? in r . W1, For Release 20001081W.. T?UP96-00789ROO2100260045-2 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SECURITY SUPPORT DETACHMENT USAINSCOM, 902D MILITARY INTELLIGENCE GROUP FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, MARYLAND 207S5 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: IAGPA-F-SD MEMORANDUM THRU Mr. Del Toro, ADCSOPS-HUMINT COL Guild, DCSOPS COL Kirk, CofS BG Scanlon, DCG-S FOR MG Stubblebine, CG, INSCOM SUBJECT: CENTE-R LANE FY 86 - 90 GDIP Submission 9 March 1984 1. (S/CL-2/NOFORN) Since the beginning of USAINSCOM's exploitation of psychoenergetics (PE) technology with Project GRILL FLAME, up through the present effort Linder CENTER LANE, the program has been conducted on an ad hoc basis, using resources taken "out of hide." Despite the provisional approach, Project results have been very impressive. State-of-the-art in psychoenergetics has advanced so far, however, that the current organizational approach is no longer adequate to derive the maximum benefit and intelligence potential from available technology. In recognition of this, directives received in the General Defense Intelligence Program (GDIP) Program Manager's Guidance Memorandum (PMGM), Fiscal Years 1986-1990 (U); Substantive Guidance document require the provision of "unranked packages to fund the operational use of CENTER LANE capabilities" (para 5i, Incl 1). 2. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) A proposed organization is attached as Inclosure 2. Designed not only to expand and enhance already proven methods of individual PE intelligence collection operations, this proposal establishes a framework for the development and use of synergistic technology, where individual PE collection resources are pooled to "saturate" a target, intensifying collection capability. In order to support the concept, resources must be planned, programmed and budgeted to facilitate the creation of this organization. WARNING NOTICE: CENTER LANE SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM RESTRIuT DISSEMINATION TO TfJOSE wITH VERIFIED ACCESS To CATE-GORY THRE1,-_____(3__) SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METI]ODS INVOLVED NOT RELEASABLJ: TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 20 8 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2100260045-2 F1 CLASSIFIED BY: CDR, INSCOIA 11 FT DM-ASTFy nw. nanp