogan of Popow Institute in Moscow, applied an information theory model to his experimental data and also found a decline of transmission over distance4. FS11 channel had own project The real difficulty of channel research stems from depend- ency of extra sensory processes on psychological and physiological variables such as muscular relaxation, synchronous alpha rhythm of EEC, attitudos, beliefs, mood, interpersonal relationships, and such defonso mechanisms as repression. Obviously such psychological and physio- logical noise can overshadow distance effects on the ESP 12,13,14,16 channel . Therefore, subjects personality traits,, attitudes, cognitive processes, and moods must 6c ascert~ained and dealt With by IppMpriatc statistical mothods.'~ it is essential that the subjects are kept "blind" as to their distance from ESP stimuli. No dis- tance experiment so designod to test the been performed, therefore, we developod our Aporoved For Release 2000/08/07 ABSTRACT Transmission over 17SP channel appears to be uniq,4ely re- lated to distance. A literature survey of ESP expeyi monts over distances from 100 yards to 7,SOO miles indi- cated slower attenuation over distance than expected by inverse square law. Instead of 2, the exponent was found to be.4. "Blind" experiments were conducted in which subjective factors (psychological noise) was either balanced or accounted for statistically. In two out of the three experiments where ESP was operative,statistically signif- Icant attenuation was found. The ESP orientation system, (addressing), was tested in experiments by varying the size of the scanning area and information about thc target loca tion. ESP addressing appears to be based on acquaintance with persons rather than landmarks. The ESP channel was found to be subject of interference from psychological states of a bystander in the target area. consisting of five major experiments. This presentation will summarize our experiments exploring the following problems: (a) Attenuation of ESP over distance (b) ESP orientation for locating targets in unknown territory - addressing (c) Interference of the channels of two persons METHOD Methods varied slightly from exftriment to experiment the basic qqsigns being as followl2,13 (1) A large group of subjects distributed widely over U.S.A. attempted to percieve 15y ESP stimuli exposed at various distances from their homes and recorded their responses. (2) A hundred nature postcards of five different kinds were randomized and displayed face down in four columns. Subjects were familiar with the pictures but hadto as- certain the order in which they were displayed. (3) Distances varied from I to 10,000 miles, usually in four inci-ements. Distances were measured from a large National Geographical Society globe. (4) Subjects filled a questionnaire at each session describing attitudes, mood and cognitive processes at the time of testing. They also took personality tests. (5) The mood,.; of the experimenters staying with the stimuli were also ascertained. EVALUATION ESP effects were comprehensively measured on several 19 dimensions as developed by statistician M. U. Turner ESP scores were evaluated in conjunction wish large array of independent variables, e.g., dist ance, question- naire and personality test data, and subjects' previous 12,13 scoring Stepwise multiple regression analyses 12,121 (.1;MRA) and canonical correlation analyses were used which allowed iis to unscramble the distance variable, tit some extent from the noise of the psychological factors. SirnifINUICC levels, unless otherwise indicated, refers to SMRA ovaInations. CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500280001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RD,P96-00787ROO0500280001-8 RrSULTS First we surveyed the experiments published in English in which distance was Varied; the range was from 100 yards to -7,500 miles 8. As stated before, in these early experiments subjective factors were not controlled. We found that the ESP results declined with increasing dis- tance. Dr. Malcolm E. Turner, Jr -, a statistician, devised a mathematical model to evaluate the distance effect in the survey data. The decline was found to be much slighter than that of known physical energies, which follow the inverse square law of energy expansion. The decline of ESP in the experiments surveyed, appeared to follow an inverse 2/5 law: the exponent in his formula was.4. It is important to keep in mind that the ESP measures are just information measures, not energy measures and therefore describe the channel indirectly. First Blind Distance Experiment 12 Fifty-four subjects located all over the U.S. attempted to discover by ESP the order in which the stimulus cards had been set out, The distance between subjectstand stimuli varied from as little as one-third mile o 10,5S0 miles. ESP scores were evaluated in conjunction with