COWN4 OL NUAOSVIII Approved For RNOINW2699108/08 : CIA-RDP96-0078 R001700320009-1 r S U M-AR -;U-x 1-9 17 7;;'~i ~;wcz nAMT-1 T CENTER LANE Funding (U) OATIL 7 Jul 83 ACTION RE04JIPM0 7A sign memorandum to Director, GDTP Staff. MEMORANOtJ04 P'Oft RECORD. (D4scfib4 6riefly th* requiremient, bockgrownd and action taken or recommended. Muse be safrititntly didijiltd to identify rho wtioa withowt mcoarAe to c4her nources. ) 1, U ) ORIGIN OF AC710N: Dir, CI)IP Staff memorandum (TAB A). 2.. (U) BACKGROUND. a. (S/CL-1/NOFORN) In Apr 83, Dir, GDIP Staff requested that he be given a CDIP inpur- [or CENTER LANE despite the fact Thai,'- Congress had directed the Army to curtaLL ail operational activities of this type in. the National Foreign Intelligence Program ( NF-EP) . His intent was to include the input In the Congressional Budget JusLtficatLon Book only if prior Congressional approval was obtained. b. (S/CL-1/NOFORN) A A, GDIP submission for CENTER LANE was provided to Dir, GDIP Staff with no OACSI ranking in May 1983 to be used as he saw fit. The sub- mission is similar to what has been inclucled in TNSCOM's Security and Investigative A~'tivicfes (S&IA) Program input for FY 85. .1 3. (U) DTSCUSSION: (See conrtnuation sheet) 4. (U) RECOMMENDATION: ZA sign facing memorandum to Director, GDIP Staff 2 Eric IOSUreS 'r A B A ,Memo, DIA (CDIP) subj: CENTER LANE Funding(U), dtd May 83 S-102/DG, 31 TAB B. Memo, TNSCOM "IAGPA-F-SD),SUbj: GDIP Submission dtd 6 83 (U), May SPEC, AND Tw'-, (Continue on pt Qn bond) IMPLICATIONS CINFO YES w) PRIM suriGET YES NO, Pncms r NO COOROINATIONS APPF4011ALS OFFICE NAME PHONE INITIALS cAre - ---------- DIV 0 R I . - .... . ...... SHOw ADDITIO"AL ('OORDINAT ION ON REVERSE SIDE OR C04T MAT UN 3IIEU rade. TAcne and sienatura) ACT P'-' F I CLASSIFIED BY DIA/DT LIrC GERALD FOt/50114 DECLASSUY ON: OADR ACSi FORM 28, 13 Sep 71 RVGJRAC-'E0 %.:-.j WHEN SEPARATtO FMCM CLAS31FICO DOCUMENT r App~dve~. (elease 20010,8108-~-C IA-RDP96-00788 ROO 1700320009-1,---;. L : 11 C L - C" S 1E if. "~'D J y