~;w!,_.rW-C-,j 14int Wife. !~ce -NILLSE,Ml, (:oi cz -RDP96-0QZW00#9.00;53QQ1 1-3 pprqyo Fpr Rp ea- _q -Q8 CIA st, -7,11d rates ina in(~ hiOier in i~e n Xt See ECONONIY, A12, Col. I See BUI)GET, A9. Col. 1 Street* WestBffeirut M (A)H^5q1A)&_rC19 F65 1 ? MAR 9'Y _91s--apiearances Gumiien SOW U.S. Politic-bad-11 0` incer on Plague Pr6be of . on By Herbert H. Dent Aquino Mur'der By William Branigan war.,Mgwn pmt Fomign se"Ice MANILA, March 16-A fact- finding board investigating the as- sasssination of opposition leader Penigno Aquino Jr. is debating whether to travel to the United States to interview prospective Wit- nesses as fears friount uhat _- -.u-,- pected millitary cover-up of the mur- der has taken a violent turn, accord- ing ta people working on the inve.,~. tigafioff. The board also expects to place mo:e W;f-&%e8,_,nder nrntect',Ve I=- tr-iy in'liiht of a trai'l of deaths or U-4-1-appearances that followed the murder of Aquino at Manila Inter national Airport Aug 21 while he was in the custodv of i',i,,,y guards. So far at least Ea other per I sons have died or disappeared " a result of that assassin-fir- said. Testimony about the disippear- . _)n away ances has. shifted attenti, from questions about the actual as- s%sziination to about subsequent cover-up, and the need to protect -witnesses who can further the irivetAigation. The trail beginq with FOand- Galman, a purported'--p"rofessional gunman who the government claims shc,t Aquino on the uirport, tarmae on behalf of communist rebels before being gunned down himself by se- curity guards. Two weeks lat;er, according to tes_ See PAANPk, A21. Cel. I W-NOW-POAVOMWase"" BEIRUT, March 16-A US. dip- lomat was kidnaped by unknown gunmen in front of his west Beirut apartment building as he set out for woTk _r. the =-6=1- this ni-Murg. f According to witnesses, William Buckley, first secretary of the po!it- ical section, tried to escape his ab- ductors but two carloads of gunmen blocked his auto. An armed man leaped from a car, put a pistol to Buckley's head, forced him into one of the cars and sped off. Robert Pugh, first deputy at the U.S. Embassy, said late today there had been reports that the car was seen south of the capital but there Were no hard leads nor indicau'rin Gf why Buckley was kidnaped. "We are handicapped," Pugfi said, "because as is the case with any em- bassy, we would deal with the legally constituted authorities. of which there are none in west Beirut." e IV]Lozamwaue, i:7i, iurilea ,niffn Detente im.,ccord Z7-- Bv Glenn Frankel I_nO-m P,*t Fw-lv ww~b nS-rWe ON THE MOZAMBICAN-SOUTH AFRICAN BOR- an DER. March 16-The leaders of South Africa d fc- zambique signed an accord today pledging "nonaggm. - sion and good neighborilness" in the first such pact ever sigmed between one of Africas independent black nations and its sole remaining white-r-aled one. The Komati Acc"o-, I rd, signed by South African Prime I'Llinister Pieter A~ Botha and Mozambicari P-esident I Samora Machel in a co;orful ceremony in a no-man's ]arid on the bank of the Kernatiffiver between the two countries' borders, commits each to respect the sover- eignty of the other arid to, refrain from supporting insur- gent-9 seeking to overdum, the other government. For both nations, the treaty marks a dramatic reversal, of Policy followin,- nearly a decade of hostile relations that in recent years led to cross-border raids into Mo- zambique by Swth African commandos and warplanes. It is also the first formal step toward what American diplomats, w1ho hellpcd oi-chestrate &,a riegot:ations that led to the pact, hope will be a xegion-wide detente that v6rill result in WephOWYAW ff*r5AaI0A&k90W trolled territory of Namibia and end a series of bush wars "What we have is what I would call a precafiously balanced anar- chy," he said. For help in finding Buckley, the embassy turned to the two dominant militia in west Beirut, the Shiites' Amia-1 and til-le Druze olf 1.'e Progres- sive Socialist Party. Pugh said the embassy had also asked the militia to provide protection for American diplornats a. their homes. Buckley was the third American to disappear under mysterious cir Donate and Rruce GWer POP War Co"Ple Died 9 At Edge of ,, Cultures By Ken Ringle MAWDgWa F" SULU WdW In many respects, Bru"- and Bonrje Gl()ver