SAIC-(415)322-7960- Created: Tuesday, June 13,199510:34- Pagel of 5 ------------ ------------------ The Cognitive Sciences Laboratory 330 Cowper Street, Suite 200, Palo Alto, CA 94301 Voice: 415.327.2007 - Fax 415.322.7960 An Employee-Owned Company e-mail: Date: 13 June 1995 SG1 I To: I - From: Edwin C. May, Ph.D. Re: Receivers (a.k.a. RVers) for Hire With one exception, I have focused my search for receivers-for-hire for US-based individual s/institutes. Since the field is such a small community, I believe my alphabetical list includes all major players who are publicly known for anomalous cognition activity. In one cases, I indicate what I know from first-hand knowledge and what I have learned from others, and in all cases I give contacts (names and phones) of individuals who should be able to provide more information. Consciousness Research Laboratory (CRL) University of Nevada. Box 454009,4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154- 4009. Voice: 702.895.1480 Fax 702.895.1602 Director: Dr. Dean I Radin Dr. Radin has been involved in the field since the early 1980s. He has been the president of the Parapsychological Association and is a highly qualified researcher. He served as a visiting scientist in the Cognitive Sciences Program at SRI in 1985. CRL is a privately endowed research laboratory within the Psychology Department at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. They have a staff of 3, but are growing in the near future. Their focus is on building a "thought-controlled switch." To date, they have not conducted AC experiments. Individuals Who can Provide Further First-hand Information Dr. Jessica Utts. Dr. Utts has worked with Radin and is familiar with the research at SGFOIA3 UNLV. Home phone: I I Mr. James Spottiswoode. Mr. Sp iswoode is familiar with Dr. Radin's work and is SGFOIA3 especially qualified to comment on their neural network approach. Home phone: Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200190042-1 Page 1 SAIC - (415) 322-7960 - Created: Tuesday, June 13,199510:34- Page 2 of 5 -------- ------------ Approved For-Release7Nf)3tO9tt&---elicr-RtYM--OOMRM02001-9M'42-1 ------------------- Edinburgh University Psychology Department, 16 Buchleuch Place, Edinburgh, Scotland EH89JZ. Voice: 44.31.650.3343 Fax 44.31.650.346 1. Director: Dr. Robert Morris Dr. Morris is a US. citizen and occupies a life-time appointment to the Chair of Parapsychology at Edinburgh University. He has a staff of 12 researchers and students. The University grants MA and Ph.D. degrees in psychology with dissertations in parapsychology. Dr. M offis is a careful researcher and has contributed significantly to the field for many years. Their primary focus is the study of AC in the Ganzfeld., a mild altered state of consciousness technique. SAIC has subcontracted to them for specific testing of the role of a "sender" in AC experiments. An Individual Who can Provide Further First-hand Information Dr. Jessica Utts. Dr. Utts has worked in their laboratory for extended periods. Home SGFOIA3 plione:1 Intuitive Intelligence Applications (IIA) P.O. Box 100, Nellysford, VA 22958. Voice: 804.361-9215 Fax 804.9056 President: Mr. Joseph MeMoneagle HA is a one-man organization that contracts to us, and others, for the AC services of Mr. McMoneagle. Mr. McMoneagle was one of the original 6 from the Program Office that came to SRI in 1979 for "technology transfer." He is excellent at his craft and is responsible for most of the successful applications in the Program Office from 1979 until he retired in the late 1980s. Individuals Who can Provide Further First-hand Information Dr. Edwin C. May. Dr. May has worked closely with Mr. McMoneagle since 1979. SGFOIA3 Home phonej I . SGFOIA3 Dr. Jack Vorona. Dr. Vorona has closely followed Mr. MeMoneagle from the government perspective in his former capacity of DDS&TL Home phone: I SG1A Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200190042-1 Page 2 SG1J Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200190042-1 Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200190042-1 SAIC - (415) 322-7960- Created: Tuesday, June 13,199510:34- Page405 --------------------- Appfove~d-F-or-Flelease-2G&3/09/-14.-!