Approved For Relea W -RDP96-00788RO01 700070001-7 s@ J: CIA !6 June 1983 1ACPA-F-ISD MENORL14DUDI FOP, OACSI CLNTER LANE PROJECT OFFICER SUBJLCT; support Ut INSCOH iriitiatives, wLth PC Ful,68 (U) I J- (U) Rcferences: a. MemorarWura. Under Secretar@@ of Defense for Research aiiu J Engineering (USDRE), dated 19 Jan 83, Subject: GRILL FLAME Activit@ (U). L. Briefirig tor Assistant Secretarj@ of the Armyj, Research, Dcvelopmerit and Acquistiort (ASA, R&DA), 16 Mar 8-3, Subject: INSCOM Initiatives for P6 Funding (U). S/140FORN) Referenced USDRE menorandura authorized use of P6 Iunius to aupport INSCOM activity. -ferenced L-riefing the ASA R&DA, i (S/NCFORN) During rc - L approveu ill C(;1-Xek,,t tile C_XPC-TlCAitUrC Of P6 fLnUS tO SUPPort five INSCOM initiativeL;. 4, .(S/NIOFORN) The initiation of a contract virith a civilian orgaitization to provi(Ae initial training for nf-,w perborillel keincj %jaL 4 a6signed to Lhe CEIVIER LANE project Lnitiativc la. S. (U) Request authorization and $70K tu coatract foL the 1CqLireQ traillil!@6. RGLE'lR11, j. JAC11111 LTC, V41 CENITER LANE Project Manager CLASSIFIED LY: C-DR, INSCOM DECL: OADR CENTER LANE SCAM Approved For Release 0WR0PW66VM68*b6070001-7