Approved For Release 2003' P96-00788RO01 100290005-5 4-7- SLIDE 0 ON) I am LTC Jachimq Project Manager for the INSCOM portion of!' DOD Project GRILL FLAME. SLIDE 0 OFF) The purpose of this briefing is to .,pi;ovide you with background information concerning INSCOM's involvement in Project GRILL FLAME. This briefing is divided into three major portions. SLIDE I ON) e First, the history of INSCOM's involvement and the roles of DIA and INSCOM in the project. @ Next, a discussion of remote viewing and examples of.completed projects for which we received the requestor's evaluation. e And, finally, a review of those projects which have been completed but not evaluated. SLIDE 1 OFF First the history of INSCOM's involvement. In the fall of -1978, ACSI tasked INSCOM to determine if parapsychology could be used to collect intelligence. For our purposes parapsychology is defined in two major categories: - First, physical actions performed by mental powers that cannot be explained by known physicpl means. This is known as telekinesis or p6ychokontsis, and Second, perceptions which cannot be explained through known sensory means. This is known as ESP, telepathy and remote viewing. SLIDE 2 ON) Specifically, INSCOM"S tasking was to determine if Remote Viewing could be used as a collection.methad. Remote Viewing is definled, as the ability of an individual, to access information previously unknown, without regard to time, location, or any attempt to hide the tsogdt from a collector. SLIDE 2 OFF) To meet ACSI's tasking INSCOM established a project team under the Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Human Intelligence. The.criteria developed to determine if remote viewing would be a viable collection method was as follows: SLIDE 3 ON First, could remote viewing be learned? Next could remote viewing be applied as a collection method? And@ finally, could remote viewng respond to collection requirements in a Approved EqrnR@lemaaraW/09/09 788RO01 100290005-5 Approved For Release 2003/09 -00788RO01 100290005-5 'f'W .6 SLIDE 3 OFF SLIDE 4 ON SLIDE 4 OFF SLIDE 5 ON SLIDE 5 OFF First, could remote viewing be learned: SRI International, an acknowledged leader in the field of paranormal reseach, which is located in Menlo Park, California relied upon established pV@chics, who used their individual abilities to remote view. INSCOM, using the personality traits and characteristics compiled by SRI during their work with these Achics, screened approximately 250 intelligence personnel within the.Baltimore/Washir)gton brea,'looking for people with similar-characteristics. Based on SRI observations, successful remote viewers tend to be confident, outgoing, adventurous, broadly successful individuals with someartisticbent,(We 61-eaned much.of this information from commanders and supervisor ~e--g-le-~in-~d--~d-c-Fi-oT-Th-i~-*-information from commanders and -'s). supervisors. We then conducted over 100 individual interviews. After the screenings and interviews, nine.people were selected. They were a mixture of military and civilian, officers and enlisted, men and women. After additional intervieuswith the I 15@?chic resb-arch, six were selected SRI sc'entists involved in p to go to California for.two weeks of actual training.. Upon their return to Fort Meade they continued in an in-house training program modeled after the SRI training phase. To determine how long thts training should last, since no one had attempted to train nkf@chics, guidance was again sought from.SRI. Based upon their judgment an 18 to 24 month training cycle was established. Milestones during this first period weref the fall of 1978 through February 1979 - personnel were located; d-om February 1979 through.December 1979 - initial training 'K SRI in California and Fort Meade was undertaken. INSCOM's first training session was conducted on 28 February 1979., After the personnel were located and training had begun, the next questions to be answered applied to the second and third criteria concerning operations. That is, could remote viewing be applied as a collection method? If so, would the information be of reasonable accuracy and accepted and used by the intelligence analyst who receive the product. Finally, could remote viewing respond to collection requirements in a timely manner? Work to answer these questions was overcome by events. In September 1979, ACSI tasked INSCOM to locate a missing navy aircraft. The only information provided was a picture of the type aircraft missing and the names of the crew. Where the aircraft was operating was not disclosed. On 4 September Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CSS1088RO01 100290005-5 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 CIA-RDP96-00788RO01 100290005-5 SECRET 1979, the first operational remote viewing session took place. In this initial session,.the remote viewer placed the aircraft to within 15 miles of where it was actually.located. Based on these results, INSCOM was tasked to work against additional operational targets. These taskings forced a premature halt to the initial training p@ase. In December 1979y the project was committed to operations.@ Trie-background of INSCOM and the GRILL FLAME project would be incomplete without examining the different roles of DIA and- INSCOM; since there appearstohave been some blurring of these-distinctions in the past. SLIDE 6 ON DIA is concerned with: ~ Assessing the threat, principally from the Soviet Union and China. ~ Determining countermeasures to any U. S. vulnerabilities. ~ And, determining the-potebi -.