twenty-eight other variables by the stepwise multiple regression method. This enabled us to assess the influ- ence of distance on ESP apart from the effects of other' factors which might mimic or obscure it. Three basic ESP measures were used, from each of the three were derived transformed variables for more detailed analyses, two of them showed a slight but significant attenuation over distance, Scores on one measure declined an average of .04 per 1,000 miles (P - .02): the decline for the other measure was.1.7 per 1,000 miles (P = .05) 12. Second Blind Distance Experiment An experimenter carried stimulus pictures around the world, randomized them and displayed according to sched- ule in New York, Paris, New Delhi and Sydney 13. Again fifty-seven subjects participated from their homes in U.S.A. The first experiment was essentially replicated. The sane ESP measure, which showed strongest decrement, with distance again declined significantly with distance, p - .002. The decrement being of the imagnitude of .7 ESP quotient units per 1,000 miles. Figure 14gives the regression lines of the ESP quotients for the two experiments. 27 24 '5 15 12 Fig 1. Reg"ion of the distance vati-bic and the ESP quotient of fomard dntpha~cxncnts. Declining of ESP over distance was also significant in three other measures, probabilities being .01; .05 and .02. Paradoxically one ESP measure roso with distance (p - .05), which was traced as being artifact of noga- tivo intercoryclations with viriables declining with distance 13 Our definitive test of the significance of these effects of distance in Experiment II used the method of canonical correlation. This takes the six basic ESP measures and incorporates them into six new, uncorrelated measures. Of these now canonical ESP variables, the first few ha ve the strongest relationship to the non-FSP measures. The canonical correlation analysis was first Performed using only the eighteen independent variables (excluding dis- tance) which were measured once per session and thus , could contaminate the distance results, The analysis was then performed again with distance added. The coefficient of canonical correlation, which measures the association between the canonical ESP variables and the independent variables, increased significantly for the second canon- ical ESP variable (P = .002) and the third canonical ESP variables(P - .04). Thus canonical cc 'rrelation analyses confirmed the results of multiple regression: ESP trans- mission declined over distance 13. The Third and Fourth Distance Experiments The third experiment was conducted with similar designs as the second experiment, but the experimenter traveling with stimulus pictures was different 13. We dbserved signifi- cant effects of psychological factors influencing ESP scores, such as extraversion, degree of absorbtion of attention in task, elation, relaxation, vitality, etc. No significant effeots of distance on ESP were found. ESP did not work in the,fourth experiment. No indices of ESP were found in responses to five out of six stimulus stations. Tn absence of ESP transmission, of course, dis- tance effects could not be evaluated. In two of the three experiments where ESP was operative transmission declined significantly with distance. Perfect replications are still uncommon in ESP research by the reason that factors facilitating or hindering transmission are not yet fully understood 18 ESP Addressing: Ability to Locate Target Area 1,2,3,5,8,10,15,20 Reveiw of literature gave clear cut evi- dence of the astonishing selectivity of ESP information system. It can find and select a person anywhere out of three billion inhibitants of the earth as well as select- Ing physical objects and events. Is ESP orientation based upon a kind of scanning for identifying landmarks? We radically varied the amount of information given to sub- Ject about the location of targets: naming the place, giving only direction of travel route, and providing no information at all 13. The ESP transmission was not effect- .ed by information about the target area. Apparently the ESP Addressing system is not based upon the knowledge of 13,20 the search territory . The only link necessary for ESP addressing is acquaintance with the person in the tar- get area. Such familiarity can be slight, second hand, or even by having some belongings of that person, 3,12,15 , In an experiment of m,C, Harch the acquaintance with tar- get person was varied. ESP occurred only when appropriate acquaintance cues were given and failed to function in absence of appropriate cuess. So far we know ESP a'ddress- ing system appears to be based on persons rather than landmarks13. Channel Interference Between Persons Despite the astonishing precision of ESP orientation usually only small fraction of the desired information gets transmitted. Much of the information loss appear-,, to occur in the channel, 