reu 0j ASSETS USED TARGETING K~&RweAfAr)Relpase 20QWWW~:-IIZ;IA-aROP96-00788ROM01000OOk-f) RESULTS PROVIDED Trlkl crli tDrIc, MATFPTal 11TT1 T7P'F) TNTFRVTFIJFR F~,R SFSSTn% FOLLOWING SESSION SESSION FORWARDED BY THE SOURCE F fP, IfIF N T DC-83 08 Photograph of a Same data as provide -d- T12Feb8l The source indicatec --! round faced man under material utili- that the subject wa~ with instruction zed. resently in Warsaw tc part country I o cat eand describE _ his surroundings. Czechoslovakia or NOTE:.-This is the T first session on this Romania. During the NOTE: This is the project for this 19th of Feb 81 he second session of ~appeare n interviewer. d to be 1 Germany around this project and 1 the first for this !Bladensburg/Hamburg ---- IHis German name is viewer. isomething like J- PGlauter, Hauter, jOtenburg or Rotenbur c iHe concerns Warsaw intelligence. _T _ T_ DATE PROJECT NUMBER CLOSED: 20 Jul 81 TASKING AGENCY: CIA .U CLASSIFIED BYWIG30Z OUL 78 MSG, HQDA (DAMI-ISH) REVIEW ON: Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO0501000002-5 4,01*41w#M*A*mo*.,~w'.~~4~,,4~4tI -V Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO0501000002-5 '." 1, I'l r~ (-T AN- ~'7 7 1 Target 81.05 - Three reports based on a photograph of the target. 1. DC-793% Viewer #31, session of S February 1981. Viewer said the target was in the Eastern part of the U.S. Later, he suggested Atlanta, Georgia (on S February). Viewer said the target woLilcl be walking on a street on 19 February, which lie believed to be Now York City. lie believed the target would b'e on 5-th Avenue, Perhaps in the 80's, near Central Park. lie also saw the viewer on what lie thought might be Park Avenue, near the U.N. building. I The viewer thought the targWs name was Yuriy VASILYEV. 2. Viewer #08, session. of 12 February 1981. Viewer saw the target in Europe on 12 February, in Bonn or Berlin or Hamburg or Bladensburg. Viewer said target's first name was Glatiter or Lauter and his last name was Otenburg or Rotenburg. Viewer #08 of 1.9 February 1981. Viewer placed. the target on 19 Febriiary in a city in Italy, France or an East European city. Viewer said lie worked. in an agency dealing in boat travel. SG1A xx Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-Rngqr,- 0788ROO0501000002-5 rF-* --,I I I -- I 0 5 6 9 3 2-- IOAug0l D9c.l- was of assistance to us nor did any of them advance our knowledge or understanding of target 8105. SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO0501000002-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO0501000002-5