Approved For Release 2000/08/09: CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3600410001-7 OP 1\10FORN P Persi an Gul V 0119 D 900905 -r.-0910-0937 S: 0 Summary o+ '1n+ar-fnzvLion +irsit 1: perceived 1-:.he St~~.%r of David 1--hin an con-fir, lcjcal-ed wi F JU settii "I"here isi-, a great. deal. of appr(..-~hension present Fit -L-,he:! as.; i-f it. is-.., reatJy t-a ].~.AL.mch. rhrz~ indiVidUalsi; P F-- e F, iit. at the "DW)II -5JAEr.. arc.~j -I"he iridividt_tE.O. in a st;trong pf..--~rsonality and his, ego is a d e t ri ri) e i 1 1 will. rtot. 1:cj ai id goes on "pot-%)ei- Sees nimsel+ as an insiitr-Ument of or a+ the r', 1fy.,I J i -i t h i. t t..t a t i o n 1--le hai:.~ an intense hatred towar~:J --it s7 --:in- ]Agl-vt ik. n. He is:i dressed in a dark gr(7.1en .1 :1 gI J . we..; . L.(f_1i+C)F-f'P Wit-h or on it. It is ill- an(A A-FteF- F-c--_sceiving the cue, ow''], r, wa r, (J J. ri 1..--, 12 FIC)LArT," , I vc-, d t h e S AIVI 54 J. r F) YJ I.-I rf)i (:-. s oun(l (a 1--ior-n , E. L) 1. 1 j II (::jj- 1 - J. fT.J asi wel. 1. ac the I-.)eoI-.)J,e, are alviavs:3 at. c:)-F y g TI-lere is 'a sel Is C) I.A.)i L. Jf-11 e J. J. arul s5(,.--.?quenC-F- I-10W. Onie J.1-1diViClUal. i S f.:;or-t n-f caver,c.-.~d switch which isii -1-1"ie J. I N(3FOF-,N Approved For Release 2000/08/09: CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3600410001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/09: CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3600410001-7 OPECOW NOFORN +ii--)a]. t.:itej:.:I prior to actutal I aUnch. It is early, morning in this, area. -rhere are two Aircraft -Flying near the SAM site. However, thc...IY hav(,~ nc'..?ither ~.:;trayed nor otherwis5e crossed over into the 'I. Ff" One C:)+ t-:1 c)n "I. L)y 1::!--I c.) p-I c14: and cnntains two individutals. The sec:(:.)nd c-ri-k-Pt ic.-i, sma].Ier and holds a ~-.-dngle occupant. The former is, cj+ (JJ,gh1-.-. brc)wn, brown, e-t(:-.,,,) and -(--he [atter has a gray col or. The composition of the typF..,~-..i does not MEXI,:e any sense to me-. TI ey -.Are e:J.t1--ier an F" :1.3 F-16 or an F-1.4 and' F-V:31~ .1 n casae, the larger craft cc:)ntains two peopl.e and has two tail ruddei-s thie 1' ei, t h e The pilot of --ma. I - one has one person and one tai.1 rudder. aircraft has dark hair, at slight built, is vei-y c) + c-:-~ ~:;i ~::J. 1::) 1-) V e r Y g 0 o d a t w ha t h e d o e s a n cl v r v (I e di c a t. In d . The c.-If t1---,e lai:--ger plai-ie is thie I.Pader/commancler 0-1: this frc)ryl +,acrlily i-i c:~ L.. oj,.. a 1: j. c I 1--tas brown c5kin, di.-m-k. hair ancl Y H.J.I...-i I.-I I.... is, C) I.-) Li r al 1, V , mc.) C'.) .1 jc:)]::) z%ncl e 1::) u -L. ha~:.i v,,c)i,-Jd 1--iw::i to J. tc) I thirigsii -tc) him. Pfe c) V I- 1,,) 1 fy,,j, Y"i c1 c)f nationzd. pridc.,~ and (-DXt1'-eMe),y SeF,.J.C:)LA~!:')' ud.:. 1.-):i ~::i r C:).L II(.) J.~-:; a1cic) ccimpletely 1:)r-ofic.-Aerit at his jol-.) (::)f 2 "MEN" Approved For Release 2000/08/09: CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3600410001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3600410001-7 Omwufimi6 NOF*ORN i-iij.1itary pi'lot. The second individual in this aircra-ft sits in t.he 4'rcint. anrd is younger and less experienced than the pilat. However, he is jUSt as seric.)us about his job. Thie radars at tVie ar, my. p a I- n o V). (Whien I -First 1-.mi-ceived the SAM site, I saw the trail~.i of, launched 1,-)AM'q. Now, there is con+LtSion.) An J.11diVidUal the SAM sj.U-~ wants to laUl-IC..h. 2, '3' or 4 missiles have launched at -the aircraft. "rhe aircraft are -flying an(..[ cluead-on the border as i.*F ridinci a -y"ence lii-u.-,.~. This ac:CUrac.-.y is (JUCE-1 LO tl-l~-...) rfiis~_---,ion leader's s~..A.ll as a navigator prior to his becofviing a pilot. T'he allgle Of laUnch fc.)r the fyidssilo..~-.-, is all wrong. It is too steep +or targeting the a i. i- c: r a -f Tl-ie cn(nmandcr c)+ the (,3AM (site does not haVLED he +rnm his SLAIDel"A.C.)rS, to launch. T'hei-e's a cracJ;: somewhere Jn Mak'eUp or personality. He's c.,jr--ine c5ver the edgc-a or like 1A e s ~..t 1,-,4 j.:) a I---) c.J 1:..~ !--I cD u 1. d nt 1") e i n c: o m fn a n d c) -f a S A 1',11 s j. t. e Fle -this:; pc.)sii-tion he bec.:m-i lt..tcky in -L-J-ie pes:t. 1-1 J. ii.."i past -n -ects hi m t.:-, e+ Fk.., "J. li-i uq:) with him" Fkii5 f,.n.,go pr..t Vj11*,C:w-ig" ai-)cJ -Lhr-c?~.-tterm._-, hii.s sutbnrdiv-iatet.:~ (:.-. o n tJ. i-i t..t v.0. :1. y I ..j c-) n g 1::) a,.::~ have thc...) aircra+t., 11--iev arc.L) c. and havt-.~ lanckml i-m..-,~ar a coml.-)ound c-)r fightii--ig .1 --1 n h e 'I. ,..A uk n c t., wherc..-, lot c)+ solciers "ClUg all the dif-ferent NOF (:'.)Rlq Approved For Release 2000/08/09 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3600410001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3600410001-7 - - dbmm6 IqOl:::'ORlq types o-f: radar sensors" etc. There is, lots 0-f* StL.I-f+ [.Action:[ happei-iing now. I perceive one of the aircraft going down. Th e pilot is riding it all. the way down. .1 see it sliding on the Now c~-..,vE7.,rything is black. The tail. sectic.)n o-f the larger iaircra+t iS-'.i CIAM..Rg2d and that area is now on +ire. 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3600410001-7