@of--remote.viewing using teb@a established psychics. M DIA performs this function primarily through contracts at SRI. INSCOM is applying remote viewing to assist in its evaluation as a collection method, and to determine if remote viewing can be learned by professional intelligence personnel who are not established psychics. Our remote viewing collection is done with assigned personnel. We contract only for specific items which enhance our collection. For example: * Which targeting methods have the highest probability of success. * Can the accuracy of a remote viewer be determined from an analysis of his statemnets? @ Can the SRI new training technique increase the quality and reliability of collection: SLIDE 6 OFF This completes the background portion of the briefing. Approved For Release 2003/O9/O;tk4f91-OO788 ROO 1100290005-5 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 88RO01 100290005-5 The next portion covers the anatomy of a collection project and presents examples of results from completed projects. Typically a project begins with a request for information on a target, which is not suAptible to normal collection.systemst or cuing data to target other intelligen6a systems. Based upon Rersonnel available, priority of the @artpt, and the potential for providing requested information, the INSCOM project manager makes a decision whether to accept or'decline the project. Many times even though the likelihood of obtaining the information is not high, the project is accepted. The first task is the construction of a remote veiwing collection plan. SLIDE 7 ON This collection plan lists the essential elements of information (EEI) and the intelligence indicators which will address these EEI. Also listed are the target time windows for which these indicators will be relevant. The collection plan indicates which remote viewer will be used. They are selected on the basis of their past performance and the. types of indicators which are needed. SLIDE 7 OFF Once a specific remote viewer has been selected, we contact him and set up a specific date and time for the remote viewing session. This is done to allow him time to prepare mentally for the task, as well as allowing us time to arrange support. At this Lime, the remote viewer is.not told what the targe@ Will be. He only knows he will be doing an operational remote viewing session. more than one session for a particular project. Several sessions may have to be done to address all the indicators needed -to answer the EEI.. A remote viewing session is a team SLIDE 8 ON effort. rhere are two members of this team. One is the interviewer, the other is the remote viewer. The interviewer controls the session. His job is to keep the remote viewer on track@ to direct the focus of the remote viewer and to question him about the target. The remote viewer is responsible only for reporting. The goal of the session is to collect intelligence. To do this, great care is taken to try and force the..remote viewer to produce only information of intelligence value. This is done by denying him other sources of information about the target. We always keep the remote viewer "blind". Most times the interviewer is also kept "blind", so he will not inadvertently lead the remote viewer. SLIDE 8 OFF Approved For Release 2003/09/09 @ CSEN188RO01 100290005-5 Approved For Release 2003109109: R001100290005-5 Let's now look at the conduct of an actual remote viewing session. The remote viewer arrives :at the operation section at the specified date and time. He and thqiinterviewer then discuss what is going to be expected. They-are still. not talking about the target. ..This time is generally used to establish enthusiasm and motivation on the part of both the interviewer and the remote viewer. At the designated timelthey go.into a room, which had been designed es ecially for remote viewing. It is 6 comfortable room with ta e recording and monitoring equipment. It's acoustically treated n*d carpeted. The only thing done in this room is remote vibwing. During the remote viewing session the lights are dimmed reducing after images on the retina of the eye, and producing a quiet, stable environment. At the start of the session@ the interviewer provides the remote viewer with the target cuing data. The remote viewer has not seen this information before. He receives it only at the start of the remote viewing session. Target cuing data may fall into several categories. It may be geographic or UTM coordinates, an overhead photograph of the area, or a photograph of an individual or object. Perhapso there is some reason not to give target information to a remote viewer. The way to overcome this is simply the target information in a sealed envelope. The remote viewer is given this sealed envelope and he is.told that the target for today is in the envelope. Ile is then simply asked to describe the target. Once the remote viewer has this cuing data, -the tape recorder is turned onraiha the session begins. SLIDE 9 OFF The remote viewer is asked to focus his attention, pliziical-ly relax and concentrate on the target which has been designated. Once this is accomplished,'he is then asked to describe his perceptions of the target. During the course of the session, the interviewer questions the remote viewer,about his perceptions, and directs . the remote viewer in the target area. At times an outside analyst may monitor the session from a control room. The remote viewer.and interviewer are both.aware of the monitoring. The analyst may wish certain areas of the remote viewer towards the goal of the analyst. At no time are the analyst's questions heard by the remote viewer. After the session, which usually lasts about 30 minutes, the remote viewer is asked to draw the perceptions he,had during session. This is very important. The.