Ap proved ForRelease =RETIA-RDP96-00789ROO0800110002-0 UNITEbSTATES GOVERNMENT DATE: 29 OCT 90 M-e-m-orandum REPLY TO. DT-S ATTH OF. SUBJECTz SUN STREAK Report 90104 - G (U) DT-5 DT TO. 1. (SINFISK) Three remote viewing sessions were conducted on 26 and 29 October 1990 in an effort to describe the imminent use, if any, of Iraqi "fuel-air-explosives" against US and coalition forces in Saudi Arabia. If affirmative, additional efforts should be pursued to determine the current location of the "fuel- air" explosives and to determine their target objectives. 2. (SINFISK) Remote Viewer 025 indicated there would be no immediate use made of fuel-air explosives. Viewer 025 was unable to determine the current location of the fuel-air explosives. The results of 025's effort are at TAB A. 3. (S/NF/SK) Remote Viewer 052 projected the possible use of fuel-air explosives against US and coalition forces in Saudi Arabia for 8 November 1990. Viewer 052 indicated three locations in Iraq, where such explosives are currently located. The sites were located at geographical coordinates 31055'N/44050'E, 33015'N/43010'E; and 30010'N/46050'E. See strip map at TAB B. The two principal target objectives in Saudi Arabia were CLASSIFIED BY: DIA, DT pandle clnnnd.@ DECLASSIFY BY: OADR .17 u OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 (REV. 1-40) Approved For Release 2003/05/15@'J 1 000=FPMR(411CFR) 101-11.6 .-P. riaLT-00789ROO08001 114 ,Rt,)T PymnnABLB TO i4ii@,iiino-%ATA * GPO : 1964 0 - 461-275 (2721 nrnnu Approved For Release 200t)10,7~,Z',,~~&A-RDP96-00789ROO0800110002-0 identified as being located at geographical coordinates 26020'N/439020'E and at 24050'N/47005'E. See copy of strip map at TAB C. A representational sketch of the fuel-air explosive is at TAB D. Because 052 perceived the occurrence of a meeting apparently related to the fuel-air explosives, a second session was conducted on 29 October in an effort to obtain data related to specific plans and intentions. 052 was unable to identify and describe pertinent indicators. are at TAB E. The results of 052's two sessions 4. (SINFISK) OPS COMMENTS: Remote Viewer 052 appears to be on target; however, 052's projection of the occurrence in future time, specifically 8 November 1990, is highly doubtful. Data related to the current location of the fuel-air explosives has more plausibility by virtue of the fact that it does not address an issue in future time. 5 ENCLS TAB A THRU TAB E SKETCHES AND MAPS Branch Chief SGIJ Approved For Release 20"%%I=-RDP96-00789ROO0800110002-0 JLUIIIL 1. Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0800110002-0 SECRET/NOFORN PROJECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT NUMBER: 90104-G SESSION NUMBER: 01 DATE OF SESSION: 29 OCT 90 DATE OF REPORT: 29 OCT 90 START: 1400 END: 1430 METHODOLOGY: ERV VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 025 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. (SINFISK) MISSION: Describe the imminent use, if any, of Iraqi "fuel-air explosives" against US and coalition forces in Saudi Arabia. If affirmative, determine the current locations of the "fuel-air explosives." If their use is imminent, determine and describe target objectives. 2. (SINFISK) VIEWER TASKING: Same as above. 3. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTS: No inclemencies noted. A Summary of Information is attached to this report. 4. (SINFISK) EVALUATION: 5. (SINFISK) SEARCH EVALUATION: m: 079 HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SECRETINOFORN CLASSIFIED BY: DIA (DT) DECLASSIFY: OADR '40 Appmve@l.r R@se 2003/0'5//15@ CIA-RDP96-00789ROO08OD110002-0 Approved For Release 2003/05/15 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0800110002-0 UIN I v CA. Approved For Release 2003/05/15 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0800110002-0 Approved For Release 2003/05/15 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0800110002-0 UJ _AJ . . .... ..... J . . .... .... . .... ... . .... .......... .......... Ir A V W.., .. ... . ... .... ... jj i A Approved For Release 2003/05/15 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0800110002-0 N@lam 4,'37U [164bM t L'I"hu". M) 18 1 IT IJ6 1w and 5. 000 6.59 12917 Ma H3 K1h, Y.., 11 UJQ Sil IT 17.565 G3 Zaqa.7.0 00 K I S= Yin .i.295 I------ 9@ ... '114 Nay .116, 114.- . . JL 2mnal 31.058 355.218 ............. ,is onlu J2 NO 12, F2N H3 Zenjan(Zanlati)99.967 za'l, "Is) 579,DOO ........ .. F2 BehbahIn3g.874 G5 Galh5a- ..G @u 46,830 G 4eyshabur 59,101 PYRGH Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0800110002r@ 52*j@61 4 -F . @.;.@I 2 BAKU 138, A 4 4 - G VA N-.-- a Ke fildil 16'970US.. gda S Krasnovod .( l6s.j o Alynt-116stare mail a I .,!a Tul IT 0 0 t 64.1."j, 0Nakhlcheya C ele SV,h.. Do,, 0 M.- 14,S47(o., T., (4434 WEST Dzhul)a Ordubad offluald 01 Is malla, Han OL(,@ C)SO, 1. '\ Lenkorad T 0Khvoy tot, EAST @p K Bitil an0-d Ahar Adjyam Ergani 7-@a \,, S EA i, -_z yL.I.) 0 oftarbaklir s.f;.n yavCA S P I A N t ell,0 ""408-tnui. "al,- ITL Shrhauk Vh, Wirt . . ....... I h 14p- Ard@bll S.-0 at-a d-a a, (frolla Viranphlo M zkBRI H..htpr Bolnurd'@-, I yat 0@1-k gin-mclik rini 4h- I I I a lf', K. h 0 (Orumiyeh) rl rdir". N,5,ybj, civ, K,71,@', 'A Chlklahlyffl aragheh A-,,, Wilan. All@ali (E..l) k Zod- n Gawn-Kull C, ,an onbad- "sI @;,hno,jym s 4_0hil in h.n 0 Wana is, A@ ah"Wit Miland.wal, an '@td Sr 0 El H .. V. M.sull, (Y@A .11,739 kW@\ M-1,01d D U.nda'-a In, OAT (logn \1. Al sa- m, 'Abdul Az,z AOT.1 Klif IH- 3AU Rabal --Z@.-_ -K -h-. Zi'11,41. Zanjan Ch us Jo9hat, V 0,.0 Bastan, inlar Ton0abon @'!@a .h anjn Antol Babok--A"ik a r StIze- 0MOST $1 IylbillAk 0" -.1z'-X, I OR.'"