APPM966POPR e"M-Na 001/03/07 :E131AX ASSETS USED TARGETING KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO FEEDBACK TO SOURCE DATES KEY RESULTS PROVIDED ANALYST SC'CCTnki Cni IDnr, MATFPTAI HTTIT7M TMTVP11TP1JrP rnP CrCCTMI I nl-tTktf' C'E-CC!Tr1K1 CCCCTn%1 Cn01.1fkDnrr1% OV TUC rM lonr Nrrr@ DC-82 #31 Prior to the session, The interviewer was aware 11 Feb 81 Source described the source was shown a of the overall scenario, primary mission of in- photograph of a ship. but did not know all of terest as picking up a He was told that the the details concerning specific piece of cargo , target ship was the this project. which appeared to be I sister ship, . I some kind of tracked SMA During thm vehicle surrounded by a session source was box, in the hold, with granular stuff piled on top of it. Source says SG1B that this mission will be successful. (See DC-81, DC-437 & D-58) DATE PROJECT NUMBER CLOSED: 15 April 1981 TASKING AGENCY: ----ACSI CLASSIFIED BYOSIG307- OUL 78 MSG, HQDA (DAMI-ISH) REVIEW ON: July 2001 Approved For Release 2001/03/07: CIA-RDP96-00788ROO040 parao= - %0 1 % 1. 1 rR FLAME-