or roved For ReJ1tE%W8ffl 00788RO01 100440072-4 TT H DEFENSE R;Ak WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301 RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM FOR ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE ARMY DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITION) ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY ENGINEERING AND SYSTEMS) ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE AIR DEVELOPMENT AND LOGISTICS) MAQ 13F.Q (RESERACH, (RESEARCHp FORCE (RESEARCH, SUBJECT: GRILL FLAME Activity (U) (S) This note is for the purpose of establishing policy with respect to OUSDRE support of investigations into parapsychology and-its potential military applications. (S) Based upon the December 1979 report of Che GRILL FLAME Scientific Evaluation Conunittee and upon my own sense of . priorities for efforts within the OUSDRE, I believe it appropriate that the Recommendations of Chapter 3, pages 10 and 11, relating to OUSDRE activities be implemented. (S.)-. a at ons as___the'_'y_-_r-_ela'_t'e to OUSDRE is that it was found to be not- technology programs aimed at scientific demonstration of the existence of t@e subject effects, and that as a consequence future work at AMSAA and Huntsville in these areas not be auth- orized by USDRE. Therefore, no new work will be initiated under the sponsorship of OUSDRE in the areas of potential military application of parapsychology effects. (S) otheir"'6c,ommendations-in the-report deal. with intelligence related R&D and suggest a continuation of low level efforts within the INSCOM. These activities clearly are outside the responsibility of OUSDRE and therefore are neither endorsed nor denied. When intelligence related parapsychological efforts require support by OUSDRE personnel or facilities, I would like ,@o be a-dvised, but interpose no objection if the level of their requests are not an appreciable fraction of the work of the facility involved. V;;:;iam J. Perry, C@' %_0 80 113q _'98k00`l 1d_044007rf-_4___--" Approved For Release 20 SRI "I-rDP96-007