-drawings may be.more accurate or show.a different perspective than the verbal descriptions about the target. After the drawing is done and the remote viewer talks about them, the remote viewing session is completed. The tape is then.transcribed and a transcript furnished to the project requestor. After the project is completed the requestor provides an evaluation. As in any other task, feedback is essential. The remote viewer Approved For Release 2003/09/09 @ C%z1t_188R001 100290005-5 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01 100290005-COWIL Tt@v- wishes to know if he did well in his efforts. He needs to know that his descriptions were accurate. This helps him in future projects, as well as establishing a-sense of worth in his efforts to remote view. The project manager requires feedback to evaluate the collection method. The following graphics are summaries of dur operation. From 5eptember 1979 thru May 19B2. SLIDE 10 ON Note the comparison of sessions to ppojects. The specific number of collection sessions, necessary to meet a project's requirements, is based upon the requestor's tasking. As an example,. the support provided during the Iranian hostage crisis covered an extended period of time and resulted in an excess of 200 sessions. There also have been projects. where the task was successfully accomplished with just a single.session. Of the'65 projects completed.and fully evaluated, over 50 percent have provided information of value to the requester. &&I Y SLIDE 10 OFF f-16 1", 1. SLIDE 11 ON C11 The results of evalua ted projects are depicted on this slide. It should be noted that while ACSI is listed as.the official request&r on 8 projects, two.projects were conducted in support of Army MACOMS, two were combination ACSI/INSCOM and another was the missing navy AGE. SLIDE 11 OFF I would now like to cover our project book. The project book accompanying this briefing presents examples of intelligence collected through remote viewing. Prior to its review I wish to emphasize the following points: Remote viewing is.-RQt a magic lamp and is. riot a substitute for current intelligence work. Remote viewing is a highly controlled and formally established, unique intelligence collection capability which has the following characteristics: SLIDE 12 ON Lt is PASSIVE To the extent of our knowledge, collection by remote viewing is totally passive. Only one claim of detection of remote known. Chinese scientists claim to have detected remote viewing during their experiments-with childl:pn. Qaf-a claim. Work to replicate these experiments is continuing at SRI. SG1 s B Approved For Release 2003/09/09 .$EMET-,0788RO01 100290005-5 --- I I - . !.----- @L@hw Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : cl 88RO01 100290005-5 A-RDP96=0Q7 fff SECI IT IS INEXPENSIVE The principal cost of remote viewing collection is the people involved. There is no expensive hardware, and lastly, THERE IS NO KNOWN DEFENSE. Time, target size, or degree of-difficulty all have no apparent effect on collection by remote viewing. Even conceptualized plans have been collected against prior to their actual implementation. SLIDE 12 OFF Remote viewing has been successfully used against seven categories of tasking. Five,,f-are described inthe project book and are color coded for easy reference. They are: SLIDE 13 ON 1. Penetration of inaccessible targets (BLACK TAB) 2. !,Science and technology information .(RED TAB) 3. tuing of other intelligence collection SG1 systems (YELLOW TAB) 4. Imminent.hostilities (BLUE TAB) A At this time two categories: Penetration of inaccessible targets. And the cuing of other intelligence collection systA. Dominate SLIDE 13 OFF There are two additional categories which we be equally important@ but for which the date base is. insufficient. They are human source assessments and accurate personality profiles. Each the book presents the actual target, the reason for targeting, and the targeting data. Examples of verbatim viewer descriptions are provided, with the analytic comments to the.right. In all cases, these comments were made by intelligence analysts. Additional projects which are not SG1 detailed in We book are listed in the appendix..' A At this point I would like to walk you through 2 of the examples in the book. The first, under TAB 1, is projecti SG1A IThe Ist, page contains tFe target, the tasking a arget cuing data. We were tasked by the NSC Staff in late 1979. To determine what is--,taking place within Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01 100290005-5 @-FPMT SG1A Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01 100290005-5 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01 100290005-5 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 P96-00788RO01 100290005-5 alo This briefing has covered the history of INSCOM and the GRILL FLAME program. How.we began in the program, and some of the-actions we have begun to improve our product. Our objectives for the future concern: 0 Selection of people. We are working to develop a method of recurring recruitment, and in coordination with the staff psychologistt revalidate the initial screening criteria used. NPxt, a Increase the reliability of remote viewing. We are studying how to implement the SRI report on audio analysis. The staff pk@Qhplogi 'st is assisting us by working on individual remote viewer profiles and locating places where enhanced individual training could be received. And we also wish to evaluate the new SRI Training program, since they indicate it will decrease tendencies of a remote viewer to analyze rather than just report, increase-the quality and reliability of remote viewing and provide some predictive value about the remote viewing product. In summary: Remote viewing has demonstrated it is of value and has a high rate of success. Remote viewing should never stand alone, but should be used in conjunction with information from other intelligence sources. We do not evaluate our product. All evaluations are done by the professional intelligence analysts who assign the project. Collection of intelligence through remote viewing is not an experiment. It is a successful collection.method. The ftrmy effort is@not research and development, operational collection. Remote viewing is passive, inexpensive, there is no defense and there is no risk of of collection compromise. This concludes the briefing. Are there any questions? StIC&I 12 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01 100290005-5