Approved For Release 2003/04/18 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2100 .",,oooo . ....2 FIROJIECT' ',-)UN ISTRE'(W..' ::,)C)[..JRCI::"1:3 AND ME."I"I IODI::) TIqV()I.-VI::::D . .......... ............ . ........... .. . .................. .................I....... . .................................:. . . ..... . .............. ..................... ................ ................ . .........- . . ..... .... .......... .... ... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ... . ..... .. 'EM C) EB I)A-r'E. DA'TT.':-. OF- 7 JUL 88 E., - N f) :1. 5 /1, IVIF 1-1-AC)AD01 1'.) Y,., WIRV ..... ..... .. . ..... ... . ..... ..... ..... ..... ... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .. . ... ..... ..... .I... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... . . .. ..... ..... . kl: IVII., N.- and tI rc---@Tat.-.ed tc) r-elease a-F LP-311C LT'C Iliggins, t.-A.-le I"' t..t cl c - .D .. CA k., kz.* 11 1., '1 'c) r S P.11 -:). f C, - d e i: (West German n i 1. c:I T' r r- W J. t... Lj 1::) (::1 at vi e e 1.:: 1 y f j. I-) c.1 J. 119 i::i I 2. V"F..,WF..AR t.Jl::)(::Ia-te +iridings in view n+ r e IIt j clowl I J. 1")g CH: a.-I-I JE.-YL L)LAT5 I..)y the V! r) c: I..) n e 1:.i F.) I.-I e n I.-I g r- i al c-) 4: JvIc.*)hamfned Al J. Hamadei iri Weiiii't. I with tl--ireatsi d f.) P I "I" y A r) d 43 1\1 1.::: 1,11, IVI 1, '11 Pdc) A 'Sumalar-Y of 1\1 (3 1-:, V ICA, L I-I (.'.) 11 D I VT'A C'I C) 1\1 I y ............... ............ ........... ........... . ........... ............. ........... .................. . 'T / 1\1 C) N CI I A S", (,::) 1, 1:::, 1 E fBY DIA D 1:::'(' , IA E.3 'I F-Y OADR Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2100100005-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-00789ROO21 001 OTO-3 -7 ........ . ..... T N FC) R I'll A "I"J.'C') 1\1 ... . ............ I...TC Mi. 1. 1 J. (Ric-.:['0 Fliggins iii.-I CL(r"f"-GH1t3.V ICDC'@-Vtecl il'i the ai-ea L)(wided L)y Anari ar-id o-f (:::i::)I::)y c.)f C) E) U R E. 2. 1-4 i g g j. r) r) I-ie been iniinc-c--@ -the 1-.) e gi n rIi ii(::l (::).f: hic.i as wC.-A.). as Cat L.) e e e c: t cl t..u icler aric] hehas@--A iclicP, cm..) 1- h e .Li-I aric] r in m 1-1 :1 e J. is n d e 'Th e y a r- e Viii-J.'I ii r-c.--.sceived -Froin T s 7*1"Ii-:'.@y 1-iavc.,@ ari c:)+ , "I:::,.ac:!y Y(::)t..t C.Er-ar-O T 1-1 P i.ri an I-liggir-11::i -'r-om -the r- I-D c...) I.--- 'T'he.-@y vii 3. 1 45 c@ c) r) I..i 'I. 1"I r. j. I.-I 1-'i e.]. c-I r. cw- V'. (fflap) cl e @::; t'. i. r-, ac) I In c,?i Iig :1.5 ifyq.).Lemei Liggins ch..u.-irig 1..O.s jc)u(I-1--ley T + I Vi.-@ will c:)+ kliggir"45 be I.... .... . ... . 1-1 V c)]. (::I " v c.,! I.--- Vj r) in c) uc: I': viii-J.-I s@utcl-.) a@%::; i-ags anci Will. ai,--(::)L.kt C.'I h J. fl) "I"WO c:)+ tl..)e will be :it-,) 't.-A ic-.