,%,Approved For Release 2000108107 CIA-RDP96-0078 0 QRO DDA 76-0847 FEB 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: Associate Deputy Director for Science and Technology SG1 I FROM : John N. McMahon, Associate D ;eputy Director for Administratio SG11 OM_ SUBJECT : SRI Report on Perceptual Augmentation SG1 I 1. Because of my early interest stemmin~g from OTS days of keeping a finger in parapsychology, SG11 dropped me a copy of the SRI Te ort which in turn I -read and then forwarded to for his comments. SG11 2. Unfortunately, this subject brings out the best 'A of charlatans, however, there is a serious side to it and one that we, as an intelligence agency, must not let slip by unnoticed. I call to your attention OMS's continued interest in parapsychology and the fact that we, as a Directorate., have a continuing interest and requirement for research in this area. It does seem appropriate that the Agency keep a continuing, albeit modest, effort in this area. .Att: Memo dtd 20 Feb 76 to ADDA fr DD/MS, same subj Distribution: Orig & 1 - Adse w/att I - DD/INIS Approved For Release 2000108107 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0700090013-4