-ell X~/ S ~'~ested P oco'l for Operatiodal RemoDe-"'_fVieW_Ing Exercise 141 2 7 I'K IS/ SG1 I A"-,- An SG1 I Experiment: nemote viewing, operational. SG1 I ILLEGIB Target: Technical facility. ILLEGIB Purpose: To obtain technical information sufficient to differentiate % among possible alternative technical processes of interest. SGI I Plan: Carry out a remote-viewing experiment on client -designated U,~ ~ operational target of interest with minimum information 44,1 p P aT 5kr supplied to subject (compatible with designating target _/ 2 ", /~. 7 unambiguously). Proaram: (a) Experiment is to be carried out with participation of person knowledgeable of structure of target facility 0 t5 SG1 I and technical processes of interest. N Provide viewer with target location, by street map if possible, and provide viewer with picture or drawing of target facility containing only enough information to permit visual recognition during target acquisition. SG1 I (c) Viewer moves into real-time viewing. Knowledgeable a.,, participant listens to viewer description, lightly questioning if necessary, in an effort to calibrate viewer description on the basis of information known a priori to participant but not to viewer. (d) Move into phase of more leading questioning, if necessary, SG11 0 ?-) again providing as little cueing as possible so as to maximize uncued information flow from viewer. Purpose of this phase is to permit viewer to originate freely while beina cfuidecl into area of technical interest. This 0 0 is to permit relevant but unprejudiced viewing on the part SG1 I of the viewer and continuing calibration on the part of he knowledgeable participant. ILLEGIB (e) Brealc operation of rcal-time viewinc, at this point.' Depending on results, provide viewer with minimal SG1 I k' 7~_e' e"- 'add'tional information, e.g. , floor plan, process of "z/ "'~5 inte'rest, etc. , to permit two-or three-day period of rcllatiVCIY Unbiased but focussed generation of spontaneous impressions by viewer. x~ L Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-R~DP96-00787RO00700110017-7 M Discuss data to date with viewer, and then resume real- time viewing, providing viewer with additional known information in order to maximize possible information retrieval, recognizing that the additional information 0 Supplied to the viewer at this point is at the cost of calibration within the experiment. If and when appropriate, follow experiment with evalua- tion as to quality of results (to degree possible, recogniz- ing issues of sensitivity). SG1 I 1091;1~ 4/44 SG1 I 7 SG1 I N 'ee'~ May 31, 1974 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-06787ROO07bOllOO'l7-7