Approved For Release 2000W?ff%16 &-RbP46-OO788 ROO 1700030001 -1 ADDENDUM TO MFR, dtd 10 Dec 85 (U) Stubblebine, Albert MG (Ret.)--CG, INSCOM May 1981-June 1984; presently employed by BDM Co_rp-. in the Wash., D.C. area. (S) Watt, Murr,ay, C~ (Ret)--Oriqinal OIC of the INSCOM portion of the GRILL FLAME psychoenergetics exploitation program from 1977-1981. Now retired and working for Lockheed Corp. in the Washington, D.C. area. (U) Jachim, Robert LTC--Originally assigned DCSCI/OPSEC f rom 1980-81 as Chief, Ops & Services, where he developed the computer data succeeded LTC Watt in 1981, serving as CENTER manager until 1983, when he was succeeded by LTC Jachim is presentlY assigned in Hawaii. with INSCOM to Management, CI base, LTC Jachim LANE project LTC Brian Buzby. (U) Puthoff, Harold (Hal) Dr.--Laser physicist, former head of S -Y-6ternaE-ion'al'---ps-y~--c.-hoenergetics 0~ the I research program; together with Russel Targ the author of the classic study on remote viewing, Mindreach. As of this year, while retaining an advisory relationship with SRI-I, Dr. Puthoff has become affiliated with the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, TX, and is specializing in exploration of the theoretical background to psychoenergetics applications. (U) Tarq, Russel--also a laser specialist, Targ worked with Hal Puthoff both in the original laser experiments and later in SRI-I's groundbreaking research in psychoenerc'retics. After breaking with Puthoff and SRI-I several years ago Targ cooperated with Keith Harary, another parapsychologist, in founding Adelphi Associates, an investment firm which exploited psychoenergetics technology with soni(, success in predicting market trends, and in writing Mind Race, a widely-read book on the developing field of psychoenergetics. (S) May, Edwin Dr.--A physicist hired originally by SRI-I to d eve 1 the computer/ADP portions of SRI-I's DoD psychoenergetic research and training contracts, Dr. May took over as director of the SRI-I effort when Hal Puthoff moved to Texas. (S) Perry Memoran.dum--In March 1980, William Perry, at the time Under ecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, issued a secret memorandum ordering curtailment of all. Program 6 (R&D) Monies supporting research intended to scientifically demonstrate the validity of psychoenergetic effects, but posed no objection to INSCOM's non-R&D intelligence-related applications of psycboenergetics. In 1983 the provisions of the Memorandum were suspended by Perry's successor. Classified by: DIA-DT Declas: OADR Approved For Release 2000/08/08 . r"'A-ItDp-A6-00788ROO1700030001-1 AJ 1A L,-