1 Approve&PV Release 2000/08/08 :&~-RDP96-00789RA?66110 MAIL LISTING FOR August 17, Mail - - August 16, 1993 1:09pm MAIL IS FROM: DIR-NMIPC Urgent TO: NMIPC-ALL FOR YOUR SUBJECT: Weekl SARs Information Action COPY: CTA2 SG1J U-328/PC 1. As you know, the DR is an avid reader of our our weekly Sigificant Acti Report (SAR). Such items generally have been accounts of completed actions accomplishments. These are useful not just for the Command Element, but al for us (as you know, we send the SARs to all NMIPC personnel via Hignote an the EBB to keep everyone abreast of their colleagues' activities). 2. The DR is also interested in expanding our submission and receiving SAR items of "any problems/issues/arguments/debates.11 Please expand your SAR i that are discussed/reviewed at our Wednesday NMIPC Staff Meeting to cover t topics, which will frequently relate to ongoing actions. SG1J 3. Thank you. Mail item created by Mail item created by Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2600110006-6 Approved For Releases&*T : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2600110006-6 TOPIC: STAR GATE overview Briefing (U) SUMMARY: (SINFIWN) we provided a STAR GATE overview briefing to the Honorable Richard Danzig, Undersecretary of the Navy. The deskside presentation was well received. Mr. Danzig asked numerous questions regarding both recent and historical program developments. We were also requested to provide background documents for his review. Mr. Danzig indicated that he may recommend to the Secretary of the Navy that he receive our briefing. SG1J ACTION OFFICER/ TELEPHONE NUMBER: PAG-TA SG1A npp ET a ~Noru R r P5 Approved For Release 2M,'M AIRDP96-00789ROO2600110006-6 dim