Approved For Release 2003109109: CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0700110011-3 10 l1';-::-1OtLMJDUM FOR R:,"COPEI SUl'JECT SRI Trip R,@port: 17-18 June 1974 SG1 1 1. Bacl.@@r_ound and SUL::_,rar visited S@1,1 on 17 and 18 J'.Izle 1974, principally for the purposes of: examining the criteria used in tne selection of paranoimal subjects and controls; deterInining precisely what arrange- ments had b-c-2n made for exaTaining the subjects in the 'basic research' context; establishing procedures for the reporting of all relevant data to us; and discuss1nl- such other 'basic' and 'applied' research issues as seemed appropriate. Vie met for about eight hours with bissrs Jones, Puthoff and Targ oh 17 June and for one hour with the latter two on 18 June. Despite what appeared to be conceptual problems on the part of Pathoff and Targ, relating largely to the kinds of rigorous researc" disciolines ,.,hich we were espousing as essential for the project, the discussions were business-like and well-focused and seemed to be useful for all concerned. 2. Selection and Categorization of Subjects. After five months of effort SRI has selected only five of the nine subjects: the three super-stars, one of the three mid-stars and one of. the three controls. Vie stressed that significant and useful the basis of rc_@earch could co=-cnce only after they'd made definitive selections on/spocific and consisterlL criteria. One of the problems here. seems to be the fact that Pathof'f and Targ have been more interested in the testing and enhancing of psychic po;Iers than in the establishment of rigorous research procedurcs-.jith the corsequence tha-,, as they've perceived ostensible improvements in the psychic po,,,ers of their ' contr3is they've tended to slide thaill up into the psychic categories. Given their basic be-IL-ef that everyone has psychic abilities, this could be a never-endin., process. @-le stressed that weld like to see all nine subjects designated by the end of July and they und@artoc'z to do so. We then spent several hours defining the three categories and specifyin.:- the pre-selection tests and criteria used in screening the subjects. a. Scrocnin7, Tests and Criteria. All subjects will haie been testE-f or, five 'paranoi-iial' tasks. Those tasks, toCothcr with tile related protocols and criteria, %,,ere defined as follows. (1) "Uhc Random Uumbprs, Machine (testinf; lclzlirv@)yallccl): The basic rcreenin-, tcsl@ will consist of 1000 trials (25 trials per run, 8 rLUIS per d,)%, for 5 (1,@Y@@) and, thou"'ll many qubjt@,,-(-s have gone well. 1,,c@yond 10131) trials alrc-,t@y, MI will, report to 11@-. (Inta and values oil our n1no .-!ubjoct@; `_ztrt on thr_- "'i-st loot,) In tA.0, oo!ltext of 1,11"Ir 1,7@, SA project" ov'). n-ople hrkv@:? b"'Cli tc-@.;Lcd uit Lhis machi.r.@@; Lh, claut (copl.,2s ot, which wil] he ";QnI, tn 117.) 11c.". Approved For Release 2003109109: CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0700110011-3 Approved For Release 2003109109 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0700110011-3 will. ,;oon be urL,@@blh;hcd on th.3 bU!AS, of this analysisT rocOnL cu,:"ss lie T) is WIA criteria will be on the ordur of lo -6 (2) 0013 or li-2.-note Vi e,,., i n g (tpstinf@ for t.olep:itlky and/or cl_@irvo'.,-ance): The basic screciling test qill consist of 6 trials (lasting about one-half :,.cur each), one per day; criteria for psychic perfo,.-ianec level will soon be es ab- lished but, in any case, it was agreed that results would have to be at least at the .01 level. It was also agreed that a pool of 20 new sites would be used for each subject; we also discussed the desirability of replacing used sites in. subsequent trials for each given subject and, while no definite a@reement was reached, it may be that SRI will do so. We spent considerable time discussing the judging procedures, the salient points being: the same five judges (all chosen by Mr Cox and representing a 'hostile' to 'friendly, spread with resLect to paranormal research) will be used on a permanent basis; each judge works independently, is given a list of the sites which were randomly selected for the subject and copies of his transcripts; he visits each site and selects the best matching transcript; at the present time a plurality vote (i.e., 2 or more) of the judges, accurately na tching 4 (or 5) of the 6 sites, is considered si@nif icant--but, as noted, precise criteria will be specified by SRI in the near future. (3) EEG-Remote