Approved For ReleaoW2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00787ROOO;V,130005-3 A DYNAMIC PK EXPERIMENT WITH INGO SWANN Edwin C. Mayl and Charles Honorton Maimonides Medical Center We report a preliminary study of Paychokinetic influence on a noise"driven binary random generator with Ingo Swann. Mr..Swann has produced significant psi effects in a variety of controlled tests in three different laboratories. He may, without exaggeration, be called an applied specialist in this area. our primary objective, therefore,, was not merely to provide another demonstration of PK, or of Mr. Swann's abilities, but rather, to introduce him to this form of psychokinetic task,in order to assess the feasibility of develop- ing a systematic research effort that would utilize Mr. Swann's in-, sight and ability to maximum advantage. One of us (ECM) had described the instrument, which we call PSIFI, in detail to Mr. Swann and it appeared appropriate that we should take a "physics" approach to the PK task. Before the experi- ment began, we explained the internal workings of the instrument and the basic physics principles involved to Mr. Swann. We partially dismantled the sensitive sections of the instrument for his inspection, pointing out internal data paths and the source of the random noise. Present address: Physics Dept., City College of San Francisco.. Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0200130005-3 Approved For Releafiw2003/09/04: CI.A-RDP96-00787ROOOQ9130005-3 May and 11onorton/2 These were marked with tape. Further, we explained two possible physics-type phe'nomena-that would dramatically alter the,behavior of the instrument. While Mr. Swann frequently peered into the open top of the instrument and took. frequent notes, we took data for runs'of 10 3 trials at a generation rate of 50/sec. Mr. Swann operated the instrument by manually depressing the reset but-ton at the beginning of each run. Feedback was provided via a scaler reading of the run score. We informed Mr. Swann that chance expectation was 500/ run and that a significant influence on the instrument would be reflected by consistent deviations from this mean. overall, 29 runs of 103 trials were completed. The mean run score of 493 is statistically significant (L = 2.71, 26 df, p = .011, 2-tailed). The,mean run score for the first 10 runs was 495.4 (n.s.); for -the second set of 9 runs the mean was 493.1 (n.s.). The last set of 10 runs was taken while Mr. Swann's BEG was being monitored. During these runs, he was in a sound-attenuated room, adjacent to the instrument room. 'These runs were independently significant, with a mean of 491.8 (L = 2.630 9 df, p = .027). One hour after Mr. Swann's departure from the laboratory, C.H. ran a control ser ies of 3 x 105 trials (i.e., 30 runs of 10 4 trials). The control runs showed excellent approximation to theoretical chance expectationt with a mean of 499.7 (L = 0.11, 29 df, p = .91). Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0200130005-3 Approved For Releaftv@003109104: CIA-RDP96-00787ROO02VO 30005-3 May and Honorton/3 We conclude that Mr. Swann was successful in exerting a psycho- I kinetic influence on the instrument. We also regard the.following trends as provocative and highly suggestive of directions for further collaborative research with Mr. Swann: oPerformance improved (and was independently significant) with increased distance from the instrument. During the last 10 runs, Mr. Swann was separated from the instrument by distance and by two double steel walls. Performance showed steady improvement from the beginning to end of session. Variability of performance decreased from the first to the last 10 runs of the session (F 10,10:= 1.86, p = .16). These latter two trends, while not in themselves significant, suggest the advisability of further research relating to Mr. Swann's belief that his performance in psi tasks is susceptible to learning. Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0200130005-3 Approved For Refew'-12~66SIY9~o~,11634m~P96-00787ROO .O@OP130005-3 for'the New York Meeting of the American Physical Society 2 - 5 February 1976 Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme Number 05 Bulletin Subject Heading in Which Paper Should Be Placed: General Physics Possible Detection of EXEerimenter-Instrument Interaction with. a Selected Subject. E. C. MAY and C. HONORTON, Maimonides Medical Center- An experiment was performed with an individual who claims to influ- ence remote physical systems by non-physical means. Prior experimental tests in 3 other laboratories pro- vided encouraging results. In the present experiment the subject was tested with a noise driven binary ran- dom event generator in which each event is compared to a "target" alternating between '0' and '1' at a rate of 50 events/second. The number of events and the num- ber of matches (events corresponding to targets) were recorded. Data were taken for 29 runs of 103 events during which the subject attempted to inflilence the binary output of events. Thd results corresponded to a probability against chance of p