Approved For Release 2003/014jigWfiMWDP96-00789ROO2500230023-5 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memg DATE: 6 May 94 S_-_64 @um , pga REPLY TO PAG-TA ATTN OF: SUBJECT: PAG-TA Monthly Activity Report - April 1994 (U) TO: PAG 1. (U) Personnel: - Per NMIPC (P-AS1) our authorized is 11 with seven assigned personnel. - Job description for civilian hire to conduct foreign assessments returned by PAG without action. 2. (U) Administration: - First shipment of furniture for our facility has been receipted for. - Coordination with the Work Coordination Chief at Fort Meade revealed that the design engineers are conducting a re-analysis of the load bearing capacity of the present floor in Room 111. Once completed a contract will be let and work will begin. 3. (U) Training: SG1J - 5-6 Apr 94: attended the Substance Abuse and AIDS course. 4. (U) Travel: SG1J - 27 Apr-1 May 94: attended the Sixth Conference on Treatment ana Researcn of Experienced Anomalous Trauma (TREAT VI), Virginia Beach, 'VA. REPRODUCTION REQUIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY PAG OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED LIMITED DISSEMINATION CLASSIFIED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES DECLASSIFY ON OADR OFMONAL FORM NO. 10 Approved FWlkeMbilaOMP17!QCDMDMIS-MXVXMB00230WIVOR (41 CFR) 101-11.6 STAR GATE 5010414 Approved For Release 2003/01/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2500230023-5 5. (U) Transportation/Logistics: - Apr 94 mileage report forwarded to DAL-2 on 4 May 94. 6. (S/NF/WN/SG/LIMDIS) operations: - 4 Apr 94: Met with the Deputy Director for Operations, and the Deputies for Investigations and Operations, U.S. Army Foreign counterintelligence Activity, USAINSCOM, Fort Meade, MD. Our support was requested and three projects were conducted in their behalf during Apr 94. SG1A - Four projects were conducted in support of Joint Task Force Five requirements. Results forwarded for info. Since 3 Mar 94 we have conducted eight projects in support of Joint Task Force Five. SG1J - 13 Apr 94: chaired the monthly STIC-C SG1J meetinq. IPGI-2C, presented the _ SG1A lbriefing to attendees. Briefing resulted F in Tom receiving requests for assistance from the NAIC. SG1J - 14 Apr 94: attended the monthly STIC meeting. SG1J - 19 Apr 94.1 briefed at the DIA sponsored Senior Representatives Conference. One result is for us to brief the J2, PACOM in May 94 while he is in the D.C. area. - 19 Apr 94. A coordinated letter (DA, GC, DAC, PSP, and GC) was forwarded to our contractor regarding procedures that will be followed for the review/declassification of their classified holdings. REPRODUCTION REQUIRES WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION LIMITED DISSEMINATION 014LY AS DIRECTED BY PAG OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY 2 Approved For R ll&E-2DOi/B~7PT=PMOJRE~qREB230023-5 NOT EAS STAR GATE Approved For Release 2003/01/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2500230023-5 SG1J - 25 Apr 94: attended the annual conference at CIA. - 26 Apr 94: Message sent to STIC-C members advising them of the time and place of our May 94 monthly meeting. 7. (C) Future Highlights: 11 May 94:1 will chair the monthly STIC-C SG1J meeting. SG1J 12 May 94: will attend the monthly STIC meeting. SG1 H SG1J 9-19 May 94: -7will attend the "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Peo-pTV course. 8. (U) Other: None 2 Enclosures 1. Activity Report SG1J I C 1 Cy SG1J 2. Activity Report I S 1 Cy REPRODUCTION REQUIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY PAG OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED LIMITED DISSEMINATION SG1A SG1J 3 Approved For Release 2003/017TPPMeRl-RM96-00789ROO2500230023-5 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS STAR GATE