Appro"ved For Relea@e,,20031109/04 'CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0200130006-2 17 June 1974 '*XI MWORD 4UWRANMM 003@1;11 ration for the SRI r,=Ote Viewi::@- SUBJUM Experiment Arrangements with NPIC and INME) '_J 1. While preparing for a remote viewing experi- ment of a Soviet nuclear facility with SILT, NPIC and NED were contactod to solicit support in evaluating the data., Thelfallowing describes tho-se contacts. SG1 I 2. of NPIC was brieftel on the experimen',. Xt was explained that I was requesting accurate coordinates of the Soviet nuclear test facility and a briefing on' available- photographic inf ormation. After this.infoxvsition was aupplieds I requestee, SG1 SG1 I aid in scoring.the accuracy of any task which might com e from @'the e iwiment. Since t-his particular e target is responsibility he is quite Z SG1 I knowledgeab a ng to-do a minor amount (few ,:d 1121 ' ; L d days) work wi ut any formal request but would nee t U a formal requ for support from the imge--y aL@alysis service for any move extensiVe work..., SG1 1 3. - " brLefed on tjio UPC= OWNED war* peri- ment. was requested that provided we obtained L *@ - sufficient confixuatoryphysical data about the chosen target (wlth the help of iNTPIC), we Aeed help in determininq,vbat are the most important question we could ask our subject about the site. For ptirposes of discussion they we" to Assume access to a "-anitor" '5G1 I ff 1@ who was technically ungkilled but had froe phys"-"cal I access* Iexpreas considorable doubt this technIque would uservX but protaised a mininal support to Ptov questio'no and evainate amount of - amswers. [aftintaine & healt.1',y akepti(,4 sm. ,to,i are. is reluctwt lissipate man hours on low '@@SG1[ ' I th his apnr jorobability pro ink ozich wil-I a thorcuo0v review and aszessm4ont of an-v data. SG1 11 Wai Sol t A; 7, IAPProVed For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0200130006-2 4@ AP .