Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-00789 ROO 2500170033-1 SESSION INFORMATION A. TARGET DATA: Task/Target No. Session No. 93-207-P 01/02 B. PERSONNEL DATA: Source No. Monitor's No. Beacon/Sender No. C. SESSION DATA: Date Task Received Session Date Start Time Stop Time Method Used Distractions (pis) Pre-session Hunches (Avs) Date Summary Returned D. EVALUATION DATA: Viewer's Estimate Evaluator's Estimate E. SESSION SUMMARY: 049 NA NA 14 OCT 93 15 OCT 93 0945 1035 CRV Stuffy; headache; noise News footage 15 OCT 93 The target is currently located in the structure located on the acetate overlay of Mogadishu. The structure is square-shaped on sits on a corner overlooking an intersection. It's location f eels completely residential; that is, an area without shops, stores or other businesses. It is two story with a railing across the second floor. This residential area does not f eel poor or poverty oriented but well kept. There is a low wall across the front. This structure is a relative's house. Arms shipments are entering Mogadishu from three different directions (see enclosed map). Feeling reminiscent of Iranian and Iraqi involvement via second parties. A small "cartel" with several nationalities represented. Target's intention is to eliminate the leadership of the other factions once U. S. is out. Target is f ocusing-in on the individual who, himself , is a clan leader but has somehow been placed in a leadership role commanding or representing a group or confederation of many other clans/groups. Target wants to steal large equipment from occupying forces. Intent is to somehow acquire armored vehicles for use against the other factions. Approved For Release 2003104118: CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2500170033-1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2500170033-1 Target wants to exchange more personnel from both sides of conf lict. Wants to portray himself as a progressive, "modern" individual; not the image of some "backwoods" despot. There is a small boat with rockets in the A.0. The plan/idea for this configuration comes from a group outside of the target's group. This outside group has infiltrated the target's group. Their intent is to use target's group as a "cover"; then, proceed with their own agenda. This outside group is, and has been, independent of any country (reminiscent of the M.0 under which groups like Abu Nidal once, or continue to, operate). However, there is a strong impression that this group is out of Lebanon, specifically associated with the region of eastern Lebanon and Syria in the past. Sense that maybe past training camps or facilities located there many years ago. 2) Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2500170033-1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2500170033-1 - / - j e-, -;t-k 0--(@ c", - e, W, 01 /-@ @ @- Og 2) Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2500170033-1 C PYRGH T ........ ......... ....... . ........ C2 ........ .... ..... ........ C2 .... ........ C3 .......... ............... ......... oboc@ '@,Idjoura 0, *W.1@ ..... ... INUIA..; ............. ............ 64 ........... r2j%@' @7@@Ie6i6-@266,3* V84/1 t=-*6$91 ....... ..... 64 ............ Diambata ........................... .ci 7,@ T, r)JIBOOTI :'t; jibo C, Zeila QVA-_@,'@@_ Ram bi a le 41z Dureh Buthar 7 -W 5b j u! At 0 E '0, Las 0 bir 8 err;s 7,900 ft! BARI 113 M-) I E,igabo (2401 Scusciuban 0 SAN-AAG Utjp,5@r Sheikh ....... 1. 1. .. . owando ...................................... _R4 ............ .................... .............. 04 Niftwi ............. 5.9RDD264 ...................... 64 ............................. @.83 Sibiti ......................................... .04 ......................... ...... 1.63 4 sk; Soijankd .... .84 zanna ................................ OTHER@FEATURES ............................... Alima 84 .. (dv.) ............................. coma .. C4 B4 (ruts.) ........................... 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OTHER FEATURES Biafra (bight) ......................... ....A 8')kq (isl.) ............................ .. ...... ....................... corisco (is,.) Elobey (ists.) ...................... b (Bioko) Fernando P ........... ... .................... GABON CITIES and TOWNS Banda ............................... Bitam 5.936 ........................ ...... wud ................................ Chinchoua .......................... Cocobeach ......................... ........ Fougamou .......................... ... ................. ..... F(inceville 9.345 ........ ...................... Igu6la ......... ...... Kango .............................. Kernboma .......................... .. Koula-Moutou 8.032 ...................... Latara .................................... .............. ........ Larnbardn6 17.770 .................... Lastoursville - - Lckont ............................. ....... Ubreville (UPI 105.080 ....... ........ Makokou 5.005 .................. ........ ............................ Mayumba M*Bigou ............................... Medouneu ....................... .................... ........ Mekambo .... ..... ....... ...... Mimongo ....................... .............. .... .......... Minvoull... MitEit .......................... Moanaa 10.709 ................. ................... Mouita 15 ..... .016 Mounana 4.000 ................ ...... ........... ........ N'Dendd ..... N'DjOM ......................... Nyanal ......................... Okiondia .......................... ........ omboud ..................I...... ........ owendo ........................... ............... ......... Q4yem 12 455... Port-c'eatil 48.190 ............ ...... fte-cama .................... ........ so