were a couple right out of their time: young A#A-1194 9 7"RN4d00_#309TMft and possibilities of Washington and the personal cuinstances since the Feb. 6 militia takeover that aggravated lawlessness in west Beirut. Shoot-outs on the streets., daylight holdups, break-ins and car and boat thefts are recur- rent. Ui0kw 'U'le tandura shelling of res- idential neighborhoods by warring sectarian factions, these crimes are often without any political dimen- sion but appear to be the work of young toughs taking advantage of the chaos. [In the civil war Friday, the As- sociated Press reported, Christian arid Moslem militiamen traded mor- tar and rocket-propelled grenade fire from midnight until midmorning. The firing resumed at nightfall.] As- of this evel-dag, no gfuup had claimed responsibility for Buckley's kidnaping. There was speculation that it might have been carried out by a shadowy group calling itself Islamic Jihad that has claimed re See BEIRUT, Col. I Flueffiles Gets Bill N1 Votoc: -to Ue-mit Pens' WILIS By Saundra Saperstein and Michel McQueen Washlngtm Pmt SUff WrlWr3 ANNAPOLIS, March 16-The Maryland House of Delegates re- versed its vote of two days ago and passed legislation today that will re- strict pension benefits of 80,000 state employes and teachem Then.' with extraordinary speed, the State Senate approved the bill, sending it to Gov. Harry Hughes, who is ex- pected to sign it. t Reversing its dramatic 70-to-70 tie of Wednesday which W de- feated the measure, the Howe ap- pwved the bill on a 71-to-68 vote after Home Speaker Benamm L Cardin (D-Baltimore) swz-ed the victory margin with a deal for in- avased state aid to schoo!s. . Then, amid crin of foul play from the pension bill's stunned oppo- nents. the measure was rushed across the -marble hallvay to the Senate chamber and ixroduced thpre. Emplovina a series, ' dural maneuvers, the Senati mi usuallv Wm!, short a procme tliat days or even weeks and in, less than r -*ven hours approved the bi 1, 29 to 1& Today's action prwided 2n unex- pectedly swift climax for the issue that had turned the General Assem- bly into a battleground between the pension bill's teacher-opponents and legislative leaders, who made it the linchpin of the 1984 session. The bill became critical when the Senate threatened to kill a huge aid-to-ed- ucation package, particularly prized by Baltimore, if the House failed to pos the pension bflL Tonight, the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee held tip its end of the bargain by approving, 11 to 2, See PENSIONS, A10, Col. 3 d~ 3pi ,1ZqQ(y9 -00788ROO190 ac Apprti~~. Forj 1J_?PV9 3ULUUe exp!cticia Of the TU -Q. ~=Am_--y &AL the bombings of U.S. Marine .h m1hLvy beadquarters in and Frew October and the ass~ination in Jam -*Pv of Mallcolm Kerr, the t of 'he American Un iv*r5dy of Buelley, 55. a native of Medford, Mas&. anived in Beirut. last Julv after Jou.-ing the State Department V.Ity year. depaztment Sala he Worked previously as a civilian emplo-ye of the Army. 11-1e h-- M i nor da, otrl~!T's 6de the official comround. A bach- elor. he lives six blocks 'i-orri the em- ba-Q .2y in a lGfh-P-_,or peentll;vlca Af a once fashio-able neif-hb~orhoodd that is now bw_kb-&.arr-_d and elightly w,-e- d y. 'The Druze militia operates in the -.E _een I'lluWaLculz WAG Me Mourab--it0uml According to Mohammed WAL-Ma, con6e_-rge at Buckleys building, when the diplomat got Into his car to go to work shortly before 8 am. a Rew-,6- vritii three gunmen insm'ie i0ocX-A I-L- _r_ r Xvu 11111W dLL4:: .0 a a urvt: few yards. second mf with t-w nio.-e gim- men blocked the street buther down, Other wibw-ses Wid. They said Buckley threw hs, car in reverse kit was trapped in the dead-end street. He did not put up a strug gle when a gunioan jumped from the Renaidt wid forredd him ins. 'de, the witnesses said. The two other misisin- A- irs 0 - -_e_ -k Regier. an American Uni- w e Frank versity of Beirut professor, who was abducted at gunpoint from his home oa the school's campus on Feb. 10. a:--,d Jeremy Uvrin, bureau chief for Cable Nms Network, who has not I been seen since hiswiffe left home to goto WorkMarch 7. - French diplomats said a French enEineer IiVL*r in west Ninut . diiap 4 peared two week-- go. after te'LErz a 2~a 1 hotell clersk life was going out to take rll~vzkr6~rqj.L-5. 