Stimulus (Strobe Light)(testing for telepath via psycho- 2hysiologic indicators): The basic screening test will consist of 8 runs, 20 trials per run. A 'sendingg' subject is exposed to randomly selected stimmius (a 16 herz light for 10 seconds) or non-stimulus, with one ininuto inter-trial intervals; the 'test' subject is in a shielded room and, upon hearing a 'blip, signal on the intercom, has to call stimulus or non-stimulus; both subjects are being EEG-monitored and (aside from his calls) they are watching for alpha reduction in the test subject during the stimulus periods. Heretofore SRI had been averaging only the "S" and "ITS" alpha production for comparison purposes but they ,.till now also average the inter-tiial alpha for use as the subjQct's base-line. Criteria for psychic level performance ia now set at the .01 level and %till be confirmed by SRI. (4) @@ -in Fnvelones (tcstin,-, for clairvoyance): One run of 10 trials, with the stimulus cards (sinaple line drawin,s of ordinary object,.-,) selected randomly and double-blind from a pool of 50; the subject draws his responses a,_,in, -y; nn(3 may, if lie wi-shes, supplur,,ifnt the dr, -, by written his rospon,@(@s are ncored indcpcndent.1y by two jud,es. Vv! (,.ritcria for psychic levc.] will be _'Ot L@,' SNI IML i., 1101-7 tC,11L@LIAVCAY at Ule@ .01 level. in, s.; C Approved For Release 2003/09109 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0700110011-3 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-0078TP,000700110011-3 screeni L 11 i I I cot" @;iS t 01' u (41,1@ -1-LOU11' I: LU I, with rna, !@ i-n-Z 'work' and 11,est, cyclcs; during the cix 'uorkl periods thc subject is i.-,stru.-_-_aj1 on a randorlily-selected basis, to increase or docreas@? the amplitude (not the frequency) of the pondulu-m's state. Considerable tLine was Spent discussing the protocol in terms of how one could most accurately measure states -and e-ffects-- with the consensus being that it would be best to compare the last 6 cycles of the 'work' period with the last 6 cycles of the preceding 'rest' period. The tentative criteria for psychic level performance, to be confirmed by SRI, is two standard deviations on 4 out of the 6 'work' periods. SRI ,.,as* quite i-n-Pressed by the gradiometer's sensitivity and found it a sufficiently useful adjunct to the pendulum experiment to investigate the Possibility of acquirin.- one of their oi-m; barring that, they might try to use SRI's magnetometer. They had several anecdotes about two of their subjects' prowess with this device (one of them allegedly having sent the scale soaring off the paper by telephone) but, not wanting to be exposed to the subjects, we declined invitations to observe experiments. (Note: With respect to all of the above testing, SRI was informed that--as far as our nine ultimate subjects were concerned-i7e wanted to see all the raw test scores and not n'ierely probability statements on the results.) b. Definition of Subject Categories. All nine subjects will be submitted to all five of the above tests. Their placement as super-stars, mid-stars or controls will be determined on the following basis. _EL-r Stars: Those who "consciously" perform at higb lp' values (e.g., 10-6) on-at least one of the five tasks. (2) Mid Stars: Those who are only at chance on the "conscious" level but are at high 'pl value on the "unconscious" physiological dimension--i.e., on the EEG (and/or GSR, plethysmograph) test described in a(3), above. (3) Controls: Those who did not exceed chance within the prescribed number of trials on any of the tasks. (Note: tie stressed, and SRI agreed, that once a subject is placed in a given category he is to remain in that catc,-ory for the duration of the projec@--no matter what apparent inercase or decline of powcrs they mi[rht observe.) 3. Status of Arram,enwrits for Fxaminin@ Subjects. We discussed the critical need to finalize all the arran,,cments and bei.6n proccssjn,,,, Lit least their 'control,,' throll.,_711 the batLery of LesL.@; within thL.- YL-IL month. SET app,:rtred to concur fully and, as a lwat;Lcr of fact, 111orit (if Lhn arranf,,c@rw@,rfts do now soe!@i to be well in hand; it is now a qkl,:@;Liori ol, 1@(@w th,y l'ol-low-11P 1@y cu@;!@]@n,- Lho@ irt, lit i o" Approved For Release 2003109109: CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0700110011-3 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0700110011-3 and by s-Gtill" UP aald Cb:,-:-;irr- PrOc,@@',urcs for th-_air It Would aPpear that the will is th,21:- (@hi@y are, LV,@11 too op the Si0lifir'ance of the evidence that mi.