9,13, and may be a kind of inter- forence between two per5ons 12,13,16, We performed a dis- tance experiment designed to test the hypothesis of Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500280001-8 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 Distance in Thousands of Miles Approved For Release 20.00/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500280001-8 channel interference between persons 9. Subj oc ts at their homes tried to identify pictures in the laboratory in the same display as in distance tests. Unknown to them a bystander was placed near the target area. The con- dition6 precluded telepathic "sending" of the pictures -- it was a clairvoyance test. Moods of the bystander were ascertained on nine point scales. Channel interference would be indicated by correlations of the bystander's moods with subjects ESP scores. Correlations significant at .05 level WCTC twice as many, and at .01 level four times as many as expected in a case with no association between the variablesg. As predicted the moods of the bystander interfered with subjects ESP scores in this experiment. Conclusions ESP channel characteristics were tested in five experi- ments in which subjects were "blind" to the main variables. Slight but statisticly significant attenuation of ESP over distance was found, the decrements being somewhere between .7 to 1.7 ESP quotient units per 1,000 miles. ESP addressing system was also tested. It did not depend on the size of scanning area* or familiarity with land- marks, but was related to acquaintance with a person in the target area, however, slight or second hand the acquaintance. Channel interference between subjects at distance and a bystander in target area was indicated by Correlations of subjects Scores and the moods of the bystander. REFERENCES (1) A.E.H. Bleksley, "An Experiment on Long-Distance ESP During Sleep," Journal of Parapsychology, Vol. 27, March, 1963, 1-15. (2) W. CaTington, "Experiments on the ParanoTmal Cogni- tion of Drawings," Proc. S.P.R., Vol. 46, 1940, 34-151. (3) C. Green, "Analysis of Spontaneous Cases," Proc. S.P;R., Vol. 53, 1960, 97-161. (4) I.M. Kogan, "The Informati'od TLory of Telepathy,1v Moscow,Private Translation of the Manuscript. (5) M.C. Marsh, "Linkage in Extra-SonsoTy Perception," Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Grahamstown, South Africa: Rhodes University, 1958. (6) J.E. Orme, "Precognition and Time," Journal 9.P.R., Vol. 47, June, 1974, 351-365. (7) K. Osis, "ESP Tests at Long and Short Distances," Journal of Parapsychology, Vol. 20, June, 1956, 81-95. (8) _, "ESP Over Distance: A Survey of Experi- ments Published in English," With an Appendix by M.E. Turner, Jr. "A Statistical Model for Examining the Relation between ESP and Distance," Journal A.S.P.R., y, 1965, 22-46 Vol. 59, Januar (9) X. Osis, M.L. Carlson, "The FSP Channel. - Open or Closed," Journal of A.S.P.R., Vol. 66, July, 1972, 310-320. (10) K. Osis, J. Fahler, "Space and Time Variables in USP,11 Journal of A.S.P.R., Vol. 59, April, 1965, 130-145. (11) K. Osis, D.C. Pienaar, ITSP Over a Distance of Seventy-Five Hundred Milns," Journal oC_L.1iLaTa_C_)TL0ZX Vol. 20, December, 1956, 229-~32. (12) K. Osis, M.E. Turner, Jr., "Distance and ESP; A Transcontinental Experiment," Proc A.S.P.R., Vol. 27, 1968. (13) K. Osis, M.P. Turner, Jr., M,L, Carlson, "FSP Over Distan= Research on the ESP Channel " Journal A, S.P.R. Vol. 65, 1971, 245-288 (14) J.B. Rhine, "The Effect of Distance in F~P Tests." Journal of Parapsychology, Vol. 1, September, 1937, 172- (15) G. Sannwald, "On the Psychology of Spontaneous Para- normal Phenomena," International Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 5, Summer, 196~, 274-f92. (16) G. Schmeidler, "Evidence for Two Kinds of Telepathy," International Journal of Parapsychology, Vol, 3, Summer, 1961, 5-48 (17) G. Schmoidler, "Parapsychologists' Opinion about Parapsychology, 1971,11 Journal of Parapsychology, Vol.35, September, 1971, 208-218, (18) S.G. Seal, F. Bateman, "Modern Fxperiment in Tele- pathy," New Haven: Yale University Press, 1954. (19) M.P. Turner, Jr., K. Osis, "A Probability model for Symbol-Calling Experiments," Journal A.S.P.R.,'Vol. 64, July, 1970, 303-212, (20) L.L. Vasiliev, "Experiments in Mental Suggestion,,, Church Crookham, Hampshire, England, Institute for the Study of Mental Images, 1963. K. Osis K. Osis: was born in Riga, Latvia, in 1917, Ile received a Ph.D. in psychology at the University of Munich, 1951. He was Research Associate at the Parapsychology Laboratory, Duke University, Durham, N.C_ 1951-57; Director of Research at the Parapsychology Foundation, New York, N.Y., 19S7-62; Director of Research at the American Society for Psychical Research, 196-2-75; Chester F. Carlson Rvs;~arch Fellow, American Society for Psychical Research, 1976. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0500280001-8 7' T. i