Approved For Release 2003/06/24: CIA-RDP79-00999,6900300100021-8 17 June 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Preparation for the SRI Remote Viewing Experiment Arrangements with NPIC and NED 1. While preparing for a remote viewing experi- ment of a Soviet nuclear facility with SRI, NPIC and NED were contacted to solicit support in evaluating the data. The following describes those contacts. SG1A 2. 1 lof NPIC was briefed on the experiment. It was explained that I was requesting accurate coordinates of the Soviet nuclear test facility and a briefing on available photographic information. After this information was supplied, I requested SG1A SG1A laid in scoring the accuracy of any task w "Ic mignt C?m, from the exiDeriment. Since this particular SG1A target is responsibility he is quite knowledgeaFre-and willing to do a minor amount (few days) work without any formal request but would need a formal request for support from the imagery analysis service for any more extensive work. - 3. 1 1 SG1A SG1A F OSI/NED were briefed on the upcoming experi- ment. I as requested that provided we obtained sufficient confirmatory physical data about the chosen target (with the help of NPIC), we need help in determining what are the most important question we could ask our subject about the site. For purposes of discussion they were to assume access to a "janitor" who was technically unskilled but had free physical SG1A access* F lexpress considerable doubt this technique would be usetul but promised a minimal amount of support to provide questions and evaluate SG1A answers. I imaintains a healthy skepticism and is reluctant E3 dissipate man hours on low probability projects. I think his approach will assure a thorough review and assessment of any data. SG1A UTb/ Ub CC- i 4'r I ]IIENT I AL Approved For Release @003/06/24:1UIA-KUV I %1-00999AO00300 10002 1 -SG1A