Approved For Release 2000/08/11 CIA-RDP9 -00792ROO0700520001-3 ,2 6, /92 7 Babe Ruth Called It Several of the recent stories on Wrigley Field lights have mentioned old-time events there, among which was the famous 1932 Babe Ruth "called" home run. Sit still, while I tell my version of that disputed shot. I was a teen-ager (and a Yankee fan, contrary to most of my Chicago-area contemporaries) and was sitting in the center-field bleachers a couple of dozen seats laterally and a few rows forward of where the Babe's shot landed. And I'll never forget it. My myopic eyes, uncorrect ed by the glasses I got a short time later, really didn't allow me to see the details of the action around home plate, but all the same I have a contribution to make to the "called shot" discussion. It is this: my friend Bill sitting beside me (not just another teen-ager, but a middle-aged, knowl- edgeable and serious fan and Yankee- hater) hollered over the din while the ball was still in the air: "He called it! Did you see? He called it!" Of course, I hadn't seen it. But Bill's testimony at that very early moment carries convincing weight with me, as it should with all those who are still arguing as to whether the Babe really did "call" it. I think he did. He was that kind of guy. D. B. EICHER Annapolis Approved For Release 2000/08/11 CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0700520001-3