@ at Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-00789RG&@@@...Z Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-00789ROO21 00100005-3 t 1_1a tc) in n a t i c) I"I Fli g gi n ra wi I U'lerl a bILA6? c)+ whitt bzm 1-'-@,gr"C)Lklld with t1_H-.`.` 1c...4-t-Ler. "Z" irl .1-f Higg-lif"Hiii .1.1,"; 11C)t r-e1.(--,.--)asec:1 in tine immediate tim:.; well U ic-,@ of ti"ie QiL1-)(,.@,r- wil]. b@-'_A 1,%,@t..tbject tc) c.trlder- c:: I c.. CJ Id i. U, (::)I H c.)4: the hostacei:; c)r. CEW-CIOS CI i H. c.I wi T 1 1::) t... I.-I o.@ + J. r- I:. t c) r- i-i--i hi f r- e (A a fn -Fem-r-Y waitc..@ 'T'er-r-y 1--)ave bc-..@en kel-.0-- ungt.....-Aher or in c)-f or-lo.-, ai-.,c)tf finr-cn cilofne T,-.ime. Ancler"Son @@.Irlcl 'Ter-r.y Wait.-.e @..-are bc,@.4:irIg 1-i(-..-_-,1d irl 1::) e c: i a I c'@+ -IF (:)I,--s 1 -1 a v b II in (J ei.- t.. (::) di .::; I.) @-:i e t.-@ Iie c)+ tf.le UE3 wl..)(::) i-lc,@@Icl irl @,:,kmiali ( r. c) ut p s c) 4. 1: w C) c) r- t h I- o"') e Two .3 L.1 LI. J. c.-., V cl c.) II (J 1 t. i-..4 g C L)eil Ig wil.-A..) g P-) c--) J. cl I....c, 17 c)f -t-.he L) a Y- r c: 1.;: @.-:i Vi J. I..)w I-. f -t hi e@ I I::) a I.-J, c.) ri f ]--I e mi 1. J. t. a r y wE.,airJ.j--)g v c- k I g c) ci.- c, c: c" Ia-11 t@ 1 -.1i r- 1::) c) r- t: cJ CI cl, r-1- t... r 4',-a 1y I.... al J. a I-i C: C-7! c)+ J.rl liCn-YL-ing dowri (::).f: U.)c...-, c)l 4 J ct T y I 1`@ c) r L) r c) ci c.: a t.- (J I.... FI; -t, (.3 f will. 1..)ave an effen_A_ or) the s cj o n c.? I- Approved For Release 2003/04/18 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2100100005-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2100100005-3 k.,ey tci the r-t.,@?'Iease har-c-1ware 'fi@-nfn the US. c)f thc--@ P-ic)stagesi ar*-,@ rc,.a'.Lated to (,-)rigoing dei:iii-r-e inilitary aricl mi1itary An cwigoirig "clrc.,n.tgl-vt" 1r) as a L)al::@il:S @-and clle@.-.O.s. "I"Ine Gyr-izaris ais@o p1ay an 1::)ar-t irl t-1--ie itAtJ.(.N") CH: t.1"Ie 1"'eSUI Of i3c.-m-mai mp]. y as (1::J-ic:)netic_--) is fcw- c_mn bel--ia].+ c)-f -Lhie Wc.-.-@st Lc) cAl i cler) t.-J. +J. ab]. e riames r-eveaTed riame c:)+ a (Jr-liveriiiity as "St-rayer-11 i.--ai jcJ i..-a Ger-mari @qtc:, " C`3jer- ilia In Naticu.u...11 De(nc)c::r-a-t-Ac:: I @.a g u e "1"1..)e c)f west... F7irili-and, Gr-eiat. Brit-.ain 1::) 1---- c..-? e 1-1 t-A. rl 'Terr-y ii:.; -fr-cmn wit.-Aniri. Fl e I,-- e In ai n s sc:1 H, st 1-u-.)c--J_,-..-ages tc) be re.-ile ased. L-.c) and he .F.C.A.1c.)w c.)n L.A.,le t! c:)+ T' I'lr a Lvic-) U ,13 1-u:m---@-U_.-tges L) In c) Ig t I -I e L 1--li 1"' 1.... e In 1.,:) 1'.) g 1-1 1. (A J. rl t. h fiO. I J. L-. a r y t) a I,-- I,-- c: 1< 1:.-, L., T h e cif c:)+ irl wi'L'L at t I Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2100100005-3 SG1C Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2100100005-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2100100005-3