-iat accr@jo f"0111 the phYsical and psychoioEic@, examinations) but the organization and d'sci.Dline might 'still be lacking. In a@V case, the status is as follows. a. Psycholo,-.ical and Behavioral Exa:@.iina@ions. Under the white tab (-_-:t@'2h@d) is a chart SRI had prepared on the psychological testing to be performed- -showin@, fo-r each subject the status with respect to all tests. Color-coded to reflect the entit-y responsible for administering each test, the lower circle in each box (vhen filled lin) signifies that the arrangements have been made--while the upper circle (when filled in) signifies that.the test has already been administered to that subject. On 17 JkLne 211- Puthoff visited the Palo Alto Medical Clinic and came back with the report that, in the psych -behavioral field, they will also be able to administer the follo-@,7in,g: Luscher Color Test, Rorschach, 1,24PI, Omnibus (we confirmed that we wanted both 1,24PI and the Omnibus), Witkins Fiela Dependency, In-Depth Intervie-s.,@s- -and that all the psych test---g done at PAMC will be administered by one individual and scored blind by another. Further SRI will administer: Suggestibility Tests, Flicl'@er-Fusion and, possibly, a Sil gnal Detection Test. lele asked them to prepare a new Psych-Behavioral matrix sheet--s-owing all of the tests definitively agreed upon--and to use that format in report_J-,@ pro-r=ss with each monthly report. We also confirmed for theni (vhich they seemed not to have SG1 I realized) that ould not be doing the WAIS in the future--but that i.,,e wou .Id b e 2 -Pe-,r it@ s content with. the WAIS administered by PA1.1- All in all, although there are a - on our original list which have not been satisfied, this battery of tests and inter@'-i'e-.-s should be adequate for our purposes - -part J_ cularly since, after studying all of t1ne evidence on all subjects, there's no reason why @,;e couldn't call for a limited n=ber of specific and more discriminating tests on all of them. Also (see the blue tab) SRI has adopted Mocd Adjective & Semantic Differential Checklists for use on each testin@ da@' b. Mie di cal -Phys i c al -Sen sory Examinations. The PAIMC will handl, L all of these examinations, including. in-depth medical history interviews; a thorcugh EEG and medical examination (of the periodic checkAp type); a complete/CNS uork-up; full blcc@d and urine analysis; chromosome count and analysis; protein broak-down analysis; Lye and car examinations, testing to each subject's cx@trcmc capability; plottin-, of entirc vi-sual response field, with different colors; and they will farm-out the CrN res-onsc testin., to Stanford (SRI undertook to determine for u.@, the details on Stanford's procedures and conditions). Further, FM@2 is able to perfonn in braLn-scc-n, .1 low X-ray dosat,,ti c%:amina Lion of 6 1A_ain.-; of the brztin, at an additional cost, of lv@r -mbject; we urged and they arrcccl that E!H don@_, nnly if '@:Flc@ oltwarl,. indicated that it b,-, warrallLed. Th.-2 co@-'t rol, all of )Y,.!-:C'S -'.-ork cn ("tch :@;7(,() to Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0700110011-3 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0700110011-3 - 5 - that, in th'? cont@JxIt of o"tr rc Only for the C,.--amination,, thcrasclves@ and that any inedical condi.1tionz which ntiE;U be uncovered could be I)ursu,:d by the subject only at his o,.ni expense. Perhaps the best news was .,rhat Dr Puthoff reported of the PAMC interest in this .,,ork. They appear to be eager to do a thorou@@h job, are rather excited about the pro@ipocts of working in this field, have a feel for the kinds of evidence which might be important to us and are determined to handle it all on a clean, scientific. basis--i. c. , insofar as practicable the interpretations will be done blind and each department (under the chairmanship and coordination. of Dr Armbruster) will not only provide the raw data but will also prepare a definitive report on each subject--callin-- special attention to any significant variations from the normal population, as vell as watchin.g for any variations or correlations within our group of subjects. The only thin-a of apparent consequence that PA1,C can't handle is 'visual testing in IR and UV and, frankly, I do not recall whether we made any other provision for that. SRI was asked to prepare a medical matrix similar to the attached psychological one and use it in reporting future progress to us. c. 1,Lid-Paranor.,ral-Exnerim-eiit Testing. After obtaining normal baseline data on each subject, SRI will perform nid--Darano,-z,.al-experimenting testing on each of then during the course of the post-selection protocols (see para 4, below, for discussion of those tasks); this testing -will consist of: EEG readings (both ri.