Approved For Release 2003/01/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900230012-5 STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED REPORT OF REQUESTED INFORMATION Requestor Task 9 JT4-0013-90 Source # n19 Rcvd. by Source o Yl;tY190 DCSINT Task 9021 Returned to PO VV1zff190 SESSION,DATE/TIME: d, q1*6 (-@bq_ -337 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED IN ORDER OF PRIORITY: 1. When and where will the target vessell off- SG1A load/effect a surface(ocean transfer) of the contraband? RESPONSE: *JoT' t6neelv'u-n _&]qzM 1AJ A)LIJ OfAl6c,L ISAAAIP-5 c' 64 ;Z / e'Al.112- 1d) 6,o AJ W 6@,up oi= A _@; P-oi i-e- , st c r 6,- /-, F A4Aa4&71 i5c-4AIO, AAJ C,0-0 or- I-Aa4.4-P S(A^jjo L-on" L-W@-F- A JA(@PA12_15 lic-A-V r)tC A112- O/L e,$A.@ 44,4ke, 2. Determine and describe the target vessel's route of travel. RESPONSE: C- &!2 44 d&>JVM 19,4 &-rw&-@j A)A V A 5 -S A __/J @A@,o A jp 7-@ n_ 4,,0 E E7- L,-) -t- HJ-i T/ -1-Z) D 69 rj tt 7-2 3. Determine the destination of the contraband. RESPONSE: A jt>0qYL6_j4,ooSLs- hJ 7WC- 3AqAAt*S 4. Describe the vessel. ftrSe'70T_ 106*174AJ: e0c.UMIM44 Mucoll 4-Alt4t5@ 72AX) A VACRI: 13UF 5mvi-LeW 7W4,0 A .1 L' 00 e_t)jVAP4t-_,YL-C1d:2@ Sj+1P. JKiLA-e_K_ + -7AJ. ZT -cc 4,06x, if A-LIP67W-LI 0"_-)AJe_P, 0; e-g- S-rA_Je_-r&,rLc_ HA5 A Sc-0,f//L/,(e FIWA-@7, 5. Identify call signs associated with'the've'ssel. RESPONSE: 0 a 0PhA;q ."EJSUOr CA(_e_1,S7U7-L5_ It W/(-e- fie- 1-/,@V-y F@Y` Pit 0ee-S oAl e6kltV. PROJECT OFFICER'S COMMENTS: Referral Review by NIMA/DoD amim" -11 1%. R L STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED;-- Handle Via,SKEET,,-Channels Only Approved For Release 2003/01/09: CIA-RDJP%,. Ow W Approved For Release 2003/01/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900230012-5 =fiWiimQmWmiWTm=5T!PF'LED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED WORKING PAPER SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Project: 9021 Date : 17-@ 0 o -1 [ 2: 4. Time: 1301-1337 Viewer- 018 Session: 01 SG1A (61/G] D) When and where will the o+f-transfer its load a+ k... . ...... ------- __ ... ...... drua contraband?-. a. WHEN: Not determined in this session. Thel is presently (1300 Local 24 APR 90) still in port awaiting on-loading of drugs. b. WHERE: Drugs will be "dropped" for later pickup on the northwestern end of a very small island (see Fig. 1) which is part a+ a cluster of very small, unhabited islands off the northwestern coast of a much larger island. The northwestern coast of this much larger island looks like a jaguar's head when seen from the air, or on a map. Dowsing produced a general area for this island group at approximately 21 degrees N / 72 degrees W, which is between the Bahamas and the Turk & Calcos Island group (see map, Fig. 2). @1. -D) .1L (S/S1 Determine and describe the vessel's route of travel: Vessel will go directly from Columbia to the dropoff point, via a path which goes northwest from Columbia between Navassa Island and Haiti, then turning to the northeast to go between Cuba and Haiti to the Turk Islands. (S/STD) Determine the destination a+ the contraband: It will be taken to a storage warehouse somewhere in the same group of islands where it is dropped. From there, the shipment will be broken up, its final destination 11 - I STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Handle Via SKEET Channels Only SG1A Approved For Release 2003/01/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900230012-5 Approved For Release 2003/01/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900230012-5 STIPPLED NOFORN S@ECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED being several places around the world. 4. (G/STD) Describe the vessel. The vessel is much larger than a "yacht- size", but is not a large commercial vessel. It appears to be privately owned and operated. Dark black and warm tan stripes on a white background give it an "aztec-li[.:e" appearance. Its upper structure has a sloping front. 5. (S./SI-D) Identify call signs associated with the vessel. No call.signs were perceived, but there was an impression that a code phrase of "estoy F, calliente" would be used in radio communications to denote the drugs being aboard. STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Handle Via SKEET Channels Only Approved For Release 2003/01/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900230012-5 Approved For Release 2003/01/09 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900230012-5 P 10 4) 4 1;3 M Lt) C@j lq- /iJ Lj 6 F L /@ /2- Ly S A j Iq (L'f Approved For Release 2003/01/09 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900230012-5 o. U03/01/09 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900230012-5 l3ermuda (UjK-) Nassau -72- lexico S '@THE B AM H .av jtu ` a,n&Calcos islands U (U.K.) British INIC: N Virgin Islands A .@ Cayman islands HA R p %pjjjrto Rico (U.K.) (U.K.) (U.S.) -.,.Anguilla X)- r?_ Kin t n SAINT CH ISTOPHER ANC ant Port Ort Dort*% 0 islt"ds tAttTl UA AND BARI 41mopan JAMAICA Nevassa Princ (U.S.) Mdntseffet Y> - Gu detoupe (FR.) island tDOMINICA LIZE.- (U.S.) Irtinique (FR.) caribbeans 9S NT WCIA *Te igal A SAINT VINCENT A1404 BARBADOS Aruba Neth. Antilles THE GRENADINES Y (NETH-) -OGRE ADA OR NICA GUA TR NIDAD AND Manag a, No -01-Spain JOS6 ,Panama COSTA De6lassification *E1090tA Review by NIMA/DoD OLOMBIA Approv C 6 789ROO0900230012-5 Georl