al Society for'llhe Study of gies and Energy Medicine ,r fo The Science of Connectiveness Part III: The Human Experience The Paradox of Holism Anomalous Mental Phenomena Research in Russia and the Former Soviet Union: A Follow-Up ApProved For Release 2003/09/16 CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200190024-1 A ISSSEEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS 99-1-95 A esident Steven L. Fahrion. Ph.D. Lift Scjence@ ln-:@:@:,, of.llind-Rod), Healrb 1'opeka, KS President Fletr Jerry E. Wesch, Ph.D. Rnpard Brau-n Healih Genter chicago, LL Directors Elmer Green, Ph.D. Director Emeizrw. lolzoiran, Gontrols Pr%araln The lvfe?zni@@aei 7o@eka. KS Patricia L. Norris. Ph.D. Life Sciences 1wti.:e:e o(Mind-Body Heald, Topeka, KS Carol Schneider, Ph.D. r@, Colorado Cente; , Biobehai,ioral Halrh T. M. Srinivasan. Pla.D. Glady, Tp10@ 11, (1'd@e) Medical Fdty. SCOMdlde, AZ C. Penny Hiernu ISSSEIM Golde;. ("0 Socirn, ()I" sturix EXu,1?(;11,-S FOR'l,1111 S'rum & Exi,'1w;N- MiI)ICINE, The International Socierv for the Study Of' SUI-)[IC Fncrgles and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM), is an inter- disciplinary organization for the Study of energ tic and t,e informaric'nal interactions. Thc Societ v i's concerned with the study of informational and energi ,,Ies that interact with the hurnan psyche arid physiology, either enhancing or perturbing healthy horneostasis. The Society was organized in the fall of 1989. Subtle Energies is designed to meet the needs of exper- imentalists, clinicians and theoreticians who pursue an interest in consciousness, and the dynamics and limits of human potential, by emploving rigorous and erhi- cal scientific methodologies and clinical procedures. It is explicitly inter-disciplinar 'v to allow those with a deep understanding of one discipline to compare insights L, with those attained by others working along different paths. It is the hope of the leadership of the Society that through carefully prepared and edited publications the Society will stimulate ISSSEEM interest in the greater scientific community. %lembership dues sustain the Central office and pro- @ 'de members with quarterly newsletters and general vi mailings. The Society encourages the exchange of information rhrou@h conferences, seminars, and work- n shops. The Fifth Annual Conference will be held in Boulder, Colorado, June 23-26, 1995. Program details are available from the Society's Central Office. Cover Art Ru@4an DoIL- ly Robert Bordeativ (See back inside coverfor additional detaiL) The International Society jor the Stud), of Subtle Energies and Energv Medicine is a non-profit public benefit corporation based in Colorado. Editori:al and Business Offices at. ISSSEEM Central Offlce, 356 Goldco Circle, Golden, CO 80403 - Headquarters and Business Telephone (303) 278-2228 - Business FAX (303) 279-3539 - Compuserve Address 74040,1273. Editorial Office Telephone (913) 271-8686 - Editorial Office FAX (913) 271-8698. All unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by a se4(-addressed stamped return envelope. Submissions mus@ conform to parameters detailed at the end of the journal. 0. 1994 by The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energi, Medicine. Cover Art Paradigms or worldviews have been basic to human funcEloning eve: since the dawn of hisrorv. These undergo changes from time to time as evidenc,- and expe- rience accumulates which cannot adequately be explained bN the paTl-,@igrri then in favor. The cover drawing of a series of "Russian dolls" shows ho\@ -.,aracliorms - Z@ arisin@ from scientific thinking have evolved to encompass lamer and @arger per- z:1 Z7 spectives. The nesting of the Russian dolls illustrates that the par---,-'Igms that have previously demonstrated a high degree of success wifl be includ@-@ within a new, more encompassing paradigm. The authors of the series of Perc,,@-,,rives con- cluded in this issue believe that evidence supporting the need for al-- expanded paradi= has grown to the point where mainstream science can no IoTger ignore its existence. The last "doll" in the series represents an undefined ne@, paradigm, Z) one which t .he.authors believe will include the current science of separa-eriess and encompass it into a science of connectiveness. Comments by William Gough and Robert Sbac@letr