Affproved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788ROO1200050006-9 eu(~, co-,l WASHINGTON POST 1AY M2VING 24 AP ApriV 1984 Pg. 19 7 odoo Cap' Vo Looms as Late Weapons Cri P, I have to p on 0- I 'a rsported~ cret pro a psychic P to k psy c mi - I wria to mi purposes. For el- v*na to t Prorlabl) eliper Ampi ' laboratory experimen ampl rato e c ics hove bee to C ka Love been used to Vy on the Soviets by projecting their winds outside their bodies. One psychic was able to describe a wTet Soviet base in astonishing de- too that was later confirmed by sat- efte photographs. Another located a Soviet Tu95 "Backfire bomber that had crashed in Affica. US, Navy and Air Force chids are skeptical about these experi- mente which they describe sewnful- ly a:;; aft- and -black triagic.* 4 t the Amy's intelligence chieC Lt. William Odom,'has been im. pressed vAth some of the results. 041_~ Odom is worried about intelli. V .-Once reports that the Soviets are far shead in psychic rewarch. Inside the Pentagon, he has raised the question of whether the Soviets could we psychics to penetrate our secret vaults. This has W to talk in the backrOOM about raising a "psychic shield" to block this sort of remote spying. ;:~~C=y."Fo= CIA ch. r Stansfield Tumor told critics r that their skepticism about the C1A'B psychic projects was Ufty but Oat t1w research &MM k"P th their skepticism. im - ross&nh in most = cZ this am has ucted Harold Puthoff &M Russell both mpecW Awdema with Stanford Research Institute in M" park, C41V. puthoff is yQ with the iwdtu* Tug M two years ago to form his an company. Delphi Asisociates. They began their experiments in the early 1970s, using psychics to dewnU scem at spe- cific wordinAtes on the globe, The Project; partly fwxled by the Do- tense Dewunent and the CK was called Tkansle! for %can by coor- dinate Their latest project, coder-aamed 'Grill Flarne,* produced some amaz- ing results. Psychics ds&mW do contents of locked Ming cabinets; they mentally bmvlwd the o6curity Of secret military installatiom Earlier, they had discovered the rings around Jupiter years Wore their existence was scientirically as. tablisW by photoMhs. Despite these impressive whieve- ments, sources toM my associates Dale Van Atto and Joseph Spur that the psychice success rate is only about 70 Percent For example, psy- chics who were sked by the Pents. t the place where Ital- ian ViBr~44e terrorists were Md. ing Brig. Gen. James Dozier prisoner in January, 198Z did not come dose. ]kit this occasional SU0008448 On' courage intelligence Wicials to keep trying in hopes of giv~og remote spy- Wg more respectability. They AM we ooncomed about the Soviets who we hmn to have spent many more yean And far more MODOY 011 pars, prychokgical research. At the mk of being ridimled over a *voodoo gap,* advocates, fib Rep. Owlis Ron (D-N.C.), support con- ' tinued research Into the more prom' ising of this MysteriouS Id. Mar the atomic bomb was owe thouglit to be a harebrained idea. It's safe to my that many things eDn- -sidered utterly fantastic today wifl be accepted as commonplace by the end of the century. flockrut d the Week- The fed. oil govemmeniVit massive giveaway of chow not only was supposed to food the hungry but also to cut down on omplue cheese stocks in govern. ment, warehouses. It sieems the give. MWAY allowed some consumers to stop buying dwu st the supermar- ket So the government's Stockpile of surplus cheese has Von from 619 million pounds in 1981 to I billion pounds lad year. The cost of the government's purchase of surplus cheeft AM butter want hom SL3 Ulm in 1979 to $2.8 billion in M Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788 ROO 1200050006-9