Approved F 1~_ 6 or-we-],ease! 2000/08/08 CIA-RDP96-00788ROO2000140006-0 T. "Briefed BG SiniLh oi-i 2 ()cL. lie origina.Uy fei.t that lie sliou~td -not makc any dc~cision on appoini-Ji-ng, anyone to head the CF effort within I IN S C OM .TbaL it sbouid be BjG Freeze's area of respon,,3ibility si-oce the iuimkiiate application of the techniques obviously kail into the. 11-1 side. of intoiligence, BG Smith chai:iged his mi-nd aiid directed [:bat COT, Cary at Fort Meade, DCSCI, be briefed, 2, Briefed GOT, Cary on 3 Oct. He felt that the focai point shoui(l bu se'Lecf:ed from the Ileadquarters area at. ANS. I agrccd. COT, Cary tcllked it over wll.-i BG Smith and persuaded him to m:.,J,,e this an I&OPS responsibility. I was to1d to brief Mr Carrott, acLinc, direcLor of operations at ATIS. 3, Jjr Garrott was briefed on 3 Oct. 4. On 4 Oct I,,r GaircLt said that L'CG Kano was Lbe DII'S'CO'j%'I, Foca,L Point. 5. on 5 Oct, a G'c pjI'IYIn'.LLI-_r IAICIO_Lin~_' was Ile.1A at- OACS1. 1)r Targ.,(SR.-F) A COL Dcpiospero (ti-1,1SAA), GOT, C Pps ax-'~.'I L'I'C 'Kar)~e were. al,,io-m- those attonc]~L,,. Th- purpose of Llie meetino was to coi,,ie to ag 11 e-1 on s R L Q. _,r ee i , t t a t: e-, I (~Tl t S o f f0_r j))_-0C(_-CdiIJ,,~,,, on the S.,,ort Teria GF approach. 'r h,.- f ol I ow ing, poiriLs wore agre,(~i(l to: a. That SR-1 would the toam cheif soon, possibiy in OCL. A~, e llljc~ team Leader would ilso vicw any on-going SR-1- ISAA experim nLs at F L 0 1. d b. '.rhaL bcginning i-a Apri'L 79, SRI Wil.'I~ intCTLSC~ train thrce othe_c C. That later this year or early nexr-, qRT wili send a staffer to WashingW3.'i Lo interview the INSCOM subject noud.nues d. That ncuroph~'-;icai au SLanforcl wil-I be. part: of- Lhe Subjects' training C I ',Cbat a promising nc-~,7 method of subjcict reillf-oreeme.I.-It, computer (13-iVCIA, Will be util-ized. .E. .that the st~iLomeiiL7.~, of work/~askiiig Will bC' ~Ildd,_'d tu LIIIOS,'~ on tille AMSAA.-SR-l' vire-em'z~nL. g. ThaL JNKSAA wij.-L be to cooperate, in any way with the 0. Fundinc- level of $/_51K Inas, been transferred to *ISA/~ i. Dr 11a"Icy of has asI<.e(I for a nieeLinr, of all DA "Players" next: wook. 8. I"L'C Kalle XAD. breif I-IM, Rol-ya nu.-,L 'Tuesday. Km-ic~ and I wil-I MCC-!t t_10(11'1_~' U) CII-SCLISC; dC'[:I'_I'Js' of recommended fULLIJ7(_' C~pj:~rWlChCS, Approvedf r Release 4000/08/08 Cl,~-RDP96-007?,qR009 067,0 ~01400,,