-ht and left hemisphere, focusing on Alpha, Beta slid Theta waves); GS,R; and Plethysmo.-raph. As indicated above, there is also a possibility that SRI will obtain its own gradio- meter or magnetometer--in which case, presumably, it will also be used to monitor the subjects during perforritanec of their psychic tasks. Again, we asked SRI to prenare a matrix for use in reporting the status of such testing with each subject. 4. Post-Selection Paranormal TeLLInE. 'Nithout wanting to encroach upon OTS' 'applied' research domain, there was nevertheless some discussion of the kinds of tasks which the nine subjects will be expected to do after selection (and during which they would be examined as stated in Para 3.c., above). Recognizing that CTS right redcfire these tasks or specify entirely different ones, it was generally agrLd that thcy would likely fall into four broad areas. a. Remote Viewinf, of Sccnes/7vents. Sii--iilar to the WB experiments bci.n-- run for screening purposcs, to the extent that security considerations peimut the lutur tests would hopefully be more operaUonal_ly oriented--i.o., focus on @-pecific hard-tarl,-2t sites. ' For ;libjcct.- who are not cleared, the tas`,@s mi-1hL take the fonri, for inoLance, of 'JocaUng, subject..', who are tryin.- to c,vado dutec-tion--and we discussed scvcral possibIc @;C,!llario', ""hich inic:ot, the, rro-.,,r for such Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0700110011-3 Approved P6r'Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-007-87ROO0700110011-3 11@ 1@iT 11 op onal ,.,Pp1icaLJ1e11-e.i.. , location of _'c"..1c I-..D.!, :tn rci,-@y and chan@,in- the state. SRI also mentioned that i t; to corir-@Itruct taslo ii,volvin@; biological (sinCle-cell. ni1tclla.-) and bacteriological whose sLatc-changes as a consequence of PK perturbation co-_@_'.d 'ce prec.usoly measur@_-d. c. Cluirvoyance-ESP. Bere the focus mi,lt be on safes/locls/a-tacle cases- with, for instance, the subject required to perceive the contents or determine t-e unlock,ing combination. d. Remote Asscs2ments. In which the subject would be req@ired to ascertain the emotional and/or physical state, feelings or attitudes, of a subject remotely-- either with or without stimulus objects (photographs, etc). 5. Renorting. It was pointed out that, though we are approaching the end of the fifth month of effort, we've seen only two 'monthly' reports. SRI stated that the third was in preparation. We told them that we'd like to see in the next re-port (i.e., the fourth one, by the end of July) at least the follo,,,Tin.- the data: a. Status on the screening of (hopefully) all nine subjects and the . ...... pre-selection test data on each; b. definitive statements on the pre-selection protocols and the psychic lcvel criteria employed; c. definitive statements on the criteria employed for placing subjects in the super-star, mid-star and control catep .@ories; d. matrices on the status of (1) psychological-behavioral, (2) medical- sensory and (3) mid-experiment testing; and e. samcwhat more precise statements on the nature of the psychic tasks to be used in the post-selection testing phase. 6. Other Mattors. PuLhoff and Targ will be going to New York for a con-ference about mid-August and it ,vis agreed that they would stop for iocetings with us on the way. Their 'internal' Blue Hibbon panel has not rcally been used on our project; as they explained it, the panel is invoked only in the event of major policy decisicns or @,.-hcn thcre is soi;@.e significant problem or crisis. Thoy are, howover, in tha prccCss of identifyin[@ and. recvuiting, an 'external' panel of c1,c,-,s_Ctiscipline experts and would br@ u@,ed to i@@ips on )-c-scarch desi(;n and procedures used in our projcct. It projcct--a1t!@Ou1,-,`1, if rucd, oiice and for all, LhLL URI would not be includc-d @n ClUr t1loy CIO te.,A him oil their own with UPS, S/W cards), t,1,L,_,y'.1l provide us with tl.-- ISG1 I JuU't rr-p'lrot.Cly. Wo loc;!"ud 0, IT's on C-z1:er]:i1e1iL W.Ith it SG1 1 Int,17'-d 1,1.ctAy )ia@; sincc con.F1r,.,.--d Uii_@ SG 11 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0700110011-3