Approved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1900250002-3 40MOkW/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) ERV SESSION PROCEDURE REPORT SG1A WARNING-NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED --------------- CONTROL NUMBER: DATE OF SESSION: 2-6 Jun 86 REFERENCES: None NICKNAME: Other "A" TARGET COUNTRY: Unknown SESSION NUMBER: @1, 02, 03 DATE OF REPORT: 31 Jul 86 TECHNIQUE UTILIZED: ERV MISSION STATUS: Initial/complete SOURCE IDENTIFIER: 101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ( ) TASKING: Initially the interviewer was provided a 3x5 card on which the following tasking was typed: 11 17 t-110 Mn4n Q'kMQQ f@ uresI and purpose of the structures at (coordinate)FiLl@@ I In the two Subsequent sessions the interviewer was provided further verbal tasking and directions 1@4 i.e., " site is accurate but focus attention on tunnel and rocket device, '"additional emphasis on purpose of rocket device and relation to site." Throughout sessions the intern4ewer was never told the exact nature of the site, its key facilities nor its mis "sion. In the initial session, the Sourcetwas simply given the coordinates of the site, (encrypted to preclude inadvertent geographic cueing as per EXtended Remote Viewing(ERV) protocols). In subsequent sessions, Source was again provided the coordinates and a general synopsis of previously reported data. No additional specific tasking emphasis or intentional cueing was prov;ded to Source. 2. ( ) SESSION: During the initial session, Sou 'rce took a "joyride" to an unspecified site whose did not coincide with the known da.ta on the site. Source was retargetred, (coordinates repeated) and successfully acquired the site. In subsequent sessions Source was encourage to initially take a "joy ride" to a'site of his choosing, (later to be designated ':'Sanctuary") and from that site, at the direction of the interviewer, he was to move to the target. This technique appeared to eliminate inadvertent @eporting on non-related targets and was* enjoyable to the Source, therefore, .he use of "Sanctuary" targetting will continue on a trial basis to Aermine @ts affect on the Source's success rate. SUMMARY: The following is coVlation of the raw and unevaluated data provided by Source during the total of three sessions conducted on this target. a. A fenced complex of buildings and facilities with a feeling of military involvement. There are numerous scientists and technicians working at the site. Some areas of the site are above ground, (buililngs and related facilities), while other areas are underagournd or at least partially under- ground. Mnay of the buildings appear to be abandoned completely including one building (next to a railroad track) which may have once been a depot. This building AWdri~dtFbibRei*giffi-44002)"/481~MFAADP96WMMF%*lOM5WU-T-13t of