Approved For Release 2000/dBiAE"D lW-489ROO2600120004-7 DT-S CHARTER (SINF) OBJECTIVES: The primary objectives of DT-S are to conduct the following activities in response to the FY 91 Congressional direction: 1. (SINF) External research: a. Identify and obtain basic and applied external research (near term). b. Develop a long range comprehensive research plan. C. Develop appropriate assessment/evaluation procedures SG113 and project documentation. a. Support research projects; pursue select potential applications on a systematic bases. b. Obtain appropriate support/equipment; develop appropriate procedures/documentation. (SINF) PRIORITIES: In view of timing and other constraints, DT-S should emphasize objectives No.. I and No. 2 above. Objective No. 3 should be pursued to the extent possible while maintaining a systematic approach and from the point-of-view of contribution to applied research understanding, but not to the detriment of Julfilling objectives No. 1 and No. 2. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS CLASSIFIED M DIA/DT DECLASSIFY ON: OADR Approved For Release 2000/08 rm~ OR& R f7" CWRI) fR002600120004-7 15 L_ %J 3. (SINF) In-house investigations: Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2600120004-7 S E C R E T IMPACT STATEMENT SG113 SG113 (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) STAR Intelligence Community There are three main as in this high-interest intelligence phenomena operational problems. These three mission areas were part of the FY91 and FY92 Congressional direction for DIA. research via $2 million 2-year R/D funding that was allocated FY92; and (3) pursuit of in-house investigations in applying collection and to (SINF) Loss of the 10 billets for this project would result in cancellation of all three of these mission areas. Thus, the Intelligence Community would not be able to monitor and assess foreign activities in this field, nor would a capability exist for applying a unique intelligence collection tool that has potential in application areas where other collection techniques have little or no effectiveness (e.g., hostage location). Loss of these billets would mean abandonment of all basic and applied research that is currently showing promise for phenomena explanation and for improving application utility. In addition, a talent pool established over the past several years would be dispersed and lost for further development. REPRODUCTION REQUIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY DT OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY CLASSIFIED BY: DIA/DT DECLASSIFY ON: OADR S E C R E T STAR GATE Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2600120004-7 GATE is a unique activity in the that examines parapsychological phenomena. - - - - - - - - - - Approved For Release 200 -w:aim~Gifif&U~61,3789ROO2600120004-7 DT ~ S CHARTER 1. EXTERNAL RESEARCH - EXTERNAL SUPPORT - PARTICIPATE IN PROJECTS - DEVELOP APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION PROCEDURES SG113 - -DEVELOP LONG RANGE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 3. IN-HOUSE INVESTIGATIONS - SUPPORT RESEARCH; OBTAIN APPROPRIATE EQUIPMENT - DEVELOP PROCEDURES - PURSUE POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS (NOT TO THE DETRIMENT OF 1. & 2.) Approved Fo$eEsQ OR, CIAIMIW1002600120004_4:~ C'% r~ /"N Approved For Release 2000/at.:C%dFRE0189ROO2600120004-7 OVERSIGHT PANEL CHARTER THE PRIMARY FUNCTION OF THE OVERSIGHT PANEL IS TO PROVIDE THE ASSISTANT DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE ADVICE/COUNCIL ON STAR GATE PROJECT ACTIVITIES, MANAGEMENT, AND PROCEDURES, AND TO PROVIDE GUIDANCE ON THE EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT PROCESS FOR THE DATA GENERATED BY PROJECT STAR GATE. THE OVERSIGHT PANEL WILL MEET PERIODICALLY TO RECEIVE rn UPDATE BRIEFINGS AND TO REVIEW RELEVANT PROJECT DOCUMENTATION. ip Approved For Release 2! (M-r%r%me%t-_00789ROO2600120004-7 tIT!0 `7 SG1B Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2600120004-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2600120004-7