A lEo We'd WbR h- I e- aii-3-40-01.103.101 : MIR ASSETS USED TARGETING KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO FEEDBACK TO SOURCE DATES KEY RESULTS PROVIDED ANALYST SC'CCTnK1 cm mrr, MATP-PT111 11TTI T7r-n TNTFPIITFWFR MR qPqqTnm Pni i nwTmr rf7qCZTr.1%J qV'qrTnNj FnRldaRr)Ff) AV THF qnilRrF rnrV4FNjTq DC-90 #19.5 Prior to the session,The interviewer knew about 27 Feb 81 source W2S shown the overall scenario, but a photograph of a ship.did not know the details He was told that concerninQ this project. the I target was the sister ship, the SG1A Source was SG1 B SG1 B the SG1A Source has worked this target before. (See DC-44, DC-42, D-61, D-59 & D-56) DATF PROJECT NUMBER CLOSED:----15 April 1981 TASKING AGENCY: ACSI CLASSIFIED BY051rG307- JUL 78 T MSG, HQDA (DAMI_1SH) REVIEW ON: July 2001 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO04001luNgti.. W I% L. 1 0 AME Ra, I L L T" L