-GA-RE)POG-00794-RGGO-2GO4.gGG42-4 ------------------ Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory (PEAR) Princeton University School of Engineering, C- 13 1, Engineering Quadrangle, P.O. Box CN5263, Princeton, NJ. Voice: 609.258-5370 Director: Dr. Robert Jahn While Dean of the Engineering School, Professor Jahn initiated a small research effort in parapsychology at Princeton in 1979. Now they have a staff of 4 and focus their activity in three areas: (1) Anomalous Cognifion (a.k.a. remote viewing), (2) Random number generators (RNG), and (3) Large-scale anomalous perturbation effects (a.k.a. psychokinesis) Their receivers are drawn from the general population and they claim not to used special (i.e., gifted) subjects. Their RNG work is first rate. They have collected over 10 times the total date of the reset of the field combined. This data demonstrates a statistically robust, but very small effect of human intention and the statistical behavior of physical random devices. The work on AC, however, contains a major flaw in the analysis (Hansen, Utts, and Markwick, "Critique of the PEAR Remote-Vie%Aing Experiments," Journal of Parapsychology, Vol. 56, No. 2,97-113). Individuals Who can Provide Further First-hand Information SG1J is fain has followed the field of parapsychology for many years and SGFOIA3 iliar with the'work of PEAR. Home phonc:F- Dr. Jessica Utts. Dr. Utts is familiar with PEAR and is in constant communication with some of their researchers. Home phonef SGFOIA3 Mr. James Spottiswoode. Mr. Spottiswoode is familiar with the PEAR research and, as a vhvsicist can comment about PEAR's physics models for the phenomena. Home phone: SGFOIA3 I The Rhine Research Institute (RRI) 402 North Buchanan Blvd., Durham, NC. Voice: 919.688.8241 Fax 919.683.4383 Executive Director: Dr. Richard S. Broughton The Rhine Research Center (formerly the Foundation for Research into the Nature of MAN and the Institute for Parapsychology) was founded in 1964 by Professor J. B. Rhine. Dr. Rhine is considered the "father" of laboratory research of parapsychology. RRI is a privately endowed research facility with a senior staff 3 and a total staff of approximately 10. They have focused their attention on a form of AC called the Ganzfeld, a way of collecting "telepathic" data in a mild altered state of consciousness. They rarely work with special receivers preferring volunteers from the general population. Individuals Who can Provide Further First-hand Information SG1J I ___Jhas followed the field of parapsychology for many years and is familiar with RRI. Home phone: F_ SGFOIA3 Dr. Edwin C. MaV. Dr. May has followed the field of parapsychology for many years and is familiar with RRI and currently serves on the. Board of Directors. Home phone: SGFOIA3 Page 4 Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200190042-1 SAIC-(415)322-7960- Created: Tuesday, June 13,199510:34- Page 5 of 5 I----------- Approved- For- Release ----------------- Stephan A. Schwartz and Associates (SSA) 520 Second St., Manhattan Beach, CA 90266. Voice: 310.318.2188 Fax 318.1728 President: Mr. Stephan A. Schwartz SSA (formerly the Mobius Society) has been in existence since the mid-1970s. Mr. Schwartz has an eclectic background which includes being a photographer, speech writer for senior Navy officials, entrepreneur, and researcher. SSA is involved primarily in the application of AC to archeology, treasure hunting, criminal investigations, and medical research. One of his successful projects was the subject of the national syndicated television program, In Search Oj'-the location of a previously unknown ship wreck in the waters off Catalina Island off Los Angeles. Mr. Schwartz generally has 6 receivers who are available to him for AC applications. Individuals Who can Provide Further First-hand Information SG1J was involved in 1979 with a major projectMth Mr. Schwartz through a contra th SRI. Home phone:F--- _J SGFOIA3 Mr. James Spottiswoode. Mr. Spottiswoode is familiar with Mr. Schwartz's work having been involved with a number of joint projects with him. Home phone: SGFOIA3 I Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200190042-1 Page 5 ApproV4 For FN*ase 2003/09416 : C RDP96-00791 902001 042-1 -pax i ransmittar-Cover Meer SG1 I To: ORD From: Edwin C. May, Ph.D., SAIC Fax Phone Number: (415) 322-7960 Date: Tue, Jun 13,1995 - 10:34 Transmitting (6) pages, Including cover sheet. If there Is dIff Iculty with this transmission, please call: (415) 322-7960 Note: SG1 I hope you find this usefull. There may be scattered Individuals who might be willin on a personal services basis, but this list Is complete as far as I know. Regards, Ed Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200190042-1