ornnga Approved For Release 2000/08/1&).kd$MP96-00792ROO0100120016-7 To: SGJRJ. Jachim From- Subject: Additional Tasks 13 May 1983 1. Enclosed are -the materials you requested during my visit. If these are not suitable or if you require additional information, please let me know. In looking at the work schedule, it will not be possible to begin these tasks until late in this fiscal year. The work will noi be completed until the end of FY184. 2. If you are pleased with -the enclosed drafts, let me know what your next step will be. We stand ready to prepare and forward an official proposal. 3. In addition to the projects in which you have indicated an interest, I am including a sheet on another topic that we here at SRI believo will be of value to you. 4. Please let me know if I can assist you in anyway. 941/CL-0001 This document contains 6 pages, Copy No. NOT RELBASABU.' , TO FOREIGN NAT10NALS Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0100120016-7 nrQQ~T of-V I ""-r-