I - \206Q\/08/( ~O 2 ~O' Approved For Release 20 /08/08 CIA-RDP96-00780&~, eo:~O, -1 PROJE'CT SUN s'rREA[:', WARNING NOT'll-E.- INTELLIGENC.'-E SOURC.*-*ES AND METHODS TNVOI VE:.D 1::'F-.'CIJECT NUMBEI`~,: 6037 SESSION NUMBER: 03 DAIT OF" SEESEI-310N: 23 JAN 90 START: 1,330 METHODOLOGY.- ERV (solo) DAIT OF REPORT,. 23 JAN 90 END: 1430 VIEWER ID1::.NTIF"ICA-r1O1\h 079 1. (S/NF/SK) MISSIONN Describe the encounter of a lone man and Army tank column in Beijing during mass demcinst rat i cins in Jt..tne of 89. 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKINGu Utilizing the Enc-rypted Coe.:)rdinates access the target area arid provide and civerhead sketch in support of yr.-fur perceptions. 3. (S/I\IF/SK) COMMENTS: No inclemencies noted. A Summary of Information is attached. 079 has moved from the target and target area and has begun to describe aspects cif the target site. Recommend that Ow 0 7 receive feedback relating tc, this target. 4. (S/NF/SK) EVALUATION: 5. (S/NF/SK) 1.'3EARC.*H EVALUATION: 032 HANDLE VIA SKE[-"T CHANNELS ONLY CLASSIF-IED BY,-. DIA (D"l") D1HC1...ASSI FY:0ADR Approved For Release 2000/08/08 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1602010001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1602010001-1 U 1\1 C., IA113,1i: I F'I E: D W C) FR 1: 1\1 F' A F-':' 1:.:. 1R 60*37 0 01 V 079 E.A.P111AF*~Y Of" I1\1F*(:)R1%'1AT*J:C)1\1 DUl"Ll-Ig '('.Alii~.5 SeSS101-11 .1 c.-cm-Acl see a lai-ge StatUe, 0+ a man tl--iat 1--iad cli,.irl,: hail". aj.-Icl [:nu:,J-)V remindecl (fie (::).f A +c.-~J.t tf-iat 1: waE.:i ai--icl wc.-n-e tf-lef.-I d a mai-i tinat. wai::i 4-..% big ai--)(:J it as 1-1 cnigi-i 1--ie wa~-:; gc:)ii--ig -[*.,.(::) dive it.. I c::cnxJ.d see small tf-lat LAIDSicle (J see a ai--icl yell(-.-)vj i-oui-ic] embl.c...nn'. I COUld see c-), (::), ai id I... 'i 5 TT-ie ovc-,~all wai.:: ~-:j:,)ac:J.c)(.AS. It wai::i warm and breezy. I t as tPicn.igl-i it 1--ii.-..xve beec-i at--i area ccmne tc) cl c) 1::) 1y ii:i J. a I + i t i e s i::I- 1: 1--1 a (A i--i a t..t t i c a I f ce J. j--i g J.' ii--ii::~Jcle It was (::)1(j al.-Id cl t..t ii.i t. y. wal:.; a .1c)ng I see cA.d Objects. I c t..t 1. d ~..:)ee vai::~ei:; cm-i 'I"Viis fn~.-.xy be A- very h s e i::iei,-v.J.i--ig z--i-ti.: a muscm-un., 'The I..Jl\l(:."[ A 1:3 c", -I- F.::- 1) Approved For Release 2000/08/08 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1602010001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1602010001-1 I -i " i~:~- I Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1602010001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1602010001-1 0 f57 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1602010001-1