Approved For Release 20001OUXULP96-00 1200~V6~L-1111 CENTER LANE-3 Copy No. NO FOREIGN DISSEMINATION CLASSIFIED BY: CENTER LANE security classification Guide dated I March 1983 Declassify on: OADR To: LTC Brian Buzby Date: 4 January 1984 From: H. E. Puthoff, Principal Investigator J. Dolen, Sr. Contract Administrator Subject: Expansion of Scope, DELEW-I-L, Letter Order No. 18, dated 7 November 1983 References: (a) Dr. Puthoff SRI Memo, dated 25 May 1983, re SPECIAL ORIENTATION TECHNIQUES (SI - SIM (b) DELEW-I-L, Letter Order No. 18, dated 7 November 1983 (c) Conversation between Dr. Puthoff, LTC Buzby, 2 December 1983 re additional trainee (d) LTC Buzby INSCOM Memo, dated 6 December 1983, re additional trainee (S/CL-3/NOFORN) In response to Reference (d) above, which states that you have identified a fourth individual to begin Stage I-III CRV training on 16 January 1984, we wish to acknowledge acceptance of this additional trainee, and to advise you of the additional cost. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) Fundin for the increase of effort in the task identified in the above paragraph is Given that the additional task is an increase of effort on a task covered by Ref. (b) above, the conditions of the corresponding S.O.W., Task ESU 83-145, in Ref. (b) are taken to apply, except that paragraph 2.1, with the increase of effort, would read "Train four ..." instead of "Train three ... SGFOIA2 H. E. Puthoff, Sr. Resear$Y Engineer zp_-'ea,~ R. S. Leonard, Director, Radio Physics Laboratory D. V'."'E" iott, Vice President, Research and Analysis Division /0-4 Sr. Contract Administrator WARNING NOTICE V CENTER LANE SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM. SRI international RESTRICT DISSEMINATION TO THOSE WITH VERIFIED ACCESS CATEGORY 3 333 Ravenswood Ave. * Menlo Park, CA 94025 * (415) 326-6200 * TWX: 910-373-1246 * TELEX: 334463 e Facsimile: (415) 326-5512 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO1500120029-3 SECRET