Approved For Release 2000/08/09 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3700700001-4 /NOFORN WORKING PAPER 89 a 9 0"T, V : 079 S: .01 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION Lebanon The 1_,4-._'.;tages CUrrently being held in Lebanon will be going througf-I anlic"iterrogation process soon. Algeria Algeri,~.% will come in-to heated con+rontations with t)order natic)n,.-:'~. 1-hc.-:--!r(-:-.~ wil.l. be boi-der i--,i~:Ariyiishes. AIgeria is under preSSUre -from i-,ic.:~igi--ibors. I'here wil.l. be more Soviet in+luence in is (::urrently a vio.'Lator of human rights. The name phonetical.1y surfaced as an individUal who may 1-,ave in+ormation concerning this issue. are 1ookii--ig 4,ar more modern means of transportat i an. +eel. tl-iat the r'Ltljl-lg +afflily is behii'wl -times art-1 llvtng in -the Industria*Iis-L,.:, (-_--ouid unclerstand Soviet There are military in Kuwait. 9c)(Yie (:3+ -(--I--ie miIi-Lary fyii.-Ay c:orrupt. The mil.itary is bri,nging in a new tw-eed and th(,~ is not thinl.-,ing along the same Iines as -the rUIing cl.ass. SOLIth Yemen - Suf,-ne typc..? c)+ battie starts here. Jamaj.c-a - CUrrei ic:y wil.l. change. El. Salvador -- I'Vie OLttc:ofy)e in El Salvador will not hel.13 the i1-)SUrgeI-)('_'y iSSUe. With the right-wing extremists in power, this couId I-i~.-,d~ the U.S. help in this COUntry. Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3700700001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3700700001-4 -Papa.Doc will survive. Although it is known.that, Haiti Papa Doc is not currently living in Haiti, it- was reported that,.,, he will survive. It is not I:.-nown at this time i+ survive.,means e stpolitical,ly" or if it,means that4is health is not good. Guatamela and Venezula - The U.S. should. look; upon -those two CQLt1'1tr:L*.'.,s -For +uture oil reserves. e cur.ently is space will have a tr cL .s s I on. tX ~s;e' I s ~on. Se t 2D Approved For Release 2000/08/09 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO3700700001-4