/@-.-aq,@, .4 M'A Z A N DS OEmamsh h P"', Qaz,1" AW A Vtranti AT,C 00aung-an "I A,,Qa,y.,a T.6 t nO 7@@D .711'- AT(.' Dan _8ijO (3 1 j a, Karaj T&jrlsh ua;j(Xd emn a n -,0), 0"" Kirk-uk'suUmay 0Melldiahan' 0 Turan A K0111jESTAN F,,.IkYh,, Deir e 'Zor Dezh Shahp,, 0 A,.j "A M7 S I I- 0 Robiat Karl. G Ray, TEHRAN, soninan Torudo I AM TO 6 a.h.. ASanandal R-O gr I Aley.din Al Falha/, 111A U '.. sar O.,_rT '51 ... h )0 h`7 Hamadan E PoTlml d@_;-..-;@:@!@. 1211 -h 0 Abu@ W. jT. -ft.d.bTid J@Tikrit tf yian, --Iuysa,kan,/ -Na Tak DIN @j OKhanaciin' OQaSr-a ShWn H@dilha T1-111@ K$n@avar@-__ 11 7_1111i a z -kerrnanShalv&tl,,@ Z,__CM.I.y.r', K"I 'Ali.b' .'d---- T69;diya N.ft Kiana EK-R, SHAHAN Ab oNahawn d C1 M.qn ra A .1 n.o. Delijan0 Kinvoro a _8 t.rd @D@V'A R I 6'K ... @Yl. Ch@ha,a-h Alashtar@ M.WIM R. .,& 'T.b., no NwnN K.h-i V.,; 1) OZ.Kheh@ 0 @E S'F'AH A 11 I@Il28 ._@Zy R.tbg Hab U Khorramabad 14,9'f'1'a4328l`3 allan -0-LIT-J.,kab 12,782 it. Ardestan e a. III L o r9 a I cz Nhq (3886 e R t T)D-n %A, R.h j, Xa b ,\,A E0 CNWin Kh. G.,b.h _V, sth (4 1 b0 .s laf.Ldo, 10, 14,921 ft RAM \Shahr Kara V_,: ful,1`4548 m. 4@` M.Ykd -Aqa, IT @h taklitiari Kar-, .'_1 0yCczd N -*shahoza L ?Gavk ht. 'I It ala Wy. 4@- Mas ea K,,, %1 1.1 wan[Iys I IT atAn 4,1H. l(IAN NA1 IYYnd@ Khn,st S, n.. .. .. fShi, K.h Bafq .0 uas -e Aza @gan S'a Haft Gel OR- 0 AlAza (J_ AIDh sannawa Ally A An t& HUZEST .7-nd IT /* W. od@ 14,029 ft. K.h. B. -11 al 110"han Zla. .\ 1 (3Z11@' K0. Mad--- Sdeffon'tJ'ATh-u'r- A88a ri .3 _14 ASalman ahda" ODeh al 18 71 ft AZ Z, at, rorra eyni 2;@ 'A:'% M-1-hi- Ke B-ht q' (3472 S. a A. 11,39, MUTHANNA A Dht KE R 10 1 A 43 Ilini) -anO Z.rqan @0 hh Y.. IF raz 0 KUWArr G.- 0 \@-Kazerun d Bakhteg nSIT Pollak. 1. %,C\. U-nd" Kharkt Al Kuwai Ian banat In F-a,t1t, nd Busibeltr aOa,.b Ka" 'RibRa- 0. BUSHEH R&-b?d Kuh. S.fi0 '@4`9 MIN Saw '@4' Q.., .01H.1ynya 4p 16 59 AS`10,3al ft@.@(3164, Ta (3188 J, )` coo 1@ t0h.. J-bb. 0 T Tn.. n5.all3 Ust Vg*-40ifi "L Iran and Iraq ..'. e _'ll..e 0AGAN .4 Ja OUT Hog- CONIC PROJECTION 0 sh-11 aghu 0 -s-T i SCALE OF MILES not u BandarAb as Too Abu Haddya ftm Ka,- SCALE OF KILOMETERS 150 260 C Ho" z [so A Capitals of Countries ---------- --- Ras F. rAor-e Lkwh ft, IT, As Q.tf Capitals of Provinces ---------- 4 IT Oa- Kh... Capitals of Governorates ------------- (9) I a D International Boundaries_-- a'I Provincial Boundaries Ira 0MHRRM R. Governorate Boundaries . .. . . ................. ...... Ira consists of fifteen pr,,In,e A al(I 6E. ",....called ostans. Attached to ... IT NITED s. ARAB Scale 1:8,160,000 these ploWnces or. eight g -tee. 014ofuf 4. Of E141RATES coWlinat HAMMOND INDDRPOsATEDfalwp", N.J. F50, L.-git GF-t pro;nwkh 54- 56*,", a 415-E D C V 1w 1@ T", Tll@@,1_1 S'n a- tiai z@ A'tdvedTor Releas 20 1A PIP %