Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200190067-4 ect- Revised Notes frcm last e-n-ailing Help! I am a victim of too quick on the UNIX mouse button and rrailed you my thoughts bef ore I proof read them. Eeeek ... they were full of too fast typing mistakes and outright misspellings. I am very sorry. Please junk that last rrail and use the corrected version below. [I should slow down in my typing 12 0 wpm is not good! Revised notes follow: Hello. As I begin going through an extraordinary mound of rraterial a thought occ=ed to rre. I do not know exactly what your time constraints are, but of the amount allocated to you by the Congressional directive, you might consider contracting to us for of it for the following 7-months work beginning ASAP. (This is NOT an forwal or info=1 proposal--just an SG 1 D idea to help you with what appears to be a very dif f icult job.) SG1 D For 6-months, you and I would work closely together to 'data-reduce I the project into a n-anageable form for proper review by the NAS. I would suggest the following approach to spark our discussion on the 28th. I. Applications I Given access to the Ft. Meade data and protocols, we would amss a success, book, a 'failure' book and track repeat _gjp@@its. (Arry other criEicai analyses 41 rell that we can th&_ of would also be added.) @)ii;L@g @he NAS anya-iing short of a 'reduced' data set would be hMossible to interpret by any honest review Z scientists. All this might include positive and negative testimonials that exist. Also, we nAght include selected exaTrples--I am generally not in favor of showing gee-wbizz exanples because they can1si ifican il ead, ROT Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-0079 02061900k7_@ misl Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00791ROO0200190067-4 but perhaps in this case it might be instructive to illustrate specific points. I define application-oriented research as that which is primarily aimed at inProving the AC output . Basic research is that which is primarily almed at -understanding the mechanisms. II - Application-oriented Research we will provide a single (readable) document that describes a neta-analysis_ (PsYchologY jargon for quantitative review) of all the governnL-nt-sponsored research in this domain. That would include selecting receivers (i.e., human subjects), training them, assessing (analyzing) their output, and protocol issues (e.g., what are the procedural, physical, and psychological( circumstances for optimal performance.) Such an analysis would include what is "known" and why, what is suspected, and what seems not to be true It might also include what would be done in the future, given that the program continues. 6-LS ei-" r III. Basic Research We will provide a single document that describes a meta-analysis of all the@l government-sponsored basic research. That includes issues like physical parameters (e.g., grad(Shannon Entropy), brain wave activity, and information transmission characteristics). Knowns, unknowns, and future directions would also be included. IV. A number of 5-year plans have been written. We would up-date the most recent one as a template on how to proceed, IF it is decided to do so. This also could include a list of knowns, unknowns, and speculations and their justifications. v. There have been a number of government-sponsored reviews of@ work. We would provide to you critical analysis of those reviews and, where appropriate, the rebuttals, and hard copy of the original pertinent publications. That would include reviews by: NPC, OTA, Army, TWo OSD, and DIA. We will provide access to an august group of national/international class scientists and governnent representatives who would be able to provide independent views to the NAS panel. VII. Other respected scientists have published in main-stream. journals showing the results of their analysis and experiments wi-iich suggest an inforrration-transfer-ancrraly (we call Anamalous Coution 9&64auld 91 0@ Approved For Release 2003109116: CIA-RDP96- ROOO 601 A d FD eas /09/16 6-00791 R000200190067@4 provide a reviewpffvm-'@' TWIMIRM. 0@" C-cr C-1 At the end of a 6-month period, we would have a manageable amount 0 Tia coul E@hen b@e properly assessed by the NAS during the last material t@@ mnth of the contract (i.e., through the mnth of SePtenber) Depending upon the output of such a critical review, your place can decide what, if anything, you might '@&unt to do in FY 1996. SG1D Beginning March 1-5 and Ending 30 Septmberl is required @ -a Y t @Tm a That includes me and a technical assistant full time, strative assistant, and one consultant receiver who has personal memory of the applications back to 1979. In fact he was responsible for most of the data to 1983 (or whenever he retired). It also includes travel and the usual fees and SAIC bean-counting. We wuld include contributing, as required, to the NAS investigation of this material. My point is not to hide anything; rather, it is to organize a 20 year research and applications program. into sone manageable form. otherwise the NAS ntight be on your case (:-). Again, Andy, this is just a thought where I think wa can contribute given that the timing works out. The directive as I understand it would be easily satisfied with such an approach. At the nymient, I cannot think of a better way to provide an honest assessment of the $20M-20 year program. Let me know what you think of this idea ... any of it can be changed or ignored as the case may be. Thanks, Ed Edwin c. may, Ph. D. Director, Cognitive Sciences Laboratory Science Applications International Corporation 330 Cowper Street, Suite 200 Palo Alto, California 94301 USA. Voice: (415) 327-2007 my~hildegard. saicnp. corn Approved For Release 2003/09/16: CIA-RDP96-00791ROO0200190067-4