Approved For Relea§6--2001103107 CIA-RDP96-0078?'ROO0400100005-4 Sl@,AFOHD RESEARCH INSTITUTE June 97, 197-@>, MENLO PA;!K. CALtrORNIA 94025 At Llic. sug-estion of p jlr@E;ell rare', I 111-1 You about )rat( -)"Y illvolvi"C' 011c illgo Swann, a Yori@ artist. To introduce filypolf, 1 '1111 ',1 Insor plivsi cist "It sf),l co-autiior of t)-je i.)ooi, "rumiammitals oc oil; 1: . -11, jim Floctronics,' by I'lantell aw Putiioff, a wiley punication. Through somio private correspondence I roceive-cl @;o!iio truorma- t i oil from Dr. Gertrude Schricidler at Clity College, Nc%V York, that they had done so!"Ic. Oxperiucilus in tho Dcparl.mcl-,c of Psychology %ith I ligro Swami, a Young, man who had dono somc. rather amazim, in their laborator I owe 1 y , including tbe raisill", an(l -ing Of tempur"ItUl'O'S aL thermistors plar-orl Some distance from Iii-s body. Since lie was coming Out to the West Coast, it was suo2msteci Ltiat poriiat)s, as a Physicist Ivith Sensitive 0(@Tuipmont available, I might lil;e to @,,orh ewith him ill an experifficlit 01, two. I aorced and invited him out. In order to climinate the possibility of trici@cry, I dcci(lr@d on an oxperlmont %vocre if tr,4-.I@ory were siiu-@essful, that would be, noarly as itiporta.,t as any (1irc,,cL @c,'i:cct lie c(mld A t t lie suggestion o-f Dr. Little (Stanford Mysics Dept.) I made arran,,omomts J to use the superconductor shielded magnotoracter boing used in the quark experiments of Dr. Arthur 11obbord, Stanford Physics Dept. Th Is magno-tometer is located in a wel. in the Varian Physics buLldlng, and is shielded bv an aluminum conv-incr, coppor 'shielding, and, :iiost importntit, n suporcoliducting cannisLor. Dr. flobb-ard assured me that ia tosts with largre cloctromagnots no sianals boen incluced ill tho shielded mappictomoter from the outsido., The mamv-@;@omctcr is oil tho SQUID variety. Prior to the experiuriont a docaying magnictic field had been set up inside the magnetovicter, and its stoady decay with f-.1me provided a background which a's A S111Q 01I.-Alt Approved For Release 2001103107 : CIA-RDP96-00787ROO0400100005-4 9,qj OP Appr A-RDP96,:--QQ7URAqq4 @05-4 (@ej se 2,001103107 : C1 The Sys tem, had been runnin F, FqT 0 110 calib, ;on field. for something on the order oj an hour wit)i no noiso. In-0 was the Setup and told that i-r lie were to affect the magnetic field in the mignotometer it would show up as a change in the output recording. Ile then placed his attention on the interior of the magnetometer (his description) at which point the frequency of the sine wave doubled for i coolpic., oC eyclos (sco output), or rotiL@hly 10 seconds. As you call i1wigine, we were quite amazed, and Art then said, "Well, maybe it's noise-i@. would really be something if you could stop the sine wave altogether." Ingo proceeded to do jusL that, as can be soon in the lyrnpli, for a period of roughly 10 seconds. 11c, then."Iet go," nt which point the output roturnod to normal. We asked hiryi to describe what he had done, and he explained that lie could see the apparntus inside and that looking at different parts created Lhe effect. As lie described what he was doing, the recording traced out a cycle as had occurred originally (doub3-@ frequency). A vathor peculiar dip in the recording took place then, and upon quostioning him as to what was bapponing, lie said,ji@@_@@as looking at a now part, the niabium ball sitting in a cup which was inert for now in the magnotomoter expori- inclit (it is used in the quark oxperiment) . Wo askod him to refrain from thinking nbout the apparatus, and the normal pattern then traced out for several minutes while we engaged. him in conversation on other subjects. At onc, point lie started to discuss the magnotometor again, iat which point the tracing, went into a high frequency pattern. At our request he stopped, and we terminated the observation as lie was tired frow his effort. We then lof t the lali, and Art Ilebbard then continued to run the apparatus for over an hour with no trace of noise or nonsinusoidal activity. At various times during this and the following (lay whore similar data werotal@en, the experiment was observed by numerous graduate students, and also by Dr. Little of the Physics Department, and by Dr. Martin Lee from SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator), the designer of the electron storao-o ring. An interes ti olf the c-xperiment was that ingo was I to @Iescr_ibc rather well what the interior All. looked ntly 11 some fjl7m-6 r Lwi re Oct observation. I aya quite certain that lie would not have had a chance to look at a diagram bef orchand, as lie did not know that we were going to -use this particular piece of apparatus until we arrived in the laboratory. At this point I wish to state that I consider this an observation, @ot a controlled experiment. There are, variables I would want to check if we had time and money, such as whether it was the recording 0400100005-4 cigpIP0005-4 Ap rd 00 c s could be tested by a disconnect of tho app,11-atIls f rom t 110 L re or(li,-'Tg equipmoni.- to see if the recording would continue to change C )P- on command. There is not much more that can be said about the observation. If further work were to validate the observation, the implications ar staggering, to say the least. However, befc-)re we speculate I- h n- it is necessary to namain cautious and -t-ry to -,irrange for Ingo to return from the Fast Coast and to perform some. carofully-controlled ex oriments to see whothor the phenomena continue to hold under @ri orous and well-defined conditions. L As n postscript, we did try to :repeat the ten)poraturo experiniont usi g a lip quartz thermometer and did "got the variations requested. How ver, the environinent was not well controlled, so I consider the .exp rimcnL suggestive but 'Lconclusive. If you uish information on this or have any suggestions ple so do not hesitate to contact mo further about this matter. lVith best regards, REP: 9 t Dr. 11. E. Puthoff Senior Research Engineer Electronics and Bioangineering Laboratory Bldg. 30. 326-6200, Ext. 3202 6-00787ROO0400100005-4 ed For Release 2001103/07 CIA-RDP9