Approved For Release 2000/08/15 CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0701070004-9 Vol. 4, No. 2 December 1986 Discusses such factors as hysteria, diuresis, gender, aphasia, hyperesthesia, and hypercocnesthesia of the cpigas- tric region, and various psychosomatic manifestations. - R.A.W. 01987. Beirnaert, L. The somatopsychic whole [sum- mary]. Proceedings of Four Conferences of Parapsy- chological Studies. New York: Parapsychology Foundation, 1957, 72-73. Discusses the problem of determining what is meant by man's health, as a somato-psychic whole, within our present world, and at the present stage of human civiliza- tion. Views health and illness as being existentialist situa- tions. Sees unorthodox healing as falling under a broader problem -- that of the interpretation of the concepts of .. well-being" in relation to the total sum of human exist- ence. - DT/R.A.W. 01988. Garrett, Eileen J. Dynamics of healing [sum- maryl Proceedings of Four Conferences of Parapsy- chological Studies. New York: Parapsychology Foundation, 1957, 74-76. Discusses the psychodynamics of healing from the viewpoints of the patient and of the healer. Describes her own technique of healing. - R.A.W. 01989. Booth, Gotthard. Rorschach method in unortho- dox healing [summary]. Proceedings of Four Con- ferences of Parapsychological Studies. New York: Para- psychology Foundation, 1957, 77-79. Proposes that the psychodynamics of unorthodox heal- ing vs. spiritual healing be investigated by using the Szondi and Rorschach tests. Emphasis is placed on the Rorschach, which provides Opportunities for analyzing tile personality of unorthodox healers and of those capable of being healed by unorthodox methods. He points out that this method of personality analysis has two applications. (1) Oric can score the re"nscs of individuals and show certain statistical frequencies and' similarities in the per- sonalities of the healed and the healer; (2) The responses provide the basis for biographical inquiry. Knowing the characteristic attitudes of the individual, it is easier to ob- tain information about important existential experiences and situations. This type of investigation should provide insight into the difference between the contemporary materialist and the unorthodox believer in a spiritual na- ture of life. He feels the objective study of psychological tests provides opportunity for us to understand that the nature of "spirit" is not vague, but at ]cast as precise as is the nature of the physical world. - DTIR.A.W. 9 _1* 'F~ , Fr c ,, and - faith 'summaryl is 'ir 'e _jo Paropsychologi7r Anco U , I-g` our ~ 0 ~ o.~ereync s c F udtin 1957 _C ~w York. 6iscuss s , the tr, of miracle Cc,.I,, c n. s and d _s the work of the Lourdes Medical Bureau. If, as a result of its inquiries, a cure is acknowledged to have no natural ex- planation, it is forwarded to the, theological commissions for their consideration. The results of their examination to date are described. R.A.W. rn'Folications of tile "Miracles of Ifeinrich._1 MU6"riqEjsummary~ Proceedings of Four Conferences ~,O/ Par-apsichological Studies. New York: Parapsychology toundation, 1957, 82-84. Discusses the psychodynamic% of faith healing at shrines such as Lourdes, but lie points out that spon- tancous cases of most serious illnesses outside the atmos- phere of shrines have been verificd. Holds that medicine, the ever-changing science, can fulfill its task only if it remains linked with its mother: folk medicine. Today we are able to evaluate more pro- ductively the powers of the psyche than ever before. If what we call extrasensory and psychic has inner meaning for us, the road to our self -understanding is open. - D17R.A.W. W992. Smythies, J.R. Regarding future studies [sum- mary]. Proceedings of Four Conferences of Parapsy- chological Studies. New York: Parapsychology Foundation, 1957, 9.5-87. Smythics observes that the problem of unorthodox healing has two aspects- (1) as a study of parapsychological events alleged to occur in medical, including psychoanalyti- cal, practice, and (2) as a study of those who, without medical qualifications, set themselves up as "healers." In regard to the latter, he feels nothing should be done to encourage the activity of unorthodox healers. He also feels that psi cannot play any role in medical diagnosis. He proposes that a study be undertaken by interested psychoanalysts into alleged paranormal events occurring during, psychoanalysis and analytical psychotherapy. Careful factual records should be kept in any apparent cases of telepathy and clairvoyance. Correlation with the course of treatment, and any causative factors, should be noted. ESP tests should be conducted. Impartial investigation of alleged; paranormal healings should be left to the medical divisions of local societies for psychical. research (subject always to rules laid down by the General Medical Council on permitted dealings between doctors and unqualified healers). No contact should be made with unorthodox or unqualified persons or groups. - DT/R.A.W. Conference on Spontaneous Phenomena (July 11 to 17, 1955) 01993. Introduction. Proceedings of Four Conferences of Parapsychological Studies. New York: Parapsychology Foundation, 1957, 91-94. Summary of the Conference on Spontaneous Pheno- mena held at Newnham College, Cambridge, England, from July 11-17, 1955. It was attended by delegates and observers from Denmark, France,, Germany, Haiti, Italy, the Nether- lands, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The Conference was organized by the Society for Psychical Research, London, in cooperation be- tween Mr. W.H. Salter, Honorary Secretary of the S.P.R. and Dr. Gardner Murphy, General Research Consultant of the Parapsychology Foundation. The Conference endorsed the "preparation of an international plan looking towards better studies of spontaneous cases:' Among the phenomena considered were hauntings, poltergeist phenomena, tcle- pathic dreams, apparitions, and similar happenings in various parts of the world. The delegates also resolved that "discovery, careful sifting, authentication and intense study of a large number of cases, including recent cases," should be undertaken on a world-wide scale. The Conference laid tentative plans for the establishment of a world center that would serve as a depository of well-documented cases; no specific center was selected by the Conference, as such a decision is expected to be made at a later date. Delegates appointed a committee to study "traditional methods of collecting, evaluating and interpreting material," in order to determine whether such methods "have a dc- pcndable parapsychological aim and a good psychological, logical, and heuristic basis." The Conference approved con- tilluancc of programs carried out by international cor- respondqnce on such matters as "ES.P. Projection," also known as out-of-the-body experience. The Conference also decided to create-an international "follow-ulY' committee to 36 Approved For Release 2000108/15 CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0701070004-9