11he embassy's diplomatic 8"', If now numbers about 50, half ot its ass,., normal size. Alany U.S. Eimb employes have moved into buildiD93 trAd by Lhe embassy -. the seafront n that are guarded by about 100 ma- ill OVAT GRA a PP U H 9 FLJ HU1 n , s I em E at;pff T__H0W'_ W094 1' MM! C; L U` IffrK VAS SPRMIFIED SHOWING TODAY, SUNDAY, MMAY MA" 17, Ili 19 -.~l Fnw.--4&hip htm-Fenr4ttir Howard ~olmson's On 1-95 at Irderw6on of i-495 i-395, Exit 4S At Rt. 644 E it. 14 HEXT ILOCATiLN Ulan P-k-M 1. 1 M Holiday inn- 10,0W Bahia=* &d. 1 ;00 pif%LF dWpp" W P , . r7neq. nut ihere. is no gk. rantf-C 0. -Z E'Ven ir, Z' hat a:ea. On Marl-ri 5, M ine Col.. X,.~Mte LA71111an vv,as shot ianr the chest and ar~ na a~ he was %alking ationg L 5 In 'he sealtont. near the e.-nb&Cisy. Marine embassN, ettards who have ventured a fzv., blcc~s out Of thhe compound said they have been threatened bv carloads of young men and warned- if th- go into town wear civilian clothm nne mmanne -d one th- car- 1~- Wz Ulu ioads thzeatening- hLri appeared sur- prised that no-, alll of the contuingent from the former multinational j)eace-keevinz force had withdraw-a 'to s! ii .) , s at sea. But Americans are not the only targets. Lkbanes- (ontractor, a Shiite A I i r 11,4 ed t ;-, -,Mge to Amal mfliti. headd Na., err, was stunned' wher. 1, -A arAlmrl - men who took Doon Sunday by a gur their identiffication papers w-id' c-at. Last Friday, two grCA1138 of nifli. 0 tiarnen fougbt for several houm with serni-autornatic weapons, and rodet- prop-e-fled ,7-erade,~ in a den-Ay I- _i a+42d neirhborhocd two blocks e--t of the prime miiz-iister's office. According to neie-bors, the shoot- cilt st~2mmed ftem an eight-year-old diipute between OT ourner of a small shoe shop anct a service-station car washer acyo&q V* street- Ir the p~--t, the two men had merely shouted at one another, but this time each got militia frien& for backup. Reside"n"ta feit some relief when three armored trucks carrydrig Le-b- anese Army soldiers came, but the s0diers merely observed the fighting and continued om OnlY when - tia-rien (if Arnals "Lxyl; wnii' ar- aived did " e r4_s- ting end. th ligh 1N.1hat we have is- a state wdith-aut instrwmenta Of power And inifitias ~ " . _V -.1 f4m-r here larrentee the other days nal He aj-Ad vtheri worry that factio-___ lefidem meeting in Switzer!-_nd do not appear to he attempting to find any compromise for a st~curity force. W;thout such Agreement, th,~~se sxjurcefi: Lear, politi-la! dc,&2ors %ri-11 be rendered inveaningless. nle Progressive Socialist Party and Ama-1 "have tried very hard to be cooperative and supportivo" of U.S. Embas-sy personnef, said Pugh. "But they are not equipped to gov- err or to carry out those functions of government that are important" in somethi-g like Buck!ev's'kidnaping. A European diplomat -,n';d hea had been told that Amal and the Social- ists had ki ed 10 Petty criminals in a show of force against the lawlessress- "It wasn't enough," he added. Alardh _16-A, ;5~ Q _0y.'X Ual;111~; "lic: W 4 -,-f.' *the Lebane-se ca-ast c=-.e dot, colliding recently with five Amei ships conducting inaneuvers. Accerding to Capt. Robeft Cb-oper, of the arnr !,ws landi IL -rig ship USS nLenton, ed Q fa days ircide-rit oXL-r - __w the Feb. 26 completion of the ti fe- of U.S. Nlarinea from 13~-irut the five ships. 'et 1' Cooper said the Sov, -x V.-pe deQtroypr bore down on the un-in and oniv turned awa-v at !as;' xminutc %1nder th.0 ~-Iov;s of U Atinerican sh:;P, the Fort S I- - f I 7,00 yar(v., awav. "It looked awfully closee.' Cc I - 111 - W P. e S . IF W ____ 'I] JUL 1 11 T AT?CA'ALI?~7V VA Lirl LJ.Jr1.L N I I A;, ivx 16 (AP)-Speciaahsts worked ti to draft final p-olitical proposals ed:ators hope might win an. i m P baturday from the rival Moslem CLristian factions at the Lebi peace talks- Informal talks between facti lleadeY5 were rep~oacd making h, wav W Syria preimiedd hoth side reach a compromise on plans post-civil structurall rel"or "Is. "Let's face it, ft's Syria's sb said one West European c!;pl( who dropped in at the luxury I where the conference began N.Ion Two committees of experts se by the National Reconciliation I - =Nola a- MIMI W W RAP & GAAMIE TABLE ]CLEARANCE WiM% j A7 8 7~ WILTUTAM BUCKLEY forced fmm car mi way to work