eir Approved For Release 2003/0ft CEIP96-00788ROO1700230014-5 IAGPC-G 3 Sep 82 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SG1 I SUBJECT: Meeting with SG1 I I. (C) On 27 August 1982,,at 0900 hours I met withl SG11 SG1A ---] NSA at his office Meeting was in response to his request. 2. (S/NOFORN) After an initial greeting to th Offl SG1 I ff@-= w a @s SG1 I corner room) (position unknown) with was SG1 I n t another indiv , who was introduced but whose ngme I can o remember. After some preliminary discussion we were joined by I position SG1 I unknown. The purpose of the meeting was to provide me with an NSA target, to be worked on by the GRILL FLAME Collection Technique. 3. (S/NOFORN) I provided some basic information on the capabilities and method of operation. We then discussed four potential targets, selected one to work against. We then discussed target ZW1TK4g1data and the amount ofinformation to be given the interviewer. 4. Meeting ended at 1100 hours. V ROBERT J. JACHIM LTC, MI GRILL FLAME Project Manager Approved For Release 20031"1" P96-00788RO01 700230014-5 It- 5ERAET c@v/- q 7