Of-TV-46 S*4 M - Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788ROO1200360001P.., SUBJECT: *pewow Evaluations Abmeu The information provided in these reports was obtained in direct response to a collection requirement provided by your office* The information was from unconfirmed sources and should be used with caution. The material which you will now review has been acquired from totally new and potentially valuable B-~H~T sources, Work is currently being conducted to establish ways by which to improve the accuracy and reliability of the data* Your attention to Report Evaluation Forms and the Project Evaluation Form will be the basis for assitssment of this new HUNIN technique. In ad4jAlany yeiap eeffimeR4r, qp~;F;~da iiopo4;A~~ M~eh aprrefteii me4lf4: - 4:en--een--be -predicated for-data collectiO.- _".dnS% ti;e .ME"@ or 04M --r--l-k-wagete ___984. The effort you expend will greatly assist in the evaluation of this HUMINT technique and will ultimately result in your receiving more information of increasing accuracy and reliability. Examine the information provided and complete the evaluation forms in detail. If you have any questions regarding the data you have received or its evaluation, contact this office& P. is LTL Hr Mr Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788 ROO 1200360001 -0